The article gives the history of creation and a complete description of apple cultivar ‘Krapach’ according to morphological and economic-biological characteristics. This dessert cultivar was obtained from targeted hybridization of cultivars ‘Otava’ (cultivar of Czech breeding) and ‘Verbnaye’ (cultivar of Belarusian breeding) using the new breeding methodology. The analysis of genetic polymorphism of genome of cv. ‘Krapach’ and its assessment using molecular markers was carried out, the presence of scab resistance genes Rvi11 and Rvi6 was detected, the composition of alleles was determined, and DNA passport was made.
‘Krapach’ is early maturing cultivar. It comes into commercial fruiting in 2nd year after planting in orchard. Average yield from a tree on rootstock 62-396 for 2014–2018 years of observations was 24.0 kg. The average yield of the cultivar in time of full fruiting is 30.0 t/ha at density of 1666 tree/ha. Fruiting is regular. The cultivar is characterized by high winter hardiness, high resistance to diseases, during the years of the epiphytotic development of scab (2012–2018), no lesions of scab on leaves and fruits were noted. ‘Krapach’ is superior to the best domestic equivalent (cultivar Luchezarnoye of medium-term ripening) in winter hardiness, disease resistance, early maturity, consistently high yield. Moreover, cv. ‘Krapach’ has high quality fruits with attractive appearance.
The article presents morphological and economic-biological characteristics of new apple cultivar Ranak: early ripening, obtained in the RUE ‘Institute for Fruit Growing’. All-purpose cultivar; it obtained from targeted crossing of cv. Stark’s Earliest of American breeding and cv. Discovery of English breeding. The new apple cultivar is characterized by high winter hardiness, high resistance to diseases (during the years of epiphytoty 2018–2019, no lesions of scab on leaves and fruits were noted), early maturity (it begins fruiting in the 3rd year after planting in orchard on seedling rootstock). Average yield for 2015–2019 was 24.5 kg per tree, average yield at the time of full fruiting is 30.6 t/ha with density of 1250 tree/ha. Fruiting is regular. Ranak excelles early ripening native and foreign analogues in disease resistance, winter hardiness, productivity, fruit quality (taste, appearance, marketability), which, combined with a high degree of early maturity and productivity, provides high profitability when cultivated (152 %).
The new composition of garden putty, designed for healing of fruit trees wounds caused by sunburns and cruel temperature fluctuations, as well as casuative agent of common European, black and bacterial canker, is studied. The garden putty is an environmentally friendly biotechnological product, has good adhesion and keeps on the wounds of fruit trees for at least two growing periods. The biological effectiveness of garden anticanker putty in healing of fruit trees canker wounds in the years of research ranged from 47.1 % to 72.2 %.
A study of the occurence in Ukraine of viruses, viroids and phytoplasmas of pome fruits by ELISA and RT-PCR methods was carried out. In all studied regions, ACLSV, ASGV, ASPV, ApMV viruses were detected on cultivars and roostocks of apple and pear. In Kyiv, Zakarpattya and Donetsk regions phytoplasma infection was diagnosed. The absence of ToRSV, TRSV, ASSVd, ADFVd, and PBCVd in the studied samples was determined. As a result of testing, candidate nuclear-stock plants of 32 apple cultivars and 3 apple rootstocks, 13 pear cultivars and 4 pear rootstocks were selected.
Using real-time PCR with primer pair Phyto-F/Phyto-R and probe Phyto-P, phytoplasma diseases of apple was detected in 17 samples of 25 tested, all the 8 trees with visual symptoms («witches’ broom») showed a positive result. 88.2 % of false-negative results were obtained using the DAS-ELISA test in mid-summer (July) for diagnosis of phytoplasma diseases of apple (only 2 samples were positive from 17 infected samples detected by PCR). 70.6 % of falsenegative results (only 5 samples were positive from 17 infected samples detected by PCR) were obtained using the DASELISA test in the fall (September). Real-time PCR compared with the DAS-ELISA test is a more effective method for the diagnosis of phytoplasma diseases of apple.
