
Fruit Growing

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Vol 22 (2010)
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9-16 143

The prospective introduced Polish and Ukrainian cultivars were studied for suitability of growing in the Belarusian conditions according to the complex of economical and biological features, such as winter resistance, resistance to diseases, fruit quality and keeping capacity.

As a result of artificial freezing the cultivars ‘Start’ (Ukraine), ‘Redcraft’, ‘Sava’ and ‘Vitos‘ (Poland) were found to be resistant to low temperatures by 4 components.

The Ukrainian cultivars ‘Amulet’, ‘Tsiganochka’ and ‘Perlina Kieva’ were considered as highly resistant to scab; the cultivars ‘Askolda’, ‘Elegia’, ‘Redcraft’ and ‘Sava’as having long keeping capacity and stable good fruit taste.

Estimating the complex of economical and biological features (winter resistance, resistance to scab and phyllostictosis, fruit quality and keeping capacity) two apple cultivars ‘Redcraft’ and ‘Sava’ were selected. They excel the standard cultivar ‘Antonovka’ and therefore are suitable for growing in Belarusian conditions.

17-23 141

As result of a genetic experiment the effect of using of the first generation of Swedish apple sampling BM41497 was determined in breeding for early maturity. The combinations ‘Slava pobeditelaym’ x [№34 x BM41497] and ‘Slava pobeditelaym’ x 87-6/2 gave the most effective yield of seedlings with short juvenile period. The character of early maturity inher-itance was varied from mid dominance to positive over dominance. There were determined transgressions of early maturity genotypes among hybrid progenies. The selection of trans-gressive genotypes was noted in progenies of four breeding combinations: ‘Belorusskoe mali-novoe’ x 86-54/131,133,135. Transgression frequency was varied from 1.7 to 12.5% in above-named populations. Apple hybrids 86-54/131 (‘Аntey’ х ВМ41497), 87-6/2 (72-17/89 х ВМ41497) and [№34 х ВМ41497] were selected as donors of early maturity.

24-32 106

During 2003-2009 the resistance of 42 clones of 9 apple regionalized cultivars to canker diseases, that affected bark and wood (European Canker and cytosporiosis), was studied. The cultivars had Belarusian and foreign origin – ‘Antonovka’, ‘Bananovoe’, ‘Belorussky sinap’, ‘Belorusskoye malinovoye’, ‘Lavfam’, ‘Minskoye’, ‘Papirovka’, ‘Shtreifling’ (‘Osennee polosatoe’), ‘Uelsi’. The intervariety differentiation was detected in relation to canker diseases. The measures of cancer resistance were shown to be vary over a wide range from highly resistant to susceptible. The clones highly resistant to European Canker and cytosporiosis were selected: ‘Bananovoye №5’, ‘Sinap Belsad’, ‘Belorussky sinap LPS’, all cv. ‘Minskoye’ clones, ‘Shtrifel Belsad’, ‘Shtreifling’ №1 and №3, ‘Uelsi’ №2 and ‘Uelsi from Pruzhany’.

33-40 104

The results of study of the main economical and biological features of seven column apple cultivars bred in the All-Russian Breeding and Technological Institute of Fruit-growing and Nursery, Moscow, are given in the article.

All the cultivars formed flowering buds in the one-year shoots. The most productive cultivars among the studied ones were ‘Valuta’ (4,2 кg/tree), ‘Ostankino’ (3,0 кg/tree), ‘President’ (2,8 кg/tree). Applying the non-transplanting method in the 4-th year after inoculation these cultivars formed the yield 85 т/hа, 60 and 56 т/hа respectively. The studied cultivars have had attractive fruit and the average fruit mass 145 g.

For commercial testing in Belarusian conditions cv. ‘President’ is recommended as a summer cultivar, ‘Valuta’ – a winter cultivar.

41-47 97

The article describes the results of study of different ways to keep ground near stems in a young orchard.

The significant positive influence of mulching ground by sawdust on the indices of tree growth is established – bole cross-section area and its increase was higher than at keeping the ground near stems with herbicides and fallow land.

Summarizing two years of fruiting the highest yield was harvested from studied cv. ‘Vesialina’ and ‘Alesya’ on dwarf rootstock 62-396 in the variant of keeping ground with fal-low lad – 20.3 and 16.1 t/ha; on super-dwarf rootstock PB-4 – in the variant of mulching ground – 15.2 и 19.3 t/ha with high outcome of marketable fruit – on 2-12% in comparison with control variant.

