
Fruit Growing

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Vol 34 (2022)
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7­-11 200

The article provides an assessment of the quality of fruits of promising apple tree hybrids of the Belarusian selection. Promising hybrids with a complex of economic and biological characteristics (appearance, taste, keeping quality, marketability) were identified – 2005-15/2-I (96-41/5 × Golab Kohanz), 2005-16/1-I (Zorka × Start), 2006-23/26-II (Nadzejny open pollinated). This sampling will be used in subsequent hybridizations and eventually submitted for the state crop variety testing.
Sources of high taste qualities of fruits were identified – 2005-15/2-I (96-41/5 × Golab Kohanz), 2005-16/1-I (Zorka × Start), 2006-23/26-II (Nadzejny open pollinated), 2006-24/33-I ([Prima × 85-12/88] × Diyament), 2006-29/26-II (Macfree open pollinated) and 2006-29/42-II (2000-7/65 open pollinated);
attractive appearance – 2005-15/2-I (96-41/5 × Golab Kohanz), 2005-16/1-I (Zorka × Start), 2006-23/26-II (Nadzejny open pollinated) 2006-29/26-II (Macfree open pollinated) and 2006-29/42-II (2000-7/65 open pollinated.);
large-fruited – 2005-15/2-I (96-41/5 × Golab Kohanz), 2005-16/1-I (Zorka × Start), 2006-23/26-II (Nadzejny open pollinated), 2006- 29/42-II (2000-7/65 op.), 2005-8/11-II (open pollinated by domestic varieties);
long storage period – 2005-15/2-I (96-41/5 × Golab Kohanz), 2005-16/1-I (Zorka × Start), 2006-23/26-II (Nadzejny open pollinated.), 2006-24/33-I ([Prima × 85-12/88] × Diyament).

12-17 187

In order to assess the suitability of apple varieties that differ in the type of fruiting and genetic potential for productivity of apple varieties on dwarf rootstocks for growing according to densified patterns and to identify the optimal placement pattern for each scion-rootstock combination in the experimental orchard of RUE “Institute of Fruit Growing”, an orchard was planted with annual seedlings of three commercial varieties on dwarf rootstocks: Belorusskoe Sladkoe on M-9 and PB-4, Imant on 62-396 and PB-4, Nadzejny on 62-396, M-9 and PB-4 in the spring of 2010. Planting schemes for all scion-rootstock combinations are 3.5 × 1.5 m (1904 trees/ha) and 3.5 × 1.0 m (2857 trees/ha).
The full realization of the productivity potential of varieties was ensured by denser placement of trees according to the planting pattern of 3.5 × 1.0 m (2857 trees/ha) and dwarf rootstock 62-396 – for Imant and Nadzejny varieties, dwarf rootstock M-9 – for Belorusskoe Sladkoe and Nadzejny varieties. Rootstock PB-4 did not solve the problems of intensive commercial fruit growing.

18-23 182

Studies to determine the realization of the genetic potential and the duration of the productive phase of apple Alesya and Vesyalina varieties on two clonal rootstocks of different intensity of growth with two tree placement pattern were carried out in 2008–2021 in the garden of the Department of Fruit Growing Technology of RUE “Institute of Fruit Growing”, planted in the spring of 2006 with one-year-old seedlings.
The productivity potential is more fully revealed in the variety Alesya on a dwarf rootstock 62-396 with a planting pattern of 4.0 × 1.5 m, in the variety Vesyalina on a semi-dwarf rootstock 54–118 with a planting pattern of 4.0 × 2.0 m.
Relatively high productivity rate of the Alesya variety was also noted on the semi-dwarf rootstock 54–118 with a planting pattern of 4.0 × 2.0 m. We recommend these designs of apple plantations for laying and growing intensive orchards in the Republic of Belarus.
The standard lifespan of apple plantations on a semi-dwarf (medium) rootstock can be reduced to 12 years, as well as for apple plantations on a dwarf rootstock. Fast depreciation with high yields allows for a faster replacement of orchards, and therefore varieties and methods of agricultural practices.

