
Fruit Growing

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Vol 23 (2011)
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9-17 106

The evaluation of fruits quality of promising apple tree hybrids of the Byelorussian breeding is given in the article. Promising hybrids were distinguished for the complex of economic and biological characteristics (appearance, taste, keeping qualities, marketability, biochemical composition). Among them are 96-12/22 (Byelorusskoye malinovoye x ВМ41497), 96-22/20 [85-14/78 x (Byelorusskoye malinovoye x ВМ41497)] and 96-32/9 (72-11/47 x Shampion). The given selections will be used in the subsequent hybridizations and further they will be passed to the state variety trial. During the investigation there were revealed the sources of high taste quality of fruits – 95-23/43, 95-27/33, 96-12/22, 96-22/20 b 96-32/9; of nice appearance – 94-18/37, 94-23/24, 95-26/1, 96-22/20 and 96-32/9; of large fruits – 94-18/37, 95-23/43, 95-26/1; of long storage period – 96-12/22 and 96-22/20; of improved biochemical composition – 95-23/43, 95-27/33, 96-12/22, 96-22/20 and 96-32/9.

18-24 105

The article presents the results of studying the quality of fruits of apple depending on origin. The hybridization in 1997-1999 was including the cultivars – with gene Vf: Jonafree, Imrus, Syabryna, Redfree, 84-125/39 (Byeloruskoye sladkoe × BM41497), 88-22/11 (BM41497 × Rubinovoye duki) and cultivars: Antor, Kaunis, Kovalenkovskoe, Mechta, Charaunitsa, Haralson, Utyos. As results there were indicated transgressive forms for fruit size in cross combinations Kovalenkovskoe × Syabryna – 14%, Antor × Imrus – 10, Kaunis × U1156 – 5, Mechta × 84-125/39 – 3, 88-22/11 × Haralson – 2%. The most promising cross combinations and one the best hybrids (97-4/32 – Jonafree × Utyos) – sources of the large size and delicious fruits are revealed for using as parents in hybridization and further research in orchards.

25-30 117

Various efficiency of new initial material use of the descendents of Japanese flowering crab apple and domestic plum in breeding process on reducing the duration of juvenile stage has been distinguished: 88-22/11, 84-125/39 (F1 ВМ41497), Antor, Imrus, Kaunis, Kovalenkovskoye, Mechta, Redfree, Syabryna, Haralson, Charavnitsa and Empire. At including in hybridization domestic apple varieties and descendents from M.×floribunda 821 the duration of juvenile stage at apple seedlings increases with each generation. The following crossing combinations, starting fruiting on the 6-7th year, appeared to be the most effective for seedlings output: 88-22/11 × Haralson and 88-22/11 × Empire. The character of trait inheritance by generation varied from intermediate inheritance to positive superdominance. Separation of transgressive genotypes was marked at combination Antor × Imrus where the frequency of transgression was 13%. As donors of early ripening the following variety samples were distinguished: 88-22/11 (BM41497 × Rubinovoye Duki) × Imrus.

31-36 144

Anomalies during formation of male gametophyte of intergenetic and interspecific hybrids of seed and stone fruit plants, resulting to unequal distribution of a genetic material among poles of division in meiocytes and to disturbance of chromosomal balance in cells of pollen, are established. At the same time there is a formation of a part normal pollen grains, allowing to this hybrids in the further selection work as a pollinators.

37-44 147

Within 2008-2010 years of investigation the influence of inoculation height (20 and 40 cm) on growth and development of apple varieties of the Byelorussian breeding and columnar ones in a nursery at direct planting was studied in the article. The indexes data of the growth and productiveness of the varieties 'Darunak', 'Imant' and columnar varieties 'Valyuta' and 'President' are given in the article. It was revealed that different inoculation influenced on growth intensity of the plants. The highest trees for investigation years were marked at the inoculation variant at 20 cm. In 2010 it reached 238 cm at the variety 'Imant', 256 cm at the variety 'Darunak', 230 cm at the variety 'President' and finally 280 cm at the variety 'Valyuta'. The height of inoculation didn't influence essentially on fruits marketability and trees productivity.

45-52 115

The data on early maturing and productiveness of various apple plantation constructions are given in the article. 7 variants of the planting schemes were the objects of investigations. Among them apple varieties such as 'Antonovka obyknovennaya' and 'Verbnaye'; clonal rootstocks like 54-118 (a semidwarf one) and 62-396 (a dwarf one). Yield and fruits quality, economic efficiency of fruits production in the studied plantation constructions were the subject of the study. The results of the experimental data and economic evaluation of plantations of various construction give ground to recommend the following plantation constructions for production: 'Antonovka obyknovennaya' and 'Verbnaye' trees on semidwarf rootstock 54-118 to plant at the scheme 4 x 1.5 m with planting density 1666 trees per hectare); 'Antonovka obyknovennaya' trees on dwarf rootstock 62-396 to plant at the scheme 4 x 1 m, 'Verbnaye' variety trees to plant at the scheme (4 + 1) x 1.6 m with planting density of 2500 trees per hectare.

53-59 101

The article presents the results of the study of basic economic and biological indexes of columnar apple tree varieties 'Valyuta' and 'President' of the All-Russian Breeding and Technological Institute for Horticulture and Nursery on the rootstocks 62-396, 54-118, M26 and 106-13. The highest trees at all varieties appeared to be on the rootstocks 106-13 and 54-118. Columnar apple varieties 'President' and 'Valyuta' on the rootstocks 62-396, M26 and 54-118 started fruiting on the second year. The highest total yield for 2 years of investigation was produced by the following inoculated and rootstocked combinations: 'Valyuta' variety on the rootstocks M26 and 62-396 (49, 47.2, tons per hectare), 'President' variety on the rootstocks M26, 54-118 (37.9 and 31.2 tons per hectare accordingly). The lowest total yield was at the variety 'President' on the rootstock 106-13 (5.4 tons per hectare).

