
Fruit Growing

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Vol 35 (2023)
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18-23 148

 The article presents the results of the study of new selections of apple trees in terms of the most important components of winter hardiness using the method of artificial freezing.
Promising apple hybrids have been identified – 2002-57/21 (Iedzenu open pollination), 2002-57/43 (87-7/30 o. p.), 2004-1/16-II (Reka o. p.) and 2006-23/26-II (Nadzeyny o. p.), combining high levels of resistance to four components of winter hardiness. These forms of hybrids are able to withstand frosts to –25 °C already in the third decade of November, develop maximum frost resistance at –40 °C in the middle of winter, restore frost resistance after thaws of +2 °C and endure sudden temperature changes to –30 °C (after thawing and rehardening) at the level of the standard highly winter-hardy Antonovka common variety. The selected hybrids represent a valuable breeding material in terms of the selection of parental pairs to
create new varieties with given winter hardiness parameters. 

24-28 149

The studies were carried out in 2021–2022 in the Nursery Growing Department of RUE “Institute of Fruit Growing”. The article describes the research results on the biological characteristics of the growth, development and yield of plants of column-like apple varieties based on the type of the grown seedlings.
Significant differences were found in terms of the number of fruit formations in trees depending on the variant of formation. The largest number of fruit formations was noted in the “two-stem formation” variant in the trees of the Valuta, Girlyanda, Sozvezdie varieties, moreover in all the marked varieties they were laid 1.9–2.1 times more than the figure for the control variant of “one-stem formation”.
A correlation was observed between yield and the number of formed fruit formations in trees of all varieties studied. The highest average yield per tree was obtained in the Sozvezdie, Valuta, Girlyanda varieties in the “two-stem formation” variant – 3.0–5.6 kg/tree.

29-34 122

The article provides data concerning the impact of regulatory measures on Belarusian apple varieties at different times. It has been established that the implementation of regulatory measures relating to chemical and manual fruit thinning contributes to growth of the average weight of the fruit and increase in the yield of commercial apples. Manual thinning of the ovary proved to be quite effective for all varieties. In the 1st term (67 BBCH-scale) of the thinning of the ovary the introduction of chloroethylphosphonic acid (CEPA) at concentrations of 0.03 and 0.06 % and α-naphthylacetic acid (α-NAA) at a concentration of 0.003 % has the greatest effect on the yield of apples of the highest commercial category for the Belorusskoye Sladkoe and Pamyat Syubarova varieties; for the Imant variety – the use of CEPA at a concentration of 0,03- and 0,06 % and α-NAA at a concentration of 0.003 %; for the Alesya variety – the use of CEPA at a concentration of 0.06 % and α-NAA – 0.003 %. In the 2nd term (71 BBCH-scale) of the regulatory measures the highest yield of commercial apples was obtained on the Belorusskoye Sladkoe and Pamyat Syubarova varieties in the variants when a solution of α-NAA at a concentration of 0.003 % was applied; for the Imant and Alesya varieties – when applying CEPA and α-NAA at a concentration of 0.06 and 0.003 %, respectively.

35-42 281

The article presents preliminary results of the assessment of new Belarusian pear hybrids obtained by crossing in 2002–2007 for a complex of economically valuable traits. The studies were carried out in 2021 and 2022 in the Fruit Plants Breeding Department of the RUE “Institute of Fruit Growing”. Promising hybrids are identified: 07-4/33 (Osnovyanska × Jūrate), 07-5/47 (Cheremshina × Talgarskaya krasavitsa), 07-8/31 (84-4/62 × Salgirska zimova), 07-8/50 (84-4/62 × Salgirska zimova), 07-9/13 (Vesnyanka open pollination), characterized by winter hardiness (1.0–3.0 points at –28.7 °С), disease resistance (scab, septoria, rust, bacterial cancer), early fruit-bearing (3–4th year), large size of fruits (170–250 g) and fruit quality (7.0–8.5 points).