24-29 164

The studies were carried out in 2019–2021 in the Department of nursery stock of RUE “Institute of Fruit Growing”. The article reflects the results of studying the biological characteristics of growth, development and formation of vegetative and reproductive structures of various types of seedlings of columnar apple varieties.
For the first time in the conditions found in Belarus the biological features of the growth, development and formation of vegetative and reproductive structures of various types of seedlings of columnar apple varieties have been set out.
An effective method of limiting the growth force of shoots of columnar apple varieties and stimulating the laying of fruit buds is the use of the Regalis growth regulator: once for the Girlyanda and Sozvezdie varieties, twice for the Valuta variety.
When the substance is applied, the growth length, depending on the variety, is 41.2–69.1 % less, and the height of the seedling is 8–21.3 % less compared to the variant without treatment.

30-37 428

The article presents preliminary results of an assessment of field resistance to rust (Gymnosporangium sabinae (Dicks.) G. Winter) of 27 pear varieties released in Belarus. The studies were conducted in 2017–2021 at RUE “Institute of Fruit Growing”. Differentiation of pear varieties according to the degree of rust resistance was revealed: highly resistant (Dessert Rossoshanskaya, Pamiati Yakovlev), medium resistant (Bere Loshitskaya, Viliya, etc.), low resistant (Bere Alexander Luka, Velesa, Duchesse summer, Conference, etc.) and very low resistant (Belarusian late).

38-42 195

Different accumulation of ACLSV, ASPV in the organs of apple and pear plants in different periods of vegetation through ELISA-method was determined. The largest ASPV accumulation was noted in lignified shoots in early April and flowers in early May, as well as the absence of the virus in apple and pear leaves in May. At the beginning of the vegetation period ACLSV accumulates above all in the leaves and flowers of the apple tree. A varying accumulation of ASPV was noted in apple and pear samples in June. In July, the virus was found only in apple samples (leaves, annual shoots). ACLSV was found in all samples in June (leaves, fruits, annual and lignified shoots), in July a high accumulation of the virus was noted in annual shoots of the apple tree. In autumn, the largest accumulation of ASPV and ACLSV was noted in annual shoots.

43-47 218

The article presents the results of a comparative evaluation of five promising hybrids of Chaenomeles japonica (Thunb.) Lindl. ex Spach (2-44-05, 3-27-05, 5-50-03, 1-64-05, 3-17-05), identified according to a complex of commercially valuable traits (winter hardiness, yield, fruit weight, low thorniness, resistance to fruit rot), and Likhtar variety in the conditions of Belarus.
Significant differences have been found in terms of the amount of substances accumulated in fruits. The samples were characterized by low and very low levels of solids and sugars in combination with high acidity, with the exception of the Likhtar variety and hybrid 3-17-05, that show an average level, as well as a very low content of ascorbic acid.
Hybrid 3-17-05 has been singled out according to a set of 6 indicators (solids, soluble solids, sugars, titrate acidity, sugaracid ratio, phenolic compounds); hybrid 3-27-055 – according to a set of 5 indicators (solids, soluble solids, sugars, ascorbic acid, phenolic compounds).
Hybrids 3-27-05 and 5-50-03 were the best in terms of the complex of biologically active substances (ascorbic acid, pectin and phenolic compounds).

48-56 236

The resistance of cherry, sweet cherry and pear varieties to bacterial canker was analyzed by using the method of artificial contamination of unripe fruits. Two resistance groups were highlighted among the six analyzed cherry varieties: Uyfehertosh Fürthosh variety exercised the highest degree of resistance and Turgenevka exercised the lowest degree. Three groups of resistance were identified among the ten studied varieties of sweet cherries; the cultivar Lyubava Donetskaya turned out to be the most resistant, Gascinets proved to be the most affected. Four groups of resistance were distinguished among analyzed 14 pear varieties. The most resistant was Vilia variety and Kudesnitsa variety turned out to be the most affected. None of the examined crops varieties appears to be immune to bacterial canker. After artificial contamination of apples fruits (Belorusskoe sladkoe, Kovalenkovskoe and Nadzejny varieties) symptoms of the disease did not appear.

57-64 170

A visual evaluation of plantations of apple, pear, quince, cherry, sweet cherry, hexaploid plum, diploid plum, apricot, peach, nectarine, almond, hazelnut, pomegranate, fig, tea, carried out in 2021, made it possible to identify a wide range of symptoms of viral, phytoplasmic and bacterial infections. Primary diagnosis was carried out in the fruit-bearing and collection orchards and nurseries of the Absheron, Ganja-Gazakh, Sheki-Zakatal, Lenkoran, Guba-Khachmaz, Aran regions.
It was noted that the symptoms of viral pathogens are present both in age and 3–5-year-old plantations planted with imported landing material. Symptoms of viral and other systemic diseases were not identified in modern plantings of almonds in any of the regions, as well as in a few examined plantings of pomegranate, figs, and tea.