48-54 95

The results of comparative characteristics of vegetative growth, yield and fruit quality of apple ‘cultivar-rootstock’ combinations are given. Based on morphological analysis of crown the general number and density of growing points on a tree branch of cv. ‘Antey’ and ‘Alesya’ are defined in according to rootstock growth strength.

The trees on rootstock PB-4 are worse than the trees on dwarf rootstock 62-396 in the vegetative growth characteristics. Despite of planting density increase in 50%, the leaf area of the trees on PB-4 per hectare was less in 2.15-2.5 times in comparison with the trees on 62-396.

The trees on 62-396 excelled the ones on PB-4 considerably on density and general number of growing points due to the higher growth strength on this rootstock.

The using of dwarf rootstock PB-4 leads to decrease of fruit mass on the large-fruit cv. ‘Antey’ in comparison with 62-396. The type of rootstock doesn’t influence considerably on cv. ‘Alesya’ with average fruit mass 140-166 g.

Yield per tree and per area on both cultivars was higher on the dwarf rootstock 62-396 in comparison with PB-4.

55-60 95

During 2008-2009 the economic and biological features of Belarusian apple cv. ‘Imant’ and ‘Darunak’ on rootstock PB-4 grown at non-transplanting technology in the Nursery Department in The Institute For Fruit Growing were studied. The short analysis of growth, winter hardness, fruiting and fruit keeping capacity is given in the article.

At super-dense planting (0.9 x 0.4 m) using non-transplanting technology, cv. ‘Darunak’ showed the highest early-maturing and productivity and formed on average 1.87 kg/tree on the 3rd year after inoculation (37.5 t/ha).

Fruit of Belarusian apple cv. ‘Darunak’ from the super-dense orchard is suitable for long storage; marketable fruit outcome is 95.9%.

61-67 193

During 2006-2009 the influence of extra-root application of broad-spectrum bioregula-tor and adaptogen ‘Epin’ on growth, fruiting and fruit quality of apple cv. ‘Vesyalina’ and ‘Imant’ on dwarf rootstock 54-118 was investigated.

Double and triple ‘Epin’ application on cv. ‘Vesyalina’ favored yield increase by 2.1-2.4 t per area, getting 1st class fruit on 1-2%, profits in 1.2-1.5 and profitability by 9.4-32.0% in comparison with the control variant.

In all variants of ‘Epin’ application on cv. ‘Imant’ yield was higher by 2.8-4.0 t/ha. But only single ‘Epin’ application allowed to get additional profits 2.8 mln. rubles, increase prof-itability by 20.3% in comparison with the control variant.

68-78 124

The results of the study presented in the article, show how different techniques of keep-ing ground at row-spacing (fallow land and green manure) and application of different ferti-lizers (mineral and biological fertilizing complexes) influences on growth and fruiting of apple cv. ‘Charaunitsa’ on semi-dwarf rootstock 57-545.

It was established that techniques of keeping ground at row-spacing and application of different fertilizers influenced on growth, yield, marketable fruit quality of cv. ‘Charaunitsa’ and also on the soil agrochemical characteristics in the orchard. Application of green manure at row-spacing influenced positively on growing process and yield, enhanced bole cross-section area yield, humus content on soil, decreased the soil solution’s pH to neutral. The mowed green manure was left at place and ploughed in the sequel. That procedure with application of the fertilizers favored to make soil pH neutral. Application of the solid mineral fertilizers increased growth strength, but influenced in different ways on yield and fruit outcome.

79-85 119

The results of estimation of the dwarf rootstocks in a nursery for suitability for high inoculation are shown in the article. The investigation of making this procedure is described. The main rootstocks’ indices are established. In the nursery of horizontal layers according to the complex of biological and economic features the following regionalized and prospective dwarf rootstocks are estimated: apple – PB-4, 62-396, 54-118, 106-13; peer – VА-29, S1; plum – VPK-1, ОD-2-3; sour and sweet cherry – VSL-2, LT-52. Estimating the overground system and rootage the following rootstock forms are selected: apple regionalized – 54-118, 62-396, prospective 106-13; peer – VА-29; plum – VPK-1; sour and sweet cherry – VSL-2.

86-94 103

The possibility of chemotherapy for elimination of ACLSV from PB-4 and 62-396 rootstocks tissues using virasol (ribavirin) in concentration 30 and 50 mg/l was studied. The influence of cultivation duration on visual appearance of ACLSV symptoms also was investigated. It was determined that virasol in concentrations used led to significant inhibition of growth parameters and increase vitrification and callus formation. Long-term cultivation of PB-4 rootstock results in tissue necrosis as a result of progressive infection of tissues by ACLSV, while 62-396 clonal rootstock showed considerable decrease of disease symptoms.

