The article presents morphological and biological characteristics of a new ornamental apple ‘Veras’ cultivar obtained from a free pollination Malus × purpurea Mill. The cultivar is early-producing, resistant to leaf spots, winter resistant and has exuberant blossoming and fruit-bearing. It has sufficient ornamental level: differential decorativeness score is 80 points. The main advantage of this genotype is prolonged red-purple flowering, leaf anthocyanin colure with ability to maintain decorativeness till the end of leaf fall, and attractive colored purple fruits remained on a tree during a most of the winter period with no colure loss.
The article presents the results of Romanian breeding cultivar study for culturing suitability in the conditions of Belarus on the complex of economic and biological characteristics such as early maturity, productivity, disease resistance. Romanian breeding cultivars were determined to set buds from the third year after planting on a seed rootstock and build up the generative sphere together with tree growth. The more stable bearing fruit ‘Goldprim’, ‘Redix’, ‘Rustic’, ‘Romus 3’ and ‘Romus 4’ were selected on the base of productivity assay. The high resistance to V. inaequalis and Phyllosticta mali Prill. et Del. pathogens was determined. This allowed to consider them as valuable initial forms of scab and phyllosticta leaf spot resistance recourse. ‘Rustic’, ‘Romus 3’ and ‘Romus 4’ Romanian cultivars were selected for the complex of economic and biological characteristics (early maturity, productivity, disease resistance).
The article presents the results of the seven introduced study in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus.
According to the results of phenological phase performance study heat supply of column-like apple was 2006.6‒2454.7 °С.
Thermal resources of climate in the central region of Belarus (2537.4) satisfy the heat need of the column-like apple cultivars.
The cultivars ‘Valyuta’, ‘Ostankino’, ‘President’ which could resist to temperature decrease up to –37,4 °С were characterized with high resistance to negative temperatures damaging effect.
The study performed sered as a base for ‘Valyuta’ cultivar handover to the network of the State variety testing of the Republic of Belarus.
The studies were performed in 2016–2017 in the Institute for Fruit Growing in an orchard planted in 2009. The effect of three fold foliar fertilizing with 0,01 % solution of multifunctional growth regulator Gybbersib on growth, fruit formation and yield of the Belarusian cultivars ‘Vesyalina’, ‘Syabryna’, ‘Pospekh’ on a superdwarf rootstock ‘PB-4’ was studied. The planting scheme was 3.5 × 1.0 m, planting density – 2857 tree/ha.
There was no significant effect in the first two years of Gybbersib application on the tree growth indices, ‒ cross-sectional area of the stem and leaf area. There was a decrease in the number and the average length of the one-year growth rate in the second year of foliar application of the chemical.
A varietal reaction for the foliar application of Gybbersib was established in terms of productivity formation: in 2016, more fruits were harvested and kept preserved before harvesting for the cultivar ‘Vesyalina’ 3.5 %, for ‘Syabryna’ variety – 5.6 % relatively to the control, and in 2017 – by 7.0 and 3.9 % respectively. The use of Gybbersib increased the yield of ‘Vesyalina’ by 4.0 t/ha, ‘Syabryna’ – by 1.7 t/ha on average for two years of fruiting. The trees of the variety ‘Pospekh’ did not show such effect.
As a result of the studies in RUP «Brest regional agricultural experimental station of the National Academy of Science of Belarus» the introduced clonal apple rootstock P 60 was selected. It belongs to the dwarf group. Uterine bush is small vigorous and upright erected. The shoots are strong, straight, not branched. Poorly affected by diseases. Shoot-forming ability in nursery is 9.3 pcs./per bush. Shoots-rooting – 4.2 points. Good compatibility with cultivars.
The average yield in orchard at the studied rootstock is 17.4 kg/per tree on Auksis variety, and 14.9 kg/per tree on Beloruskoye Malinovoуe variety.
In 2013, according to the results of trial in RUP «Brest regional agricultural experimental station of the National Academy of Science of Belarus» the rootstock was passed to the State Variety Testing System of The Republic of Belarus. In 2016, it was included in variety register for homestead cultivation.
The study was carried out in the Biotechnology department, the Institute for Fruit Growing and Biological faculty, BSU. The objects were 54-118 and PB-4 clonal rootstock plant regenerants. Infection of regenerants of 54-118 and PB-4 apple clonal rootstocks in vitro with Erwinia amylovora bacteria allowed to classify plants as resistant and moderately susceptible, respectively. The results of artificial inoculation of in vitro cultures by E. amylovora indicated the possibility of using in vitro plants for testing apple resistance to fire blight.
In this paper, the basic concepts and statements associated with modern ideas about the methods of territory climatic zoning are considered. The regularities of the spatial course of meteorological values are determined and their impact on the apple ‘Antonovka’ cultivar is estimated for the territory of Belarus. Areas of optimal garden planting are selected taking into account climatic conditions and factors that limit the productivity of fruit crops.