65-75 243

The article presents the results of studies to determine the compatibility of scion-rootstock combinations of apricot and peach at the stage of growing planting material in the nursery fields by using different methods.
When growing planting material of apricot and peach in the field, three forms of incompatibility are determined to exist: localized disease, starvation of the root system, weak cohesion between the scion and rootstock.
Initially during laboratory based testing the content of RNA and DNA was determined (using the “ArtRNA MiniSpin” reagent kit) as well as their ratio for 3 clonal rootstocks and 18 scion-rootstock combinations of apricot and peach, on the basis of which the compatibility coefficients were calculated, which made it possible to distinguish three groups: good compatibility (K = 0.01–0.17); medium compatibility (K = 0.18–0.20) and poor compatibility (K > 0.20), coinciding with groups according to the results of agrobiological evaluation in the field.
Apricot varieties Znakhodka and Pamyat Loiko, incompatible with the stock VPK-1, were established.

76-­81 1095

The article provides a description of a new variety of sweet cherry called “Belitsa”. The Belitsa variety has no domestic and foreign analogues in the assortment released in terms of ripening period in conditions found in Belarus (a very early ripening – the second decade of June). It has high productive potential (26.0 t/ha), winter hardiness of wood and generative sphere, resistance to coccomycosis and monilial burn, medium-sized fruits (average weight 5.6 g), high taste qualities (tasting score – 4.8 points) and market values (marketability – 90 %). The variety is self-infertile. The best pollinator is the Syubarovskaya sweet cherry variety. On the seed rootstock of wild cherry trees of the Belitsa variety come into fruition in the 4th year after planting in the garden and rapidly increase the yield. It is recommended for use in commercial and homestead gardening.
A unique genetic passport has been compiled using 10 SSR markers for the new sweet cherry Belitsa variety.

82-89 172

The article sets the timeframe for the main phenological stages of peach, as well as the required amount of effective temperatures above +5 °C for their passing and growing season length based on the example of the variety of Belarusian selection Loiko.
The terms of the beginning of an organogenesis of flower rudiments after a severe winter and damage of generative buds, skeletal branches are outlined. The peculiarities of the differentiation process during the growing season and the required amounts of effective temperatures for each stage of flower organogenesis in the central zone of Belarus are presented.
The data obtained show that in late November the process of differentiation in most generative buds stops at stage VII b with a well-defined rudiment of the pistil and its clear differentiation into stigma and style. In the case of thawing during the winter, the process of organogenesis does not stop, and in February the development of flower buds in the generative buds reaches stage VIII with the formation of the ovary and the growth of stamens with anthers of characteristic shape.

90-94 185

The studies were carried out in the Biotechnology department of the RUE “Institute of Fruit Growing” in 2019–2020. Three samples of remontant raspberry – the Heracles (control), Heritage (control) and Verasnevaya varieties are the key-focus of the research.
Studies on the adaptation of regenerated plants of raspberry varieties on the studied substrates have showed that the proportion of adapted plants ranged from 70 to 100 %, with the exception of a mixture of peat “Florabel-5” with agroperlite 3:1 for the Heracles variety – 56.67 %. The use of the agroperlite substrate made it possible to obtain 100 % adaptation of the plants of the studied control varieties (Heracles and Heritage) and the Verasnevaya variety. The use of Dvina peat, both in pure form and in a mixture with agroperlite 3:1 made it possible to obtain not less than 93.33–96.67 %.
According to a set of indicators (shoot length, number and length of roots), the best substrate for the adaptation of regenerated plants of the Verasnevaya variety was the use of peat “Dvina” and “Florabel-5” in its pure form and mixed with agroperlite 3:1. The best substrates for adaptation for the Heracles variety was the use of peat “Florabel-5” in its pure form and mixed with agroperlite 3:1, as well as peat “Dvina” in its pure form. As for the Heritage variety the best substrates for adaptation was the use of peat “Florabel-5” in its pure form, peat “Dvina” in its pure form and mixed with agroperlite 3:1.

