
Fruit Growing

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Vol 28 (2016)
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9-15 111

In the Republic of Belarus in 2004-2015 19 thousand hectares of orchards and berry plantations were planted in agricultural organizations and farms. Creation of their own primary produce zones for the processing enterprises has been started.

The Republic has achieved self-sufficiency in produce of fruit, small fruit and strawberry planting material.

Production of 4 modifications of tractors ‘Belarus’ and more than 25 types of specialized equipment for fruit growing has been started. 61 fruit stores with total capacity of 83.4 thousand tones were put into service.

Further planting of orchards and berry fields will be carried out within the framework of the State Program ‘Development of agriculture business in Belarus in 2016-2020 years’ (subprogram ‘Development of crop growing sub-branch, processing and marketing of crop products’), which would bring the production of fruit in agricultural organizations and farms in 2020 up to 190 thousand tons.

16-23 280

The article presents the results of the evaluation of pollination of cultivars ‘Belorusskoye sladkoye’, ‘Syabryna’, ‘Zorka’ and ‘Nadzeiny’ with pollen of apple variety ‘Diyament’. It was found the coincidence of flowering periods of the studied cultivars and the pollinator, as well as high quality pollen of variety ‘Diyament’: viability – 81 %, fertility – 85-90 %. Apple cultivar ‘Diyament’ has been defined as the best pollinator based on a comprehensive analysis of cross-compatibility varieties in field conditions, providing 81-141 % fruit setting from control for cultivars ‘Belorusskoye sladkoye’, ‘Syabryna’, ‘Nadzeiny’. There was revealed little fruit formation of cultivars ‘Belorusskoye sladkoye’ up to 3 %, ‘Nadzeyny’ – 3 %, ‘Syabryna’ – 4.5 %, ‘Zorka’ – 1.6 %, ‘Diyament’ – 8.5 % by autogamy, heterogamy and parthenocarpy.

The possibility of joint cultivation consisting of two varieties ‘Diyament’ and ‘Belorusskoye sladkoye’, ‘Diyament’ and ‘Syabryna’ in intensive plantations, according to an analysis of genotypes cross-compatibility, was demonstrated.

24-31 90

The study was done in the garden planted in spring in 2009 with cultivars ‘Vesyalіna’, ‘Syabryna’, ‘Pospech’ on super-dwarf rootstock PB-4. Planting scheme – 3.5 x 1.0 m. A prope was two-wired trellis with a bamboo stake for each tree.

The article presents data on strength of bole growth in 2009-2015, yield in the 5-7-th year after planting, formation of spures, annual growth.

It was found that apple trees on super-dwarf rootstock were characterized with weak strength of growth, the total growth of cross-sectional area of bole for 2009-2015 ranged between 6.0 and 7.1 cm2 for cv. ‘Pospech’ to 7.7 and 9.5 cm2 for cv. ‘Syabryna’ at planting with one-year and two-year seedlings, respectively.

No significant effect of age on planting material strength of bole growth and timber growth was found. More productive in the 5-7-th year after foundation were the plantings of two-year seedlings.

To increase productivity, taking into account the strength of growth of trees on the rootstock PB-4 it is necessary to plant gardens with two-year planting material and decrease distance between trees in the row to 0.5-0.7 m.

32-48 121

The article presents the results of a study of mother plantations of regionalized and promising rootstocks of pomaceous and stone fruit crops according to morphological features.

A description of 13 apple and pear rootstocks 7 on 31 morphological features, 9 cherry rootstocks on 41 features and 8 plum rootstocks on 43 features is given.

On the basis of the studies a guideline for testing of the mother plantations of the existing range of rootstocks has been developed.

As the main approbation features the most distinctive morphological characteristics of a bush (shape), a shoot (curving, downiness, color of crust and lenticels), a bud (size, size of the base, a shape of the top, location relative to the shoot), a leaf (form and nature of the surface, color, shape of the top and the base, location, serration), a stem (length), stipules (shape) have been marked.

The additional features for the tested rootstocks are: height of a bush, thickness of shoots and number of lateral branches; number, shape and size of lenticels; interstitials size; downiness of buds; length and shine of a leaf; downiness of a leaf on the lower side; downiness and color of a petiole, length of stipules; number, size and location of glands.

49-59 82

The article analyzes the influence of vigor of growth of one-year apple seedlings on their characteristics of branching in the nursery.

It was found that the branching of one-year seedlings of studied varieties depended both on a genotype (branching cv. ‘Belorusskoye sladkoye’, weak branching cv. ‘Imant’), techniques to stimulate branching, and their vigor growth. Under natural growing conditions while increasing the diameter of the trunk of the seedlings the quality indices of planting material improved: the number and the length of lateral shoots increased, as well as the amount of well branching one-year seedlings.

It was determined that the variety feature of weak branching cv. ‘Imant’ was formation of more spur type shoots (up to 10 cm) as compared to well branching cv. ‘Belorusskoye sladkoye’ – by 7.4 %.

In all variants of experiments to stimulate one-year seedlings cv. ‘Belorusskoye sladkoye’ branching in a structure of lateral shoots the growth type branches (more than 10 cm) prevailed over the spurs (10 cm) – 68.2-80.3 % and 19.7-31.8 %, respectively. The most number of growth shoots formed in the experiment with pruning – 80.3 %, the spurs – in the experiment with removing leaves – 31.8 %.

For cv. ‘Imant’ with weak branching capability the most amount of growth branches was provided by methods of pruning and treatment with ‘Arbolin’ – 56.7-60.8 %. In the variant of leaves removing the percent of the spurs prevailed – 76.7 %.

60-69 100

The article presents the results of evaluation of apple and plum clonal rootstocks in the mother plantation of comparative testing on a range of features: winter hardiness, disease resistance, height, shoot and branch formation capacity, rooting rating, output of standard rootstocks. Among the studied apple clonal rootstocks the forms were selected on the shoot formation capacity, root system development: SK 2, SK 3; resistance to Phyllosticta leaf blight – SK 3, Ural-5, Ural-8, Ural-3, Ural-6, Ural-11; resistance to complex of diseases – Ural-1.