In addition, it was found that the use of the method of inversely weighted distances is not always justified for constructing the course of meteorological quantities, since the mathematical apparatus does not reflect the features of the distribution of meteorological characteristics, since they, in turn, are due to the physiographic location of the territory. 47 items were selected for the study, including agrometeorological and meteorological observation stations that cover the entire territory of the Republic of Belarus, which makes it possible to carry out an objective check of zoning methods.
The article presents the results of long-term (2012‒2017) research work on the study of 5 introduced pear varieties (‘Vrodlyva’, ‘Vystavochnaya’, ‘Zolotovorotskaya’, ‘Patten’, ‘Talgarskaya krasavitsa’) of the late ripening period in the conditions of Belarus. The best varieties were identified as the sources of the main economically valuable traits: early maturing, resistance to diseases and pear sheath, large fruit, attractive appearance, high fruit taste quality, yield for further breeding work. ‘Talgarskaya krasavitsa’ of Kazakh selection characterized by complex resistance to diseases and pear sheath combined with high fruit taste qualities, suitable to store up to 120 days is selected. By the variety of traits, ‘Talgarskaya krasavitsa’ exceeds ‘Belaruskaya pozdnaya’ standard variety and is recommended for homestead cultivation.
The article presents the results of micropropagation study of pear varieties ‛Talgarskaya krasavitsa’ and ‛Spakusa’. Based on the results of two-factor analysis of variance a significant effect of the genotype (p < 0.001) and the sterilization method (p < 0.001) on the number of infected explants and non-developing sterile explants; and the effect of the genotype (p < 0.001) and the sterilization method (p < 0.01) on necrotic explants was established.
For initiation of pear varieties culture in vitro at the stage of shoot complete dormancy 33 % hydrogen peroxide in combination with 70 % ethanol (1 minute) and 0.5 % oxychome (60 minutes) treatments was used for 15 minutes. The number of infected explants in ‛Talgarskaya krasavitsa’ was less – 17.10 %, than ‛Spakusa’– 58.60 %. It is explained by the high level of infection of shoots of this variety with black fungus.
Low regenerative capacity of sterile explants was established when initiated in vitro in the period of shoots complete rest (‛Talgarskaya krasavitsa’ (41.80‒52.30 %) and ‛Spakusa’ (24.03‒29.70 %)). As a result of the study ‛Talgarskaya krasavitsa’ was characterized by a higher regenerative activity than ‛Spakusa’, which was determined both by the genetic differences, and possibly, by the phytosanitary state of plants.
The article presents the results of the four-year research on the effect of the chemical use on growth processes, anlage of reproductive formations, fruiting, the commercial quality of the pear fruit of the ‘Belorusskaya pozdnaya’ variety on a dwarf clone rootstock S1 quince with the planting scheme 4.0 × 2.0 m.
The effect of the Vapor Gard chemical proved to be the most effective and stable over the years, significantly increasing the growth rates of pear growth processes. The total length of one-year growth gain was significantly higher in variants of application of the Vapor Gard chemical, the difference with the control was most significant in 2015 and was 55.8 %.
Chemical use did not have a significant effect on the fruit yield and the average weight. The fruit yield of the first and the second commercial varieties was significantly higher in the version with the addition of Vapor Labor and showed a stable increase over the years. On average, in four years, the fruit yield of the first and the second varieties in the version of the Vapor Gard use was 16.4 % higher than in the control variant.
This article presents a description of the introduced ‘Smolinka’ plum cultivated variety bred from the crossing ‘Ochakovskaya zheltaya’ × ‘Renklod Ullensa’ (by H. K. Enikeev) and the introduced cherry plum ‘Tsarskaya’ cultivar, bred from ‘Kubanskaya kometa’ obtained by free pollination (by A. V. Isachkin).
The introduced ‘Smolinka’ variety is characterized by winter hardiness, clasterosporium resistance, high yield. The fruit weight is up to 40 g, which is 10 g higher than that of the control ‘Perdrigon’ cultivar. The introduced cherry plum ‘Tsarskaya’ cultivar has the best fruit quality in comparison to plum ‘Vetraz’ cultivar. Fruit has an easily separable stone, high taste qualities and attractive appearance. The above varieties were passed on to the State Variety Testing network in 2015.
The article presents the results of the propagation study of ‘Dalikatnaya’, ‘Vengerka belorusskaya’ plum cultivars and ‘Lodva’, ‘Lama’, ‘Kometa’ cherry plum cultivars by soft (green) cuttings by root formation ability in 2016-2017. All studied cultivars are suitable for propagation by soft cuttings. The optimal time for propagation by soft cuttings is the second ten-day period of July. The period of root formation is 14.3‒24 days.