43-47 135

 The article presents two-year survey results of the indicators of the growth force and yield of pear trees of the Prosto Maria and Zaveya varieties on various forms of quince used as a clonal rootstock in a young garden (2018–2019 planting) of the Fruit Growing Technology Department of RUE “Institute of Fruit Growing”.
Drawing on a range of indications (cross-sectional area of a stem, total length of annual increment, leaf surface area, tree height and crown dimensions, yield, specific productivity indicators), quince forms used as clone rootstocks in a young garden were identified: 1-63, 2-7 and 2-31 – for the Prosto Maria variety, 2-5, 2-6 and 2-7 – for the Zaveya variety. 

48-53 149

Comparison of the nucleotide sequences of the recovered isolates with the sequences presented in the international database showed that all Belarusian phytoplasma isolates recovered from the Volnitsa, Uslada, Sputnitsa, Balsam, Gusar raspberry varieties and hybrid 06/1-02-12 belong to the species Ca. P. rubi. The degree of identity of the studied nucleotide sequences of the Belarusian isolates of Ca. P. rubi and sequences from the international database range from 99.21–100.0 %. Cluster analysis of the studied and previously published nucleotide sequences of the 16S rRNA fragment of the Ca. P. rubi showed that no correlation was found between the grouping of isolates and their geographical origin, as well as depending on the plant from which the isolate was recovered.

54-61 119

The current level of breeding development and the introduction of new technologies require enhanced oversight over the quality and authenticity of breeding achievements. Against this background development of molecular and genetic passports of plant varieties as an original genetic information repository that proves the authenticity of a breeding product has become a high priority issue.
Since 2019 the RUE “Institute of Fruit Growing” has been working on development of a molecular and genetic passports database for collection samples of raspberry varieties of domestic and foreign breeding with summer fruiting period that are necessary to oversee the process of adding new samples to the collection to avoid duplication, as well as to establish intraspecific interactions and species relatedness of genotypes using SSR analysis, which significantly extends the capability of variety verification.
Eight microsatellite SSR markers were used to create the passports. As a result, a high level of polymorphism of 8 microsatellite loci was shown in 47 varieties and hybrids of raspberry of different geographical origin and 101 alleles were identified. Depending on the locus, the number of alleles varied from 7 to 19. The RhM043 locus was the most polymorphic, and the RhM001 locus was the least polymorphic.
Using the data of SSR analysis, genetic passports were compiled for 47 samples of summer-fruiting raspberry (40 varieties, 7 hybrids), among which 9 are of Belarusian selection, 24 are Russian, 4 are Ukrainian, 2 are Kazakh, 4 are Romanian, 1 are Polish and 3 are of English selection. Among the genotypes assessed, 3 samples are distinguished by the yellow color of the berries. Based on the results of the research, a dendrogram was made illustrating the genetic relationship between the genotypes of summer-fruiting raspberry.

62-68 118

The studies were carried out in the Biotechnology Department of the RUE “Institute of Fruit Growing” in 2022–2023 on summer-bearing raspberry varieties (Meteor, Laszka) and remontant raspberry (Pokhvalinka, Malinovaya griada, Karamelka, Bryanskoje divo) infected with Raspberry bushy dwarf virus (RBDV). Explants for introduction into in vitro culture of raspberry must be taken from the bushes previously tested by ELISA or PCR for the absence of RBDV, since in vitro culture does not make plants free from this pathogen. To reduce the volume of ELISA and PCR tests, it is necessary to register the introduced meristems and regenerated plants obtained from each meristem both in culture in vitro and ex vitro.
The presence or absence of RBDV in regenerative plants in in vitro culture can be determined using both ELISA and PCR. The studies were carried out as part of the agreement with the Belarusian Republican Foundation for Fundamental Research No.B22MLDG-007 dated April 1, 2022, task “Development of biotechnological methods (in vitro and ex vitro) for recovery from the Raspberry bushy dwarf virus in order to increase the productivity of commercial raspberry plantations” (2022–2023).

69-73 114

This article provides outline information about the genetic sources of large-fruited black currant, gooseberry, blue honeysuckle and primocane raspberry, identified as a result of studying the collections in 2020–2022. For the purpose of using in further breeding work, 4 sources of large-fruited black currant were identified (Blagoslovenie, Geo, Rita, Selechenskaya-2), 6 – gooseberries (Zelenyj dozhd, Karpaty, Kubanets, Malahit, Sadko, Snezhana), 4 – primocane raspberries (Bryanskoye divo, Verasnevaya, Gerakl, Joan Jay (Joan J)), 3 – blue honeysuckle (Zinri, Pavlovskaya, Sinyavokaya). The selected samples were used in breeding programs, as well as for interstate exchange, expanding the range of berry crops in the Republic of Belarus and further introduction new varieties into production.