95-101 77

The results of five-years’ study of five peer introduced cultivars planted in 1996 in The Institute For Fruit Growing are presented in the article.

The winter resistant, resistant to diseases complex, early-maturing, productive cultivars with high quality fruit were found as the valuable breeding material.

According to the complex of valuable economical and biological features the middleripening peer cv. ‘Veresa’ was selected. This cultivar was bred in The All-Russian Breeding and Technological Institute of Fruit-growing and Nursery of Russian Agricultural Academy (Moscow, Russia) and in the Belarusian weather conditions is characterized with quick maturing (in the 5th year after planting on seed rootstock), winter hardness, high productivity, resistance to septoriosis, scab and bacterial cancer, high taste quality (4,5 points) and marketable quality. The cultivar was passed to the system of state variety testing in 2007.

102-113 155

The collection study of plum cultivars has been carrying out in Belarus since 1928. The results of the study have been the material base for Belarusian plum collection and breeding of new cultivars. The cv. ‘Narach’, ‘Vitebskaya pozdnaya’, ‘Kroman’, ‘Dalikatnaya’ were included into the State List of Varieties and Shrab and Tree Species of the Republic of Belarus. The new cv. ‘Venera’, ‘Charadeika’, ‘Vengerka  belorusskaya’ and  introduced cv. ‘Blufri’, ‘Mirnaya’, ‘Mont royal’ are in State Testing Committee.

As a result of the collection study in 1998-2009 the new cultivars as resources of winter resistance, resistance to diseases, self-fertility and fruit quality were selected.

114-119 90

The characteristics of growth and fruiting of plum cv. ‘Kometa Kubanskaya’ on 8 dwarf rootstocks and 8 seed rootstocks were studied. The studied rootstocks were included in different groups according to growth strength: low (Brompton S, Myrobolana, J. INRA 2, J. d'Orleans, F 8/1, С. Hamyra), middle (Brompton, GF 655/2, Ackermann, Julien А, Wangenheims Cwetche, J. Noir), high (Pixy, J. Wadenswill). Productivity at control rate (rootstock P. cerasifera) was had by the trees grafted on the rootstocks GF 8/1, Brompton, GF 655/2, Ackermann, Wangenheims, Brompton S, J. d'Orleans. Evaluating the complex of characteristics (tree’s indices, correlation of fruiting and vegetative wood) the dwarf rootstock GF 655/2 and seed rootstocks Wangenheims and J. d'Orleans are recommended for Belarusian weather conditions.

120-126 102

The results of collection study of plum dwarf rootstocks of different geographical origin are given in the article. The economic and biological features (height, diameter, capability to form shoots, rootage) of 16 rootstocks were investigated.

The increase of shoot growth strenth was established in the second and third year of exploiting the rootstock nursery garden.

The most thin plum rootstock in the dwarf group is VSV-1 (on the average 7.1 mm), semidwarf – ‘Vesenneye plamya’ and ‘Humilis’ – 7.0 mm.

According to the results the rootstocks VVA-1, VSV-1, Fortuna, Humilis (Russia) were selected as the high productive (5.6-8.0 shoots per plant) and good rootage capable (2.7-3.8 points) in the nursery garden.

127-135 146

The developed technology of virus-free plum dwarf rootstocks production agrees with EPPO standards. The technology application allows to produce virus-free planting material of plum dwarf rootstocks of class ‘A’ super-super-elite (SSE), super-elite (SE), elite and 1st reproduction of high quality and appropriate to standards.

In the technology there is described: a scheme of virus-free plum dwarf rootstocks production, selection and testing of initial plants, visual estimation of initial plants at symptoms of viral and virus-like diseases infection, making plants free of pathogens by in vitro methods, quickened micropropagation (in vitro culture, nutritive media, micropropagation, microshoots rooting, plats adaptation in non-sterile conditions), keeping and propagation basic plants in vitro and in a glasshouse; plant protection against reinfection.

136-141 471

The new sour cherry cultivar description is given. The cultivar bred in The Institute For Fruit Growing (authors M.I. Vyshinskaya, A.A. Taranov) of free pollination of Russian cv. ‘Molodezhnaya’ by pollen of American cv. ‘Nort Star’.