60-71 110

The data of comparative characteristic of growth vigour, yield and fruit quality of apple varieties ‘Antei’ and ‘Alesya’ on super dwarf rootstock PB-4 and dwarf rootstock 62-396 in the orchard planted by two-year-old seedlings depending on crowning variants in a nursery are given in the article. Variants of seedlings crowning in a nursery were influencing in a different way on trees state, growth indexes and yield. By the average data for five years (2006-2010) at variety and rootstock apple combinations, main indexes of vegetative growth were higher at unpruned trees as the indexes of vegetative growth depended in a greater degree on rootstock growth vigour. On the eighth year after planting the stem cross sectional area was 3 times higher at apple trees on dwarf rootstock 62-396 and the length of one-year-old increment was 2 times bigger than at trees on super dwarf rootstock PB-4. Yield at studied variety and rootstock apple combinations was higher at trees crowned in a nursery at 80 cm height except ‘Alesya’ variety on dwarf rootstock 62-396 as the yield in that case was higher at unpruned trees. Apple trees productiveness of both varieties on dwarf rootstock 62-396 was higher than at trees on super dwarf rootstock PB-4 and the total yield for 2006-2010 at comparative variants was higher more than in two times.

72-79 121

The evaluation results of various types of organic substrates (‘peat’, ‘peat+sawdust’, ‘sawdust’) on growth and development of clonal rootstocks in a mother plantation of layering shoots of fruit crops (apple tree, pear tree, plum and cherry trees) are given in the article. The comparative analysis of economic efficiency of their using is also given there. For apple rootstocks 106-13 and for pear tree ‘quince tree VA-29’ the variant ‘peat’ was distinguished for mother plantation productiveness. For plum rootstock VPK-1 by indexes of root system development, the variant ‘peat+sawdust’ was distinguished. The largest output of standard rootstocks and favourable conditions for growth and development of the off-shoot root system of the rootstock VSL-2 were at the ’peat’ variant. The element of propagation technology of fruit crops clonal rootstocks by off-shoots such as ‘peat’ substrate use will let to increase the profitability level for apple rootstocks 106-13 up to 287.3%, for pear rootstock VA-29 up to 203.7, sweet cherry tree VSL-2 it is up to 218.8% and for plum VPK-1 up to 155.0%. It will lead to the term reduction of capital investment recoupment up to 0.3-0.5 years as well.

80-89 233

The investigations on the study of nutrition elements takeaway with apple trees removal wood on clonal rootstocks depending on the trees location schemes were carried out within 2005-2007 in the orchards of 1994 and 1996 planting years. Quality composition of infectious diseases of fruit crops on fresh cuttings and fractured branches was studied within 2009-2010. It has been determined that 4.6-5.9 kg of azote, 0.7-1.1 kg of phosphor and 2.0-3.1 kg of potassium are removed depending on plantation construction and age during the pruning with one ton of branches cut, i.e. annually from one hectare of fruit plantation 12-27 kg of azote, 3-11 kg of phosphor and 6-14 kg of potassium are removed. It is for the first time when the quality composition is studied of infectious diseases of fruit crops on freshly cut, old and fractured (chipped wood) branches which have been composted for 1 or 2 years. It was determined that for mulching of near wellbore zone of young orchards it is better to use fractured branches (chipped wood) composted for not less than 1 year. Due to high content of organic and mineral substances in wood waste, their application as fertilization is the additional source of these substances renewal and improvement of soil nutrition regime.

90-96 137

The morphological parameters of apple clonal rootstock 62-396 (infected and noninfected by ACLSV) on standard medium after one passage of its cultivation on nutrient media containing salicylic acid in different concentrations were studied. It was established that cultivation of non-infected plants on media with salicylic acid caused significant reduce of average shoot length and propagation coefficient during subsequent passages. Addition of salicylic acid led to significant increase of microcutting vitrification rate. It was shown for regenerants infected by ACLSV that cultivation on media with salicylic acid resulted in increase of necrosis rate and callus formation during subsequent cultivation on standard nutrition medium. It was shown that salicylic acid addition to nutrient medium affected vital capacity of the studied rootstock regenerants; both infected and noninfected plants demonstrated this effect. We recommend using of 30 mg/l of salicylic acid for chemotherapy.

97-106 120

The article presents the results of winter hardiness study of 1554 pear hybrid seedlings on 36 cross combinations in selection orchard of the RUE ‘Institute for Fruit Growing’. Crossings were carried out within 1992-1994. The selection orchard is of 1996-1998 planting years. The planting scheme was 4 x 1.5 m. By the average freezing point after unfavorable winter period of 2002-2003 the seedlings of pear hybrid fund were divided by three groups: highly winter hardy, winter hardy and weakly winter hardy ones. The most effective hybrid combinations were revealed: 96/40 x 78-3/4 (derivative of P. pyrifolia (Burm.) Nakai.); 84-3/15 x ‘Maslyanistaya loshitskaya’, ‘Aleksandrovka’ x ‘Mramornaya’, ‘Pamyati Yakovleva’ x ‘Bere mlievskaya’, ‘Moskvichka’ x ‘Lagodnaya (P. ussuriensis Maxim.); ‘Bere russkaya’ x ‘Mlievskaya rannyaya’, ‘Yubileinaya’ x ‘Bere loshitskaya’, ‘Bere mlievskaya’ x Bere loshitskaya’, ‘Bere loshitskaya’ x ‘Maslyanistaya loshitskaya’ (derivatives of P. communis L.). In such combinations there were absent the seedlings with strong freezing and the output of highly winter hardy ones was reaching up to 50-70.3%. Donor properties of the hybrid 96/40 (‘Bergamotnaya’ x ‘Druzhba’) and of the variety ‘Mramornaya’ for getting highly winter hardy generation were confirmed.

