The article presents the creation history of an early maturing cultivar Aksamit in the Institute for Fruit Growing. Its full characteristic on morphological and economic-biological features is given. The cultivar is adessert one. Itwas received from target hybridization of a selective hybrid of Belarusian breeding 86-55/53 (Belarus raspberry × ВМ41497) and cultivars of American breeding Redfree, immune to a scab. Aksamit is quickly maturing, starts fruit bearing on the 2 nd year after planting in anorchard on the stock 62-396, highyielding (32.0 t/hectares), winter-hardy, highly resistant to a scab and a complex of diseases of a cortex and wood and weakly damaged by the European cancer. The season of optimum fruits consumption is within 2 months: August-September. It surpasses the best domestic analogue the cultivar Kovalenkovskoye in winter hardiness, resistance to diseases, an early maturity, stable high productivity in a combination with high quality of fruits and attractive view. At identical market product cost its cultivation is economic. Its profitability level compounds 155 % that exceeds the standard cultivar Kovalenkovskoye by 26 %.
The article presents the morphological and economic-biological characteristics of a new apple cultivar Palanez received in the Institute for fruit growing. It is of average maturing time. The cultivar is a dessert one. It was received from intentional crossing of the hybrid 72-11/47 [Belorusskoye malinovoye × (Babushkino × NewTosh)] with the cultivar of Czech breeding Šampion. The cultivar is early maturing, starts fructification on the 2nd year after planting in an orchard on the root stock PB-4, high-yielding (30.0 t/hectare), winter-hardy and scab resistant. The season of optimum consumption of fruits is within 5 months – from September till January – at storage in a fruit store with natural cooling. New apple cultivar Palanez surpasses the standard cultivar Luchezarnoye in resistance to a complex of the basic apple diseases, in fruits quality and marketability All this in combination with high level of an early maturity and productivity provides high profitability at its cultivation of about 142 %.
The results of an assessment on a complex of economically valuable characteristics of apple hybrid fund in the conditions of a breeding orchard are given in the article. The most productive populations both on separate breeding signs and on their complex are revealed. More than 70 % of hybrids in populations of Nadzejny x Redkroft, Pospekh x Redkroft, Darunak x Redkroft, 85-14/78 x Redkroft, Redkroft x Belana, Redkroft free polinated, 86-55/59 x Sawa, Witos free pollinated have shown stable resistance to a scab in the conditions of epiphytotic disease development. The percent of quickly maturing and scion-rooted seedlings in such populations as Witos free pollinated, Redkroft x Belana, Sawa x Nadzejny, 86-55/59 x Sawa, Nadzejny x Redkroft has compounded not less than 40 %. The greatest yield of hybrids with mass of a fruit ≥120 g was received in populations of Pospekh x Redkroft, Redkroft free pollinated, Redkroft x Belana, Nadzejny x Redkroft which made from 40 to 45 %.
As a result of an assessment on inheritance of a complex of economically valuable characteristics the most productive there were populations of Pospekh x Redkroft, Sawa x Nadzejny, Redkroft free pollinated. There were singled out from 12 to 27 % of seedlings. In total 16 promising genotypes from all studied hybrid fund were selected for the further studying. They have stable scab resistance in a combination to an early maturity, large fruit size and with a degustation evaluation not less than 4.0 points.
The article presents the study results of new columnar apple cultivars such as Valyuta, Lukomor and Chervonets of the All-Russian Breeding and Technological Institute of Horticulture and Nursery Breeding as well as the cultivars Moskovskoye ozherel‟ye and Yantarnoye ozherel‟ye of M.V. Kachalkin‟s breeding (Moscow).
The cultivars Valyuta, Moskovskoye ozherel‟ye and Yantarnoye ozherel‟ye were characterized by high early maturity starting fruit bearing on the second year after an inoculation.
The made supervision showed that from all studied columnar cultivars for three years of studying, the cultivars Valyuta and Moskovskoye ozherel‟ye were also singled out for good productivity. The average yield of the cultivar Valyuta made 4.0 kg and of the cultivar Moskovskoye ozherel‟ye it was 4.7 kg that in recalculation on area unit compounds 56.0 and 65.8 t/hectare, respectively. The columnar apple cultivar Moskovskoye ozherel‟ye was passed to the State Variety Trial system.
The article presents the results of the investigation of the influence of a planting material quality on a crown morphological constitution and a root system development of two apple cultivars differed in a branching type. They are intensely branching cultivar Antej and poor branching one Alesya on stocks of various growth vigour such as super dwarf PB-4 and dwarf 62-396 of five year trees.
It was established that the height of crown reduction pruning of apple seedlings in a nursery influenced essentially on apple phytomers growth and development. Trees were better developing at crown reduction pruning at the height of 80 cm. At three variety and stock combinations of Antej and Alesya on the stock PB-4 and Alesya on the stock 62-396 the variant of crown reduction pruning has the larger leaf-area duration and more growth points of growth and accrete type. In the whole the leaf-area duration was authentically more than at trees without crown reduction pruning and the difference with the control made 72.4 %, 60.3 and 72.1 % respectively.
Root system development basically corresponded to the development of trees leaf-area duration. The mass of accrete roots at all studied apple variety and stock combinations was higher at trees with crown reduction pruning in the nursery at the height of 80 cm. The difference with the control made from 16.8 % at the cultivar Alesya on superdwarf stock PB-4 up to 228 % for the cultivar Antej on a dwarf stock 62-396.