The soft cutting treatment with growth regulators enhanced the root formation and increased the percentage of the rooted cuttings. The most effective growth regulator was Kornevin, the root formation was between 46.7 to 81.6 %, respectively, when using thereof.
The best results were reported when the substrate combination clay pellets + peat + perlit (1:1:1) in layers was used to the rooted cuttings output of 60.8‒75.7 % of a total amount of the cuttings planted for rooting.
In the article results of studies of initiation and propagation in vitro of own-root plum varieties are presented.
The optimal sterilizing substance for the culture initiation was established. The use of 33 % hydrogen peroxide allows to obtain up to 88 % of viable explants. The optimal concentration of growth regulators at the micropropagation stage which allows to achieve the greatest amount of regenerants with optimal length for further rooting were established. The inclusion on plant nutrient medium 6 benzilaminopurine and Gibberellic Acid in concentration 1.5 mg/ltr and 0.5 mg/ltr allows to obtain 3.50 and 3.28 multiplication factor of plum varieties ‘Vengierka Bielorusskaya’ and ‘Empress’, respectively. For ‘President’ plum the optimal was concentration of 6 BAP – 1.0 mg/ltr, and Gibberellic acid – 0.5 mg/ltr (the multiplication factor was 6.91).
The study was carried out in the Biotechnology department in the Institute for Fruit Growing in 2015–2017. The study objects were Belarusian plum cultivars ‛Vengerka Belorusskaya’, ‛Dalikatnaya’. The terms were determined that allowed to produce rooted cultivar plant regenerants in vitro: plum cultivars root formation (56.7 %) was seen at 1.0 mg/L in darkness. When rooting ex vitro root formation was not detected, in vitro at light – single rooted plants. Nutritional substrate for rooted plant adaptation and growing at post-adaptation step was determined. At the first adaptation step the maximum plants taken root was produced at ion-exchange substrate BIONA-112. Cultivar ‛Vengerka Belorusskaya’ had 90.0 %, cultivar ‛Dalikatnaya’ had 83.0 %. At the second adaptation step intensive growth on the mixture of peat and perlit was observed with adding slowrelease fertilizer (Bazakot). As the result cultivars ‛Vengerka Belorusskaya’ and ’Dalikatnaya’ own-root plants were produced.
The study was carried out in the Biotechnology department in the Institute for Fruit Growing in 2015–2017. The study objects were regionalized plum cultivars ‛Vengerka Belorusskaya’, ‛Dalikatnaya’, cherry plum cultivars ‛Kometa’, ‛Lama’, ‛Lodva’. The optimal period, shoot type, sterilization scheme for plum and cherry plum in vitro initiation was determined. Using vegetative buds at a vegetation period resulted in 30.0 % of the amount of regenerated explants for ‛Vengerka Belorusskaya’, 10.0 % for ‛Dalikatnaya’, 35.0 % for ‛Kometa’. Nutritional media for different in vitro culture steps were found and plum and cherry plum plant regenerant morphological parameters were determined. After in vitro establishment multiplication coefficient for plum cultivars ‛Vengerka Belorusskaya’, ‛Dalikatnaya’ and cherry plum cultivar ‛Kometa’ was 1.5–3, cherry plum cultivars ‛Lama’ and ‛Lodva’ was less than one.
The article presents the results of cherry anthracnose species composition study. The wintering stage of anthracnose agent was determined, morphological and cultural features were studied, and the disease diagnosis was developed. The species composition of anthracnose pathogens was established using PCR methods, which is represented by two fungi species of the genus Colletotrichum Sacc. (synonym for Gloeosporium sp. Berk.), information about which is not available in the database of the International Genetic Bank (NCBI). For the first time in Belarus a collection of purified cultures was created, coprising 12 strains to create the artificial infectious background.
In our research work the influence of substrates (peat, ion-exchange substrate BIONA-111 and perlite) on plant adaptation of cherry cultivars (‘Livenskaya’, ‘Rovesnitsa’, ‘Lasuha’, ‘Vyanok’, ‘Griot Belorusskiy’, ‘Novodvorskaya’) rooted in vitro to unsterile conditions was studied. Optimum substrates for adaptation of microplants of each cultivar to unsterile conditions were defined. The nuances of adaptation of different cultivars were revealed.
The article presents the results of the main economic and biological parameters study for 97 combinative crossing sweet cherry hybrids.
The economic and biological traits sources were identified on the results for the further use in breeding program for new sweet cherry cultivars generation. The selected perspective sweet cherry hybrids are 2005-14/18, 2005-14/23, 2005-14/24, 2006-4/58, 2006-5/1, 2006-5/44, 2006-5/65, 2005-15/6, 2005-15/54, 2005-15/55 and have the complex of the economic and biological traits, and were propagated for the further study.