In the result of the studies of plum clonal rootstocks on the output of the rooted layers the rootstock forms were selected: VSV-1, ‘Vesennee Plamya’, ‘Humilis’, ‘Speaker’, PKG-25, ‘Fortuna’; resistance to shot-hole desease – ‘Druzhba’, ‘Speaker’, ‘Vesennee Plamya’, PKG-25, PKG-13, ‘Fortuna’, ‘Humilis’, VVA-1.

70-77 90

The article presents experimental data for 2013-2015 years on the influence of biological fertilizers ‘Risobacterin’, ‘Fitostimofos’, ‘Baikal EM-1’ on the quality of apple planting material in a nursery.

The studies revealed that the application of biological products had a positive influence on the growth, the length and the number of lateral shoots. The best result was defined in a combination ‘Risobacterin’ + ‘Fitostimofos’. Biometric indices in the variants of root treatment with the biological products exceeded the control in several times.

For cv. ‘Verbnae’ on a rootstock 106-13 in the variant ‘Risobacterin’ + ‘Fitostimofos’ the height of seedlings was by 26.9 cm longer, the number of lateral shoots increased by 2.2, and their length in 1.9 times, which made possible to receive standard seedlings coming into fruition more early in the garden.

78-84 231

‘Zaveya’ is a new variety of pear bred in Belarus. It has late ripening period, suitable for dessert use. It was obtained as a result of hybridization in 1990 of Belarusian hybrid 6-89/100 and Ukrainian pear variety ‘Maslyanaya Rho’. The cultivar has early appearance of fruit (marketable fruiting in the third year after planting on the dwarf rootstock S1), is resistant to scab, septariose, bacterial canker and rust, productive (20 t/ha), suitable for long term storage of fruit (up to 150 days – in the normal atmosphere, up to 180 days – in the controlled atmosphere), has high flavor and commercial quality of fruit. It was handed to the State variety trial in 2016.

85-91 96

The assessment of spread and productivity of pear trees in the garden planted in 2005 in the period of growth and fruiting and the effect of height of the crown in the formation of the trees on the seed rootstock and planting scheme 4.5 x 2.5 m was made.

The differences in spread and fruiting of trees of different pear varieties are shown. Per hectare more productive variety of pear trees was cv. ‘Prosto Maria’ with height 3 m, the average yield in the age period of spread and fruiting in the 7-11 year after planting in the garden was 21.1 t/ha, which is 1.4 times more than 2 m high trees.

92-97 140

Study was carried out in the garden planted in 2010. The objects of research were varieties of pears: ‘Beloruskaya Pozdnyaya’, ‘Duhmyanaya’ and ‘Prosto Maria’ on dwarf rootstock S1, planted in two schemes: 4.0 x 1.5 m and 4.0 x 2.0 m.

The vigor of shoot growth of pear trees, productivity and relative index of the crown productivity depended on the type and the density of plantations. For the cultivars ‘Beloruskaya Pozdnyaya’, ‘Duhmyanaya’ and ‘Prosto Maria’ the most productive option was the density of planting 1666 trees per hectare, the total yield of these varieties for 2011-2015 was 46.0; 41.2 and 72.3 t/ha, respectively.

The trees of ‘Prosto Maria’ excelled the other cultivars on the indexes of cross sectional area of the bole and its growth and the size of the crown.

98-104 126

The paper presents data of the field study of promising clonal pear rootstocks in root layer mother plantation planted in 2008 in the Department of Nursery for 2013-2015 and data on micropropagation of clonal pear rootstocks in the Biotechnology department of the Institute for Fruit Growing in 2015-2016. Economic and biological indexes of rootstocks were studied. Two promising forms were selected: 2-31, S1. While assessing the various forms of quince for its suitability for use as a clonal pear rootstock we took into account its shoot-forming and rooting capacity, height, diameter of the shoots and output of standard layers. ELISA-test was done, the healthy virus-free plants of the perspective forms were isolated and introduced to in vitro culture.

105-110 88

The article presents the results of a study of the introduced plum cultivar ‘President’ in the south-western region of the Republic of Belarus.

The variety has late ripening period (by September 15). It comes into fruiting in the third year after planting on the root stock VPK-1. The cultivar is middle-yielding, autosterile, resistant to diseases (monilia, shot-hole disease) and pests. It differs with high taste and production quality of fruits (tasting rating – 4.9 points). The cultivar is for table use and processing. The fruit of the studied variety is suitable for the production of fruit nectar, sterilized strained fruit, frozen strained fruit, partially suitable for freezing and directly squeezed juice (tasting score – 4.3-4.7 points).

The level of profitability is 126.9 %.On the results of testing the cultivar has been passed to the State inspection for testing of varieties of the Republic of Belarus in 2015.

111-116 177

The article presents the results of a study of the introduced plum cultivar ‘Empress’ in the south-western region of the Republic of Belarus. The variety has unknown origin. In Europe the cultivar introduced from the United States.

The variety has middle-ripening period (by September 5). It is characterized by early appearance of fruit, comes into fruiting in the third year after planting in the garden on the root stock VPK-1, has middle yield – 10 kg per tree (5th year of growth). The variety is resistant to diseases (monilia, shot-hole disease) and pests. It differs with high taste and production quality of fruits (tasting score – 4.8 points). The cultivar is for table use and processing. The fruit of the studied variety is suitable for production of fruit nectar, sterilized strained fruit, frozen strained fruit, partially suitable for freezing and directly squeezed juice (tasting rating – 4.0-4.7 points).

The level of profitability is 126.9 %. On the results of testing the cultivar has been passed to the State inspection for testing of varieties of the Republic of Belarus in 2015.