74-81 148

As the result of performed stationary studies, the morphometric parameters of leaf blades of 21 varieties of highbush blueberry and 2 varieties of half-highbush blueberry were determined. It was established that in most blueberry varieties under study, the morphometric parameters of the leaf blades of the formation shoots significantly exceed those in the branching shoots. The maximum values of the size characteristics of the leaves were noted in the Reka variety (the area of the leaf blade on the formation shoots is on average 19.6 cm2), and the smallest values were noted in the Caroline Blue variety (6.4 cm2). Heterophilia is a characteristic phenomenon for blueberry leaves, which is most pronounced in the Denise Blue variety (6 forms), to a lesser extent – in the Bluecrop, Jersey and Northland varieties (1 form). The predominant shapes of the leaf blade in highbush blueberry varieties are pointed-elliptical and oblong-elliptical. The leaf shape factor for blueberry varieties ranges from 0.62 (Patriot) to 0.73 (Denise Blue). The predominant shape of the base of the leaf blade is wedge-shaped. The top of the leaf in all blueberry varieties studied is pointed, slightly elongated.

82-88 122

The article presents the results of the studies of the effect of fungicides – the Bellis chemical and the HealthBerrin bacterial and the HealthBerrin in combination with Potassium Humate fertilizer during two- and four-fold treatments of highbush blueberry plants on the dry matter content, ascorbic and free organic acids, soluble sugars and the indicator of sugar-acid index in fruits within the framework of two field experiments with an identical 6-variant scheme, but at various levels of soil fertility: at a lower level – at the experimental facilities (EF) of the Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus; at a higher level – at the peasant (farm) household “Yagodnoe lukoshko” (PFH) located 10 km to the north.
The positive effect of the tested fungicides on the set of the biochemical characteristics of blueberry fruits under study turned out to be 1.1–1.7 times higher under the conditions of PFH than at EF, and in both experiments the appliance of the Bellis chemical fungicide was the least successful. Plant treatments with the HealthBerrin in combination with Potassium Humate were 1.1–1.5 times more effective than those treated with the HealthBerrin alone in the experiment at EF and 1.1 times at PFH. At the same time, an increase in the number of treatments contributed to an increase in the effectiveness of the use of both types of micropreparations in the first experiment by 1.2–1.6 times, in the second – by 1.1 times.

89-99 209

The State Register of Agricultural Plant Varieties of the Republic of Belarus includes 17 varieties of highbush blueberries – Bluecrop, Bluegold, Bluejay, Bluetta, Collins, Denise Blue, Duke, Earliblue, Elizabeth, Elliott, Hardyblue, Jersey, Northland, Patriot, Spartan, Sunrise, Weymouth; 2 varieties of half-highbush blueberry – Northblue, Northcountry; 3 varieties of lowbush blueberry (narrow-leaved) – Motego, Polovchanka, Yanka. Based on the results of studies of the morphological features of the leaf, bud, stem and fruit of the blueberry, variety-specific features have been identified and described that make it possible to identify the varieties of this crop.

100-105 111

The study was carried out in the Biotechnology Department of the RUE “Institute of Fruit Growing” in 2022. Male forms of Actinidia of the Pryvabny variety (Actinidia kolomikta) and the Kamandor variety (A. arguta) have been chosen as the objects of the research. The effectiveness of in vitro rooting, the morphometric parameters of plants after in vitro rhisogenesis and at the ex vitro adaptation stage, as well as the effectiveness of the first stage of adaptation (the percentage of adapted plants) were evaluated. The analysis of the influence of varietal characteristics on the morphometric parameters of plants was carried out. Micropropagation on medium with 0.5 mg/l 6-BA, 15.0 g/l glucose, and 15.0 g/l sucrose made it possible to obtain well-developed explants with high rates of in vitro rhisogenesis (97.3–99.1 %), ready to planting at the stage of adaptation. The Kamandor variety received twice as many adapted plants (89.30 % ± 0.63 %) than the Pryvabny variety (42.80 % ± 1.55 %) at the stage of adaptation on the Dvina peat substrate with agroperlite (3 : 1).