The isolates of the causative agent of apple scab Venturia inaequalis (isolated from cultivars of various genetic origin) differ in cultural and morphological characteristics. The morphological and cultural features of 125 monospore isolates of Venturia inaequalis (the causative agent of apple scab) were analyzed. Wide morphological differentiation was revealed, which reflects the intrapopulation diversity of the local population of causative agent of apple scab. The variety of isolates obtained was grouped into 3 morphotypes. The most common were morphotypes I and II, which were found in 52 and 81 % of cultivars, respectively. The polymorphism level of fungus population depended on cultivar given. The most polymorphic were pathogen isolates found on cultivars Belana and Topaz. No dependence was found between the diversity of the morphotype composition of Venturia inaequalis and group of apple resistance to scab.
In this study, using molecular approaches, we evaluated the resistance to the pathogen Venturia inaequalis (Cooke.)Wint. of some local apple varieties growing in Azerbaijan. Twenty seven molecular markers of scab resistance genes and three powdery mildew resistance markers were used. Twenty collection apple varieties of the JKI Institute, Dresden, Germany, resistant to scab and seven local apple varieties growing in Azerbaijan were used as objects.
Molecular markers SSR-23.03, Rvi18-SSR, T6, NZmsCN943818 and NH030a of the scab resistance genes Rvi12, Rvi18, Rvi11, Rvi16, and CH03c02 of the powdery mildew resistance gene Pl-d were not found in any of the studied local varieties. 30 molecular markers used to test resistance genes for V.inaequalis and P.leucotricha can be used for introgression and pyramidization of resistance genes in the national apple selection program in Azerbaijan.
The article presents the results of assessment of winter resistance of the trees of 35 introduced late-ripening pear cultivars after the winter (2016–2017) (in January minimum temperature was –29 °С) and spring (2017) (in May minimum temperature was –7.1 °С). The state of trees was observed from 2003 to 2018. The studied cultivars showed varying degrees of winter resistance and were divided into 4 groups: high winter resistant, winter-resistant, medium winter resistant and slightly winter resistant. The best pear cultivars with a high level of winter hardiness were selected: Bere russkaya (P. communis × P. × ussuriensis); Chudesnitsa, Yakovlevskaya (P. communis × P. × pyrifolia); Novogodnaya, Yanvarskaya (P. communis L.). Selected introduced cultivars of pear have very important properties: high winter resistance and long period of fruit storage. They will be included in the hybridization to obtain new Belarusian pear cultivars.
As a result of the research, the testing procedure for Apple stem-pitting virus (ASPV) was determined. ASPV – new virus in certification scheme for pome fruit crops. 33 apple cultivars and 6 apple rootstocks were tested for the presence of ACLSV, ASGV, ASPV, ApMV. 35 plants of apple cultivars were infected with apple stem-pitting virus; the infection rate was 28.5 %. All tested apple rootstocks are free from viral pathogens. 92 samples of pear cultivars and pear rootstocks were tested. ACLSV, ASGV, ASPV were not detected in the samples.
The article presents the results of evaluation of selection effectiveness in four hybrid populations of common plum. The most effective combination of crossing was variant Mliyevchanka × Dalikatnaya with yield of selected hybrids 5 % of investigated volume in the breeding garden.
The summary characterization of 4 selected promising plum hybrids is presented. These hybrides during the four-year crop variety testing showed stable resistance to clasterosporiosis and fruit rot. They characterized by high marketable and consumer qualities of fruits. For further breeding work, genotypes were selected as sources of 5 economically useful traits.
On the basis of a comparative study with released variety Natasha hybrid 09-6/36 (90-2/71 × Naroch) was selected as elite. This hybrid is characterized by fruits with a dense juicy flesh of yellow color, separation of bone from flesh is good, the optimum period of consumption – the third decade of August. It has a complex resistance to clasterosporiosis and fruit rot, the average weight of fruit is 50.5 g, yield is 15.5 kg/tree. Biochemical composition of fruits: dry solids weight ratio – 16.17 %, soluble solids – 14.55 %, titrated acidity – 1.97 %, sum of sugars – 10.81 %, sum of pectins – 0.57 %, sum of phenolic compounds – 90.83 mg/100 g, ascorbic acid – 3.21 mg/100 g.