The development of a leaf canopy and apple root system also depended mostly on stocks growth. In comparison with variants of seedlings, leaf-area duration and mass of accrete roots of trees on a dwarf stock 62-396 was more than on superdwarf .
In the orchard of 2006 planting year, a fructification and economic efficiency of apple cultivars Alesya and Vesyalina cultivation on clonal stocks of various growth vigour such as 54-118, 62-396 and PB-4 in the fruiting season on the 6-9 th year after their planting were studied.
It was established that the trunk cross-sectional area, average fruit mass, mass of the fruits removed from a tree depended on the used stock. Those indices at both studied cultivars Alesya and Vesyalina were higher on a semi dwarf root stock 54-118.
In recalculation on an area unit, the highest average yield of the trees of the cultivar Alesya made 44.3 t/hectare, profit and profitability level were higher on a dwarf root stock 62-396 at the planting scheme of 4.0 х 1.5 m. While the highest average yield at the cultivar Vesyalina made 42.5 t/hectare and the profit and profitability were received on a semi dwarf root stock 54-118 at the planting scheme of 4.0 х 2.0 m.
The article presents the results of the 2010-2012 research in the field experiment on sod-podzolic sandy loam soil to study the effect of different terms and frequency of foliar application of integrated water-soluble fertilizer Rastvorin on the mineral composition of apple leaves and fruits.
The interrelation between the terms and frequency of foliar application Rastvorin and economic removal rate of mineral nutrition with a slight variation of their content in apple leaves and fruits.
The morphological, economic and biological characteristics of a new pear cultivar Viliya are presented in the article. The cultivar was received in the Institute for Fruit Growing from a crossing of the Belarusian hybrid 6/89-100 and the Ukrainian cultivar Maslyanaya Ro. Fruit ripening is medium. The cultivar is an all-purpose one. The cultivar is distinguished by its winter hardiness (the average frost degree hasn‟t succeeded 2.0 points), resistant to scab, septoria blight and bacterial cancer. It is characterized by high taste and marketable fruit qualities. The degustation evaluation of fresh fruits made 4.5 points and of the processing products it made 4.0-4.5 points. Fruits marketability reached 92.0 %. The average yield of the 10nd year trees on the seedling rootstock made 22.0 tons per hectare at the planting scheme 5 × 4 m. New pear cultivar Viliya was passed to the State Variety Trial of the Republic of Belarus in 2013.
The article presents the results of an assessment on a complex of signs of the hybrid fund received from crossings of the cultivars Narach × Oda in the breeding orchard. High heterozygosity of initial cultivars on analyzing signs was established. Efficacy of a combination in hybridization of the cultivars Narach × Oda at breeding on winter hardiness (91 % of winter-hardy hybrids) was revealed. The inheritance of high degustation evaluation and good stone separability from flesh by offspring was observed. Empirical offspring splitting by fruit mass (≤20 g, 21-25 g, 26-30 g, >30 g) in the ratio 2:4:3:1 testifies to presence of the general problem for plum breeding in studied hybrid family. It is the tendencies of large-fruited offspring to small fruit size. At the same time there were singled out 8 hybrid seedlings with the fruit mass of more than 30 g. Two of them were selected on the complex of economic characters for a primary cultivar study.
The data on productivity and assessment results of economic efficiency of fruits cultivation of the domestic plum Victoria on seed and clonal root stocks of various growth vigour are given in the article. Among them are a profit, a level of profitability, an expense for a production unit, sales revenues, a primecost and a recoupment period.
Domestic plum Victoria plantations on seed stocks Julien Noir, Wangenheims and Julien d‟Orleans and clonal stocks GF 655/2 and Marianna GF 8/1 were singled out for average trees productivity at the planting scheme of 5 х 3 m for 5 fructification years (2005-2006, 2008-2010).
In comparison with plantations on stock P. cerasifera (standard), the recoupment period of capital investments from the moment of trees entering into a fructification at the plantations of the domestic plum Victoria on intensely growing seed root stock Julien d‟Orleans and average growing ones Julien Noir and Wangenheims is reduced by 33.3 % and by 7.7 % respectively. On clonal intensely growing root stock Marianna GF 8/1 and average growing one GF 655/2 this index has been reduced by 23.1 % and by 7.7 % respectively. Level of profitability of fruits production of the domestic plum Victoria at trees on seed root stocks Julien Noir, Wangenheims and on clonal stock GF 655/2 increases from 7.8 % to 10.5 %.
The results of the researches on productivity and economic efficiency of cherry plum (diploid plum) plantation cultivation of the cultivar Kometa Kubanskaya on 16 stocks of various growth vigour are presented in the article. Kometa Kubanskaya trees, not influenced by stocks growth vigour, started fruit bearing on the 4 th year after planting. In comparison with trees on intense growing seed root stock cherry plum P. cerasifera (standard) for 6 years of a fructification (2004-2006, 2008-2010) the average productivity was higher on intense growing seed stock Julien d‟Orleans and clonal stocks intense growing Marianna GF 8/1 and medium growing GF 655/2. Specific productivity of the of the trees trunk cross-sectional area of the Kometa Kubanskaya on seed stock P. cerasifera on the average made 0.23 kg/sm2 . Much lower this indicator was at trees on clonal stocks Pixy, cerasifera Hamyra, Julien A and on seed ones Brompton S and Myrobalana. Specific trees productivity was higher on the rest studied stocks - from 4.3 % on the stock G 5/22 and up to 56.5 % on the stock GF 655/2. Recoupment time of investments was reduced at cultivation of cherry plum plantations of the cultivar Kometa Kubanskaya on the seed stock Julien d‟Orleans and clonal stocks Marianna GF 8/1 and GF 655/2. The level of profitability of cherry plum fruits production increased at plantings cultivation on the stocks Julien d‟Orleans, GF 655/2 and Marianna GF 8/1 by 26.1, 3.4 and 19.9 %, respectively.