117-130 794

The results of studies on the effectiveness of foliar application of microelement nanofertilizer ‘Nanoplant-Fe,Cu,Mn,Co’, fertilizer ‘KompleMet’ and two growth-regulating chmicals with humic and amino acids in the intensive gardens of sweet cherry cv. ‘Gastsinets’ and cherry cv. ‘Zaranka’ on the clonal rootstock VSL-2 in 2014-2015.

It was found that 4x foliar treatment of sweet cherry cv. ‘Gastsinets’ with the fertilizers ‘KompleMet’, ‘Nanoplant-Fe,Cu,Mn,Co’ and ‘Rostoregulyator-2’ (with amino acids) compared with the control, increased cross-sectional area of the bole by 13.5 %, 12.3 and 27.2 % and growth of cross-sectional area by 51.6 %, 42.2 and 82.8 %, respectively. Fertilizing with ‘KompleMet’ and ‘Nanoplant-Fe,Cu,Mn,Co’ increased the yield of cherries (on the average for 2014-2015 by 64.9 and 36.7 %), resistance to fruit cracking and increased the duration of fresh fruit storing. Using of ‘Rostoregulyator-1’ enhanced the yield of sweet cherry variety ‘Gastsinets’ by 40.8 % in 2015 only.

In 2014 treatment with ‘Nanoplant-Fe,Cu,Mn,Co’ increased the content of potassium and boron in the fruit and ‘Rostoregulyator-1’ – phosphorus and boron. The significant increase in the activity of enzymes, ensuring total antioxidant activity, including important antioxidant enzyme – glutathione, provided by fertilization with ‘KompleMet’ and ‘Nanoplant-Fe,Cu,Mn,Co’. Meanwhile ‘Nanoplant-Fe,Cu,Mn,Co’ and ‘Rostoregulyator-1’ significantly decreased the enzyme activity of trypsin inhibitor, providing stress resistance of plants.

Foliar fertilization of cherry variety ‘Zaranka’ in 2014 with chemicals ‘KompleMet’ and ‘Rostoregulyator-1’ increased the growth of cross-sectional area of the bole by 43 % and 8.6 %, respectively, compared with the control, and the yield by 43.6 % and 59.0 %, respectively. Treatment with microfertilizer ‘Nanoplant-Fe,Cu,Mn,Co’ resulted in the increase of solids and macro- and microelements (P, Ca, Mg, B, Fe, Mn, Zn) content in cherry fruit and ‘Rostoregulyator-1’ – in the increase of potassium, boron and copper content. ‘KompleMet’, ‘Nanoplant-Fe,Cu,Mn,Co’ and ‘Rostoregulyator-1’ significantly enhanced glutathione activity in cherry fruit.

131-137 155

The article presents the results of a study of new introduced clonal rootstocks of cherry and sweet cherry in a mother plantation and their propagation by green cuttings.

The most productive to give new shoots at the level of standard rootstock VSL-2 were the studied rootstocks 5-172, AI-1, AI-5, RVL-9, B-2-180, Damil GY-61/1, providing yield from 1 ha of mother plantation 554 thousand green cuttings; less productive rootstocks were AI-74, AI-77, Shirofugan.

While propagating the clonal cherry and sweet cherry rootstocks by green cuttings the rootstocks AI-77, RVL-9 AI-74, AI-5, AI-1 had high capability for root formation. The percentage of rooted cuttings of studied ranged from 85.6 to 90.0 %.

There were rootstocks selected for resistance to cherry leaf spot: AI-74, AI-77, RVL-9, Damil GM-61/1, AI-1, AI-5 having the degree of damage 0 points.

138-146 92

The article presents the results of a study of apricot соllection for selection of mother- trees for seeds. The objects of study were the most winter-hardy varieties ‘Iceberg’, ‘Artyomovsky’, ‘Grafinya’, ‘Zeus’, ‘Lel’, ‘Orlovchanin’, ‘Pamyat’ Govorukhina’, ‘Pamyat’ Loiko’, ‘Pogremok’, ‘Triumph severnyi’, ‘Yakovleva 9’, ‘Ritausma’, ‘Pure 9’ and 13 promising apricot hybrids of Belarusian selection, variety-standard is ‘Znahodka’. To identify new adaptive vegetatively propagated rootstock forms of apricot as objects we used rootstocks of Romanian selection – ‘Baros’, B 83/5, Cs 6, (B x A) 83/44, ‘Mirodad 1’.

Belarusian apricot hybrids 4-7/03, 7-4/03, 12-12/03, 13-3/03, 8-28/03, 10-15/03, K-1-94, K-2-75, varieties ‘Iceberg’, ‘Pamyat’ Loiko’, and Romanian rootstocks Cs6, ‘Mirodad 1’ have complex resistance to fungal diseases – monilia and cherry leaf spot. Varieties ‘Artiomovsky’, ‘Pamyat’ Loiko’, ‘Ritausma’, hybrids 4-7/03, 7-4/03, 13-3/03, 8-18/03, 8-28/03, 10-7/03, 10-15/03 were allocated for good potential flower buds, their capacity to survive, flowering and fruiting as the standard variety ‘Znahodka’ and higher. There were selected promising hybrids 4-7/03, 7-4/03, 13-3/03, having a complex resistance to fungal diseases, winter hardiness, good potential of generation of flower buds, their capacity to survive, flowering and fruiting, and high seed viability.

147-153 91

The paper presents the results of studies in 2012-2015 to create collection of fruit and small-fruit crops free of system pathogens in the Republic of Belarus. In 2015 in the Institute for Fruit Growing virus-free (SSE A class) plants of 34 varieties of apple (over 200 plants), 15 varieties of pear (45 trees), 9 varieties of sweet cherry, 9 varieties of cherry, 13 varieties of plum and 8 varieties of cherry plum (157 plants of stone fruit) were stored. Super-elite plants of apple, pear, plum, cherries have been grown in Fruit crops breeding department and Nursery department in the field; stone fruit cultures in vitro – in Biotechnology department.