The results of studies of introduction and propagation in vitro culture of own-root apricot varieties are presented in the article.
The optimal sterilizing substance for introduction into the culture was established. The use of 33 % hydrogen peroxide allows to obtain up to 62.5 % of viable explants. The optimal concentration of growth regulators at the micropropagation stage which allows to achieve the greatest amount of regenerants with optimal length for further rooting was established. The inclusion on plant nutrient medium 6 benzilaminopurine and gibberellic acid in concentration 1.5 mg/L and 0.5 mg/ltr allows to obtain 2.6 multiplication factor of apricot variety ‘Znachodka’ (standard) and ‘Nikitski’, and 3.0 multiplication factor on apricot variety ‘Zaporozets’, without taking into account the length of plants-regenerants. Also the good result was obtained on nutrient medium 6 BAP – 0.75 mg/L, gibberellic acid – 0 mg/L in all varieties.
Taking into account the influence of cytokinin and gibberellin concentration on the height of microplants at the micropropagation stage (in future, for all effective rizogenesis) it is recommended 6 BAP – 0.5 mg/ltr and gibberellic acid – 1.5 mg/L addition for ‘Zaporozets’ and ‘Znachodka’ varieties. For ‘Nikitski’ variety the best indicators are noted on a medium with 6 BAP – 1.0 mg/L and gibberellic acid – 1.0 mg/L content.
The evaluation results and main characteristics of the new strawberry variety Polly are presented. It was created during the joint breeding work of the Belarusian State Agricultural Academy and OOO Polisad. The variety was obtained as a result of free pollination of the Festivalnaya romashka. According to the competitive variety trial it is recommended for farm gardening cultivation in the Republic of Belarus since 2016.
The variety Polly is medium ripening, winter hardy, high yielder (up to 17 tons/ha). The average weight of berry is 11.4 g. The tasting assessment of fresh berries is 4.8 points. The variety is relatively resistant to leaf scorch, powdery mildew and wilting diseases, have a low degree of susceptibility to botrytis fruit rot. The cultivating profitability of the Polly variety was 182.7 % during the investigation period.
The study Romanian breeding strawberry varieties was carried out for the first time in the conditions of the Central Fruit Growing Area of Belarus resulted in selection of late ripening Real variety characterized by a high level of winter hardiness and drought resistance, high productivity (0.28 kg/bush), large fruit (11.9 g), relative resistance to leaf spots. Berries are truncated-conical in shape, red, shiny, attractive. The berry taste is sweet and sour, with a pleasant aroma. The introduced strawberry genotype was recommended as a source of the trait complex of adaptability and berry commercial qualities for further breeding.
Within the Belarusian population of gooseberry, we identified highly adaptive genotypes 01-4-16, 05-3-6, characterized by winter hardiness, drought resistance, high productivity (0.9‒1.1 kg/bush for the 3rd year after planting), berry weight in 3.7‒3.8 g and resistance to powdery mildew. The selected genotypes of small fruit crops are recommended as sources of the complex of signs of adaptability and commodity qualities of the berries in further breeding work in order to form an industrial assortment of gooseberry in Belarus.
It was established that Raspberry bushy dwarf virus (RBDV) can be detected in in vitro-derived shoots of raspberry by DAS-ELISA test (without a false negative results). RBDV was detected in one clone of raspberry cv. Heritage (out of 14 plants 5 clones) both in the in vitro and adaptation stages (at 1.5 and 5.5 months after planted in non-sterile conditions). In addition, seventeen clones (out of other 54 clones) of raspberry plants (in vitro shoots) were found infected with RBDV. This made it possible to exclude virus-infected clones of raspberry plants from the micropropagation process. The optical density of samples with RBDV exceeded the optical density of the negative control by 18–28 times.
The article presents the results of a production study for suitability of zoned and potential raspberry varieties to mechanized harvesting. Varieties of autumn raspberry ‘Polka’, ‘Herakl’, ‘Zeva Herbsternt’ have a complex of traits that determines suitability for mechanized harvesting: compact habit of the bush, height ‒ 165‒173 cm, shoot diameter ‒ within 14‒15 mm, row width ‒ within 37‒40 cm, the completeness of berry harvesting with a half-row harvester ‛Jarek-5’ ‒ 59.5‒65.1 %, mechanical shoot damage ‒ no more than 22 %, yield – 6.9‒10.4 t/ha. Thus, the varieties are suitable for production cultivation with mechanized harvesting in the conditions of the central fruit-growing zone of the Republic of Belarus.