107-113 112

Within 2005-2010 years of the research the influence of crown formation methods of a pear tree on growth and fruiting of different varieties on the seed rootstock (varieties mixture) was studied in the orchard of 2005 planting year. As a result, the variety reaction on different methods of pear tree crown formation was revealed. The method of crown formation by sprouts cutting and shortening reduced tress growth vigour of the variety 'Kudesnitsa' and hybrid 90-39/80. At trees of the variety 'Prosto Mariya' the growth vigour was lower at sprouts cutting crown formation. At all studied varieties on the average the yield was higher at crown formation by sprouts cutting. On the fifth year after planting at such a formation system the variety ‘Prosto Mariya' produced 15.1 tons per hectare and the variety 'Kudesnitsa' produced 18.0 tons per hectare that ensured for higher profitability level and quicker recoupment.

114-120 107

The comparison data of frost hardiness evaluation of the initial plum forms in a laboratory by direct freezing method are given in the article. 7 varieties and 2 promising hybrids of domestic plum tree and 6 varieties and 2 promising hybrids of diploid plum tree were the objects of the investigations. Winter beginning is a critical period enough for a plum culture. Besides diploid plum has a higher level of frost hardiness at the very period. At the end of winter vice versa diploid plum variety has a more negative reaction on subzero temperatures than domestic plum varieties. It is determined that the weakest points of plum frost hardiness are tissues of vessel xylem which directly feed the buds. Their significant damage was observed at all stages of the research. Low subzero temperatures at the initial winter period have a more negative impact on tissues of wood xylem. Meanwhile, at the winter end the lower frost hardiness is at tissues of bark phloem. The etalons of high frost hardiness by all three components of winter hardiness appeared to be the varieties of domestic plum tree ‘Dalikatnaya’ and ‘Perdrigon’ and diploid plum variety ‘Mara’.

121-128 105

Cytological study of the microsporogenesis process at samples of the diploid plum variety will let to find out the character and reasons of the male gametophyte infertility of the samples under research and will give the opportunity of genotypes selection for their using as parents and further breeding research. During the investigation there were revealed anomalies at male gametophyte formation of intraspecific diploid plum hybrids which led to maldistribution of genetic material among poles of melocytes division. At all meiosis stages distortions appeared to be such as synapsis emission (conjugation of homologous chromosomes), univalent’s emission (singular, non conjugative chromosomes), univalent’s overrunning, one or several chromosomes lagging, irregular chromosome segregation, unequal nucleous size, formation of micro nucleuses, chromosome bridges, etc.

129-135 128

The investigations were carried out in the orchard of 2005 planting year. Domestic plum tree varieties 'Narach', 'Dalikatnaya', 'Victoriyua' and standard 'Perdrigon' were the objects of the investigations. Those varieties were with 3 crown types: natural and improved, half plane and condensed. Plum tree growth vigour, yield and specific index of productiveness of the crown volume unity depended on the variety and crown formation type. For 'Narach' and 'Victoriya' varieties for three high yield years the variants with natural and improved crown shape formation appeared to be the most productive. For plum tree varieties 'Perdrigon' and 'Dalikatnaya' the most productive were the variants with half plane crown shape. For 3 years for the investigation the biggest total yield of 72.3-74.8 kg per hectare from a tree was produced by plum variety 'Dalikatnaya'.

136-141 109

The article presents the data on yield and economic efficiency of domestic plum tree 'Venera' cultivation on the rootstocks of various growth vigour: OD-2-3 (weakly growing one), VPK-1 (averagely growing one), cherry plum (intensively growing one) at the planting schemes 4 x 2 m, 4 x 2.5 m and 4 x 3 m. Within 2005-2010 on average plum trees on cherry plum rootstock were noted for yield. The yield varied from 16.6 tons per hectare at the planting scheme 4 x 3 m to 19.7 tons per hectare at the planting scheme 4 x 2 m. On averagely growing rootstock VPK-1 it was 17.1 tons per hectare at the planting scheme 4 x 2 m. The total yield for 2005-2009 on all rootstocks was higher at denser trees planting in a row. Denser planting schemes of trees on intensively growing rootstock such as 4 x 2 m and 4 x 2.5 m were noted for level of production profitability. The term of capital investment recoupment at trees on cherry plum rootstock was 2-2.2 fruiting years, on averagely growing rootstock VPK-1 – 2.5-3.6 fruiting years and on weakly growing one OD-2-3 it was 3.2-4.0 fruiting years.

142-149 135

Within 2005-2010 the investigations were made to find out the influence of shape and terms of crown pruning of the diploid plum tree on growth and tree fruiting and determination of the most rational one for the following studied varieties 'Asaloda', 'Kometa', 'Lama' and 'Naidyona' on the wild cherry plum rootstock. The planting scheme in the orchard was 4.5 x 3.0 m (740 trees per hectare). Economic efficiency of trees crown formation of various diploid plum varieties was calculated. The growth vigour of the diploid plum tree depended on biological peculiarities of the variety and on crown formation. But depending on the age of the planting period and development the influence of the given factors varied. The tree yield didn't vary on crown formation variants. 'Naidyona' and 'Kometa' produced the biggest yield for 4 years of the research with the average harvesting 19.5 tons per hectare and 15.1 tons per hectare accordingly. The lowest yield appeared to be at the variety 'Lama' with 8.3 tons per hectare and 'Asaloda' (for 3 years of the research) with 6.3 tons per hectare.

150-156 101

The investigations were carried out in the orchard of 2001 planting year. ‘Victoriya’ plum variety is the object of the study on clonal rootstocks Julien A, Ackermann, Pixy, Cerasifera Hamyra, Brompton, Marianna GF 8/1, G 5/22, GF 655/2 and seed rootstocks Julien INRA 2, Julien d’Orleans, Julien Noir, Brompton S, Wangenheims, Julien Wadenswill, Mirobalana. As a control the seed rootstock Pr. Cerasifera was used. Growth vigour of plum trees and yield depended on a rootstock. The biggest total growth of the stem cross sectional area for years of investigation was marked at trees on rootstocks Рr. Сerasifera (control), Julien Noir, Mirobalana and Julien d’Orleans. The lowest trees are at rootstocks Pixy, G 5/22, GF 655/2, Ackermann, Wangenheims. The crown length is less by 12-17% at trees grafted on the rootstocks Pixy, G 5/22, Wangenheims, Brompton S, Julien INRA 2, J. Wadenswill. The stem cross sectional area was less by 25.5-30.8% than in a control variant at trees on the rootstocks Pixy, Wangenheims and J. Wadenswill. Trees on clonal rootstocks Marianna GF 8/1, GF 655/2, Julien A and seed rootstocks Wangenheims, J. Noir, J. d’Orleans appeared to be the most productive for fruiting years.