The article presents the results of a study of economically valuable traits of 17 native forms of cherries. The cherry form, selected in Buyaki village, Brest District (form No. 2), is a cultivar of American breeding (Meteor). There were selected different samples of cherries: 7 highly resistant to diseases, 5 high-yielding and 4 with high quality of fruits. The cv. Nesvizhskaya and native form from village Ostromichy in Kobryn District were selected; they combine high winter hardiness, resistance to diseases, productivity and high quality of fruits.
The selected genotypes are breeding resource for winter hardiness, disease resistance, and high quality of fruits for use in creating new cherry cultivars.
The article presents the results of the study of economically valuable features of 15 hybrids between cherry and sweet cherry of different ecological and geographical origin. According to the results of the study cultivar Kseniya was selected. Its resistance to coccomycosis (maximum pathogen damage – 1 point) and monilial blight (maximum pathogen damage – 1 point) is higher than for control cultivar Zhyvitsa (2 points for each pathogen). Also two high-yielding cultivars were selected (Zhadana and Shpanka Donetskaya, with average fruiting rate of 4 points (same as for control cultivar Zhyvitsa)). A group of cultivars with very large fruits (6.2 g) and high taste panel score (4.5) – Gortensia, Donetskiy velikan, Kseniya, Melitopolskaya desertnaya, Nochka, Slavyanka, Chudo vishnya, Shpanka Donetskaya were selected. The cultivar Chudo vishnya, which has a very early ripening time (the 2nd decade of June), and the control cultivar Zhyvitsa of early ripening period (the 3rd decade of June) also were selected.
The authors present the results of studying the methods of the formation and pruning in the sweet cherry orchard established in 2013 using the best native and foreign cultivar-rootstock combinations and optimally dense schemes of tree planting. Orbicular small crown appeared to be the most effective for all studied sweet cherry cultivars. It completely satisfying the biological peculiarities of the crop. This crown contributes to the reduction of labor costs when pruning trees by 1.8–2.2 times and provides the productivity by 1.5–3.2 times higher as compared to the spindle and multi-axis flattened crowns. The cultivars of classic breeding Talisman and Melitopolskaya myrnaya with low shoot-forming ability and pronounced storied branch distribution proved to be not suitable for forming the spindle-like crown. At the same time, when forming trees with the orbicular small crown, they ensured high yield (11.1–12.6 t/ha) and marketable fruits qualities. It is revealed that method of the formation and pruning don’t effect the fruits size and marketability on the seven-year-old trees. The cultivar Regina due to the low yield was not recommended for the establishing of industrial orchards in the Ukraine’s Lisosteppe.
The article presents results of the study (in 2018–2019) of parameters of physiological and agrobiological compatibility of clonal rootstocks with apricot and peach cultivars for production of planting material. Apricot cultivars: Znakhodka, Pamyat Loyko, Pamyat Govorukhina; peach cultivars: Persik Loyko, Donetskiy belyi, Seyanets Starka; clonal rootstocks: VPK-1, VVA-1, Vesenneye plamya.
It was found that survival rate of rootstocks in the first field of nursery over the course of two years was on average 83.4–86.7 %.
A good uniting of components was observed for peach cultivars using plate budding. The percentage of survival of bud shields was on average in the range of 86.8–100.0 % for peach cultivars Donetskiy belyi, Seyanets Starka, Persik Loyko on the clonal rootstock VPK-1 and Persik Loyko on clonal rootstock Vesenneye plamya; apricot cultivars Pamyat Loyko on clonal rootstock VVA-1.
The compatibility coefficient was determined for 11 scion-rootstock combinations of apricot and peach.
The article presents the results of research in 2013–2016 of the influence of the drug Fitovital on the formation of sizemass, commodity characteristics of berries and productivity components in 5 zoned cultivar of strawberries (‘Vicoda’, ‘Vima Rina’, ‘Vima Tarda’, ‘Zenga-Zengana’, ‘Kimberly’).
Two-time foliar treatment with Fitovital of strawberry plants in the period of mass flowering and during the formation of green berries of first harvest increases the content of soluble solids in berries, increases the weight, size and firmness of berries, number of berries on the plant in all tested cultivars.