Cultivation of varieties ‘Polka’ and ‘Herakl’ with mechanized harvesting is highly profitable both on small (5‒10 hectares) and on large areas (15‒30 hectares) ‒ the level of profitability is 135.9‒156.2 % and 146.3‒166.8 %, respectively. Cultivation of the late variety ‘Zeva Herbstent’ is desirable in an area of at least 15 hectares with a profitability level of 88.4-95.6 %.
The study of agrobiological features of blackberry cultivars of Romanian breeding was carried out for the first time in the conditions of Belarus. As a result, we selected blackberry cultivar ‘Dar-24’ characterized by drought resistance, large-size fruit (5.2 g) and resistance to fungal diseases (purple and white spot, anthracnose). The selected genotype is recommended as the sources of traits being valuable for the further breeding work in Belarus.
The article presents the results of the of nutritional medium effect study on in vitro root formation efficiency of Japanese quince. The study was carried out in Biotechnology department in the Institute for Fruit Growing in 2016‒2017. The various auxin nature growth regulator concentration effect on in vitro root formation efficiency of Japanese quince cultivars was performed. The subjects of research were regionalized cultivar ‘Likhtar’ and perspective hybrid S-47. The data of morphological parameters such as average plant length (cm), average root length (cm) and average root number per plant at in vitro root formation stage is given.
Indolebutyric acid (IBA) concentration effect on Japanese quince root formation percentage is determined. The nutritional medium with high root formation percentage of cultivar ‘Likhtar’ (74.62 %) and hybrid S-47 (94.66 %) was withdrawn.
The article presents the results of a two-year (2016‒2017) comparative study of the biometric and bioproduction fruit characteristics of 9 A. kolomikta taxons introduced in Belarus such as natural form and ‘Prevoshodnaya’, ‘Aromatnaya’, ‘Dostoinaya’, ‘Odnodomnaya’, ‘Sentyabrskaya’, ‘VIR-1’, ‘Vafelnaya’ and ‘Botanicheskaya’ varieties. Their significant dependence on the weather conditions of the growing season was found with prominent genotypic differences in its exhibiting level. The sudden changes in temperature with acute moisture deficiency is shown to delay generative phenophases in the seasonal development of plants, increase the size parameters and the average fruit weight in the natural form with their relative stability in the variety material, and also have an inhibitory effect on the fruit formation process, which leads to a decrease in the fruit yield by 3.0‒6.3 times, especially in ‘Dostoinaya’ and ‘Sentyabrskaya’ varieties.
The maximum output of the adapted plants (100 %) with the average shoot length 11.24±0.21 cm and the average root length 10.48±0.22 cm for plants was observed on a sterile peat substrate at the average through all cultivars (‛Volhova’, ‛Krupnoplodnaya’, ‛Goluboye vereteno’, ‛Pavlovskaya’). The high output of the adapted plant regenerants (95.58 %) with the average shoot length 8.10±0.72 cm and the average root length 6.89±0.16 cm could be produced on the cheaper agroperlit substrate. BIONA-311 substrate that provided the high output of the adapted plant regenerants (97.48 %) and the high morphological honeysuckle growth parametres (the average shoot length 12.76±0.56 cm and the average root length 10.20±0.49) as well had the subnstancial disadvantage of high cost in comparison with a peat substrate and agroperlit. At the avarage the output of the adapted plants through the all cultivars was 95.17 % (‛Pavlovskaya’), 95.83 % (‛Krupnoplodnaya’), 96.14 % („Volhova”) and 97.51 % (‛Goluboye vereteno’). For the periods of adaptation, at the avarage the high results not less 92.78 % at the end of autumn to the beginning of winter (November‒December) were obtained through the all cultivars. The maximum amount of the adapted plants (99.46 % and 98.19 %) was produced at the end of winter (February‒March) to summer (April‒May).
In the article a morphological description, economic and biological characteristics of a new Belarusian cultivar of common viburnum ‘Кaráli’ (authors A. I. Bachilo, T. M. Andrushkevich), bred in the RUE ‘Institute for Fruit Growing’ (Belarus) originated from free pollination of the cultivar ‘Kievskaya Sadovaya №1’ was given.
The cultivar is characterized by high winter hardiness, relative resistance to fruit rot, productivity of 11.6 t/ha. Berry is large (average weight 1.1 g), elliptical shape, have saturated red-purple color, good taste (tasting score 4.4 points).
Berries of cultivar ‘Karáli’ are suitable for manufacturing of various processing items (juice of direct squeezing, nectar without pulp, nectar with pulp, non-alcoholic juice-containing drink, berries strained with sugar, berries strained with sugar and refrigerated, bulk refrigerated berries).
The level of profitability of cultivating a new cultivar is 153.5 %.
Cultivar ‘Karáli’ was transferred to the State Variety Testing in 2016 and included in the State Register of Varieties of the Republic of Belarus in 2018.