Virus-free nuclear stock of strawberry is 20 varieties (over 2300 plants), black currant – 27 varieties, red and white currants – 7, gooseberries – 8 varieties (465 plants).

Virus-free nuclear stock of dwarf rootstocks (Class A) are in vitro culture, in a glasshouse and open field: 54-118, 62-396, PB-4, MM 106, VA-29, 2-31, S-1, OVP-2, Izmailovsky, VSL-2, GiSelA-5, Damil, VVA-1, VPK-1, OD-2-3, 140-2.

According to data of 2012-2015 years, a significant decrease showed in the number of plants infected with viruses in plantations of apple, pear and stone fruit crops. Viral pathogens in A class stock of strawberry, red currant and gooseberry were not diagnosed.

154-161 97

The article presents the results of a comprehensive assessment of 30 strawberry cultivars of different geographic origin on the main economic useful features in Belarus. Grouping of varieties for each trait separately and in the total was carried out by the method of cluster analysis. For further breeding varieties and hybrids were selected as the sources of valuable features: high winter hardiness, yield, large fruit and taste quality. According to the complex of studied traits varieties ‘Darenka’, ‘Duet’, ‘Orlets’, ‘Solovushka’, ‘Referenta’, ‘Selvik’ were selected.

162-169 153

Cultivated variety ‘Dabradzeya’ is characterized by high regenerative capacity in culture in vitro (the percentage of viable explants – 92.88-96.47 %). At the stage of multiplication MS medium supplemented with 6-BA in a concentration of 1,0 mg/l is recommended (multiplication coefficient is 2.03). After the third passage it is recommended to use a medium for elongation (MS supplemented with 6-BA and GA3 at 0.1 and 1.0 mg/l, respectively) at one time to obtain regenerated plants suitable for rooting (at least 30 %). To stimulate in vitro root formation we used a medium containing ½ MS macro- and microelements solution with addition of IMC 0.5 mg/l (the percentage of rooted regenerated plants – 94.44 %). When adapted ex vitro on a substrate ‘Agroperlit’ in winter and spring months the output of adapted regenerated plants is not less than 87 %, up to 98 % in May. In summer (June) the number of regenerated plants of cv. ‘Dabradzeya’ can be increased by 8-13 % through the use of ion exchange substrates ‘BIONA 111’ or ‘BIONA 311’.

170-175 107

In the article a morphological description, economic and biological characteristics of a new Belarusian gooseberry cultivar ‘Virilad’, bred in RUE ‘Institute for Fruit Growing’ (Belarus), originated from free pollination of the cultivar ‘Carpaty’, was given.

Cultivar ‘Virilad’ is characterized by middle ripening, high winter hardiness, productivity (2.5 kg from bush, 10.4 t/ha), good marketability properties of berries (fresh berries tasting score of 4.3, an average weight of 3.1 g, maximal 4.5 g). Berries are suitable for making nectar with pulp, and sterilized or frozen puree with sugar.

The variety is resistant to American powdery mildew and relatively resistant to leaf spots. It is characterized by high growth rates therefore reaches the required bush parameters for mechanized harvesting in the 3rd year after planting.

The level of profitability of the new variety is 174 %. New cultivar was transferred to the State Cultivar Trial of the Republic of Belarus in 2015.

176-183 100

The results of studies of viral pathogens spread in the plantations of raspberries and grapes in Belarus are presented in the article. Proposed changes of the standards for planting material of these crops and its division into classes are explained.

A decrease of raspberry viral diseases is determined after initiating of the practice of testing the mother plantations for viruses. For summer and autumn raspberry and blackberry in 2015 a new project of standards was developed that regulated testing for virus presence to select planting material into Class A (ArMV, ApMV, RBDV, RpRSV, TBRV, TomRSV, SLRV). A collection of SSE virus-free clones was created, which included 33 varieties of raspberries and one variety of blackberries in the culture in vitro, in the glasshouse and in the open field.

For the first time in Belarus viral diseases of grapes are revealed: Grapevine fleck virus (GFkV, 32.6 %) and Grapevine leafroll-associated virus 3 (5.2 %). A project of the standard for virus-free grapevine planting material was developed that regulated testing for 6 viruses (ArMV, RpRSV, SLRV, TBRV, GLRaV 3, GFkV) to select plants into Class A. Virus-free mother plantations of grapevine varieties ‘Marshal Foch’, ‘Bianca’, ‘Platovsky’, ‘Crystal’, ‘Agat Donskoy’ were founded in the greenhouse and in vitro.

184-190 308

The article describes the history of creation, morphological description and the economic and biological characteristics of the first Belarusian blackberry cultivated variety ‘Stefan’. This variety was selected from open pollination of blackberry variety ‘Thornless’. It is thornless, has high productivity (up to 5.0 kg per bush or 8.3 t/ha) and large fruit (6.3 g), recommended for regionalization and cultivation in the Republic of Belarus in the farms of different ownership forms in condition of weighting down shoots to the ground and covering for winter. Fruit of cv. ‘Stefan’ is suitable for fresh consumption and production of directly squeezed juice, pulpy nectar, strained fruit with sugar, thick fruit spread, frozen puree and fruit.

191-197 118

The article presents a summary about genetic resources of hawthorn in the Department of small fruit growing in the Institute for Fruit Growing. The results of the study of this crop are shown in the article on the range of economically useful traits (winter hardiness, phenology, productivity, fruit size, biochemical composition, taste). The elite form ‘Bk-8’ selected from open pollination of Crataegus arnoldiana Sarg., is characterized by winter hardiness (the degree of freezing 0 points), yield 25 kg per bush, large fruit (3.5 g) and high quality of fruits (tasting score – 4.3 points, sugar content – 9.84 %, phenolic compounds – 352.73 mg/100 g).