Positive impact of non-root Fitovital application on improvement of productivity for 19.7 to 40.0 % (depending on cultivar) in comparison with the control provides an increase in profitability by 26.3–174.5 % and decreased the payback period by 0.73–3.33 years of commercial fruiting.
Self-fertility is an important attribute of cultivar that positively affects yield. The article presents data on study of cultivars of various genetic and geographical origin according to the degree of self-fertility. As a result of the study, 70 cultivars of blackcurrant from breeding schools of Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and abroad (Poland, Romania, Scotland, Sweden, Lithuania) were evaluated. Cultivars with a high degree of self-fertility have been identified. It was found that the highly self-fertile cultivars are: Arapka, Belorusskaya sladkaya, Katyusha, Pamyati Vavilova, Geo, Ruben, which can be used in breeding for this trait.
As a result of the initial study of 6 gooseberry hybrids, 2 late ripening elite hybrids were identified – 02-2-14, 1-2-7, – which are superior to analogues included in the National List of the Republic of Belarus due to combination of features that determine suitability for mechanized harvesting, high productivity, resistance to American gooseberry mildew (Sphaerotheca mors-uvae), good taste and technological qualities of fruits.
Hybrid 02-2-14 (free pollination of the hybrid 2-5-r) was called Vayar and it was passed to system of the state variety testing. It is characterized by late ripening, high winter hardiness, relative resistance to mildew (Sphaerotheca mors-uvae), suitability for harvesting (slightly spreading bush, height 2.0 m, the whole crop is located in a harvestable area available for collection by combine, coefficient of relative durability of berries is 4.5). The variety productivity in the 5th year after planting is 3.0 kg/bush (12 t/ha). Vayar has a high growth rate (bush height in the 3rd year after planting – 1.6 m), which allows harvesting during the first fruiting. The profitability level of cultivation is 237.5 %.
The berries have good taste (taste panel score of fresh berries is 4.4), good commercial qualities (average berry weight is 2.8 g, maximal – 3.8 g) and processability. The content of soluble solids is 11.7 %, sugars – 7.7 %, sugar/acid ratio – 2.8.
The studies were carried out in 2018–2019 in the Fruit Growing Department in the ‘Brest regional agricultural experimental station of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus’. The effect of mulching materials (spunbond SUF-60, sawdust, flax shive) on the berry mass and yield of 3 gooseberry cultivars (Malahit, Masheka, Ravolt) were studied.
The studies have shown that a significant positive effect on the mass of berries was noted in the plantings of cv. Masheka: the excess over control planting with hand weeding was 13 % when using a spunbond, using sawdust – 20 %, using flax shive – 28 %. In the plantings of cv. Malachite and Ravolt, the influence of the mulching materials use on mass of berries is not statistically confirmed. A significant increase of berry yield per bush was noted when sawdust and flax shive were used: for cv. Masheka by 76 % and 67 % respectively, for cv. Ravolt – by 131 % and 96 %, for cv. Malahit – by 66 and 93 %.
On average of cultivar and year, the usage of rotted sawdust and flax shive as mulching materials significantly increased berry weight and yield of gooseberry compared to control planting (when using sawdust by 15 % and 89 %, using flax shive – by 11 % and 88 %, respectively).
The studies were carried out in the biotechnology department of the Institute for Fruit Growing in 2019–2020. The objects of the research were 4 blackberry cultivars: Stefan, Natchez, Chester, Thornfree and 5 substrate types. The effectiveness of ex vitro rooting was evaluated in 8 weeks according to the following parameters: percentage of ex vitro rooted microshoots, stem length, number of internodes, number of roots, root length. As a result of the research the best substrates for simultaneous adaptation and rooting, morphometric parameters of root system and shoots development on the substrates were determined. The moss substrate (Sphagnum L.) with surface layer of peat (‘Dvina’) is recommended for the simultaneous adaptation and rhizogenesis for all cultivars of blackberry.
The results of the study of 48 cultivar of blue honeysuckle of various geographical and genetic origin in Belarus in 2003–2006, 2010–2015 and 2019–2020 years are given. The blue honeysuckle cultivars were grouped according to resistance to secondary flowering. An assessment of 35 cultivars was made according to the time of dormancy breaking in the conditions of extremely warm autumn-winter period 2019–2020.