95-101 253

Varieties of red currant of various genetic as well as ecological and geographical origin from breeding schools in Russia, Belarus, Great Britain, Germany, Latvia, the Netherlands, Slovakia, and Ukraine were studied in the conditions found in Belarus. Varieties with a long raceme and the largest number of berries in a raceme that are Blanca, Dana, Nenaglyadnaya, as well as large-fruited varieties that are Jonker van Tets, Rondom have been determined. Varieties characterized by a high degree of fruiting and resistance to gall aphids have been identified. According to a complex of economically valuable traits, the following are recommended for breeding: Blanca, Bayana, Jonker van Tets, Rondom.

102-109 300

The article indicates morphological features of vegetative and generative buds of 20 varieties of highbush and 3 varieties of halfhighbush blueberry. Generative buds are laid in the upper part of branching shoots, less often on replacement shoots. Flower buds are much larger than vegetative buds, ovoid, from 3.9 (Jersey) to 6.5 mm (Hardyblue) long, from 2.0 (Herbert, Patriot) to 2.7 mm in diameter (Reka). Depending on the varietal specificity, on average, from 1.3 (Carolinablue) to 6.3 (Rubel) generative buds are formed on one shoot of highbush blueberry branching. The peak number of fruit buds can reach 11 pcs/shoot (Rubel). Vegetative buds are cone-shaped, from 1.8 (Bluecrop, Darrow, Herbert) to 2.8 mm (Jersey) long, from 1.1 (Blueray, Darrow, Jersey, Northblue, Rubel, Weymouth) up to 1.5 mm (Bluetta, Coville) wide. Depending on the variety, on average, from 4.8 (Nelson) to 8.4 (Weymouth) growth buds are laid on the branching shoot. The ratio of vegetative to generative buds on one run varies on average from 1.0 (Rubel) to 6.7 (Bluetta). The linear parameters of the kidneys increase from the base of the shoot to its top.

110-119 238

The results of a three-year study of the self-fertility of 15 varieties of highbush blueberry and one variety of lowbush blueberry are presented. The fruiting indicators (berry setting, average berry weight, average number of seeds per berry) in case of most self-pollinating highbush blueberry varieties, as a rule, are lower than with natural cross-pollination. In accordance with the average indicators of fruit set during self-pollination of flowers, blueberry varieties are ranked into five groups corresponding to the degree of self-fertility. The Spartan, Toro and Sunrise highbush blueberry varieties have a high degree of self-fertility, the best of which in terms of fruiting parameters are Spartan and Toro. Good indicators of selffertility under conditions of self-pollination were demonstrated by the Nui variety. Most of the studied blueberry varieties are characterized by unstable self-fertility rates. The Bonus and Putte varieties are classified as self-infertile taxa.

120-126 179

The results of a 2019–2020 comparative study of accumulation parameters of a number of organic acids and carbohydrates in the fruits of large cranberry when using the ‘Basacote Plus 6M’ mineral fertilizer, the microbial preparation ‘MakloR’ in 5- and 10 % concentrations and non-root treatments with ‘Ecogum-complex’ for growing on recultivated areas of raised peat bog deposits taken out of commercial operation in the Smolevichi district of the Minsk region and in the Dokshitsky district of the Vitebsk region that is located 250 km to the north are presented. It was found that the geographical factor has a significant influence on the concentration of the indicated compounds in the fruits, the degree of which is determined by the plant genotype, the type of fertilizers and the weather conditions of the growing season.
In both studied areas, regardless of the hydrothermal regime of the season, the application of all types of fertilizers had a generally positive effect on the accumulation of carbohydrates in fruits against the background of inhibition of the biosynthesis of organic acids, especially in the southern region, which caused an increase in the sugar-acid index, most pronounced when treated with ‘Ecogum-complex’.

127-133 197

 The State Register of Plant Varieties of the Republic of Belarus includes 6 varieties of large-fruited cranberry: Ben Lear, Franklin, Howes, McFarlin, Piligrim, Stevens. Based on the results of the study, it was determined that the morphological features of the leaf, stem and fruit of the large-fruited cranberry are plant-specific indicators and make it possible to identify the taxa of this crop. 