The researches were executed within the limits of the contract within Belarusian Republican Fund of Fundamental Researches Nr. B13MLD-006 «Mobilization of modern bioprocessing methods for disease control of highly hazardous plum virus Sharka (Plum pox virus) in the Institute for Fruit Growing (NAS of Belarus) and in Scientific-Practical Institute of Horticulture and Food Technology (Republic Moldova). The work was done within the limits of the project „Mobilizarea mijloacelor biotehnologice moderne în lupta contra virusului periculos a vărsatului prunului (Plum pox)‟, funded by Academy of Sciences of Moldova with the project Nr. 13.820.14.06/BA. The purpose of the investigation was to study the sensitivity of the sets of instruments for diagnosis, prepared in laboratory of immunology and virology (Moldova), for enzyme immunodetection of Sharka virus in comparison with its commercial analogue. All diagnosticums such as PPV (Bioreba), C Nr. 43 (Moldova) and M Nr. 38 (Moldova) have allowed accurately revealing Sharka plum virus in samples. Excess of samples absorbency of over negative control made 4-17 times. Commercial antibodies (Bioreba) and the antibodies received on the base of isolate D (M Nr. 8 Moldova) were characterised by similar resolution, excess of samples absorbency over negative control made 1.2-4.4 and 1.3-3.4 respectively. At the same time, the highest resolution was typical for the antibodies got on the base of isolate C Nr. 43 (Moldova).
New sour cherry cultivar Milavitsa of the Belarusian breeding is of average maturing time. It was received as a result of the hybridization of the Ukrainian sour cherry cultivar Griot Seridko and the cultivar Prizyv of the Russian breeding. By the results of a complex assessment in the breeding orchard and in the orchard of primary cultivar study, the seedling 98-8/18 was singled out as elite in 2012 and was passed under the name of Milavitsa into the system of state variety trial in 2013. On the seed mazzard root stock, trees of the given cultivar start fruit bearing on the 3 rd year after planting in an orchard and quickly increase a crop. It blossoms early. The cultivar is autosterile. The best pollinators there are Vyanok and Nesvizhskaya. The cultivar is characterized by high winter hardiness, resistance to coccomyces, by average sized fruits (average mass is 4.5), high taste and all-purpose marketable properties. The cultivar is suitable for manufacturing of various products of processing (directly squeezed juice, nectar with pulp, nectar without pulp, the fruits frozen in bulk or compote). A potential productivity makes 21.0 t/hectare, i.e. 31.5 kg/der. and average one is 14.3 t/hectare. The level of profitability of the cultivar cultivation makes 165.6 %.
The article presents the results of the researches on features of growth and development of sour cherry trees of the cultivar Zaranka. The trees were of seven-year age on clonal stock VSL-2 with various budding height from a soil level and budding degree of a conditional root collar at planting in an orchard. There was established the influence of a high budding and digging in of a conditional root collar at planting on the display degree of apical dominance, on overgrowth density by fruit wood of boughs of the first order and on length of internodes of an annotinous increment of Zaranka sour cherry. The dependence of the cultivar branching type (mesotonic) on the studied indicators was not established. A high budding in a combination with a digging in of a conditional root collar promoted the increase of fruit formations rate up to 76.2 % from their general quantity on a bough of the first order.
The article presents the results of the researches of 14 variety and stock sour cherry combinations. They consisted of 7 variety samples of the Belarusian breeding on a clonal stock VSL-2 of the Russian breeding and on standard seeds stock of mazzard cherry. The decrease in total length of an annotinous growth rate was revealed up to 29 % at studied variety samples in a combination with clonal stock VSL-2 in comparison with combinations on seed stock. Growth vigour on total length of annotinous and perennial branches of the studied variety and stock combinations was defined. The cultivars Vyanok, Zhyvitsa and Zaranka are refered to poor growing, Milavitsa has average growth vigour, and Griot Byelorusski and 28/99 and 33/43 hybrids are intensely growing. Fructification types at studied variety and stock sour cherry combinations were defined. At the cultivars Zhyvitsa, Zaranka and Griot Byelorusski it is a tree-like one. Vyanok and 28/99 hybrid have a mixed one and at 33/43 hybrid it is a shrublike one. It was established that at all studied variety samples on clonal stock VSL-2, except for Zhyvitsa and Zaranka, the total quantity of flower buds is authentically less, than at similar combinations on seed stock. The quantity of flower buds in percentage in relation to the standard combinations on seed stock varied from 86.6 % at the cultivar Vyanok to 99.4 % at the cultivar Griot Byelorusski. The cultivars Zhyvitsa and Zaranka, despite growth vigour decrease on clonal stock VSL-2, showed the increase of flower buds total quantity in comparison with the standard by 10.6 % and 4.0 % respectively.