106-112 120

Pollen quality of selected genotypes remains an essential aspect for breeding, development of new varieties and obtaining high-quality yield in the commercial orchards. This article presents the results of laboratory studies of pollen quality for 2020 and 2022. Fertility was determined by means of indigo carmine staining, viability was defined by the technique of germination on hanging drops of sucrose, germination on pistils pollinated in the laboratory was identified by fluorescence microscopy. Genotypes of different genetic origin were selected for the study: Western European and Russian varieties, Belarusian varieties and hybrids created at the RUE “Institute of Fruit Growing”. A comparative analysis of two methods is also presented; the germination of pollen on sucrose in petri dishes and on pistils.

113-120 132

The article presents the results of studies conducted in 2020–2022 in the commercial hazelnut garden of Vyazovetsky Sad LLC, Molodechno district, Minsk region, the purpose of which is to identify a placement pattern that allows optimizing the growth and development indicators of young hazelnut plants (before entering into season of commercial fruiting) of the Barcelona and Catalan varieties, planted according to two patterns – 5.0 × 3.5 m (570 plants/ha) and 5.0 × 3.0 m (666 plants/ha).
A denser planting pattern of 5.0 × 3.0 m with a higher density of plant placement per hectare in the age periods of growth and fruiting provides greater indicators of the crop loads of young hazelnut plants. That indicates an optimization between their growth and development: in the Barcelona and Catalan varieties per unit cross-sectional area of trunk – 28 and 42 g/cm2, or more by 16.6 and 27.2 %, respectively, per unit area of the horizontal crown projection – 293 and 244 g/m2, or more by 45.0 and 21.3 %, respectively, by variety compared to a more sparse planting pattern of 5.0 × 3.5 m.

121-125 120

The article presents the results of an economic analysis of the cost structure for maintenance of young hazelnut plantations of the Barcelona and Catalan varieties (before they enter a fruiting period), based on a comparison of two placement patterns – 5.0 × 3.5 m (570 plants/ha) and 5.0 × 3.0 m (666 plants/ha).
Accounting for all expenses made it possible to identify a less labour-intensive and capital-intensive planting pattern which is the 5.0 × 3.5 m pattern (with a lower planting density per unit area) – by 12.5 and 7.3 %, respectively, compared with the 5.0 × 3.0 m pattern. However, the use of a denser planting pattern of 5.0 × 3.0 m (with a higher planting density per unit area) reduces the capital costs for the maintenance of young plantations before the plantations became fruit-bearing – by 44.7 (for the Barcelona variety) and 68.5 % (for the Catalan variety), due to the greater yield per unit area, compared to a 5.0 × 3.5 m pattern.
Hazelnut trees of the Barcelona and Catalan varieties, with the two planting patterns studied in the experiment, entered the fructification in the 5th year after planting, when the yield obtained in actual selling prices exceeded all the costs of the current year for maintaining for young plantations.

126-132 111

The article presents the results of studies carried out in 2020–2022 in the commercial hazelnut garden of Vyazovetsky Sad LLC, Molodechno district, Minsk region. The research was aimed at identification of a fertilizer application system that optimizes the growth and development indicators of young plants of the Catalan hazelnut variety in the age periods of growth and beginning of fruiting.
Application of nitrogen fertilizers at a dose of 120 kg of a.i./ha is required in young hazelnut plantations on an annual basis for the first four years after planting. Since the fifth year after planting as well as with weak tree growth or with the aim to improve phosphorus nutrition (with a minimum dose of its application – 60 kg a.i./ha), the dose of nitrogen fertilizers must be increased to 180 kg a.i./ha.
Phosphorus and potash fertilizers on young plantations should be applied in autumn (or spring) 2–3 years after the basic soil preparation is made at a dose of: phosphorus – 60–120 kg a.i./ha, potash – 30 kg a.i./ha.