According to the results of complex evaluation in the collection garden and the garden of initial cultivar study the seedling 90-37/122 was selected to elite in 2006 and named ‘Lasuha’, passed to State Testing Committee. The new cultivar is early-ripening. The trees on wild cherry rootstock began to bear fruit in 3rd year after planting and increase yield briefly. It blossoms in early terms. The cultivar is self-sterile. The best pollinators are ‘Vyanok’, ‘Novodvorskaya’, ‘Nort Star’. The cultivar is winter hard, resistant to Cherry leaf Spot, has large fruit (average mass 4.8 g) and high taste and marketable qualities. The potential yield is 21.0 t/ha (31.5 kg/tree), average – 8.8 t/ha. Profitability is 153%.

142-148 91

The results of the investigation of the main economic and biological features of 32 sweet cherry cultivars are given. The hybrids were planted in 2000-2002, selected according the valuable features and propagated on wild cherry rootstocks.

According to the complex of the economic and biological features 7 hybrids were selected as prospective seedlings and future cultivars: 84-4/10 (‘Krasnaya Plotnaya’ х ‘ V. Chkalov’), 84-10/97 (‘Donetskaya Krasavitsa’ x ‘Aelita’) of free pollination, 86-15/106 (‘Narodnaya’ х ‘Yaroslavna’), 86-15/126 (‘Krasnaya Plotnaya’ х ‘Ugolyok’), 86-17/25 (‘Krasavitsa’ of free pollination), 86-17/39 (‘Krasavitsa’ of free pollination), 89-1/2 (sweet cherry seedling).

For further breeding 13 adaptive and high yield samples and 9 seedlings with fruit of high quality were selected.

149-155 109

The requirements to growing super-super-elite plantings determine necessity of the studying specificity of plants cultivating after in vitro in fields and a glasshouse in containers, of detecting the influence of adaptation conditions ex vitro on the further growth and vegetative productivity. The investigation was carried out in the Biotechnology Department in The Institute For Fruit Growing in 2005-2009. Vegetative productivity of sweet and sour cherry rootstocks OVP-2, VSL-2, ‘Izmailovsky’, GiSelA 5, grown in vitro and adapted on different substrates (peat and ion exchange) was studied when growing in containers in the glasshouse and in the field. The decrease of cuttings productivity was detected in rootstock line VSL-2, OVP-2, ‘Izmailovsky', GiSelA 5. The maximum vegetative productivity was observed during growing in the field.

156-161 73

The aim of the research work is to establish the postinfluence of adaptation substrates (peat and ion exchange BIONA-112) on dwarf rootstock OVP-2, VSL-2, ‘Ismailovsky’ and GiSelA 5 after in vitro culture in the nuclear stock in the glasshouse. The relation of growth to rootstock variety in the glasshouse is established. Decrease of quantity of cuttings is found in a line ‘Ismailovsky’, OVP-2, VSL-2, GiSelA 5. The maximum rates of bole growth are detected on GiSelA 5 (2,7 sm), then on OVP-2, VSL-2 and ‘Ismailovsky’. Plant growth in the glasshouse depends on an adaptation substrate and a variety. The ion exchange substrate is optimal for VSL-2 rootstock, peat substrate – for ‘Ismailovsky’.

162-167 79

During 2006-2009 the investigations were carried out to study influence of crown form and find the optimal one for three sour cherry cv. ‘Vyanok’, ‘Griot belorussky’ and ‘Zaranka’ grown on seed rootstocks wild cherry. Planting scheme was 4.5 х 3 m (740 trees per hectare).

The highest yield per area unit for 4 years was obtained from cv. ‘Vyanok’ in variant of forming natural improving crown – 3.1 t/ha. The yield from cv. ‘Griot belorussky’ and ‘Zaranka’ was almost the same at both crown forms and was 2.7 and 2.9-3.0 t/ha respectively.

The highest stem cross sectional area was detected at cv. ‘Griot belorussky’ and ‘Zaranka’ at forming low-density tier crown, that was on 18.5 и 15.6 sm2 higher (in 1.4-1.5 times), than at forming natural improving crown. The trees of cv. ‘Vyanok’ at forming natural improving crown had the highest stem cross sectional area in comparison with the other cultivars.

168-175 113

During 2005-2009 the growth and the yield of cherry trees cv. ‘Vyanok’ and ‘Nort Star’ on rootstocks wild cherry, ‘Izmaylovsky’ (PN) and OVP-2 subject to planting schemes 4 х 1.5 m, 4 х 2, 4 х 2.5 m. The variety differences of growth strength, flowering intensity and yield are established on cherry trees. The cross-section area of cv ’Vyanok’ trees is more in 1.12-1.24 times, than of cv. ‘Nort Star’.