The article presents the results of the researches of 37 variety and stock sweet cherry combinations consisting of 13 variety samples of the Belarusian breeding on clonal stocks VSL-2 and Izmajlovski of the Russian breeding and on the standard seed stock of mazzard cherry. On the basis of the total length of annotinous and perennial branches, various growth vigour of the studied cultivars on different stocks was established. The cultivar Naslazhdeniye and hybrid 17/59 appeared to be poor growing and the cultivars Sopernitsa and Gronkavaya are referred as intensely growing. The study of generative medium structure showed that 60-70 % of May bouquets are concentrated on two- and three-year wood, and only 10 % of them are on four-year ones. The greatest density of May bouquets disposition on perennial branches have the following cultivars: Sopernitsa (8.7-11.8 items per a long meter depending on a stock), Medunitsa (8.4-10.5 items per a long meter), Syubarovskaya (8.1-10.5 items per a long meter) and the hybrid 4/10 (8.5-11.4 8 items per a long meter), and the least one has been marked at the cultivar Gronkavaya (3.4-4.5 items per a long meter) and at the hybrid 17/59 (3.4-4.2 items per a long meter). Clonal stock VSL-2 has made the greatest impact on the given indicator within the cultivars such as Medunitsa, Naslazhdiniye, Syubarovskaya and hybrids 15/112, 15/126 4/10. Meanwhile the stock Izmajlovski influenced in the same way such cultivars as Vityaz‟, Gastinets, Minchanka and Sopernitsa. It was established the ratio 1:1 of flower buds quality on annotinous and perennial branches at the majority of the studied variety and stock combinations. Depending on stock application the variation of the given indicator at the studied cultivars and hybrids of the Belarusian breeding was noted. The cultivar Syubarovskaya has been distinguished among all studied variety and stock combinations. It has the biggest quantity of May bouquets on VSL-2, Izmajlovski and mazzard cherry stocks as well as of flower buds and their density on an annotinous gain on the root stock Izmajlovski.
The description of a new strawberry cultivar Kupava, received in the Institute for Fruit Growing is given. The creators are E.N. Tyurina, N.V. Klakotskaya, P.V. Obuhovski, A.M. Dmitrieva. The cultivar is received from crossing of the cultivars Red Gauntlet with Krasny bereg. The cultivar is of average maturing time (June). It is characterised by winter hardiness, productivity (12 t per hectare), large fruits (10.8 g), high taste quality (the degustation evaluation of fresh fruits is 5.0 points) and a comparative resistance to leaf spot. The level of profitability of the cultivation of the cultivar makes 198.5 % that is higher than the standard one Desnyanka kokinskaya by 1.7 times. It was passed to the State Variety Trial of Belarus in 2013.
One of the main components of a success of any nursery is production of economically sound and qualitative planting stock with a vegetative propagation as a leading one. The contributing factor in a choice of this or that kind of a plant is its propagation capacity. The article presents the results of the researches on means of a vegetative propagation of golden currant within 2012-2014. The statistical data for three years of the research on golden currant by softwood cuttings, hardwood cuttings and in the mother plantation of moundings is given. As a result of the carried out researches the percent of softwood cutting rootage does not exceed 49.8 %. Hardwood cutting propagation allows receiving higher output of a standard planting stock (71 %) in comparison with the propagation by softwood cuttings (62.2 %). However the rootage percent is lower and makes 42.6 %. The mother plantation of moundings of golden currant allows receiving 12 units of layers from a scrub and a yield of a standard planting stock of 88 %. Literary data by world experience of golden currant cultivation is presented. Relative economic efficiency of golden currant propagation by various methods is given.
The aim of the present investigation was to study the in vitro cultivation conditions of indicator raspberry forms R. occidentalis, Malling Landmark, Norfolk Giant and Lloyd George using the nutrient modified medium of Murashige and Skoog (MS). Cultivars characteristics affecting the multiplication factor, length of shoot and root formation were identified. Using a set of features there were selected the forms N. Giant and M. Landmark. They demonstrated high rates at in vitro cultivation. R. occidentalis and L. George require further research for efficiency increase at cultivating in vitro.
The aim of the present investigation was to study the influence of a hydrogel AQUASORB 3005 KB in substrates (a mixture of peat and perlite; ion-exchange substrate BIONA-111; a mixture of perlite and BIONA-111) for ex vitro adaptation of in vitro rooted grape (cv. Marshall Fosh) and autumn raspberry (cv. Poranna Rosa) plants. The positive tendency in the development of roots and shoots, as well as the increasing of survival rate for grape plants cv. Marshall Fosh were noted after addition of AQUASORB 3005 KB to each type of adaptation substrate. In contrast, negative influence of impurity of AQUASORB 3005 into substrates on survival rate, length of roots and shoots were noted after adaptation of autumn raspberry plants cv. Poranna Rosa.
Influence of a hydrogel AQUASORB 3005 KB on substrates suitability and on the development of plants grown up on them needs further studying.
The article presents the possibility of propagation of two raspberry-blackberry hybrids of Loganberry and Tayberry by different ways (micropropagation and rooting of apical buds of shoots) in vitro and in vivo. The investigation of propagation features of raspberryblackberry hybrids showed high indexes for both hybrids during propagation in vitro. Loganberry plants surpassed Tayberry plants by propagation index but had shorter shoots. Using rooting of apical buds of shoots technique in the first year after planting from one bush of Loganberry1-2 rooted plants were obtained, and 4-5 rooted plants were obtained from one bush of Tayberry. For mass propagation of Loganberry plants in vitro multiplication is recommended, for raspberry-blackberry hybrid Tayberry it is preferable multiplication by rooting of apical buds of shoots in vivo conditions. Micropropagation should be used for plants recovery and accelerated reproduction.