Cultivars with the absence of flowering (both during collection years and in extreme conditions of autumn-winter period of 2019–2020 years) were chosen as sources for resistance to secondary flowering – Galochka (L. caerulea subsp. altaica) and Luks (L. caerulea subsp. kamtschatiсa), which can be used in further breeding work.
No influence of cultivar origin on resistance to secondary flowering was revealed. Among the cultivars of L. caerulea subsp. venulosa was not found resistant to secondary flowering (in studied sample group).
According to the results of a study in 2019, blue honeysuckle cultivars showed an average negative relationship (r = –0.61) between the fruit ripening period and the intensity of secondary flowering.
Genotype (p < 0.001), concentration of IBA in the nutrient medium (p < 0.001), and two factors together (p < 0.01) have a significant effect on the number of microplants rooted in in vitro culture, on average height and number of roots of blue honeysuckle plants. The average root length was significantly affected (p < 0.001) by the concentration of IBA and two factors together (IBA and genotype). For cv. ‘Pavlovskaya’ and cv. ‘Krupnoplodnaya’ at in vitro rhyzogenesis stage, the use of ½ macro- and microsalt MS medium with the addition of IBA at concentration of 1.5 mg/l makes it possible to obtain 78–79 % of rooted microplants (average root number – 3.96–3.24, average root length – 3.23–3.30 cm). For cv. ‘Goluboye vereteno’, the rooting rate of 93 % (average root number – 3.89, average root length – 2.78 cm) was achieved even at concentration of 1 mg/l IBA. For the cv. ‘Volkhova’, it is advisable to use IBA in a high concentration (3.0 mg/l), at which the rooting of plants increases 1.8–2.0 times compared with low concentrations of IBA 0.8–1.0 mg/l. The rooting of microplants in hormone-free medium was 17–23 %, depending on cultivar.
This article presents the results of the study of micropropagation, rooting and adaptation of zoned cultivars of highbush blueberry. It was established that during stage of micropropagation blueberry microplants (cv. Northcountry, Earliblue, Northblue) have different regeneration ability. Propagation rate varied from 1.4 (Northblue) to 4.2 (Earliblue) depending on the cultivar.
Analysis of substrates used for rooting of blueberry showed that cultivars studied were better rooted when using substrate ‘Sphagnum moss + highmoor peat’ (0.5 cm), the rooting percentage was 98.8–100.0 %. Perlite is the least admissible substrate for the blueberry rhyzogenesis of cultivars studied; the rooting rate was 54.7–67.2 %.
The percent of plants adapted for field conditions was 89.3 % for Earliblue blueberry, 85.9 % for Northblue, 78.2 % for Northcountry.
The article presents the results of a comparative study in greenhouse of influence of organic fertilizers (Ecohum complex and 10 % MaCloR) and mineral fertilizer (Basacote Plus 6M) on ability to rhyzogenesis and further development of cuttings of early ripening Ben Lear and late ripening Stevens cultivars of American cranberries, rooted in a roll from highbog peat. Significant genotypic differences were established in the response of emerging plants to tested agronomic techniques. It was shown that the use of organic fertilizers provide increase for both cranberry cultivars in average shoot length by 8–83 % (compared with control). The increase for 8–11 % in size of assimilating organs for cv. Ben Lear after using 10 % MaCloR and decrease for 14–30 % when using Ecohum complex were detected. The Stevens cultivar showed opposite changes in the range of 8–27 %.
It has been established that for early-ripening cultivar, the integral effectiveness of organic fertilizers (improving of biometric indicators of current growth), especially for Ecohum complex, was 2.3–3.2 times higher than that of mineral fertilizer. In the late-ripening cultivar Stevens the inhibitory effect of Basacote Plus 6M was lower compared to Ben Lear, and the efficacy of the 10 % MaCloR and Ecohum complex was 3.4 and 9.3 times lower, respectively.