134-139 196

 The crop yield and fruit weight of 23 varieties of large-fruited cranberries have been assessed in 2017–2020 in the branch laboratory of introduction and technology of non-traditional berry plants of the Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. All the examined varieties produce fruits in the conditions found in Belarus, which indicates the successful implementation of their adaptive capacity in the place of introduction. The determining factor for the yield of large-fruited cranberry varieties was late frosts during its flowering period. 

140-145 205

In an effort to elaborate the elements of the actinidia micropropagation methodology, 2 varieties of the male form (Kamandor, Pryvabny) and the female form (Sentyabrskaya, Prevoshodnaya) were selected. The shoot tips of the male forms and buds of lignified shoots of the male and female forms were used as initial explants. The regenerative ability of actinidia explants at the stage of in vitro culture induction was defined by the plant genotype and the type of explant selected: explants of male forms of actinidia (Pryvabny and Kamandor varieties) were characterized by high viability when using shoot tips – 66.66–100 %, vegetative buds – 16.66–80 %. At the same time for female forms – 10–22.73 %. The sterilization scheme was chosen. A long period of stabilization in the first passages, the absence of shoot initiation and their growth were noted. The reproduction factor for male forms on average over passages was 2.7, while for female forms it was 1.4. The replacement of the carbohydrate source and the change in the composition of growth regulators made it possible to increase the reproduction rate in male forms by one and a half times.

146-150 237

The article presents the results of research, conducted in 2020–2021 in the commercial hazelnut garden planted in 2018 by LLC “Vyazovetsky Sad”, Molodechno district, Minsk region. The purpose of the research is to evaluate the growth and development of young hazelnut plants of the Barcelona and Catalan varieties planted according to two schemes placement – 5.0 × 3.5 m (570 plants/ha) and 5.0 × 3.0 m (666 plants/ha).
Biometric parameters of plant growth and development depending on the placement pattern which are height, canopy width along the row and canopy width across the row, area of the horizontal projection of the canopy, leaf surface area – in the Barcelona and Catalan varieties from the third or fourth year after planting the garden did not vary considerably, but differed reliably depending on the biological characteristics of the varieties themselves.
The Catalan variety has turned out to be more productive, the total yield of which, with a placement scheme of 5.0 × 3.5 m, reached 1.57 c/ha, that is 14.5 % higher than the yield of the Barcelona variety (1.37 c/ha), and with the placement scheme 5.0 × 3.0 m reached 2.13 c/ha, or 47.9 % higher than the yield of the Barcelona variety (1.44 c/ha).

151-156 201

The article presents the results of studies, carried out in 2020–2021 in the commercial hazelnut orchard planted in 2018 by LLC “Vyazovetsky Sad”, Molodechno district, Minsk region. The purpose of the studies is to examine the impact and highlight the nitrogen fertilizer application system that optimizes the growth and development of young hazelnut plants Catalon varieties, planted according to two patterns of placement.
It was revealed as a result of the study, that the additional application of nitrogen fertilizers at a dose of 60 and 120 kg a. e. had an impact on the growth rates of hazelnut plants – the area and total increase in the cross-sectional area of the bole, biometric parameters and the area of the leaf surface of plants were significantly larger compared to the control variant.
In total, over 2 years of research, higher yield was noted in the variants of applying increased doses of nitrogen fertilizers, however, the highest yield was obtained in the variant of nitrogen application at a dose of 120 kg a. e.: with a planting pattern of 5.0 × 3.5 m – by 128.4 % (3.61 c/ha), with a planting pattern of 5.0 × 3.0 m – i.e. 49.2 % (3.18 c/ha) more than in the control variant.

157-162 177

This article presents the results of the research on the quality of hazelnut pollen samples. The objects of the study were two varieties and two hybrids of the Belarusian selection, as well as three varieties of the Russian selection of the collection of RUE “Institute of Fruit Growing”. The results of reciprocal crossings are presented within the framework of this study, and also the viability and gametic sterility of these samples are assessed.
The research results have shown that the Yashma, Ekaterina and Tambovsky early varieties are good pollinators for the Lal hazelnut variety. As for the Jasper variety, a good level of pollination is provided by the Tambovsky early variety and selection 15-11/37; for the promising hybrid 15-11/37 (Tambov early open pollinated.), the best option for pollination is the use of the Ekaterina variety.