198-204 296

The article gives the description of a new cultivated variety of honeysuckle ‘Sіnyavokaya’ bred in RUE ‘Institute for Fruit Growing’ (authors: Z.V. Grakovich, M.L. Pigul). Variety selected by open pollination of Lonicera kamtschatica. It is characterized by early appearance of fruit (comes into fruiting in the third year after planting with two-year seedlings), winter hardiness (total degree of freezing in critical winters did not exceed 1.0 points).

The average yield of the new variety at 10 years old of plants is 2.5 kg per bush, which exceeds in 1.6 times the standard variety ‘Krupnoplodnaya’. The variety has nonshattering large fruit (the average weight – 1.0 g, the maximum fruit weight – 1.3 g). The variety is resistant to powdery mildew. It is characterized by high taste quality of fruit, tasting rating of fresh fruit – 4.5 points. Ripening period is medium. The level of profitability of cultivation is 140 %, which is higher than the standard variety ‘Krupnoplodnaya’ in 2.3 times. The cultivar has been passed to State variety trial network in the Republic of Belarus in 2014.

205-211 136

The article presents the results of studies on the effectiveness of initiation to in vitro culture of some varieties of sea buckthorn (cv. ‘Plamennaya’, ‘Haspadar’) and Japanese quince (cv ‘Likhtar’, hybrid C-47). Mercuric chloride (HgCl) 0.1 %, hydrogen peroxide 30 %, household bleacher ‘Belizna’ containing sodium hypochlorite diluted with sterile water at a ratio of 1:2, in combination with 70 % ethanol were tested as the sterilizing compounds. The types of explants studied were axillary buds (for sea buckthorn); vegetative buds, and one and two-buds cuttings, meristem (for Japanese quince).

212-226 99

The article presents the results of a of a two-year comparative study of fruits biochemical composition of the natural shape and introduced varieties and hybrid of dogwood – ‘Nejnii’, ‘Krupnoplodnii’, ‘Grenader’, К-1, К-3, К-6 and К-7 as well as the natural shape and the mountain ash cultivars – ‘Alaya krupnaya’, ‘Dessertnaya’, ‘Burka’, ‘Granatnaya’, ‘Rosina’, ‘Likernaya’ and Sorbus hostii on the ratios accumulating a number of organic acids, carbohydrates and phenolic compounds. There was established, that the integral level of nutritional and vitamin value of fruits only two taxa of dogwood – hybrids K-1 and K-3 exceeded the natural form of 1.8 and 1.5 times. This gives reason to recommend them as the most promising for practical use as potential natural sources of organic acids, tannins, anthocyanin pigments, flavonols and bioflavonoids as a whole. On the wealth of the biochemical composition of fruits remaining taxons dogwood conceded leading in this regard, hybrid form K-1 in 1.2-22.6 times. Among the taxons of mountain ash most promising for practical using in this regard – cultivars ‘Likernaya’ and ‘Burka’, which can be recommended not only as a dessert cultivars, thanks to the excellent taste properties, but also as a natural source of P-vitamins in the first place, anthocyanin pigments with their strong antioxidant effect, as well as tannins and hydroxycinnamic acids. The rest of the cultivars of mountain ash on the integral level of nutritonal and vitamin value of fruits conceded a high-end cultivar ‘Likernaya’ in 1.6-18.9 times.

227-236 134

The article presents the results of a of a two-year comparative study of fruits biochemical composition of the natural shape and 5 of introduced varieties of mountain ash – ‘Alaya krupnaya’, ‘Dessertnaya’, ‘Burka’, ‘Granatnaya’ and ‘Rosina’ from the collections of CBG NASB and RUE ‘Institute for Fruit Growing’.

There is found the significant dependence of nutritional and vitamin value of fruits on hydrothermal regime of the season, the extent of which is determined by the genotype of plants and the chemical nature of the organic compounds. It is shown that the prevalence of hot and dry weather during fruit ripening of mountain ash helps to activate the accumulation of these solids content, phenolcarbonic acids, soluble sugars, pectin and tannins, anthocyanin pigments, as well as improving the organoleptic properties and an increase in the overall yield of P-vitamins on background of inhibition of the biosynthesis of organic free ascorbic acid and controversial changes in the content of flavonols and catechins.

237-249 157

A comparative assessment of morphometric parameters have been made for fruits, seeds and stems of 14 varieties of highbush blueberries and 1 dwarf blueberry. Blueberry fruit is globular, 5-locular, polyspermous berry with juicy pericarp. Blueberry varieties are classified into three groups by weight of fruit: large-fruited, middle-fruited and small-fruited.

Biometric parameters and the shape of the fetus, especially in color, the intensity of wax deposits, the size and shape of the side of the hypogynous disc diameter hem, fruit density brushes are the identity signs of the variety.

Comparative analysis of our data with the results obtained in the neighboring countries has shown that significant deviations on morphometric parameters of fruits highbush blueberry at introduction into Belarusian Polesie had not been established.

250-257 117

According to the results of correlation analysis the onset and duration dates of seasonal development phases of highbush blueberry associated with the ambient temperature. During the vegetation period thermal dependence of the phenological development is manifested in different ways. The air temperature in the spring results in a significant acceleration of the seasonal development of the blueberry and, accordingly, reduce the duration of phenological phases. Fluctuations of the ambient temperature in summer has less impact on the phenological growth rate of blueberry cultivars.

A strong positive correlation have been set between yield and duration of period of fruit ripening for vast number of cultivars of blueberries, indicating that the higher yield lead to the longer period of ripening. At the same time early- and mid-season cultivars of blueberry have higher correlation than late cultivars.

258-264 96

The article presents the results of a study of promising walnut hybrid on such characters as flowering, winter hardiness and resistance to disease. It was found that the investigated promising hybrids 1-80, 1-88, 1-119, 1-121, 1-124, 1-181 have sufficient genetic level of winter hardiness in the climatic conditions of the central zone of the Republic of Belarus and are at the level of the standard varieties ‘Samohvalovichsky-2’ or above it according to the complex of economically important traits, including resistance to brown spot – Marssonia juglandis (Lib.).