It was shown that in early ripe cranberry cultivar the use of organic fertilizers, especially 10 % MaCloR, promote activation of phytomass accumulation by 9–42 % in most of organs of developing plants in the absence of a noticeable positive effect when applying mineral fertilizer. In the late-ripening cultivar, all the tested agricultural practices, especially with the use of organic fertilizers, inhibited the accumulation of phytomass in all plant organs by 11–52 % (compared with the control), that indicated their absolute inefficiency in this regard.
The results of comparative study of influence of mineral (Basacotе Plus 6М) and organic (Ecohum complex, 5 and 10 % MaCloR) fertilizings on basic biometrical characteristics of vegetative organs of virgin American cranberry plants (early-ripening cv. Ben Lear and late-ripening cv. Stevens) under pilot-plant conditions on the developed peat deposits in Smalyavichy District (Minsk region) and Dokshytsy District (Vitebsk region) are given. Significant interregional, genotypic and interalternative distinctions of their response to tested agricultural methods (during essential activization of formation of current increment of vegetative sphere) are revealed. It is shown that in Smalyavichy District the most effective was addition of mineral fertilizer Basacotе Plus 6М (especially for vegetative shoots), whereas the least effective – application of 10 % MaCloR. Thus integrated efficacy of all kinds of organic fertilizers was inferior than efficacy of mineral fertilizer in 2.4–8.6 times for cultivar Ben Lear and in 3.3–6.2 times for cultivar Stevens. Ecohum complex application was superior to application of 5 and 10 % MaCloR in productivity accordingly in 2.1 and 3.6 times for early-ripening cultivar (and in 1.4 and 1.9 times for late-ripening cultivar).
In more northern Dokshytsy District the greatest activization of aerial sphere development of both cranberry cultivars was revealed also during addition of mineral fertilizer Basacotе Plus 6М. Efficacy of Basacotе Plus 6М in Dokshytsy District was in 2–2.5 times superior to its efficasy in Smalyavichy District for both categories of shoots of early-ripe cultivar and for sprawling shoots of late-ripening cultivar. But it was inferior in 2.8 times for its upright shoots. Use of organic fertilizers proved to be inefficient for development of sprawling shoots of cv. Ben Lear; also organic fertilizers were significantly worse than mineral fertilizer for reproductive shoots. For cultivar Stevens activization of development of vegetative shoots during manuring in Dokshytsy District was in 2–18 time superior to that in Smalyavichy District and was comparable in both districts for generative shoots. Efficacy of Ecohum complex and 10 % MaCloR was inferior to efficacy of mineral fertilizer in 4.5–6.9 times for cv. Stevens and in 61–276 times for cv. Ben Lear (the inhibition of current increment of cv. Ben Lear vegetative sphere was observed during application of 5 % concentration of MaCloR). It is shown that for second cultivar effectiveness of 10 % MaCloR was superior in 4.5 times to that of Ecohum complex; but for first cultivar efficacy of 5 and 10 % MaCloR, on the contrary, was lower in 1.5 and 1.2 times.
Studies were carried out during 2014–2017 at the Center of Biotechnology of the Tajik National University. 21 grape cultivars: cultivars from Tajik breeding and introduced cultivars (including kishmish cultivars) were selected as the objects of study. The efficiency of initiation of in vitro culture was evaluated depending on the cultivar, initiation period, and type of explant. The efficiency of initiation of in vitro culture of grape cultivars, depending on the period of initiation, averaged 68.4 % at the beginning of the growing season, 65.8 % in the phase of active growth. High rates (more than 80 %) of in vitro culture initiation efficiency at all periods were obtained for 3 cultivars of Tajik selection and for 2 introduced cultivars. All kishmish cultivars were significantly worse established in vitro (on average 50.07 %). It was shown that for large explants (lateral and apical buds, plant shield), the efficiency of in vitro establishment is higher at the beginning of the growing season, for meristem – during the period of active growth.
The studies of effect of Fitomag (created on the basis of inhibitor of synthesis of ethylene 1-methylcyclopropene) on maintaining the quality and prolonging the shelf life of fresh fruits of early ripe apple were carried out in 2018–2019 at the Institute for Fruit Growing.