A comparative evaluation of the morphometric parameters of generative and vegetative buds of 15 cultivars of highbush blueberry and a single cultivar of lowbush blueberry. Generative buds are more often ovate, less often oval, 4.4-6.6 mm long, 2.4‒3.1 mm wide. Vegetative buds are oblong-ovate in length 1.5‒2.7 mm, width 1.2‒1.7 mm. The size of the buds and the number of leaf rudiments in them increase from the base of the annual shoot to its terminal bud. The largest average number of generative buds was observed in the stunted cultivar Putte (8.5 pieces/shoot). In the blueberry cultivars, the taller one is 2 or more times less: from 1.7 (Puru) to 4.2 (Brigitta Blue) pcs/shoot. As the length of branching branches increases, the number of buds increases, and their density decreases on the contrary. The ratio of growth and flowering buds in highbush blueberry cultivars is from 1.2 (Goldtraube) to 5.2 (Puru), and in the lowbush blueberry Putte ‒ 0.5. Most of the buds of blueberry plants are located on the tops of shoots and in solitary sinuses alone, less often a complex of collateral buds is formed, including 2, rarely 3 kidneys, in Brigitta Blue and Spartan - up to 4 buds.
Biometric parameters and shape of the buds, the densities of the buds to escape, the ratio of vegetative and generative buds are varietal particularities and can be used in identification of blueberry cultivars.
The article presents the results of research carried out within the framework of the treaty (B16KIG-006) with the Belarusian Republican Foundation for Fundamental Research «Growing of blueberry, lingonberry and cranberry cultivars in vitro, producing virus-free mother plants». The aim of the research was to assess the effectiveness ex vitro microcutting of varieties blueberry, cranberry and lingonberry. It was established that microcutting (three times) of ex vitro rooting shoots and (in the future) of their cuttings can be used to increase the yield of blueberry, cranberry and lingonberry plantlets. Effectiveness of ex vitro microcutting of plants of the genus Vaccinium L. (using moss Sphagnum L. with upper layer of acid peat (0.5 cm) as a substrate) was 57.1–100 %.
The paper deals with the results of a comparative study of influence of full mineral fertilizer (N16P16K16) and growth regulators (‛Nanoplant’, ‛Hydrohumat’ and ‛Ecosil’) on the parameters of development the overground sphere of virginal twoyear- old plants of the early ripening (’Northcountry’, ‛Croaton’) and the mid-ripening (‛Bluecrop’, ‛Northland’, ‛Jersey’) varieties of V. corymbosum L. on the opencast peatland of lowland type in conditions of central agroclimatic zone of Belarus. It was established that the «Northcountry» variety was characterized by the most pronounced positive changes in the totality of the 20 characteristics of the habitus and the current increment of the vegetative organs (by 562–1065 % compared to the control) with the maximum effect against the background of the application of ‛Ecosil’ and especially ‛Hydrohumat’ and minimal with the ‛Nanoplant’ treating. The development of the aboveground sphere of the ‛Croaton’ variety is shown to increase (by 159–234 % relative to the control) when N16P16K16 is used and especially ‛Nanoplant’; application of ‛Hydrohumat’ and especially ‛Ecosil’ led to its inhibition by 56–143 %. In the response of the medium-ripening blueberry varieties to the tested agro-practices positive tendencies dominated with the activation of the development of their overgroundsphere by 55–701 %, with the largest and most similar effect in the ‛Bluecrop’ and ‛Jersey’ varieties on the background of N16P16K16 and the lowest when ‛Hydrohumat» was applied. In the ‛Northland’ variety, the maximum positive effect was established with ‛Ecosil’ treatments, the minimum – with ‛Nanoplant’ treatment, against the background of inhibition of the development of its overground sphere by 44 % when ‛Hydrohumat’ was applied.
The most pronounced activation of the development of vegetative organs of virginal plants of most model blueberry varieties is revealed when N16P16K16 is applied and ‛Ecosil’ is used, the lowest – with the ‛Hydrohumat’ treatment. The ‛Northcountry’ variety was characterized by the most pronounced positive response of the vegetative sphere of virginal blueberry plants to the tested agro-practices, the least – ‛Jersey’ and especially ‛Croaton’ varieties.
The comparative estimation of inflorescences and flowers morphometric parameters of 6 cranberry cultivars is given. Flowers are collected in simple, open monopodial inflorescences in the form of a short brush. The flower is full, simple, bisexual. The calyx is fused with the ovary, 4-divided, remaining with the fetus. The corolla is deeply 4-divided with petals bent toward a base of the flower. The androce includes 8 stamens. The ginzei is one pestle.