163-167 172

The article presents the results of the study of 14 cherry varieties on the suitability of fruits for freezing in sugar syrup. The indicators of organoleptic evaluation and some chemical indicators of fresh and frozen fruits in syrup after their defrosting are reflected. The research on the set of studied indicators has shown that the varieties of cherries Volzhskaya Stepnaya, Vyanok, Zhagarskaya, Zarya Povolzhya, Zvezdochka, Kazdangskaya, Konfitur, Lasukha, Livenskaya, Milavitsa, Nesvizhskaya, Novodvorskaya, Oblachinskaya and Pamyat Enikeeva are suitable for the manufacture of frozen fruits in sugar syrup.

168-172 194


The assessment study of commercial quality of hazelnuts when brought to a consumer was conducted in 2020–2021 in the Department of storage and processing of RUE “Institute of Fruit Growing”.
The objects of research were the fruits of 5 varieties of hazelnuts (Barcelona, Catalan, Cosford, Lal and Yashma), grown in the experimental garden of the Department of fruit crop breeding of the RUE “Institute of Fruit Growing”.
As results of the study have determined the varieties of hazelnuts surveyed are of high quality according to standardized indicators: sufficient kernel yield in the range of 35.7–48.5 %, large nuts (from 3.2 to 4.2 g) and kernel size and uniformity.
In terms of the overall commercial quality indicators hazelnut fruits of Lal and Yashma varieties have been distinguished. The kernel yield for the Lal variety totalled 43.8 %, for the Yashma variety – 48.5 %. The fruits of these varieties are optimally developed and do not exceed the permitted values in terms of humidity content, which does not require additional processing (drying) when brought to the consumer.

173-177 188

Suitability of grape varieties grown in Belarus for freezing grape berries was assessed in the Department of storage and processing of RUE “Institute of Fruit Growing”.
The objects of research include 9 varieties of grapes (Agat Donskoy, Alfa, Bianca, Kristall, Marshal Foch, Platovsky, Plenitel, Samantha, Bluebell) grown in the Department of Fruit Crops Breeding of the RUE “Institute of Fruit Growing”.
The article presents the results of an organoleptic evaluation of fresh and frozen after defrosting varieties in terms of appearance, color, texture, aroma, taste.
The evaluation found that berries of the examined grape varieties are suitable for freezing and storage for 6 months with minor losses of original characteristics. At the same time, the Alpha and Samanta grape varieties are assigned to the group of varieties with a very good juice-retaining capacity (up to 5.0 %), the Agat Donskoy, Bianka, Crystal, Marshal Foch, Platovsky, Plenitel and Bluebell varieties have been classified as a group of varieties with good juice-retaining capacity (from 5.1 to 10.0 %).


178-187 212

Methodological recommendations for lighting modes for growing rootstocks and varieties of domestic plum at the stages of micro propagation, in vitro rooting and ex vitro adaptation determine the usage of lamps with different light spectra, allowing to obtain more higher results of micro clonal propagation, including: the height of regenerated plants and the number of leaves, the propagation ratio; development of the root system; growth and physiological state at the stage of ex vitro adaptation.


188-196 371

The article provides an overview of the types of apple and pear seedlings used for establishing intensive orchards with planting densities from 1000 to 6600 trees/ha. Annual and biennial seedlings, as well as double-stem seedlings (“bi-baum”) are used around the world.
The quality requirements for the seedlings have been determined in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Belarus No. 102-Z “On selection and seed production of agricultural plants” dated May 7, 2021 and other regulations.
The article contains criteria used in the certification of producers of original and elite seeds of agricultural plants, including seedlings, meristem materials and other generative and vegetative parts of agricultural plants intended for their propagation.

197-210 365

Azerbaijan is the largest country in the Caucasus. The Republic of Azerbaijan is one of the richest countries in the postSoviet area in terms of natural resources, which spans 9 out of 11 existing climatic zones. This circumstance requires a special approach to dealing the issues of agriculture. Azerbaijan has an old history of growing many Mediterranean subtropical and nut-fruit crops, such as Juglans, Corylus, Castanea, Amygdalus, Pistacia, Olea, Punica, Ficus, Diospyros, Vitis and others. The article deals with such nuances of Azerbaijan’s agriculture as the problem of land shortage and water scarcity, the need for innovation, the development of organic agriculture. The statistics of the development of fruit growing and viticulture in Azerbaijan are given. The land reform in the Republic of Azerbaijan is considered. Despite a number of challenges facing the fruit growing industry at the present stage of development of the national economy, it has been one of the most profitable in the agricultural sector for quite a long period of time.