157-163 153

The aim of the research is the estimation of genetic potential of vegetative prune rootstock rooting (VPK-1, VVA-1, 140-2, OD-2-3) at different substrates by softwood cutting method. The following substrates were used: ‘Chervensky’ soil/pearlite; ‘Chervensky soil’/BIONA-112; ‘Chervensky soil’/AQUASOSB’. In the study the influence of rootstock forms (р<0,05), substrate type (р><0,05), and combined action (р><0,05) of the factors was established on rooting of prune vegetative rootstocks. The optimal substrate for rooting is appeared to be substrate 1 (‘Chervensky’/pearlite). The maximal amount of rooted cuttings of all studied vegetative prune rootstocks was noted on substrate 1. It was established that the best results in rooting was noted for OD-2-3 (56%). ><  0,05), substrate type (р< 0,05), and combined action (р< 0,05) of the factors was established on rooting of prune vegetative rootstocks. The optimal substrate for rooting is appeared to be substrate 1 (‘Chervensky’/pearlite). The maximal amount of rooted cuttings of all studied vegetative prune rootstocks was noted on substrate 1. It was established that the best results in rooting was noted for OD-2-3 (56%).

164-170 205

The description of the introduced sour cherry variety 'Livenskaya' breeded in the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute for Fruit Breeding from crossing the varieties 'Lyubskaya' and 'Zhukovskaya' is given in the article. The variety is distinguished by the results of the complex evaluation in the orchard of collection study of 85 introduced sour cherry varieties. In 2008 the variety was passed to the System of the State Variety Trial of the Republic of Belarus. The introduced sour cherry variety 'Livenskaya' is medium ripening. Trees on the seed rootstock of the wild cherry start fruiting three years after planting in an orchard and yield increases rapidly. It starts blooming in medium terms. The variety is partially fetal itself. The best pollinators are the following varieties: 'Novodvorskaya', 'Seyanets №1' and 'Vyanok'. The variety has high winterhardiness and resistance to Coccomyces and Monilia Fructigena. It is characterized by large nice fruits (the average fruit weight is 4.9 g). The potential yield of the variety is 20.5 tons per hectare and an average one is 11.6 tons per hectare. The profitability level of the variety cultivation is 165.0%.

171-178 90

Within 2005-2010 years of the research sweet cherry growth and fruiting of three following varieties 'Syubarovskaya', 'Gastinets' and 'Vityaz' on the seed rootstock of wild cherry tree were studied in the orchard of 2005 planting year. Trees planting scheme in the orchard was 4.5 x 3.0 m at planting density of 740 trees per hectare. Economic efficiency of their cultivation was calculated. According to the investigation, trees growth vigour and yield depended on crown pruning forms and on biological traits of the variety. Trees of the variety 'Vityaz' showed the most intensive growth. Formation of natural and improved crown let to more intensive stem growth in thickness and to intensive blossom and also ensured for high initial yield of sweet cherry such as 4.2-6.4 tons per hectare depending on a variety but it didn't influence essentially on one-year-old seedlings growth. At cultivation of the varieties 'Syubarovskaya' and 'Gastsinets' the average initial yield of 6 tons per hectare and more with natural and improved crown formation at trees let getting profit of 3.61 and 4.44 millions of the Byelorussian rubles from hectare and profitability appeared to be at the level of 33.9 and 41.2% accordingly.


179-187 151

The article presents the results of evaluation of strawberry varieties for productivity components (quantity of flower bearing stems for a bush, berries quantity for a flower bearing stem, the average berry weight) in Belarus. High productivity potential is marked at the varieties which have 7 and more flower bearing stems for a bush, the average berry weight of 10.1 g and more and compact inflorescence type. Among them the varieties 'Dukat', 'Rusich' and 'Alpha'. Strong direct correlation links were revealed between such traits as 'quantity of flower bearing stems for a bush' and 'productivity' (r = 0.97), 'quantity of flower bearing stems for a bush' and 'average berry weight' (r = 0.79), 'average berry weight' and 'productivity' (r = 0.89). Also strong back correlation links were distinguished between the following traits 'quantity of flower bearing stems for a bush' and 'berries quantity for a flower bearing stem' (r = 0.80) and finally 'berries quantity for a flower bearing stem' and 'productivity' (r = 0.85). Using the given links let carrying on breeding research for high productivity and marketability of berries for flower bearing stems not taking into account weight of yield.

188-195 146

The results of the study for main economic characteristics of 27 introduced black currant varieties of various genetic and geographical origin carried out within 2008-2010 in the RUE ‘Institute for Fruit Growing’ are given in the article. As a result of the variety study of introduced black currant varieties for complex of economic characteristics in collection study, the variety ‘Navlya’ was distinguished for initial variety study. At plantation of initial variety study the variety ‘Sanyuta’ was revealed for passing to the system of the State Variety Trial. For further breeding research the following varieties were distinguished as sources of separate characteristics: ‘Dobrynya’, ‘Yadryonaya’, ‘Aleksandrina’, ‘Alta’, ‘Ametist’, ‘Golubichka’, ‘Mar’yushka’, ‘Nara’, ‘Pamyati Bardova’, ‘Sanyuta’, ‘Chernecha’, ‘Sozvezdiye’ and ‘Uvertyura’ for high average berry weight; ‘Pamyati Bardova’, ‘Binar’, ‘Vernisazh’ and ‘Delikates’ for resistance to American powdery mildew.

