Navavita is a new apple cultivar of the Belarusian breeding. It is a late ripening and all purpose one. It is used fresh, in production of directly squeezed juices and as fruits strained with sugar and sterilized which are of high quality. It is received from the crossing of hybrid forms 78-15/242 х 86-54/125.135 which are the derivatives of the cultivars Belorusskoye malinovoye, Orlovskaya girlyanda, Prairie Spy and VM41497. The cultivar is fast yielding. It enters fructification on the 2nd year after planting in an orchard on a stock 62-396. It is high-yielding (31.8 tons per hectare), winter-hardy, resistant to a scab and a complex of diseases of a cortex and wood and it is poorly injured by the European cancer.
The period of optimum consumption is within 5 months – from December till April – at fruits storage in a fruit storehouse with natural cooling. Apple cultivar Navavita was passed to the State Variety Trial of the Republic of Belarus in 2011.
The article presents the results of the researches under the project of the Belarusian Republican Fund of Fundamental Investigations B12 RA009. This project has been carried out by the employees of the Institute for Fruit Growing, Belarus as well as of the Institute of Fruit Growing Pitesti, Romania. The characteristics of 24 apple cultivars, 10 cultivars and 3 promising interspecific hybrids of a pear tree of the Romanian breeding, and also 1 cultivar from the group 'nashi‘ of the Japanese breeding was given. They were used for recruitment of a basic collection of seed fruit crops of the Institute for Fruit Growing. For the first time in the breeding program there have been used Romanian apple and pear cultivars as male parental forms in hybridization for the purpose of creating of genotypes combining strong immune defence against diseases and high quality of fruits. The total amount of crossings for two years made 15574 flowers on 38 combinations. 1963 seed units and 195 hybrid seedlings were received. 81 new apple and pear genotypes were selected.
The article presents the results of the evaluation of a hybrid apple fund on a complex of economically valuable characteristics in a breeding orchard. The most productive families both on separate breeding characteristics and on their complex were revealed. More than 70 % of hybrid offspring of the families Nadzeiny * Redkroft, Nadzeiny * Rubin, Redkroft open pollinated, Pospekh * Redkroft, 78-15/245 * Priscilla, VM41497 open pollinated, Imant open pollinated, Liberty open pollinated, 87-12/61 open pollinated showed stable resistance to a scab in the conditions of epiphytoty disease development. More than 50 % of scion-rooted seedlings were characterised by the duration of the juvenile season no more than 5-6 years in such hybrid populations as 87-12/61 open pollinated, VM41497 open pollinated, Darunak open pollinated, Topaz open pollinated, Sawa * Nadzeiny, Nadzeiny * Rubin, Nadzeiny * Redkroft, Imant open pollinated and Zorka open pollinated. At the breeding on a large fruit rate, the families 87-12/61 open pollinated and Darunak open pollinated appeared to be the most productive.
Being based on the results of the analysis on the inheritance of a complex of economically valuable characteristics, the most productive families were revealed. They are Sawa * Nadzeiny, 87-12/61 open pollinated, Charavnitsa open pollinated, Redkroft open pollinated. At these families 14-28 % of the genotypes have possessed stable scab resistance along with an early maturity, large fruits and with fruits degustation evaluation not below 4.0 points.
The article presents the results of the study of basic economic and biological indexes of seven apple clonal cultivars of the breeding of the All-Russian Breeding and Technological Institute of Horticulture and Nursery Breeding (Moscow).
The investigations were made during 2006-2012 in the nursery department of the Institute for Fruit Growing. By the results of the research it is possible to make a conclusion that promising clonal apple cultivars possess an early ripening (on the 2nd-3rd year) and high and regular yield. All clonal cultivars are spurs and they form abundant quantity of fruit formations. The majority of fruit formations at studied cultivars are presented in a lambourd form. Practically all cultivars set flower buds on annual wood.