The objects of study were fruits of 7 early ripe apple cultivars (‘Aksamit’, ‘Kovalenkovskoe’, ‘Mechta’, ‘Palanez’, ‘Papirovka’, ‘Ranak’, ‘Slava pobeditelyam’) grown at the Department of Fruit Plants Breeding of the Institute for Fruit Growing.
The use of the preparation Fitomag helps to extend the storage period of fruits up to 32 days and to increase the yield of commercial fruits for all studied apple cultivars with summer ripening period.
The maximum duration of storage (110 days) was noted in the variant with application of Fitomag on cultivars ‘Mechta’ and ‘Kovalenkovskoe’ (the yield of healthy fruits 86.1 and 92.8 %, respectively).
Treatment with Fitomag helps to preserve moisture in fruits and reduces the mass loss by 0.2–2.7 %, depending on the cultivar, and also increases the shelf life for 1–2 days.
Storage of fruits using Fitomag preparation allowed to reduce losses from fungal diseases by 1.2–10.3 %, depending on the cultivar.
The studies to assess the influence of various factors (rootstock, non-root application of complex fertilizer Komple-Met-Ca, weather conditions of the growth season) on the quality and preservation of apple fruits of the Nadzeyny variety (late maturation period), were conducted in 2017–2018 in experimental garden of Department of Fruit Growing Technology in the RUE ‘Institute for Fruit Growing’ (Belarus) in the soil-climatic conditions of the western sub-zone of the central fruit zone. The garden was made in 2010, on clonal dwarf rootstocks – PB-4, 62-396 and M-9 with a planting scheme – 3.5 × 1.0 m.
The commercial quality of fruits during the harvest (the average weight and yield of fruits according to commercial classes) depended on the conditions of growing periods in the years of research. With higher average fruit weight, higher yield of fruits of the highest and first commercial classes was also observed, but the safety of such fruits after long storage was worse.
The use of complex fertiliser KompleMet-Ca provide better preservation of fruits during long-term storage: on average, over two years, the yield of healthy fruits on the PB-4 rootstock was 85.8 % (against 82.9 % in the control), on the 62-396 rootstock – 88.6 % (against 88. 0 % in the control), on the M-9 rootstock – 92.1 % (against 89.8 % in the control).
The yield of healthy fruits after storage was the highest for trees on rootstock M-9. The worst stored fruit was taken from trees on PB-4 rootstock.
In 2014–2016 in Department of Storage and Processing of the RUE ‘Institute for Fruit Growing’, commercial indicators of columnar apple fruits were studied during storage in usual gas medium at +1.0…+2.0 °C.
The objects of research were fruits of columnar apple trees of 3 cultivars (Valyuta, Moskowskoye ozherelye, Yantarnoye ozherelye) grown in the experimental orchard of Department of Nursery Growing of the RUE ‘Institute for Fruit Growing’.
The yield of healthy fruits for all cultivars after long-term storage (150 days) was quite high (cv. Valyuta – 75.9 %, cv. Moskowskoye ozherelye – 71.2 %, cv. Yantarnoye ozherelye – 90.0 %). Mass loss on average for cultivars was 4.3 %. Loss from fungal diseases varied within 7.0–24.1 % depending on the cultivar.
The fruits of cultivars Moskowskoye ozherelye and Yantarnoye ozherelye are amenable to wilting during long-term storage (3.0 and 3.6 %, respectively).
The article presents the results of study of quality of preserves ‘Apples pureed with sugar’ using organoleptic parameters. The products were made from apple cultivars of early ripening Aksamit, Kovalenkovskoye, Mechta, Palanez, Papirovka, Slava pobeditelyam and from new variety of Belarusian breeding – Ranak. As a result of screening the organoleptic characteristics of fruits pureed with sugar (from early ripening apple cultivars), the conformity of the products with the requirements of State Standard of Belarus 1636-2006 ‘Products of fruit and vegetables processing. Pureed or crushed fruit. General specifications’. The average tasting grade of the preserve prototype ‘Apples pureed with sugar’ was 4.0–4.8 points. The best quality by organoleptic parameters has pureed fruits made from cv. Ranak, Mechta, Papirovka.