196-202 173

The article presents the results of black currant varieties and hybrids study of some characteristics for suitability to mechanized harvesting. On the third year after planting 7 varieties (‘Ametist’, ‘Alta’, ‘Binar’, ‘Chernecha’, Sanuyta’, ‘Krupnaya Teterevoi’ and ‘Peterbuzhenka’) and 2 hybrids (02-13-21 and 02-13-36) produced the optimal yield location in the bush crown among 32 black currant samples. Wideness of all bush foundation at all studied varieties and hybrids met all necessary requirements (not more than 30 cm) exclusive varieties ‘Ametist’, ‘Binar’, ‘Golubichka’, ‘Lilya’ and ‘Poesiya’ which increased their foundation wideness by 3 cm reaching five years old. The varieties ‘Ametist’, ‘Alta’, ‘Chernecha’, ‘Sanyuta’, ‘Krupnaya Teterevoi’ and hybrids 02-13-36 and 02-13-21 were distinguished for further breeding research as source of optimal yield location. Varieties ‘Ametist’, ‘Alta’, ‘Chernecha’, ‘Sanyuta’, ‘Krupnaya Teterevoi’ and hybrids 02-13-36 and 02-13-21 appeared to be the most suitable for mechanized harvesting.

203-209 102

Explants for initiation of in vitro culture from virus free mother plantations (super super elite class A) of black and red currants have a high morphogenetic potential. The number of viable explants in almost all cultivars of black currant was 100%, except the cultivar ‘Byelorusskaya sladkaya’ and ‘Pamyati Vavilova’ in which 4.76% of explants were infected. Percentage of regenerated plant of cultivars of red currant was also high: from 86.67% (cv. ‘Jonkheer Van Tets’) to 100% (cv. ‘Ronda’ and ‘Fertodi’). In initiation of in vitro culture of black currants from seed-trial ground of Timiryazev Moscow Agricultural Academy and in vitro culture of gooseberry from mother plantation (class B) of the Institute for Fruit Growing, the percentage of regenerated plants depended on characters of cultivars. A significant number of infected explants may be due to contamination of mother plants by fungal and bacterial infections in their habitat and the possibility of increasing the level of infection during prolonged storage before the initiation in vitro culture. The number of necrotic explants depends likely on infection of mother plant by systemic pathogens.

210-227 115

The article presents the results of the study of inheritance of marketable gooseberry qualities, i.e. large fruits and taste. The hybrid fund of 608 plants gotten from 23 combinations of convergent crossings of American and European varieties and hybrids was studied. Five hybrid groups of various specific origin were analyzed. It is established that including varieties and hybrids derivative of the species Gr. hirtella and Gr. reclinata as well as Gr. succirubra and Gr. reclinata in hybridization favours getting large fruited kinds. The character of inheritance of large fruited trait varied from depression to positive domination where negative domination and intermediate trait inheritance were the prevalent. As a result of a hybridologic analysis, the best crossing combinations for the output of hybrids with large fruit size were revealed. Families 10-45-D x 15-13-y, 10-52-D x 18-10-y and Salyut x Byelorusski were characterized among them by high output of transgressive large fruited seedlings (15-27.3%). The highest output of hybrid forms with dessert fruit taste was provided by hybrid crossing combinations created on the basis of the species Gr. succirubra and Gr. reclinata; good result was reached at the groups with inheritance of Gr. hirtella and Gr. reclinata and also Gr. succirubra, Gr. hirtella and Gr. reclinata. Inheritance of fruit taste qualities has mainly an intermediae character though negative and positive trait domination was also observed. It was marked the appearance of positive transgressions. Promising crossing combinations for the output of hybrids with dessert fruit taste were revealed. The biggest quantity of hybrid seedlings with complex of the studied traits which determine marketable fruit qualities (13 units or 24.6%) was revealed at crossing combination Krasnoslavyanski x Byelorusski sakcharny.

228-234 103

The results of the productiveness evaluation of gooseberry mother plantations at propagation by stooling method and layering shoots (the average shoot length diameter, shoots quantity per one mother plant and the output of standard shoots) are given in the article. The investigations were carried out within 2008-2010 in the Small Fruit Plants Growing Department of the RUE ‘Institute for Fruit Growing’. Mother plants and shoots of gooseberry varieties such as ‘Masheka’, ‘Malakchit’ and ‘Ravolt’ were the objects of the investigations. In the experiment for productiveness evaluation of gooseberry mother plantations the following planting schemes were applied: for stooling method it was 1.4×0.3 m and for layering shoots – 1.4×0.5 m. Propagation by stooling method ensures the output of standard seedlings per one hectare by 1.2-1.3 points more than at mother plantation of layering shoots. It is recommended to propagate gooseberry plants of the variety ‘Masheka’ by layering shoots.

235-239 160

The article presents the evaluation results of winter hardiness, thornness, yield, largescale, suitability for mechanical harvesting, shooting ability and resistance to fungous diseases within 2008-2010 of ten foreign varieties of raspberry. Most of the varieties have high winter hardiness. Varieties ‘Beglyanka’, ‘Malachovka’, ‘Patriciya’, ‘Shosha’ and ‘Beskid’ are without any thorns. Varieties ‘Shosha’, ‘Peresvet’, ‘Malachovka’ and ‘Patriciya’ have high yield and ‘Patriciya’ is distinguished as well by large fruit size. Varieties ‘Balsam’ and ‘Brigantina’ are suitable for mechanical harvesting. Varieties ‘Brigantina’ and ‘Malachovka’ have good shooting ability. Varieties ‘Volnica’ and ‘Patriciya’ have resistance to raspberry white spot, varieties ‘Balsam’, ‘Brigantina’ and ‘Volnica’ have medium resistance to raspberry purple spot. For future evaluation and introduction in production the variety ‘Brigantina’ was marked out. Varieties ‘Balsam’, ‘Brigantina’, ‘Volnica’, ‘Patriciya’, ‘Malachovka’, ‘Peresvet’ and ‘Beglyanka’ can be used as the sources of main production parameters for future breeding.