Highlight the source of high resistance to brown spot – hybrids 1-119 and 1-181 for use in the selection process. There were determined the suitability of hybrid 1-119, 1-121 and 1-181 as seedling rootstocks for the walnut.

265-271 134

The article presents a study aimed at identifying the hardy grape varieties that are resistant to disease, with stable yields, suitable for commercial cultivation in the Republic of Belarus. Investigations were carried out in 2013-2015. Object is a non-grafted plants of 74 varieties and 10 hybrids of ampelographic collection of grapes in RUE ‘Institute for Fruit Growing’.

26 promising grape varieties and 5 hybrids were selected on the basis of characters including high winter hardiness and productivity (at least 2.3 kg/bush) which suitable for grape cultivation in open field without hardy cover: ‘Augusta’, ‘Agawam’, ‘Amur dikiy’, ‘Bako’, ‘Victoria’, ‘Wilder’, ‘Vynoslivyi’, ‘Dubysa’, ‘Kishmish unikalny’, ‘Leon Miiau’, ‘Mars’, ‘Minnesota’, ‘Minsky’, ‘Muscat plamennyi’, ‘Nero’, ‘Ontario’, ‘Platovsky’, ‘Plenitel’, ‘Samantha’, ‘Samohvalovichsky’, ‘Skaiste’, ‘Spulga’, ‘Toldi’, ‘Chasselas Gaylyunasa’, ‘Shirvinta’, ‘Pink Reliance’ seedless and Hybrids – 2-2-25, 8-29, 8-32, Ц 43Б, BR 13.


272-281 110

Data of many years on studying the basic production-biological features of variety-rootstock combinations of apple in the intensive orchard are given. Apple varieties of autumn-winter dates of maturing ‘Imrus’ (Vf), ‘Pervinka’, ‘Orlovskiy Pioner’ and ‘Chistotel’ (Vm) on intercalary rootstocks 57-366, G-134, PB-9, 62-396 and 3-17-38 were studied. Dwarf intercalary rootstocks G-134 and 57-366 mostly influenced upon the reducing of the tree height. By the 20-year age the height of the trees on these intercalary rootstocks was 2.4-2.9 m and the width – 2.3-3.0 m on average by varieties. Tree growth age from 8 to 20 years was the most productive when growing apple varieties on dwarf intercalary rootstocks. The yield increase by periods in ‘Imrus’ and ‘Chistotel’ was significant on all intercalary rootstocks and in the 16-20 years period the average yield reached 25.3-28.0 ton per hectare.

The varieties on 3-17-38, PB-9 and 62-396 inserts gave the highest yields on the average (19.6-20.3 t/ha) while on 57-366 and G-134 inserts they gave the lowest yields (9.9-14.7 t/ha). A fairly dense placement of fruit formations was detected in trees on dwarf inserts – on average, 20 pieces per one running meter of wood compared with trees on vigorous rootstocks – 15 pieces per one running meter. The comparison of the indices of yield load per unit of crown volume, area of crown projection and area of trunk cross-section in ‘Imrus’ showed that these indices increased with age and were significantly formed by a tree habit. As a result of the long-term studies it has been determined that the establishing of intensive apple orchards on dwarf intercalary rootstocks is promising.

282-287 155

Belorussian apple cultivars are valued for their ecological plasticity and occupy an significant part (about 10 %) of new apple plantings in Latvia. This creates a necessity to find the most suitable rootstocks and growing techniques for them. In 2009 one-year whips of cultivars ‘Antei’, ‘Kovalenkovskoe’ and a new Latvian cultivar ‘Gita’ were planted on dwarf rootstocks B.396 and M.9 at distances 1 × 4 m, using a split-plot design and arranging the cultivars in a randomized way and rootstocks – in rows. The trees were trained as slender spindle. The cultivar ‘Antei’ showed significantly later start of bearing than the other two cultivars. In the following years ‘Gita’ had the highest yield in kg per tree and significantly stronger tree vigour. ‘Antei’ and ‘Gita’ had significantly higher yield per tree than ‘Kovalenkovskoe’. On the other side, ‘Kovalenkovskoe’ had the highest yield efficiency in kg cm-2 (TCSA), while ‘Antei’ – the lowest. Analysis of cultivar-rootstock combinations showed better production on rootstock B.396, but not in all cases. Fruit mass did not differ between rootstocks. Fruitlet thinning trials showed that ‘Gita’ has a tendency of self-thinning, while for ‘Antei’ thinning cannot be recommended in years of low or medium yield, as the high leaf surface relation to fruit number can result in poor over-colour and increases the risk of bitter pit. ‘Antei’ had high chlorophyll content in leaves of annual shoots.

288-293 115

Creation of high-productive peach gardens due to a significant increase of the number of trees per a unit of area and the use of technologically simple constructions which guarantee high productivity of plantations. The paper presents the results of studies on the formation of peach trees crowns with different densities of their placement. We studied planting schemes and crown shapes of the ‘Red Heaven’ peach tree variety: 4 x 3-2-1.5-1 m; cup (control), spindle-shaped, flattened leaderless, bushy. We have given accent to a less labor-intensive system of crown formation and its productivity during the initial fruiting. The highest yield, on average, for three productive years was obtained by the formation of spindle crown – 16.6-20.1 t/ha, and bush crown – 15.4-26.0 t/ha at planting density of 1666-2500 trees per 1 ha.

294-300 197

This paper contains the detailed analysis of the winter-spring meteorological conditions in the Crimea Republic (Russian Federation) for the last couple of decades. We esteemed the fruit crops generative organs damage degree by frost and back frost and described the phenological stages of their development. Our anatomical and morphological analysis revealed the nature and extent of subfreezing of the vegetative and generative organs for apple tree (Malus domestica Borch), pear (Pyrus communis L), peach (Persika vulgaris), plum (Prunus L) and sweet cherry (Cerasus avium) in the experimental plots of Crimean Research Station of Horticulture and in the different regions of Crimea.