Grape plant genotype was observed to determine explant regenerative in vitro capacity with a high degree of confidence when studying grape cultivar explants of cross-species hybridization (‘Regent’, ‘Mars’, ‘Bianca’, ‘Marquette’, ‘Agat donskoi’) using biologically active compounds. ‘Regent’ cultivar had the high regenerative capacity (48.6 %) by the mean of a direct organogenesis at the selected conditions.
30 % hydrogen peroxide is effective to produce sterile culture with exposition for 10 minutes. It should be take into account explants type at sterilization: apical parts of green cuts and lateral shoot are more sensitive than buds without cover scale.
1.1 mg/L 6-BА only as a biologically active compound in a modified MS medium helps to increase normally developed explants output by the mean of a direct organogenesis. Meanwhile, 0.09 mg/L NAA stimulates callusogenesis at the e[plant base by 13.4 % which is 19 times higher as for the medium with no auxin.
The questions of new domestic standards development for fresh fruit to bring into accordance with the technical regulations of the Customs Union and the best techniques of the leading countries on fruit growing were considered taking into account the expanding of fruit crops assortment.
The comparison of the state standards of Belarus for apple fresh fruit of cultivars of early and late fruit ripening terms to the previously valid state standards was provided
The need of fruit calibration on weight in addition to height and diameter was proved.
In the article presents the results of researches on calcium content in apple fruit of and parameters of juice output are resulted. 10 apple varieties of summer ripening time were studied. ‘Papirokovka’ variety was control. Calcium ions content was lower in fruit in 2017 compared with 2016 while the yield of juice was higher. ‘Yamba’ variety had the lowest calcium content (3.9–5.1 mg/100 g), ‘Kvinti’ variety had the highest (6.2–6.5 mg/100 g) content. As the result of the research, calcium content was found to depend on several indicators such as weather and climate conditions of the year and varietal characteristics. A negative correlation was found between calcium content and juice yield. For industrial processing in the conditions of the western forest-steppe of Ukraine, it is possible to recommend to plant orchards with – ‘Yamba’, ‘Melba’ and ‘Papirovka’ varieties.
In the article results of research on the biochemical composition and quality of the fruits of early apples grown under the conditions of the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine are presented. The relatively high concentration of dry soluble substances can be produced by ‘Melba’, ‘Vista Bella’ and ‘Mantet’ (above 13 %), of sugar – ‘Mantet’, ‘Vista Bella’, ‘Iyunskoye rannee’, ‘Melba’ and ‘Redfree’ (over 10 ). Apples of the studied varieties are characterized by high acidity, the concentration above the average is noted in the fruits of varieties of ‘Iyunskoye rannee’ and ‘Papirovka’ (above 1 %). The high content of vitamin C characterizes the fruits of apple varieties ‘Yamba’ and ‘Iyunskoye rannee’ (11 mg/100g), as well as ‘Quinti’ (19 mg/100g). The most valuable sample for pectin content is ‘Yamba’ variety (1.31 %). The complex assessment allowed the selection of apple varieties with fruits most suitable for fresh use, which are ‘Vista Bella’, ‘Mantet’, ‘Quinti’ and ‘Melba’.
The possibility of fruits of four apple cultivars (‛Alesya’, ‛Idared’, ‛Jonahgold’, ‛Champion’) ethylene release inhibition was studied in 2014‒2016 at the storage period through the use of 1-methilcyclopropene (1-MCP) on the base of an industrial refrigerator.
The significant differences in ethylene release intensity between treated with 1-MCP and nontreated fruits were established to be found since the second-third storage month relative to a cultivar.
1-MCP treated fruits ripened more slowly and maintained its commercial properties (flash hardness and consistence, soluble solids) during the long storage period.
The need of ethylene content control in a refrigerator for the whole period of storage as a criterion of apple fruit ripening and storage ability was proved.
The article presents the results of the study of Bellis, Dylan, Merpan fungicides treatment effects in the garden in the period of 20 days before harvesting for the development of physiological disorders and fungal diseases during the storage period in the refrigerating chamber in RUP ‘Brest regional agricultural experimental station of the National Academy of Science of Belarus’.
According to the two-year data, the best effect on storage after application of fungicides before storage was ensured by
Bellis and Dylan on ‛Bielorusskoe sladkoye’ variety, preparations Dylan and Merpan on ‛Darunak’ variety, and Dylan on ‛Imant’ variety.
The results of the study of plum cultivars on the economic and biological parameters are presented: fruit mass, color, content and separability of stone from flesh, soluble solids, suitability for manufacturing of processing products.
Plum cultivars suitable for making of compotes, nectars, grated fruit, frozen puree and for freezing in bulk and in sugar syrup are selected.
The article reflects the results of studies to determine the suitability of raspberry varieties to produce non-alcoholic juicecontaining drinks and to identify optimal parameters for the fruit part and soluble solid content in the finished product.