240-246 123

The article describes new variety of Japanese quince ‘Likchtar’ breeded in the RUE ‘Institute for Fruit Growing’ (the founders Grakovich Z.V., Pigul M.L., Sementsova T.N.). The variety was gotten from free pollination of the selected forms of the Japanese quince. The variety is characterized by early maturing period (it starts fruiting on the third year after planting by two-year-old seedlings) and by winter hardiness (the total level of freezing in critical winters was not more than two points). The average yield of the new variety was 8.0 kg/ha at the planting scheme 3.0 x 1.0 m. The average fruit weight is 45.0 g, maximum – 87.0 g. It is characterized by high taste qualities of the processed products (the degustation evaluation is 4.3-4.9 points). The ripening term is medium. It is relatively resistant to phillosticktose and weakly effected by fruit rot. The profitability level of the variety cultivation was 166.7%.

247-257 135

The technology specifies the demands for technologic operations fulfillment at cultivation of sea buckthorn ball rooted planting material. The process technologic scheme of planting material cultivation includes the following main stages: soil preparation for planting mother plantations, planting mother plantations, attendance for mother plantations, softwood cuttings preparation, attendance for cuttings, replanting of rooted cuttings, attendance for container plants, winter storage of ball rooted planting material, ball rooted planting material preparation to realization. It also ensures production of high qualitative ball rooted planting material. The output of sea buckthorn standard seedlings is 92%. The output of sea buckthorn sprouts from 1 hectare of a mother plantation is 167-305 thousand units, cuttings of 30 cm in length it is 373-722 thousand units, rooted cuttings it is 320-621 thousand units and standard seedlings it is 294-571 thousand units.

258-276 94

On the basis of the analysis of the closest correlation links between 27 features of biochemical composition of fruits of 3 species fam. Ericacea − V. corymbosum L., V. vitis-idaea L. аnd Oxycoccus macrocarpus (Ait.) Pers. indicators with the largest numbers of the links, which are signs-‘indicators’ in the direction of the changes which made possible a forecasting of changes associated symptoms are identified. Most informative signs, taking into account the species specific and links sending with other signs have being signified. The possibility of forecasting changes in the content in fruits of the species range of substances with different signs-‘indicators’ which creates additional opportunities to obtain the most objective view of this changes is shown.

277-290 102

In a perennial cycle of observation results of analysis of seasonal changes of intense correlation between indexes of a biochemical compound of fruits of a highbush blueberry, a lingonberry, a large cranberry in the conditions of the Byelorussian Polesye and characteristics of a hydrothermal regime of a season are introduced in the article. Predominant factors of meteoconditions were revealed and also the most significant terms of their influence on rates of accumulation in fruits of the greatest quantity of beneficial materials were designated. Possibility of forecasting at all kinds of the given family of prospective changes in rates of accumulation in fruits of separate compounds, depending on change of the conforming characteristics of a hydrothermal regime in formation of their biochemical composition was shown.


291-296 122

In the Altai region summer inoculation is noted by high bud inoculation (90-98%). Sensible part of inoculated buds are killed during winter, as a result, the outcome of planting stock is decreasing. Therefore different factors having effect on bud overwinter are necessary to research. The influence of summer inoculation time on bud overwinter of pear plants of ‘Perun’ and ‘Povislaya’ varieties is researched. Time of inoculation has a great effect on overwinter of inoculated buds. Inoculation made from the second decade of July to the second decade of August achieves the best overwinter parameters (Perun 74.3-79.0%, Povislaya 75.3-80.4%). Year and time of inoculation as well as their cooperation have the greatest influence on bud overwinter. Late inoculation leads to the damage of buds especially in hard winters.

297-306 499

An analysis of long-term data on sour cherry varieties infection by Monilia cinerea Bon. has shown that the degrees of disease manifestation may vary. In the years with favourable conditions for the development of the disease, the degree of shoots affection by an epiphytoty were 4-5 points. The high correlation between defeat of flowers and shoots was shown. Relatively resistant varieties of cherry belonging to the species C. vulgaris – ‘Krasa Tatarii’, ‘Zarnitsa’, ‘Krameri’, ‘Raduga’, ‘Amorel’ Nikiforova (C), ‘Bulatnikovskaya’, ‘Enikeevka’, ‘Molodezhnaya’, ‘Tartu’ and their hybrids with the dominance traits of species C. fruticosa – Bordovaya, Nizhnekamskaya, Uralochra were revealed. Sweet cherry is less susceptible to disease. Maximum score of defeat did not exceed 3 points. The high resistant varieties of sweet cherry to brown rot fruit - ‘Leningradskaya Rozovaya’, ‘Anne’, ‘Kati’, ‘Kristina’, ‘Seyanets Kozlovskoi’, ‘Chereshnya iz Berezhnogo’, 2-4-46 were shown. A weak correlation between brown rot stock and brown rot fruit was noted. The differences in affection of cultivars belonging to C. vulgaris, C. fruticosa and C. avium were revealed.

307-312 110

For estimation of biochemical composition of strawberry fruits, quantitative definition of soluble dry substances (SDS), sugars, titrate acids (total acidity), vitamin C in berries of 13 strawberry varieties has been carried out. Variation of these indices in dependence of varieties is shown. In conditions of Altaiskaya steppe with plots of vegetation, strawberry fruits accumulate 9.6% SDS, 6.8% sugars, 1.2% organic acids, 48.7 mg/100 g of vitamin C on the average. Stability of characters (variation coefficient is less than 10%) is observed in the varieties: index of the content SDS – Atlas, Grenada, Daughter of Kulver; sugar – Anastasiya, Daughter of Kulver; vitamin C – Amulet, Grenada, Daughter of Kulver. All the varieties are characterized by the average and significant variation of the content index of titrate acids. It is recommended to use strawberry varieties such as Barabinskaya, Zabelinskaya, Yuniya Smides, Festivalnaya in breeding as a source of high content of the main biochemical compounds.