Decreasing spacing between the trees leads to reducing of the bole cross-section area of cv ’Vyanok’ on OVP-2 and cv. ‘Nort Star’ on PN.

The trees’ yield of cv. ‘Nort Star’ is higher in 2-2.5 times than cv. ’Vyanok’. The twoyear yield of both cultivars is higher on the rootstock ‘Izmaylovsky’.

The compaction of the cv. ’Vyanok’ trees to 1.5 m is worth on OVP-2 only. The wild cherry and ‘Izmaylovsky’ rootstocks using with 2m spacing between trees give the higher yield per hectare, than OVP-2.

The profitability has close relation  to  the  yield.  The most profitable is using cv. ’Vyanok’ on ‘Izmaylovsky’ at planting scheme 4 х 2 m and using cv. ‘Nort Star’ on OVP-2 and ‘Izmaylovsky’ at scheme 4 х 1.5 m.


176-182 128

The preliminary results of the study of 27 black currant cultivars at productivity components (number of fruiting branches, internode length, number of fruiting nodes, number of berries in a bunch, average fruit mass) are given in conditions of the central part of Belarus.

The evaluation of black currant at productivity components showed, that the cultivars differ as at combination, as the maximum value of each of the components.

The potential of productivity, estimated at the productivity components study, allows distinguishing three groups of cultivars: with high, middle and low potential. The cultivars having over 19 fruiting branches per a bush, 5 or more berries in a bunch and average fruit mass over 1 g, have high productivity potential. These are ‘Alta’, ‘Binar’, ‘Nara’, ‘Russky velikan’, ‘Sozvezdie’, ‘Yadrenaya’.

183-188 140

The morphological parameters of black currant regenerants development during ex vitro adaptation on ion exchange substrate BIONA-112 were established. Significant influence of ion exchange substrate on number of adapted plants (р<0,05), stem growth (р<0,001), rootage growth and volume for different black current cultivars was determined. The considerable percentage of adapted plants was determined for cultivars ‘Zhuravushka’, ‘Nestor Kozin’ (83,33%±8,33 correspondingly), ‘Cherniy Aist’ (81,02%±3,24). Cultivars ‘Atlant’, ‘Hercules’, ‘Zagadka’, ‘Belorusskaya sladkaya’ appeared in group with low percentage of adapted plants. The ion exchange substrate BIONA-122 stimulates intensive growth and root system development for cultivars ‘Cherniy Aist’ and ‘Hercules’, meanwhile cultivars ‘Nestor Kozin’, ‘Belorusskaya sladkaya’ and ‘Atlant’ demonstrated low stem growth and root system development.

189-194 143

The resistance of 27 introduced black current cultivars of different geographical and genetic origin to Powdery Mildew and Leaf Spots (antracnosis and seproriosis) was investigated in Central Belarus conditions.

During the time of study the cultivar ‘Pamyat Bardova” has not shown Powdery Mildew lesions signs. Relatively resistant to this disease are the cultivars ‘Aleksandrina’, ‘Binar’, ‘Bolero’, ‘Vernisazh’, ‘Golubichka’, ‘Delikates’, ‘Maryushka’, ‘Nara’, ‘Navlya’, ‘Uvertyra’, ‘Chebarkul’.

There are no resistant and relatively resistant to Leaf Spots cultivars within the studied ones. The cultivars ‘Delikates’, ‘Peterburzhenka’ and ‘Binar’ were slightly affected.

There were not black current cultivars with complex resistance to diseases. Only ‘Binar’, ‘Delikates’ and ‘Peterburzhenka’ were slightly affected by Powdery Mildew and Leaf Spot.

195-200 107

The method of open pollination is too interesting for the breeding aim. Objects of research are 188 seedlings of 7 families. ‘Beglyanka’, ‘Meteor’ are the cultivar valuable for winter hardiness and productivity, because in their posterity there are 88-100% seedlings haven’t show freezing signs and 6-18% have been highly productive; ‘Arbat’, ‘Maroseika’, ‘Tarusa’are valuable as the resource of thornless, because their posterity has about 92% seedlings without thorns. As a result of the research of raspberry posterity by main production parameters 6 hybrid seedlings were detailed, which shown winter hardiness, medium strength of growth, low thorness, high productivity and resistance against raspberry purple spot.