211-219 325

The survey article provides an overview of the characteristics and range of the genus Vaccinium L., the modernday assortment of different species of blueberry, as well as reflects dynamics of cultivation areas and production volumes of blueberry worldwide and in Belarus. The article provides a brief economic and biological description of blueberry varieties released in the Republic of Belarus: 15 varieties of highbush blueberry, 2 varieties of half-high blueberry, 3 varieties of narrow-leaved blueberry and 1 swamp blueberry variety. As a result of the implementation of the State Comprehensive Program for the Development of Potato, Vegetable and Fruit Growing in 2011–2015, the number of areas under highbush blueberry plantations has significantly increased, and the production of planting material on the basis of nurseries under different forms of ownership has been intensively developed as well.

220-227 256

The fruits of the Actinidia genus contain a large amount of biologically active substances with antioxidant properties and serve as a valuable source of vitamins, catechins, pectins and many other compounds. The basic collection of actinidia available in the berry crop department of the Institute for Fruit Growing is currently represented by three winter-hardy species (A. kolomikta, A. arguta and A. polygama). In order to meet consumer demand for new species and varieties in a timely manner, it is necessary to widely introduce new technologies for the production of planting material along with traditional methods of reproduction. Micropropagation and plant health improvement is the most advanced and widely used methodology of applied biotechnology in different countries. The article analyses in detail all the nuances of the in vitro culture initiation stage of actinidia, including the timing of explant isolation, explant types, sterilization schemes, nutrient growth media of the initiation stage, and other factors.

228-234 353

Initiation stage of in vitro culture of grapes is a critical stage of clonal micropropagation, the purpose of which is to obtain the maximum number of sterile and viable regenerative plants.
Modern varieties are hybrids between the main species of Vitis vinifera, V. labrusca, V. riparia, V. amurensis, V. rupestris, V. berlandieri and V. lincecumii, which require the selection of optimal cultivation conditions: the timing of initiation, concentration and sterilization exposure time, mineral and hormonal composition of nutrient media, the use of additional biologically active substances to improve regeneration processes.

235-242 353

The article provides an analysis of the varietal structure of vineyards in various parts of Tajikistan, outlines the peculiarities in the areas of viticulture depending on the natural and climatic conditions in the regions of the country. The article covers the developments in the state registration of grape varieties taken place from 2013 to 2021. Far-reaching changes with regard to areas under vineyard cultivation, gross output and crop yield throughout the country and in areas of preferential development of crops are illustrated. The article identifies constraints hindering the development of viticulture in the country, including the insufficiently organized nursery sector.

243-261 182

The article proposes an alternative view of the theory of the Big Bang, which served as the initial point for the formation of the Universe. The anthropic hypothesis sees our universe as a single electromagnetic entity, consistently realizing itself at seven stages of evolution.
1. The germ (Genome) of the universe, which is represented by a scalar value (field) in the form of a noumenal (hypothetical) electromagnetic dipole, that is in a state of cosmological singularity.
2. The spatial environment of “dark energy” in the form of a chaos of a volumetric web of point sources of electric charges and magnetic lines of force, which should not be associated with electrons and positrons of electricity familiar to our ear and the north and south poles of a magnet.
3. The spatial environment of “dark matter” (ether) in the form of a three-dimensional web of negatively and positively charged magnetic monopoles.
4. The physical Universe in the form of photon (electromagnetic) gratings - fluctuations, black holes and stars of galaxies that we observe, as well as objects of knowledge in our solar system and directly on Earth.
5. Psychic (Intellectual) Universe in the form of a single consciousness / mind continuum, which physically manifests itself as Ego – I.
6–7. Currently with our imperfect mind Ego – I we can hardly realize the subsequent stages of the evolution of the consciousness / mind continuum, but the anthropic hypothesis suggests that humanity, as well as every human being that is aware of himself as a creative individual, is able to foresee possible options for the development of our civilization up to the intuitive (holistic) perception of the single essence of the universe and the subsequent formation of the germ (Genome), which ensures its subsequent life cycle.

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