133-138 116

In the present article the results of the comparative economic assessment of five application options of various doses of mineral fertilizers in young commercial plantings of hazelnuts of 2018 and 2019 years of planting (hereinafter referred to as y. p.) of Vyazovetsky Sad LLC, Molodechno district, Minsk region for the period of 2020–2022 are submitted.
Among the options examined in the garden of 2019 y. p., additional application of N60P120K30 fertilizers turned out to be more cost-effective, while all the economic indicators exceeded those in other options, and the additional revenue received on average for varieties amounted to 2.26 rubles for 1 ruble of additional capital costs; in the garden of 2018 y. p. additional application of N60P120K30 and N120P60K30 fertilizers turned out to be more cost-effective, while the additional revenue received on average for varieties amounted to 10.80 and 14.25 rubles, respectively, for 1 ruble of additional capital costs.

139-144 119

The article presents the results of the economic evaluation of 6 red-leaves hybrids bred by Ya. B. Kwach. The studies were conducted during 2020-2022. The Academic Yablokov and Moskovskiy rubin hazelnuts varieties of Russian selection were used as the control varieties for comparison.
A brief characteristics of the studied genotypes in terms of winter hardiness, the size and weight parameters of nuts, productivity, peculiarities of distribution of the fruit yield on fruit-bearing shoots, biochemical composition of nuts is given. The article analyzes specific features of growth and development of selected forms of hazelnuts bred by Ya. B. Kwach against each of the indicators.
Based on the obtained data the following hybrids of Kwach’s breeding were highlighted as sources of the main economically valuable traits for further breeding work: for the combination of large-fruited potential and kernel yield – Kwachovsky № 6, Kwachovsky № 7; for the combination of yield and optimal crop load distribution on the fruit-bearing shoots of different lengths – Kwachovsky No. 6, Kwachovsky № 7, Kwachovsky № 8; for the rich biochemical composition of the nuts in terms of the amount of fats – Kwachovsky № 1, Kwachovsky № 3, Kwachovsky № 8 and in terms of total sugars – Kwachovsky № 2, Kwachovsky № 6, Kwachovsky № 7, Kwachovsky № 8.


145-151 136

 The article presents the results of studying the quality and biochemical composition of fruits of 10 promising pear hybrids of Belarusian selection of late ripening after prolonged storage. The Belaruskaja pozdnaja and Zaveya were identified as reference varieties. The studies were carried out in the departments of Fruit Plant Breeding and Biotechnology of the Republican Unitary Enterprise “Institute of Fruit Growing”. The highest content of solids and sugars after storage was noted in the fruits of hybrids 89-32/18 and 07-4/33 (solids – 19.6 and 19.0 %, sugars – 9.75 and 8.85 % respectively).  According to the content of ascorbic acid, hybrids 07-4/33 and 07-9/13 had become discernible (3.80 and 3.95 mg/100 g, respectively). The maximum content of phenolic compounds (95.40 mg/100 g) was noted in the hybrid 07-5/47. 

152-156 99

The article presents the results of suitability evaluation studies of 6 released varieties of domestic plum (Vengerka belorusskaya, Venera, Volat, Kroman, Narach, Stanley) for the manufacture of a product with low humidity – dried plum. The studies were carried out in 2021–2023.
The content of soluble solids in fresh plum fruits was established – 11.4–16.3 %, as well as titratable acids – 1.2–1.6 %, the amount of sugars – 6.6–8.5 %, the amount of pectin substances – 0.52–0.83 %.
The overall sensory tasting score of dried plums for all varieties was 4.1–4.8 points.
The compliance with the requirements of technical regulatory legal acts of fresh raw materials and final product made from domestic plum has been established.

157-164 116

The article presents the results of study evaluation of the soil maintenance practices in garden strawberry plantations: bare fallow; fallow by way of ridges; spunbond; black pallet wrap; straw – for the period of 2013–2015.
The use of mulching materials (spunbond, black pallet wrap, straw) has a positive effect on conservation of soil moisture in the range of 62.7–78.5 % throughout the growing season, which corresponds to the optimal level for garden strawberry.
The use of mulch materials in the cultivation of garden strawberry has had a positive effect on increasing the size-mass characteristics of berries.