201-207 243

The description of a new honeysuckle cultivar ‘Zinri’ bred in The Institute For Fruit Growing (authors Z.V. Grakovich, M.L. Pigul, T.N. Sementsova) is given in the article. The cultivar was bred by free pollination of honeysuckle. It is characterized by early-maturing (bear fruit on 3rd year after planting two-year seedlings), winter resistance (the rate of freeze damages in critical winter up to 1.0 points).

The new cultivar’s average yield is 2.3 kg/bush, that excels the standard cv. ‘Goluboe vereteno’ in 1.6 times. The cultivar has non-sloughed and large fruit (average mass – 0.96 g, maximum mass – 1.3 g). It is resistant to Powdery Mildew, has high taste qualities (degustation evaluation of fresh fruit – 4.3 points) and fruits early. Profitability is 107%, that excels the standard cv. ‘Goluboe vereteno’ in 2.3 times.

208-215 106

The results of evaluation of economical efficiency of the technology of growing seabuckthorn planting material with open rootage and potted (profits, profitability, costs per unit of production) are shown in the article.

The investigations were carried out in 2006-2009 in the Small Fruit Department of The Institute For Fruit Growing. The subjects of studies were green and lignificated cuttings of sea-buckthorn cultivars ‘Plamennaya’, ‘Trofimovskaya’ and a male form 04-17-96. The size of the green cuttings was 20 cm (control) and 30 cm. After rooting in a glasshouse the green cuttings were planted in fields and containers.

When growing sea-buckthorn seedlings with open rootage got from the lignificated cuttings the influence of powder AV and Tsirkona and also the influence of mulching of soil with sawdust and peat (height 5-7 cm) was investigated.

The size of the lignificated cuttings in containerswas 10 cm (control) and 20 cm.

Growing sea-buckthorn planting material with open rootage using lignificated cuttings is the most effective (profitability – up to 415%). Using of green cuttings is reasonable for growing potted material (profitability – 233%).


216-225 111

The article presents the results of studies of biochemical quality factors of 18 apple cultivars having summer, autumn and winter ripening terms, bred in the North Caucasian Scientific Research Institute of Horticulture and Viticulture (including 4 control cultivars). The trees were grown in the Kuban region of Krasnodar Territory. The issues of supplement by fruit become increasingly important, because fruit are sources of biologically active substances. The variety features are established that includes fruit commercial qualities, attractive appearance, size (height, diameter, shape index of fruit), weight, and pulp density. The new apple cultivars with high content of dry matter, sugars, starch, acids, vitamins (ascorbic acid, Pactive substances) and pectin are selected. For apple fruit of late maturing period the factors of pulp density, level of starch, acids are established, that characterize fruit harvesting maturity.

226-232 136

The comparative results of the investigations of marketability and quality measures of sweet cherry were shown in the article. The studied cultivars of sweet cherry were bred in The North Caucasian Zonal Research Institute of Horticulture and Viticulture. The complex of the measures that determined high quality and marketability of fruit of different cultivars with various ripening terms was established. The influence of the weather conditions on the maximum fruit size was found out. The study of the complex of the features determining high marketability and fruit taste combined with other economic features made it possible to select the best cultivars for production aim. That was ‘Kavkazskaya Uluchshennaya’, ‘Utro Kubani’, ‘Sashenka’ (early ripening), ‘Volshebnitsa’, ‘Yuzhnaya’, ‘Rubinovaya Kubani’, ‘Melitopolskaya Chernaya’ (middle ripening), ‘Krupnoplodnaya’, ‘Kontrastnaya’, ‘Dar Izobiliya’, ‘Sputnik’, ‘Mak’, ‘Alaya’, ‘Regina’ (late ripening).

233-241 130

Based on the works carried out to determine the chemical composition of apricot fruit, the data was obtained that allowed to identify the cultivars with valuable characteristics of quality such as accumulation of dry matter, sugar, organic acids, polyphenols, ascorbic acid, β-carotene. The complex of carbohydrates was found to be quantitatively predominant in apricot fruit, that may influence on its nutritional value, and in addition to organic acids influence the fruit flavor. Characteristic differences are found out in the quantitative ratios between reducing and total sugars, in vitamin C and polyphenols accumulation. The presented data of amino acid and flavour forming complex of apricot fruit on which the organoleptic characteristics of fruit depend, allows to evaluate the variety of taste objectively.