The article presents the results of study of 14 cherry cultivars for suitability for the production of frozen fruits. The parameters of organoleptic evaluation of fresh and frozen fruits after their defrostation are reflected. The losses of juice of frozen fruits during their thawing are determined. As a result of research on the complex of studied parameters of organoleptic assessment and juice retention capacity, it was found that cultivars Milavitsa, Nesvizhskaya, Kazdangskaya, Novodvorskaya can be attributed to the best cultivars; cultivars Vyanok, Konfityur, Lasuha, Livenskaya, Oblachinskaya, Pamyat Yenikeeva – to good cultivars; cultivars Zhagarskaya, Zvyozdochka, Volzhskaya stepnaya, Zarya Povolzhya – to satisfactory cultivars.
The article presents the results of research work on the possibility of using the fruits of chokeberry and beekeeping
products (honey, propolis) for the production of juice-containing fruit drinks.
The technological documentation has been developed:
– technological instruction for production of juice-containing fruit drinks with the addition of honey;
– formulation of juice-containing drink from chokeberry with the addition of honey.
The quality of juice-containing fruit drinks with the addition of honey has been established to meet the requirements of technological normative legal act.
The article presents the results of many years of research (2014–2020), carried out in the Central Scientific Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, on the storability of the fruits of 5 cultivars of large-cranberry (Ben Lear, Franklin, Stevens, McFarlin and Piligrim) in ordinary gas at +4 °C (manual and hydromechanical methods of harvesting). The fruit storability, depending on cultivar, with manual harvesting averaged from 50 to 81 days with a yield of marketable berries of 90 %. The storability of large-fruited cranberry fruits harvested by hydromechanical methods, depending on cultivar, ranged from 15 to 24 days, which is 3.3–4.0 times less compared to manual fruits.
This article provides brief information about replenishment of genetic resources in Department of Small Fruit Growing the RUE ‘Institute for Fruit Growing’ in 2010–2019. Within the framework of international exchange under 89 contracts and agreements with institutions of 25 countries, collections were replenished with 709 new samples of small fruits. Species and geographical diversity of the gene pool of 28 traditional and rare small fruits (at the beginning of 2020 it consisted of 1406 samples) is displayed. Due to scientific cooperation with various institutions of Romania, Poland, Ukraine, Russia, Kyrgyzstan and other regions, as well as thanks to regular monitoring of orchards, new for Belarus species such as jujube, goji, Arctic raspberry, Asimina triloba, as well as various decorative forms of small fruits have been introduced.
Phytoplasmas are group of phytopathogenic bacteria in class Mollicutes, which were diagnosed on a wide range of plants, including representatives of genus Corylus L. This is a large group of cell wall-less, uncultivatable bacteria associated with diseases of more than a thousand plant species. Hazelnut is affected by apple proliferation phytoplasma (Candidatus Phytoplasma mali), pear decline phytoplasma (Ca. P. pyri), which are quarantine objects in customs territory of Eurasian Economic Union. Hazelnuts are also affected by Ca. P. prunorum, Ca. P. asteris, Ca. P. fragariae and Clover yellow edge phytoplasma. In the review we discuss distribution, main symptoms, vectors of phytoplasmas affecting hazelnut.
Hazelnuts are infected by a number of sap-transmissible viruses: Apple mosaic virus (ApMV), Prunus necrotic ringspot virus (PNRSV), Tomato ringspot nepovirus (ToRSV), Apple Tulare mosaic virus (TAMV). The most economically important hazelnut pathogen is Apple mosaic virus. ApMV on hazelnut plants was found in many countries: Italy, France, Spain, Great Britain, USA, Turkey, Poland, Ukraine, Portugal. Apple mosaic virus (Apple mosaic ilarvirus) belongs to the genus Ilarvirus of the family Bromoviridae. For ApMV, experimental or natural infection of 65 species from 19 families has been described. ApMV has been found in a large number of cultivars from Spain, southern Italy and Turkey, which are world leaders in the production of hazelnuts. Plant diagnostics is carried out using two-step RT-PCR, multiplex RT-PCR, one-step RT-PCR, ELISA test, using herbaceous indicator plant. ApMV is a labile virus, therefore, for its detection, the temperature factor is very important at which the concentration in plant sap is optimal for testing.