165-169 83

The article presents the results of studying the quality of juice-containing beverages made from fruits of less common fruit and berry crops: Japanese quince (Japanese chaenomeles) (Chaenomeles japonica (Thunb.) Lindl. ex Spach), black chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa (Michx.) Elliott), black elderberry (Sambucus nigra L.), common viburnum (Viburnum opulus L.), primocane raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.) in terms of organoleptic indicators.
The prospects for the use of fruits of the aforementioned crops in the production of juice-containing beverages have been identified.
The report has found that the addition of Japanese quince juice makes it possible to produce blended beverages with an attractive appearance and color (1.20–1.47 points), pleasant aroma (2.40–2.88 points), harmonious taste (3.12–3.84 points) and an overall sensory score of 8.34–9.78 points.


170-177 138

The review article provides basic information of the highbush blueberry growing technologies on open and protected ground in different countries throughout the world. The key elements of cultivation technology of highbush blueberry are highlighted: mulching, mineral nutrition, fertigation, pruning, which boost yields and increase product quality. The widespread introduction of blueberry crop into the practice of commercial and homestead gardening in Belarus will allow not only to increase the production of fresh fruits, but also diversify the domestic berry assortment, helping to reduce imports and expand exports of this competitive product that is highly popular among consumers.

178-185 108

The article provides the analysis of the global distribution of representatives of the Hawthorn genus (Crataegus). The results of the study of species diversity and varietal characteristics, morphological and main economically valuable traits of different taxa indicate the considerable interest in the hawthorn crop. In the Republic of Belarus, this species can also be used in various vectors of the national economy.
In the genetic bank of fruit, berry, nut crops and grapes of RUE “Institute of Fruit Growing” hawthorn is represented by 39 samples, including 35 selected forms of Arnold hawthorn (Crataegus arnoldiana Sarg.), semi-soft hawthorn (C. submollis Sarg.), redhaw hawthorn (C. sanguinea Pall.), large-fruited Chinese hawthorn variety of Ukrainian selection (C. aestivalis (Walter) Torr. & A. Gray) and a decorative form of the Common Pauli hawthorn (C. laevigata f. Pauli). The first Belarusian hawthorn variety Svayak was obtained as a selective form from the population of the Arnold hawthorn species (C. arnoldiana Sarg.) in 2018 in the Department of Berry Crops, it was included in the State Register of Agricultural Plant Varieties of the Republic of Belarus for home gardening cultivation in 2020.

186-192 308

 Robotic technology is an integral part of digital agriculture and digital fruit-growing in particular. An agricultural robot is a robot used for agricultural purposes. Robots can be used to collect data on the condition of plants or characteristics of the land plot, seed planting, weeding, spraying with herbicides, fertilizers or pesticides application, watering, trimming, harvesting and land treatment. Agricultural robots are also called agrobots. The ongoing growth in the population, as well as increase in demand for food, decline in the availability of the labor force in agriculture, the growth of expenses for agriculture – all this encourages massive automation of industry in the field of agriculture. Over time, the use of robotic machines in gardening will create  a highly intellectual, automated production that will allow to replace manual labor entirely and reduce the loss of working hours related to the human factor. 

193-198 134

 At present drones have become widespread in agricultural industry. Drones are robots, a distinctive feature of which is flight ability. They present copters with 4, 6, 8 screws. Drones used in agriculture are sometimes called agro-drones. In agricultural industry they can perform a number of functions: 1) planting monitoring (while being able to carry out the following actions: aerial photography, video filming, 3D modeling, thermal imaging shooting, laser scanning); 2) pests and diseases control; 3) flowers or fruits thinning; 4) seed planting; 5) irrigation of places that lack moisture; 6) fertilizers application; 7) pollination of plants; 8) analysis of the soil conditions. 

199-205 116

 A vertical farm is a generic term for automated agro-industrial systems designed for growing vegetables, greens, mushrooms and fish in vertically arranged tiers in order to provide food for urban population. A vertical farm can be a complex robotic device or specialized robots can be used in separate areas therein. As a rule, these are multi-tired greenhouses or racks filled with greens and illuminated by LEDs. Artificially created and controlled environment makes it possible to reduce the use of pesticides, as well as water and energy consumption. The methods of vertical agriculture include aquaponics, hydroponics and aeroponics. The founder of vertical farming is thought to be an American professor of ecology and microbiology Dickson Despommier. Vertical farms have a number of advantages compared to traditional rural farms. 

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ISSN 0134-9759 (Print)