242-250 104

The commercial quality and chemical composition of 23 introduced strawberry cultivars were studied in the conditions of Krasnodar Territory. By commercial quality the following cultivars and hybrids were marked: ‘Marmolada’, ‘Arosa’, ‘Kamaroza’, ‘Elsanta’, ‘Cardinal’, ‘Florence’, ‘Darselekt’, ‘Sweet Charlie’, wich have large fruit and dense flesh. The variety differences on the content of soluble solids, sugars (including glucose, fructose, sucrose), organic acids (citric, malic), vitamin C, polyphenols, amino acids, aromatic, pectin and minerals were established. As a result of a many-year data accumulation limits of soluble solids (7.010.4%), sugars (5.3-7.8%), pectin (0.61-0.70%), total acidity (0.50-1.25%), vitamin C (37.472.2 mg%), catechins (73.1-129.0 mg%) and anthocyanins (67.5-102.3 mg%) in strawberries were set. Cv. ‘Maya’, ‘Molling’, ‘Pandora’, ‘Roxana’, ‘Florence’, ‘Honey’, ‘Elsanta’ are the sources of high content of biological active substances. They contain over 60 mg of ascorbic acid, 100 mg P-active catechins and 80 mg anthocyanins per 100 g berries.

251-255 136

The results of fertility estimation of 46 black currant variety samples (percentage of fruit sets and ripe fruit, average fruit mass, yield from 100 flowers, average seed number in fruit) in different pollination treatments (natural and artificial self-pollination, open pollination) are shown. The cv. ‘Vernisazh’, ‘Vospominanie’, ‘Zelyonaya dymka’, ‘Karmelita’, ‘Sensei’, ‘Stor Klas’, ‘Tamerlan’, ‘Titania’, ‘Chyornyi zhemchug, ‘Elevesta and promising seedlings 13-187, 13-4-195, 19-5-16, 1513-10-172 have been selected as the most self-fertile and high productive ones by natural pollination, providing annual high yield production based on one cultivar’s commercial plantation. The positive effect of open pollination on fertility of variety sample has been shown; their combined location in plantation results in 16.6-29.4% yield in-crement compared with one cultivar’s commercial plantation.

256-261 137

The results of photosynthetic parameters of red currant leave productivity are presented. The method of estimation of red current leaf photosynthesis productivity has been corrected. It has been established that 1.5-3.0 см2 leaf area per fruit can be left on ringed twig with fruit mass of 0.3-0.6 g. Positive correlation was established between productivity of net photosyn-thesis and fruit mass (0.17-0.82); leaf area of tested twig and inflorescence productivity (0.46-0.87) of a single leaf area and inflorescence productivity (0.25-0.79). The determination of leaf area effect on red currant photosynthesis productivity revealed considerable variation of all indexes due to ratio leaf/fruit change. The highest productivity in red currant was observed in treatment 1 leaf – 5 fruit. Maximum yield per 1 m2 of leaf area obtained in this treatment exceeded the results in the treatment 1 leaf – 3 fruit by 40% in average. Net photosynthesis productivity in red currant cv. during crop development is 5.57-7.55 g/м2 per day. The highest yield results from Ke 58-75%.

262-268 333

Raspberry and blackberry – are valuable small fruit crops. Their advantages are quick-ness and easiness of propagation, fast fructification, high and stable productivity. The sub-stances of its berries are easy assimilated in an organism, make better metabolism and serve to prevent different sicknesses. The Republic of Poland is the leading producer of fruit in the world. The main aspects of production of raspberry and blackberry for processing and dessert, getting and realization planting material and also breeding of new varieties of these small fruit crops were described in the article. Some ways of its production can be introduced in the Re-public of Belarus in farms of various patterns of ownership after particular study and additional working out.


269-276 95

The complex study of quality indices of regionalized apple cultivars was carried out, such as compliance of fresh apple fruit to state standards. The technical indices of fresh fruit were established. The organoleptical evaluation and the investigation of biochemical compo-sition of fresh fruit and straight press juice were done. The correlation of sugar content and titrating acids in the studied samples (sugar-acid ratio of fresh fruit and juice) was estimated.

The results of the research work of fresh fruit and straight press juice are presented in the article. As a result of the complex evaluation, the following regionalized apple cultivars are applicable for producing juice – ‘Auksis’, ‘Antey’, ‘Elena’, ‘Imant’, ‘Kovalenkovskoye’, ‘Pamyat Kovalenko’, ‘Sinap orlovsky’, ‘Fridom’, ‘Charaunitsa’.

277-285 102

During 2008-2009 the influence of hand and mechanized harvesting means, temperature and gas storage conditions on black currant cv. ‘Tserera’ fruit safety and suitability to further producing was studied.