It has been discovered, that fruit bud sustainability largely depends on the bud setting time and differentiation level. It has been defined that climatically optimal regions for successful growing of the most fruit cultures are districts of Bakhchisaray, Kirovskoe, central part of Simferopol district and the South Coast of the Crimea (Alushta, Yalta). In addition, this work includes the recommendations on the fruit crop establishing across the peninsula regions.

301-306 114

The resistance of gooseberry generative organs to spring frosts was studied. The investigations were performed on the basis of the laboratory of fruit resistance physiology at the VNIISPK. The resistance to spring frosts was determined by a method of artificial freezing in the laboratory conditions. The modeling of -2 °C, -3 °C frosts revealed a high potential of resistance of generative organs in the majority of studied genotypes. Flowers and flower buds remained healthy. The further temperature lowering to -4 °C increased a little the damage of flowers in the studied genotypes. A kind of damages of gooseberry flowers was identified. In opened flowers the pistils were dead but stamens remained undamaged. The flower buds in all genotypes were not damaged. The experiment made it possible to differentiate gooseberry genotypes into groups of resistance to spring frosts. ‘Smena’ and remote hybrids 4-281-1, 4-283-1, 2-257-1, 4-287-1 were within the group of highly resistant genotypes. Grossularia robusta and 4-284-1, 4-288-1, 10-258-10 and 27-25-6 were within the group of resistant genotypes.

307-315 101

The research work was carried out in the Center of Biotechnology of the Tajik National University in 2014-2015. The article presents data about the introduction to in vitro culture of seedless grapes – ‘Kishmysh safed okrugly’, ‘Kishmysh Hishrau’, ‘Kishmysh Vatkana’, ‘Kishmysh samarkandsky’, ‘Kishmysh cherny’, ‘Irtyshar Kishmysh’, ‘Kishmysh Sogdiana’, ‘Kishmysh Nilufar’ and ‘Kishmysh Duoba’. High efficiency of initiation to in vitro (40.8-64.7 %), on average by type of explants of seedless varieties, was shown, while differences between varieties were marked in the results of in vitro initiation, as well as changes in the viability of the explants depending on the time of introduction to in vitro and the type of explant.

316-321 83

The study was carried out in the Center of Biotechnology of the Tajik National University during the period 2014-2015 years. The paper presents data on root formation in vitro of regenerated plants of grape varieties – ‘Anzob’, ‘Nimrang’, ‘Muhchaloni’ and ‘Dumi ruboh’. The data is presented on such morphological parameters as mean of shoot length (cm), a main root length (cm) and percent alive at the stage of root formation in vitro.

High productivity of root formation in vitro (84.82 %) was obtained on average for all varieties. The regenerated plants of all studied cultivars had a well-developed root system, shoots and leaf mass. The height of shoots and root length of the regenerated plants ranged from 12.50 to 13.80 cm and 5.04-6.08 cm, respectively.

322-329 96

The study was carried out in the period of 2014-2015 years in the Biotechnology Center of the Tajik National University. As objects of the study we used varieties with early period of ripening (‘Aushon ranny’, ‘Babatag’, ‘Zarif’, ‘Chilyaki bely’). The effectiveness of root formation in vitro and adaptation ex vitro of regenerated plants of mentioned above grape varieties on different substrates was investigated.

A high efficiency of root formation in vitro for cv. ‘Aushon ranny’ (94.2 %) was obtained. This parameter for the studied varieties was on the average 88.4 %.

The highest percentage of adapted regenerated plants was got on a substrate BIONA 111 and was 83.3 % on the average for all studied varieties.


330-338 79

In 2013-2015 in the Institute for Fruit Growing a comparative study of preservation of apple fruit of cvs. ‘Verbnae’, ‘Vesyalіna’, ‘Darunak’, ‘Imant’ grown with different fungicide treatment, after long-term storage was done and the effectiveness of the treatments for residual storage effect was evaluated.

Treatment with any fungicide (Delan – 0.7 kg/ha, Merpan – 1.8 kg/ha, Bellis – 0.8 kg/ha, Luna Tranquility – 1.0 l/ha) at least 21 days before the expected date of harvesting improved fruit preservation during long-term storage. The highest output of marketable products was watched in the variants with treatment with systemic fungicides Bellis and Luna Tranquility – cv. ‘Verbnae’ – 92.3 and 93.0 %, ‘Vesyalіna’ – 93.0 and 93.2 %, ‘Darunak’ – 92.0 and 92.3 % and ‘Imant’ – 90.2 and 91.3 %, respectively. When using contact chemicals Delan and Merpan the output of marketable fruit was 89.1 % and 90.2 % for cv. ‘Verbnae’, 92.5 % and 91.9 % – ‘Vesyalіna’, 88.3 % and 89.2 % – ‘Darunak’, 89.2 % and 90.1 % – ‘Imant’. In the control group the amount of marketable fruit did not exceed 84.0-91.1 % depending on the variety.

The residual effect of fruit storing of apple of cv. ‘Verbnae’ was 10 days in the control and in the variant with the use of Delan, 15 days – using Bellis, Luna Tranquility and Merpan; cv. ‘Vesyalіna’ – 10 days, ‘Darunak’ and ‘Imant’ – 15 days, regardless of the variants of the experiment.

339-345 87

The article presents the results of organoleptical evaluation of frozen fruit of 5 strawberry varieties by characteristics of look, color, texture, aroma, taste. It was found that almost all the studied varieties of strawberry were suitable for freezing and long-term storage, while slightly losing the original characteristics.