Early maturing, high-yielding, large-fruited raspberry-blackberry hybrid Tayberry has been highlighted on a complex of economically valuable traits demonstrated in the field conditions.
Monitoring of the genetic stability among in vitro-propagated plants is of outmost importance using tissue culture as continuous source of planting material for industrial utilization. The aim of the research was to assess the genetic stability of in vitro-propagated blueberry plants (cv. Northblue). As a result of the research there was evaluated the possibility of using 54 oligonucleotide primers for analysis of the genetic stability of blueberry plants (cv. Northblue) using RAPD-PCR. 6 primers (OPA 01, OPA 10, OPE 3, OPN 14, OL 1, OL 8) which produced the maximum number of distinct stripes were selected. It was found that all RAPD profiles of micropropagated blueberry plants generated with those 6 primers were monomorphic and identical to those of the mother plant.
On the basis of long-term stationary observations of the seasonal rhythms of growth and development there were shown passing phases peculiarities of phenological development of 20 highbush blueberry cultivars and 3 half-highbush blueberry cultivars. Calendar dates of the beginning of the growing season and the duration of the phases of seasonal development of blueberry cultivars vary considerably from year to year and depend on the thermal conditions of the growing season. Cultivar differences are manifested in flowering period but especially during fruit ripening. The climatic conditions of the central agro-climatic region of Belarus allow the passage of a full cycle of highbush blueberry seasonal development of the whole spectrum of ripening. Only in certain years (1 in every 5 years) small yield part of late cultivar Elizabeth doesn‟t mature.
Biometrics parameters of lamina for forming shoots are much higher than the figures in the shoots branching. Regardless of the shoots type the highest values of dimensional characteristics of the lamina were observed in the cultivar Chandler, and the lowest – in the cultivar Putte. Phenomenon geterofilii is quite common for blueberry which is marked mostly in Collins cultivar and to a lesser extent in the cultivars Bluejay, Bonifacy, Bonus, Reka and Spartan. The main forms of the lamina in highbush blueberry cultivars are ovoid, elliptical and pointed-elliptical, while in undersized cultivar Putte it is lanceolate. The predominant forms of the lamina base are rounded or roundly wedge-shaped, some cultivars occurs widely wedge-shaped. At all studied blueberry cultivars the lamina top is spiniform but only in Bonus and Goldtraube cultivars the 10 % of leaves have the blunt top. The index value of the leaf shape at blueberry cultivars varies from 0.69 (Puru) to 0.75 (Bonifacy).
A creation history, a morphological description and an economic and biological characteristic of a domestic cultivar of black elderberry Kladzez‟ (B-23) is given. The select form B-23 is singled out from a natural population of black elderberry in the vicinities of Minsk. In 2012 B-23 is selected to elite. In 2013 by the study results of a complex of economic characters it was passed to the State Variety Trial of the Republic of Belarus under the name of Kladzez‟. In 2014 the cultivar was included into the State Register of Varieties of Belarus.
Black elderberry cultivar Kladzez‟ is highly winter resistant, of average maturing time and fruitful of about 23.3 t per hectare. It starts fruit bearing on the 3rd year after planting. Its berries contain such vitamins as C, Е, ß-carotin, as well as macro- (potassium) and microelements, copper, zinc, magnesium, selenium and iodine.
Hybrid biological analysis results of vertical resistance inheritance to scab of 9950 apple hybrids from 91 combinations and 10 crossing groups according to the results of artificial infection in the open ground in conditions of Altai low mountains are presented for the period of 2010-2013. Heightened output of resistant hybrids in crossing groups, where maternal initial form with high and average field resistance and immune to scab, is revealed. There was revealed high result in combinations, resistant to scab of the cultivar samples Malus baccata 1/1, Altaiskoye purpurovoye, Bayana, Gorno-altaiskoye, Zimniy shafran, Zolotaya taiga, Nejnoye zabaikalskoye, Tolunay, 3-84-3607, Со-06К1; average-resistant Malus baccata 23/2, Pepinka altaiskaya; susceptible 18-9, 32-26, Altaiskiy golubok, Ranetka purpurovaya, Ranetka Ermolayeva with heterozygous immunity donors (Rvi 6): Svegest, Maxat, Zaman, Bolotovskoye, Pervouralskaya, Florina, Redfree, Prima, 30-47-88 (4х); Rvi 5: 4-95-2 [(Pepinka altaiskaya × SR0523) × Gigulevskoye], 6-95-1 [(Pepinka altaiskayaя × SR0523) × Korichnoye novoye], 7-95-10 [(Pepinka altaiskaya × SR0523) × Mezenskoye]; (Rvi 6 + Rvi 17): 12-82-1816 [Ermakovskoye gornoye × (OR48T47 + OR40T43)].
The investigations on the effect of high temperature, dehydratation, chloride salinization on kinetic characteristics of curves in induced fluorescence of apple leaves were held. Destabilizing effect occurred to be active for maximal quantum output and electron transport rate with the use of photosystem II. Decreasing quantity of maximal quantum output correlated best of all with the index of draught resistance ranges sum. The correlations were observed also between degrees of leaf damage in NaCl and a change of electron transport relative rate. There was a close interrelation between depression of electron transport rate under influence of drought and leaf damage in NaCl. There were no correlations between decreasing quantum output in coarse of drought modelling and leaf damage in solution above. Apple cultivars and forms with higher drought resistance and salt tolerance were singled out.