313-322 101

The paper presents the results of evaluation of 273 samples of black currant to powdery mildew in Northwestern Russia. Epiphytoties of the diseases during the years of investigation made it possible to evaluate objectively said trait in the studied samples. The high level of field resistance to powdery mildew is shown by the varieties of scandinavian ecotype of Ribes nigrum L. The cultivars Avgustinka, Binar, Bolero, Druzhba at alias being derived with using of this taxon are characterized by high resistance to disease as well. The connection of plant’s resistance with content of separate components of phenolic compounds is revealed. The differences on the level of accumulation of flavonols in the leaves of resistant and susceptible varieties in the dynamics are discovered. The differences on quantitative content of flavonols and lipophilic pigments in leaves of various tiers in susceptible varieties are noted.

323-329 157

Honeysuckle is one of the most interesting and valuable berry plants. Modern production demands much from varieties. Honeysuckle varieties should possess the complex of economically-valuable characters, such as adaptability, high annual yield, early ripening. The important factor of fruits production increase is mechanization of labour-consuming processes and, in the first place, mechanization of harvesting. When solving the given problem, it is necessary to work out a great number of questions. Selection of varieties and hybrids, available for mechanical harvesting, is of great importance. Systematic analysis of the variety-specimens, derivatives of different strawberry species, showed that the most promising varieties and selective forms for mechanical harvesting were the ones developed on the base of honeysuckle Altaiskaya.

330-335 123

Winter hardiness is an ability of plants to resist a whole complex of the environmental unfavorable factors in a winter period. The temperature may significantly change during winter. Frosts quite often give way to short-time and long-term thaws. The comparative estimation of sea buckthorn winterhardiness in field conditions is given. Artificial freezing was conducted under temperatures modeling injuring winter factors in the middle zone of Russia for the purpose of revealing the response to thaws. As a result of conducted researches we have revealed resistant sea buckthorn varieties according to component II – ‘Zheltoplodnaya’, ‘Zolotaya kosa’, ‘Prima Dona’, ‘Serafima’, ‘AB 10-154’; according to component III – ‘Zolotaya kosa’, ‘Prima Dona’, ‘Serafima’, ‘AB 10-154’, ‘Elita 8-51’ and according to component IV – ‘Prima Dona’.

336-343 108

Data on biological effectiveness of complex grape-protecting-against-oidium systems alongside with application of chemical and microbiological (fungi- and bacterial) fungicides are presented in the given paper as well as the resulting influence of the systems on the grape yield capacity and net-mass sugar content in grapes is noted. Fungicide phytotoxicity stress decrease in biologically protecting systems preserving moisture content in the plants is shown. Quantity and quality changes of biologically valuable substances and cations of metals measured in dry red wines after fungi and bacterial microbiofungicides application in complex systems designed to protect plants against oidium are outlined. Comparing to standard chemical protecting methods with the results received from the biologised ones, increasing amount of resveratrol and chlorogenic acid reduction have been registered, as well as decreased magnesium cations quantity in the samples taken from biologically protected vineyard plots is defined. Significant rise of orotate potassium (Vitamin B13) has been found in the wine samples when applied fungi biofungicide in comparison with other samples. Dry red wines quality is found to be influenced favourably when biologised protecting systems are applied.


344-349 85

The influence of the Phytovital preparation (phyto and growth regulator – adaptogene on the basis of derivative carboxylic acids) on infectious (bitter rot, fruit rot, penicillin mould) and noninfectious diseases (flesh brown spot) on fruits of apple varieties ‘Charavnitsa’ and ‘Imant’ was studied within 2009-2011. Application of tank mixture of the Phytovital with calcium chloride solution increases the output of marketable products on fruits of the apple tree variety ‘Charavnitsa’ by 1.3 times as much in comparison with the control. Foliar application of the tank mixture of the Phytovital and calcium chloride solution reduces penicillin and bitter rot distribution on fruits of apple variety ‘Charavnitsa’ by 2.3 and 13.2% in comparison with the control. Phytovital application on trees of the variety ‘Charavnitsa’ decreases the level of fruit damages by scab in an orchard.

350-360 155

During 2009-2011 the influence of postharvest the Phitomag (1-methylcyclopropene active substance) treatment of 8 apple regionalized cultivars fruits on its storability and quality after long-term storage was studied. It has been proved that there is a positive effect of used preparation on marketable products output, decreasing of physiological disorders and fungus diseases, keeping of quality parameters after storage by means of fruits delayed maturing. Postharvest Phitomag treatment of gathered fruits increases the output of marketable products by 1.7-21.6% depending on the variety and decreases natural weight reducing by 0.3-5.0%, prevalence of complex fungus diseases by 0.3-13.4% and also limits fully the distribution of tan and flesh brown spot at varieties predisposed to the given physiological disorders. Fruits treated with Phitomag ripe slowly but keep longer their marketable qualities (firmness, fruit flesh density and consistence) in long storage process and after removal from a refrigerator which prolongs the terms of products consumption.

361-367 153

9 promising pear varieties of Byelorussian and foreign breeding were studied on suitability for juice extraction by direct pressing. Those varieties varied by their resistance to diseases (scab - Venturia pirina Aderh. - ascigerous stage, Fusicladium pirinum Fck. - conidial stage; pear Septoria blight - Mycosphaerella pyri (Auersw.) Boerema - ascigerous stage, Septoria piricola Desm. - conidial stage) and by winter hardiness. By frost extent there were distinguished highly winter hardy varieties such as ‘Vidnaya’ and ‘Chizhovskaya’, winter hardy varieties ‘Kudesnitsa’, ‘Prosto Mariya’, ‘Avgustovskaya rosa’, ‘Krasavitsa Chernenko’, ‘Rossoshanskaya krasivaya’ and medium winter hardy ones ‘Dukchmyanaya’ and ‘Lagodnaya’. All varieties studied on foliar scab resistance were included into the group of relatively resistant varieties. Fruits of all varieties except ‘Vidnaya’ and ‘Rossoshanskaya krasivaya’ were included into the group of relatively resistant ones. According to the data of organoleptic evaluation, fruits of the following pear varieties appeared to be the most suitable for unclarified juice extraction by direct pressing: ‘Rossoshanskaya krasivaya’, ‘Krasavitsa Chernenko’ and ‘Lagodnaya’ (4.5 points), just suitable were the fruits of the varieties ‘Vidnaya’, ‘Prosto Mariya’ and ‘Chizhovskaya’ (4.3 points). Fruits of all studied varieties are suitable for fresh consumption.