After 6 months of storage, the loss of berries juice after thawing ranged from 0.03 to 61.36 %. The greatest loss of juice was observed for variety ‘Vicoda’ (61.36 %) when grown in raised beds, the lowest – in fruit of cv. ‘Senga-Sengana’ (0.03 %) when grown in spunbond.

With the extension of the term of storage of frozen strawberry fruit to 9 months no one cultivar was added to the first group (juice loss to 5.0 %). To the second group (5.1-10.0 %) varieties ‘Kimberly’, ‘Vima Rina’, ‘Vima Tarda’ (9.06 %; 5.62 %; 8.08 % in the average in cultivars, respectively) entered. Cv. ‘Senga-Sengana’ (11.73 %) was assigned to the third group, in which the juice loss were 10.1-20.0 %. Cv. ‘Vicoda’ was marked by the lowest capacity to hold juice (20.40 %), which spoke of its unsuitability for freezing.

Based on these data it should be noted a small loss of fruit quality of studied varieties after defrosting. Strawberry fruit should be stored and sold frozen maximum within 9 months of storage.


356-364 138

The developed process regulations define the choice of area for planting, the requirements for planting material and the type of support structures, the terms and the dose of fertilizer application, mulching material; the requirements for pruning; economic efficiency of cultivation.

The effectiveness of mechanical harvesting is largely determined by choice of appropriate varieties, area of growing, planting schemes and a level of agricultural technology. A preliminary assessment of autumn raspberry varieties for suitability for mechanized harvesting has been done.

365-377 87

In the process regulations the characteristics of the product, the basic technological operations of autumn raspberry berries storage, the requirements to technological process are defined. The duration of storage of regionalized and promising varieties of autumn raspberry in normal gas atmosphere is found.


378-403 208

This article describes properties of rootstocks and groups of rootstocks by their propagation method (seed and clonal). The characteristics of some seed and clonal rootstocks, the most common in Europe and the Baltic countries, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan are described. The data are shown on the results of the study of plum rootstocks in the scientific institutions of Belarus: propagation of clonal rootstocks in the mother plantations, by green and woody cuttings, compatibility with regionalized and promising varieties of plums in the nursery, growth and fruiting of trees in the garden.

404-424 144

The article presents a review on the rootstocks of cherries, and their role in modern horticulture. An analysis of the most popular and commonly used dwarf cherry and sweet cherry rootstocks in the Republic of Belarus and in other countries is presented. The evaluation of varieties of cherries on different dwarf rootstocks, characteristic of economically useful traits and properties of introduced rootstocks in nurseries is shown. The variety-rootstock combinations are presented, which most fully realize the potential of certain varieties, indicating that the science-based selection of variety-rootstock combinations plays an important role in obtaining of high and stable yields and is crucial for planting orchards of intensive type.

425-449 130

For many years horticultural companies of Emilia-Romagna (Italy) are leading in production of fruit and vegetables in Italy and Europe, have a wealth of experience and professionalism, offering plant material of innovative varieties accompanied by a high-quality technical support worldwide.

In Italy fruit growing is well developed undoubtedly due to favorable climate for cultivation of almost all fruit crops, a centuries-old tradition of horticultural and scientific support at the highest level. Great interest of fruit producers in high quality products is the basis of mutually beneficial cooperation with public and private research institutions, not only in Italy but all over the world. The usage of modern varieties of a wide range of cultures, development and application of new technological methods of farming practices in the orchards, equipped with the most diverse technical means allows growers to produce high quality Italian products, and import it into the countries all over the world.

Currently the crops had been minor before are planting more: kiwi, chestnut, persimmon, pomegranate, etc., technology and assortment of traditional Italian fruit crops – apricot, peach, nectarine, plum, walnut and table grape are updated.

The review article presents used modern varieties and rootstocks of fruit crops, processing methods and system of orchards.

450-461 156

Phytoplasmas comprises a group of phytopathogenic bacteria in the class Mollicutes. Phytoplasmas are a large group of wall-less, unculturable bacteria associated with diseases, collectively referred to as yellows diseases, of more than a thousand plant species. Phytoplasma infection is often fatal and causes devastating damage to global agricultural production. Phytoplasmas are transmitted by insects belonging to the families Cicadellidae, Cixidae, Psyllidae, Delphacidae, Derbidae. Phytoplasmas are also transmitted through the parasitic plants (dodder and broomrape). Now for diagnostics, identification and investigation of phytoplasmas the different biological and instrumental methods are used: visual diagnostics, grafting of infected plant on indicator plant (for example, Vinca rosea L.), different types of microscopy, immunological analysis, methods of molecular biology (molecular hybridization, PCR, RFLP, etc.). In this article the classification of phytoplasmas, their origin, morphology, genome characteristics, symptoms of phytoplasma diseases, methods of detection are reviewed.

462-467 278

In Europe, the fruit trees of Rosaceae family are seriously affected by phytoplasmas belonging to the apple proliferation group (16SrX group). The causal agent of apple proliferation is ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma mali’ (‘Ca. P. mali’). Apple proliferation cause economic losses due to decrease of productivity. Fruits don't reach the commodity size, they tasteless and have coloring, uncharacteristic for a cultivar. Pear decline is an economically important plant disease caused by the phytoplasma ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma pyri’. It is followed by sudden leaf reddening and defoliation. Also bark of shoots and trunks dries out. As a result a fast dying off of whole tree occurs. The European stone fruit yellows (ESFY) is caused by ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma prunorum’. Infected trees may show numerous symptoms such as chlorotic leaf roll, leaf deformation, reduced terminal growth, necrosis on the cross section of trunk and branches, die-back and decline.

468-476 77

Among the all kinds of drinks, juice drinks are gaining popularity among the people. For the market saturation new kinds of drinks are developed with a slope to use natural ingredients as the safer for human health. Fruits of minor crops (black chokeberry, cranberry, black elderberry, etc.) are a good basis for production of fruit juice drinks having good organoleptic properties with a content of natural biologically active substances.



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