The results of the researches concerning the further sweet cherry cultivation intensification in the Forest steppe of Ukraine are presented in the article. Under the conditions of the climate change this region has appeared to be warm enough which is quite favourable for the successful industrial cultivation of the mentioned crop. Intense orchards have been selected ensuring stable productivity and high indices of the production quality and economic efficiency.
The elements of the technology for growing the rootstock VSL-2 and planting trees on it in the Ukrainian Forest steppe were improved. The high effective method was proposed to increase the yield of this rootstock standard planting stock in the horizontal layers parental orchard as well as of the sweet cherry planting trees in a nursery. In particular, while establishing the first field rootstock it is recommended to use fractions with a root neck diameter of 3-9 mm as well as carrying out the inoculation at a height of 5-12 cm in the firstsecond decades of August.
The article summarized the results of many years study for biochemical composition of fruit from genetic collection of strawberry (73 selected seedlings) in Central Black-Soil Region (Michurinsk). On the base of personal investigation and analysis of reference data we could determine the medium levels of accumulation and variability limits in regions of cultivation. The regions with sugars accumulation in fruits (Murmansk and Tambov regions), vitamin C (Orenburg and Leningrad regions), anthocyans (Krasnodar region) were shown. The maximum levels of biochemical substance content were revealed: dry matter to 19.9 %, sugars to 11.8 %, fruit acidity to 2.1 %, ascorbic acid to 145.4 mg/100g, anthocyans to 267.1 mg/100g. The most important cultivars for biochemical composition were distinguished specially for a definite region. The same cultivars, cultivated in different regions demonstrated high stability in accumulation of biochemical substances.
In 2015 the All Russian Research Institute of Fruit Crop Breeding (VNIISPK) celebrates its 170th anniversary. The principal directions of the Institute are always connected with pomology, breeding and cultivation improvement of fruit and berry crops. One of the largest in Russia gene pool of apple, pear, stone fruit, berry and ornamental crops has been established and is being studied at the Institute. The results of winter hardiness study of 72 red currant cultivars from the VNIISPK collection are given in this paper. 17 cultivars (23.6 %) showed high resistance of generative buds after the severe winter in 2006 (-39.3 ºC). The main part of the studied cultivars (47.2 %) showed injures of flower buds up to 2.0 points. In 18 cultivars (25.0 %) the generative organs were significantly frozen. As a result of the artificial freezing the cultivars were singled out in which the flowers were resistant to temperature stresses -4…-5 ºC, - Ustina, Ogoniok, Valentinovka, Podarok Leta and Gazel‟. Jonker van Tets showed the highest resistance to frosts. These cultivars are recommended for use in breeding for resistance to spring frosts.
The research has been conducting for 2013-2014 in the Biotechnology Center of Tadjik National University. Early maturing grapevine cultivars Zarif, Gissarski early, Chiljaki white, Regarski early, Rizamat and Pearls Saba were the objects of the research. The possibility of hardwood cuttings use for cultivars propagation, peculiarities of their introduction in culture in vitro, explants types and their introduction season were studied. On the average according to the cultivars, in vitro introduction times and explants types there was received high enough productivity of the culture initiation in vitro which is 73.6 %.
The researches were carried out in the Center of Biotechnology of the Tajik National University within 2013-2014. The objects of the researches were grapevine cultivars widely cultivated in the Republic of Tajikistan, characterised by a complex of economic traits. Among them were the following cultivars: Mugchilony, Dili captar, Nimrang, Sohibi, Djaus (Sultony), Dumi rubox and Husajne sieh. High initiation performance of in vitro culture (more than 87.9-97.5 %) of all cultivars at the offered scheme of defertilization was revealed. For the cultivar Husajne sieh this indicator made 55.6 %. Productivity of the use of various explants types differed slightly and made 86.4-91.9 % for apical and lateral buds, corymbs and 78.0 % for meristem.
The researches were carried out in the Center of Biotechnology of the Tadjik National University. The results of experimental data on micropropagation and efficiency assessment of antibiotics on suppression of a bacterial and fungal in vitro contamination are given in the article. The objects of the researches were grapevine cultivars Pobeda, Aushon rannij and Dumi rubox. On the average for 3 passages the propagation ratio for the cultivars made 2.9-3.0. Critical phytopathogenic influence of ciprofloxacin on grape regenerants, leading to their full destruction as a result of tissues necrosis was established. Optimum results were noted at nystatin application in concentration of 55.5 regenerants mg/l. Full supression of the infection contamination and high explants viability were marked for the cultivars Pobeda and Aushon rannij.