368-374 170

The article presents the investigation results of physical and chemical indexes (mass fraction of dry substances, mass fraction of pectines, mass fraction of moisture, mass fraction of crude fiber, mass fraction of total sugar in invert form, mass fraction of titrable acid concentration), powders vitamin composition (β-carotene, E, C, B1, B2, PP) prepared from squeezings of fruit and berry dry crops such as Japanese quince (Chaenomeles јaponica (Thumb.), European elder (Sambucus nigra L.), gooseberry (Grossularia reclinata (L.) mill), raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.), sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhаmnoidеs L.), plum tree (Prunus L.), red currant (Ribes rubrum L.), black currant (Ribes nigrum L.), mountain ash (Sorbus aucuparia L.), black chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa (minch) Elliott.) and apple tree (Malus domestica Borkh.). As a result of the investigation the largest content of pectines was found at the sea buckthorn ‘Otradnaya’ (20.7%), crude fiber from raspberry of the variety ‘Barnaulskaya’ (38.6%), sugars from apple tree variety ‘Antei’ (48.9%), titrable acid from black currant variety ‘Katusha’ (8.4%), β-carotene from sea buckthorn variety ‘Otradnaya’ (32.77 mg/100 g), vitamin E from sea buclthorn ‘Botanicheskaya’ (44.5 mg/100 g), vitamin C from black currant variety ‘Katusha’ (83.1 mg/100 g), vitamin B1 from gooseberry variety ‘Masheka’ (0.83 mg/100g), vitamin B2 from gooseberry variety ‘Ravolt’ (3.77 mg/100g) and vitamin PP from raspberry squeezings of the variety ‘Barnaulskaya’ (5.68 mg/100g). Powders prepared from squeezing of various dry fruit and berry crops gotten in the production process of fruit and berry canned goods may serve as an additional vitamins and organic substances entering in a man’s body necessary for its normal activity.


375-392 339

The article presents information about the history of the technology development of fruit and berry planting material cultivation in containers and about the nowadays state of the given problem abroad and in the Republic of Belarus. The conditions of plants keeping in limited space were examined and analyzed. It has been found out that the best type of mother plantation keeping of herbaceous cutting in field production conditions is hedge type keeping, i.e. condensed in rows. Also it was revealed that the stage of intensive shoots growth in length was the optimal term for cutting clonal rootstocks of most fruit and berry crops. The length of herbaceous grafts should be no less than 20-30 cm which ensures their better rooting and further establishment. During grafts rooting it is important to keep the environmental conditions in a greenhouse: air moisture (for most breeds of temperate zone it is 90-100%) and substrate moisture (70-80% to full water capacity), duration and quantity of watering, optimal lighting regime (50-70% to the external one). The choice of specific container and substrate type for ball-rooted rootstocks and seedlings planting depends on plant breed and age. The most promising storage type of ball-rooted planting material is its storage in specialized facilities.

393-401 140

The article presents the review of literature sources on using of biological preparations and the results of their using on some agricultural crops including fruit and berry plants. The possibility of microorganisms using in the nursery of fruit crops was analyzed for more effective using of organic fertilizers, improving soil microbiota, increasing soil fertility and possibility of reducing doses of mineral fertilizers. The problem of complex fertilizers application as foliar nutrition which is able to ensure up to 10% plants requirement in major mineral elements and up to 100% in microelements has been examined in the article. Also there has been analyzed the possibility of complex fertilizers using in fruit nursery as an agrotechnique which is able to increase growth activity, normalize exchange process and as a result to influence positively on plants development and productiveness which is very important in the conditions of increasing demands for fruit growing intensification and planting material production of fruit crops.

402-419 294

In agriculture the substrates must discharge traditional functions (mechanical fixation, plant nutrient) and supply plants with specific needs (at the growing in vitro culture, at the transportation of plants on long distance etc.). The substrates we can divide into 3 groups: organic (high-moor peat, valley peat, transitional peat, peat mixture (which composition depends on its function), sphagnous moss, coir fibre, tree bark, biohumus), mineral (pearlite, agrovermiculite, clinker, haydite, ceolite, sand, dolomitic powder, mineral fibre, ТRIONA) and synthetic (ion-exchange substrate BIONA, hydrogels). In this overview basic substrates used in plant growing, their ingredients and characteristics, functions and products (peat tablets, peat pots) are considered in detail.

420-431 259

Over the last years blue honeysucle gets industrial significance in Russia, China and Japan which is determined by its high winter hardiness, flower resistance to spring frosts, by the earliest ripening period among all fruit and berry crops, good taste qualities of fruits and also by its exclusively rich biochemical composition (P-active substances, ascorbic acid, vitamin B1, sugars, organic acids, pectin, macro and micro elements). The data about the results of breeding investigations on basic directions such as winter hardiness, ripening terms, early maturing period, yield, berries quality, suitability to mechanized harvesting and berries fall are generalized in the article. Basic tasks in nowadays breeding of blue honeysuckle are determined. It is revealed the relevance of the investigations directed to creation of new initial material on the basis of the best varieties of the world assortment and also to varieties revealing for the state variety trial and their further introduction into production in the Republic of Belarus.

432-438 199

New berry culture – Blueberry – differs by stable yield, high winter hardiness, resistance to spring frosts, early-ripening, rich biochemical composition of fruits which represent valuable alimentary and officinal product. Blueberry may be propagated by softwood cutting method and by lignified and stem cuttings, by off-shoots and bush division. Softwood cutting method appeared to be the most effective which lets to cultivate in big quantities genetically homogeneous planting material at significant mechanization of production processes. The data gotten from various literature sources on propagation technology of blueberry by softwood cutting method with further completion of growing are given in the article. Softwood cutting technology involves the creation and exploitation of cutting mother plantations, existence of large-sized greenhouses equipped by automatic watering system, storage houses and areas for completion of growing.



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ISSN 0134-9759 (Print)