The outcome of marketable fruit after mechanized harvesting, after 14-days storage at -2°С was 72.7% in common gas medium (CGM) and 78.0% – in modified gas medium (MGM); after 22-days storage – 41.5% в CGM и 34.0% в MGM.

Fruit safety after mechanized harvesting after a three-week storage at -2°С was in 1,7-2 times lower than after hand harvesting.

After storage fruit is suitable for the further producing, such as rubbed fruit, nectar with pulp, splintered frozen fruit. This allows prolonging the producing period for two weeks if needed.


286-293 120

The methodology of apple cultivars identification applying isoenzyme peroxidase system has been worked out. The highly polymorphous peroxidase spectra have made possible to identify 83 apple samples from 112.

Possibility to use vegetative organs for analysis reduce terms of initial material study by 5-8 years, according to juvenile period of a particular apple sample.

The labeling of cultivars provides control upon theirs homogeneity and correspondence to standards during nursery plantings founding, revising orchards for cultivar purity, cleaning and production of planting material.

Identification and passport system of cultivars and valuable forms broaden the protective facilities of the breeders’ copyright interests.

The methodology can be applied in the scientific organizations connected with fruit-growing, in the system of the State Testing Committee and in the State Inspection of Plant Varieties Testing and Protection.


294-300 157

The most important goal after fruit harvesting is inhibition of its ripening for prolonga-tion keeping capacity, stable high quality and loss reduction. For this goal the decrease of eth-ylene synthesis realizing by fruit is needed.

The several methods of this making this task are applied nowadays: low temperature, modified keeping atmosphere, removal of ethylene from the keeping atmosphere by absorp-tion, antioxidants.

One of the prospective traits of loss reduction during fruit storage is application of inhib-itors of ethylene synthesis. The inhibitor 1-MCP (1-methiscyclopropen) has been the most widespreadly used. In combination with modified atmosphere it makes possible to prolong keeping capacity, keep high quality and reduce fruit losses.

301-308 201

The article shows the review of the main perspectives of sour cherry breeding for re-sistance to cherry leaf spot, the most serious fungal disease on sour and sweet cherry. The short characteristic of biological features and occurrence of this disease is given. The most prospective way of cherry breeding is distant hybridization. As a result of hybridization P. cerasus and P. maackii the donors of resistance to leaf spot have been created. The genetic mechanisms of resistance to cherry leaf spot are also described. Monogenic and polygenic types of resistance are known.

309-320 464

In the review article the information about problems to adapt plants after in vitro culture to natural conditions is described. The main morphological and physiological plant distinctions conditional by cultivating are shown. The article describes that to optimize adaptation process of fruit plants in ex vitro conditions, the all factors influencing on adaptation are needed to be taken account of and corrected due to the species requirements. And this work should be done at the all stages of micropropagation and at the stage of transferring plants to ex vitro conditions. Application of physiologically active substances is effective, because they can be adaptogenes and stimulate physiological presses during adaptation. Adaptation substrates should be paid attention for, taking into accoun the special requirements of species, genera and varieties.

321-331 255

In the review importance and value of raspberry is shown as one of the most popular and widespread culture in small fruit growing. Until recently the part of raspberry in commer-cial plantings for small fruit growing was not more than 1% in the all types of farms.

The special raspberry features subjected to studied technological elements were de-scribed. The situation of raspberry growing in Belarus is considered. There is the description of technology of raspberry growing, including autumn raspberry, in the article. The main fea-tures of cultivars acceptable for commercial purposes and factors which are restraining rasp-berry fruit production (high labour-intensiveness and lack of cultivars) are described. The means of raspberry growing acceptable for Belarus after improvement and study are consid-ered. The technological element needed further investigation for improvement are described (extra-root fertilization, mulching).

332-344 191

On the ground of the research carried out by the author, as well as a review of literary sources, this article describes various methods of vegetative propagation of highbush blueber-ry: division of a bush, propagation by layering and root suckers, grafting, micropropagation method. Propagation of this culture by rooting hardwood and softwood cuttings is described in detail. The time to prepare planting material and cut, as well as its storage conditions is an-alyzed. The description of preparation rooting ridges, timetable of rooting cuttings, care for the cuttings in rooting process, protection from diseases, fertilizing, adaptation and wintering conditions is given. The time and conditions for transplanting rooted blueberry cuttings and techniques rearing of seedlings in a field and containers are described.



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ISSN 0134-9759 (Print)