The results of the researches of fruits chemical composition of such clonal apple cultivars as Valyuta of the All-Russian breeding and technological Institute of Horticulture and Nursery Breeding as well as the cultivars Moskovskoye ozherel‟ye and Yantarnoye ozherel‟ye of M.V. Kachalkin‟s breeding (Moscow) are given in the article. Apple fruits assessment for chemical indicators is given. Among them are soluble solids, acidity, ascorbic acid, sugars, pectic substances and phenolic compounds. It was established that in the conditions of Belarus clonal apple cultivars are capable to accumulate on the average soluble solids up to 10.0-11.5 %; sugars up to 7.36-8.13 %; acids up to 0.47-0.95 %; pectic substances up to 0.91-0.93 %, ascorbic acid up to 4.3-6.15 mg per 100 g and phenolic compounds up to 123.7-164.8 mg per 100 g. The greatest content of solids before storage was marked at fruits of the cultivar Valyuta which made 14.3 %. During fruits storage the change of the basic chemical indicators was observed. Solids content level, РСВ, pectic substances, ascorbic acid and phenolic compounds decreases. The cultivar Moskovskoye ozherel‟ye was distinguished among all studied apple clonal cultivars. It is characterized by the best indicators of a chemical composition after storage.
The influence of contact, systematic and translaminar fungicides on fruits productivity, quality and storability of 4 apple cultivars of the Belarusian breeding was studied within 2013-2015.
Systematic and translaminar fungicides, presented in Bellis BASF product and in Luna Tranquility BAYER product, in 7-10 days prior to prospective date of fruits harvesting minimized the prevalence of infectious diseases on apple fruits of Darunak and Imant cultivars at their long-term storage.
Bellis, Delan, Luna Tranquility and Merpan fungicides, used in an orchard during fruit formation and maturing periods, increase standard fruits yield from a tree during the harvesting time by 1.9-3.4 % at cv. Verbnaye, by 2.0-5.5 % at cv. Vesyalina, by 3.3-4.0 % at cv. Darunak and by 4.1-5.9 % at cv. Imant in comparison with the control.
In the Institute for Fruit Growing the influence of controlled atmosphere with various oxygen and carbon dioxide concentration on indicators of fruits storability of 3 pear cultivars such as Byelorusskaya pozdnyaya, Prosto Maria, Zaveya at long-term storage have been studied within 2013-2015. The controlled atmosphere influenced positively on the decrease in pear fruits losses from mass natural loss and sound fruits output at long-term storage. The best pear fruits storability was marked in the controlled atmosphere with the ultralow oxygen content. Sound fruit output made 86.6 % at the cultivar Prosto Maria, 88.3 % at the cultivar Byelorusskaya pozdnyay and 94.4 % at the cultivar Zaveya. The controlled atmosphere protects almost completely pear fruits from withering and reduces essentially rot losses, which allows keeping quality indicators of fruits (density and hardness) at long-term storage for maximum length of time.
The article presents the results of a comparative study of the degree of transformation of fruits biochemical composition of 3 cultivars introduced in Belarus conditions such as V. corymbosum L. - early- Bluetta, middle-Bluecrop and late Elizabeth during their storage for a month at +3 ...+4 оС. There was established preferential fruits depletion relatively to the initial level, organic free ascorbic acid and cinnamic acids (at 31-51 %, 29-62 % and 10-48 %, respectively), soluble sugars (5-9%), pectin and tannins (by 22-33 % and 10-47 %, respectively), anthocyanin pigments, catechins, flavonols and (by 15-39 %, 7-35 % and 8-26 %, respectively), while increasing the solids content and sugar-index (by 10-19 % and 34-89 %, respectively). By comparing the results of 2013 and 2014 studies there was shown a more pronounced dependence of effects identified in the transformation of the biochemical composition of the fruit during storage on hydrothermal regime of the season, rather than on blueberry cultivars belonging to one or another early ripening group. It has been found that the abrupt change of moisture deficit by abundant rainfall during fruit ripening causes the most pronounced reduction of the integral level of nutritional and vitamin value during storage.
The results of the study of plum introduced cultivar Empress and President, growing in the Brest area of Belarus, on some economic-biological indicators such as fruit mass, soluble dry matters, suitability for manufacturing of processing products are given in the article. The standard cultivar was Stenli.
The results of the researches have shown that fruits of plum introduced cultivars President and Empress are suitable for production of fruit nectars, strained fruits, frozen puree, for freezing in bulk and to a limited extent they are suitable as well for manufacturing directly squeezed juices.
The article presents the results of an organoleptic estimation of frozen berries of 10 autumn raspberry cultivars on such indices as their appearance, colour, consistency, aroma and taste. It was established that the majority of autumn raspberry cultivars possess ability for freezing, without losing initial appearance, colour, consistency, aroma and taste. Juice losses at defrostation in 1 month of storage made from 0 up to 7.3 %. Absence of juice losses was noted at such cultivars as Gerakl, Heritage and Zeva Herbsternte. The cultivar Polesie was marked with the minimum juice losses only of 0.05 % after defrostation. Juice loss in 3 months of storage varies at cultivars from 0 up to 8.4 %, and in 6 storage months the given indicator makes 0.1-21.1 %. With prolongation of the storage time of frozen autumn raspberries up to 6 months in the first cultivar group, where losses of juice made up to 5 %, there are included the cultivars Heritage and Zeva Herbsternte. The cultivars Bryanskoye divo and Eurasia present the second group with the loss of juice up to 5.1-10.0 %. To the third group there are included the cultivars Bab‟ye leto, Gerakl, Rubinovoye ozhereliye, Polka, Polesie and Pokusa where juice losses made 10.1-20.0 %. The lowest juice keeping ability (over 21.1 %) was revealed at the cultivar Bab‟ye leto which leads to its unsuitability for freezing. The analysis of the received data proves an insignificant decrease in quality of the studied cultivars after defrostation. It allows making the conclusion about storage possibility of frozen autumn raspberries within 6 months.