The objects of research were raspberry fruit of ‘Babye leto’, ‘Gerakl’, Zeva Herbsternt, ‘Heritage’ varieties.
Raspberry varieties suitable for production of non-alcoholic juice-containing drinks were identified. The effect of formula components on consumer property formation of non-alcoholic beverages containing raspberry juice was established.
A comparative analysis of the organoleptic evaluation results showed that the best quality raspberry drinks had the fruit part content of 11 % and soluble solids of 15 %.
The review article presents information about fruit crop clonal rootstocks (apple, pear, plum, cherry plum, cherry, sweet cherry, apricot and peach) and their role in the intensive fruit growing.
The most common rootstocks in Belarus, Europe, Canada, Russia, the United States and Ukraine selected for winter hardiness, the ability to be propagated by off-shoots, disease and pest resistance, having semi-dwarf and dwarf growth of grafted varieties, are presented.
The article is devoted to the micropropagation of plants from genus Prunus, mainly to domestic plums (Prunus domestica L.). The first stages of in vitro culture are described: initiation and proliferation stage. Different types of explants, methods of sterilization, nutrient media for initiation and proliferation stages are considered. For plum micropropagation, various media are used: a liquid medium of WPM with a full or half content of mineral salts, Rosenberg’s medium modified for fruit crops, Lepoivre and B5 medium, Nitsch’s medium. But the most suitable for plum micropropagation is Murashige ‒ Skoog medium. Possibly, the concentration of BAP 0.5-1.0 mg/l is optimal for plum culture at micropropagation stage. Each stage of micropropagation of the plum requires a certain intensity of illumination. Proliferation is most active at a higher light intensity (4‒7 thousand lux). The possibilities of chemotherapy of plum from ILAR viruses (Prunus necrotic ringspot virus (PNRSV) and prune dwarf virus (PDV)) using antiviral compounds are described. Irreversible inhibition of ILAR viruses is usually achieved only after no less than twice use of antiviral compounds in nutrient media.
The final micropropagation stages are considered in the article: the stages of rooting and adaptation to non-sterile conditions of Prunus L. genus plants. Plum shoot rooting depends on the number of passages preceding propagation, the mineral and hormonal composition of the medium, the method of stimulant applying. The optimum concentration of IMC in the nutrient medium for rooting of plum varieties is evidently in the range of 0.5–1.0 mg/L. The possibilities of adaptation stage optimizing are considered: preliminary hardening of plants, soil substrate composition and feeding system selection. The variants of combining plum microshoot rooting and adaptation are indicated. The necessity of adapted microplants preliminary preparation for transplantation for further growing is considered. It is noted that the total yield of own-root plum trees grown by in vitro has advantages over the grafted plants.
In the review article the relationship between the antioxidant activity of plant fruit tissues and the accumulation of polyphenol compounds in them is examined. The role of polyphenols in the prevention of a number of diseases associated with oxidative stress is discussed. Synthesis of genotypes of different cultures (plum, peach), rich in phenolic compounds with enhanced antioxidant and coloring properties, demonstrates the wide possibilities of selection in the creation of stone plants with therapeutic and preventive features fruits. An example of the intensification of the breeding process is given, which shows the possibility of updating varieties on the basis of specialized characteristics of fruits.
The article analyzes the results of many years of research of Russian scientific institutions for breeding of Ribes nigrum L. Carrying out targeted selections for resistance to pathocomplex allowed to identify the most adaptive varieties for cultivation and donors for further selection. The main method of research is interspecific crossings. The use of donor hybridization of resistance to the Sphaerotheca mors-uvae Berk. Et Gurt., Cronartium ribicola Fisch., Pseudopeziza ribis Kleb, Septoria ribis Desm allowed to significantly accelerate the creation of black currant varieties with complex resistance to pathocomplex. Currently, a genetically new source material resistant to diseases is obtained. As a result of long-term selection work, 21 varieties of black currant were bred, which significantly influenced the modern assortment of berry crops in Russia. A unique gene pool of black currant has been created, which opens up prospects for further breeding work.
The review presents data of botanical and pomological Corylus sp. Classification (Córylus L.), species characteristics and use thereof, definition of the term «hazelnut» used for cultivated large-fruited forms of Corylus sp., hybrids and cultivars. The biological traits of Corylus sp. and hazelnut, including light, moisture, soil, air temperature demands, pollination and fertilization characteristics, main pests and diseases are given.
The part of the review is devoted to hazelnut and cultivated varieties breeding in the different climatic areas and various propagation methods including the current micropropagation method in vitro. Commercial hazelnut cultivation, the main planting forming systems, agronomic management procedures are presented. The conclusion identifies the hazelnut to be commercial and strategically important home-grown culture on the base of regionalization foundations and brand-new cultivars use, and advanced experience of cultivation in the neighboring to Belarus countries.