The results of the study of complex preparations application in the first and second nursery fields are presented. There was estimated the influence of the studied preparations on stocks survival and growth indicators. Among the studied preparations there was distinguishef the variant of Korpansil application of 1 l per 5 l of water on a high stocks survival, increase of their radial growth and a total annotinous increament. In the second field of the nursery the results of the influence study of complex preparations on the development indicator of annotinous seedlings of fruit crops, i.e. their branching degree were received. Positive postinfluence of Korpansil application (1 l of a concentrate on 5 l of water) on side shoots formation was revealed. It was established that preparation application in the specified dose provided the greatest formation of side shoots at apple, pear, plum and sweet cherry trees. It is economically reasonable to use Korpansil in concentration of 1 l on 5 l of water for quality indicators improving of seedlings and output increase of a standard planting stock. On the basis of the received results there were prepared the recommendations on complex preparations application in a nursery.
The technology establishes requirements to technological operations performance at cultivation of strawberry planting material in containers. The process flow sheet of planting material cultivation consists of the following operations: soil preparation for mother stock planting, mother stock planting, mother plantations maintenance, preparation of rosettes, technological process of rosettes planting, maintenance for container plants and their storage during winter season, preparation of container planting material for sale. The developed technology applying provides the following: rosettes rooting to 85 %, output of standard seedlings cultivated in nursery pots from 1 hectare of a mother plantation to 2380 thousand units, the primecost of 1 seedling to 0,08 dollars with a profitability of 378.3 %. Plants survival after bedding out in the field makes 100 %.
The given process procedure establishes the requirements to performance of the agrotechnical methods directed on production of improved annotinous fruit crops seedlings after crown reduction pruning. The process procedure includes: field selection, soil requirements, soil preparation for nurseries establishment and planning, seedlings cultivation and storage and economic efficiency of receiving of improved fruit crops seedlings after crown reduction pruning. Application of a mechanical mean of branching stimulation has provided the increase in side shoots quantity of apple seedlings by 1.5-1.6 items, pear ones by 2.7-5.0 items and sweet cherry ones by 2.6 items. At a chemical mean of a crown formation stimulation the quantity of side shoots increased by 0.6-1.7 items at apple seedlings, by 2.5-4.7 items at pear ones and by 2.5-5.4 items at sweet cherry ones. An adherence of the process procedure of production of improved fruit crops seedlings after crown reduction pruning provides the level of profitability for apple tree of 231.1-293.4 %, for sweet cherry tree it is 330.7-282.9 %, and for pear tree it makes 170.8-388.9 % respectively. The profitability level was defined on the output of standard seedlings after crown reduction pruning.
Process procedure defines the following: the scheme of production of the improved planting stock of pear clonal stocks forms; the laboratory equipment and the work organisation; parental plants selection and testing for viruses presence; parental plants clearing from pathogens by in vitro culture method; the accelerated propagation (introduction in culture in vitro, nutritional media, micro propagation, rootage of micro shoots, acclimatisation of plants in tubes in unsterile conditions); primary plants content and reproduction in vitro and in a sheltered ground; plants protection from reinfection. Applying of the developed process procedure allows to receive the improved planting clonal pear stock characterizing by high quality and corresponding to modern requirements, of a class "A" of a category super – super elite (SSE), super elite (SE), elite and 1st reproduction; and of a class "B" of a category elite and 1st reproduction.
Data on the basic propagation methods of sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) and Japanese quince (Chaenomeles japonica) are presented in the article. Applying of classical propagation methods does not always lead to the achievement of desirable results. New technologies of a planting stock production are necessary to be widely introduced together with traditional ones for timely shortage control of the own production planting stock. Clonal plants micro propagation is an effective method for getting of a highquality planting stock in a considerable quantity and in tight deadlines.
Walnut (Juglans regia L.) is important nuciferous crop. In this article the application of biotechnology methods for walnut propagation is described. Both somatic embryogenesis methods and methods of micropropagation are specified. Initiation stage, sterilization scheme, cultivation media and rooting are put separate focus on.
Hazelnut is one of the most important fruit crop. In this article the application of biotechnology methods for hazelnut propagation is described. All stages of in vitro propagation are described; the sources of tissue for initiation, sterilization scheme, nutrition media, aspects of explant rooting and storage of plants in tube are specified. The influence of genotype on propagation rate is noted. The appliance of mature and immature cotyledons of hazelnut fruits is described. The prospects of cotyledon usage in selection for production of genetically stable material, detection of cell somatic mutations, production of virus-free plant material and detection of viral, bacterial and microbial infection are given in the article.
The article presents sources review of development history of grapevine growing and winemaking in various terrains and worldwide, since ancient times including Egypt, Mesopotamia, Palestine, Ancient Greece, Roman empire, Transcaucasus, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Moldova, Ukraine, Armenia, Turkey, Europe, North Africa, America, etc. The grapevine growing history is considered in more details in previously huge country Soviet Union and also in Belarus. Grapevine growing and winemaking were already widely spread during ancient times in the areas which are in the basins of the Caspian, Black and Mediterranean seas. It is proved by preserved historical monuments of sculpture, painting, writing, archeological findings of grape seeds, winemaking tools and wine vessels. The nature gradually reveals the secrets from which people read grape history. Throughout millenia grapes serve truly the person, decorating its table and life and being a source of national wealth of many countries and nations.