All conducted observations have indicated that from all studied clonal cultivars the highest efficiency in 2012 is at the cultivars such as Valyuta – 8.8 kg per tree, Prezident – 7 kg per tree, Ostankino – 2.3 kg per tree. It makes 176 tons per hectare, 140 and 46 tons per hectare, respectively, in recalculation per area unit.
The present process guide specifies the requirements to the performance of technological operations for direct cultivation of clonal apple cultivars on clonal semi dwarf stocks with estimated productivity more than 60 tons per hectare.
The process guide includes the requirements to cultivation conditions and to a planting stock, cultivar and stock characteristics, preplanting soil preparation, a tree planting scheme, a soil content system, protection against frosts during blooming, fertilization, crown formation and tree pruning, pest control, combating plant diseases and disinfestations, harvesting, postharvest completion and fruit storage and economic efficiency of apple tree cultivation.
The performance of the requirements of the process guide for the direct cultivation of clonal apple cultivars allows receiving 100.7 tons per hectare of fruits and the profit of three hundred forty-three million, five hundred fifty-one Belarusian rubles on a hectare basis of an orchard.
If the requirements of the process guide for the direct cultivation of clonal apple cultivars is satisfied then the profitability makes 172.6 % and the payback time of the capital investments is 0.3 of commercial fructifications.
In an orchard of 2005 planting year there was studied the influence of a degree of annotinous branches cutback in the process of trees formation of the cultivar Charavnitsa on stocks Arm-18 and 62-396. The planting scheme was 4.0 х 1.5 m.
The orchard was planted by an annotinous planting material. The influence of the cutback degree of the last year tree increment on trunk cross sectional area and its total increment was not established. The cutback of annotinous branches reduced tree parameters (its projection area, crown conditional volume) and initial productivity.
As a whole for the years of fructification the stock 62-396 provided the cultivar Charavnitsa with higher productivity that made 3-5.2 tons per hectare in the third year and 7.5-11 tons per hectare in the fourth year after planting. Trees productivity of the cultivar Charavnitsa on the stock Arm-18 in the third year after planting made 2.7-4.0 tons per hectare and in the fourth year it reached 1.3-4.0 tons per hectare.
Higher productivity in a heavy fruit bearing period at the level of 44.3 tons per hectare was received at apple trees of the cultivar Charavnitsa on the stock 62-396 at crown formation without annotinous branches cutback. On the stock Arm-18 annotinous branches cutback by 1/3 of the length ensured getting 43.5 tons of fruits per hectare.
The present technology consists of stages of production of healthy planting material of apple rootstocks and includes selection and estimation of initial plants, DAS-ELISA and biological testing for viruses, in vitro propagation of initial plants (culture initiation, nutrition media, micropropagation, rooting of regenerants and adaptation in non-sterile conditions) and maintenance of nuclear stock and mother plants.
The technology allows to obtain healthy planting material of apple clonal rootstocks having high quality, virus-free (super-super-elite, super-elite, elite and 1st reproduction) and virus-tested (elite and 1st reproduction), as well as to maintain and quickly propagate zoned apple rootstocks (propagation rate – 15, rooting rate – 100 %, adaptation rate – 74 %).
Apple mosaic virus (ApMV) is one of the major pathogens infecting apple trees. Chenopodium quinoa, Cucumis sativus, Phaseolus vulgaris and Catharantus roseus are often used as herbaceous indicator plants for multiplication of the virus in plant tissues and for the virus detection. It is difficult to transmit ApMV onto herbaceous plants due to an extreme instability of the virus. The aim of the research was to estimate the influence of buffer concentration and stabilizers on the transmission of the virus from apple leaves to C. quinoa, as well as to estimate the possibility of ApMV transmission from C. quinoa to indicator plants of C. sativus, P. vulgaris и C. roseus. The comparison of four inoculation buffers for transmission of the virus onto C. quinoa indicator plants showed that there was no difference on their affectivity. The results of SC-RT-PCR confirmed the transmission of the virus from C. quinoa to C. sativus и P. vulgaris plants in spite of the lack of specific symptoms of the infection.
A new pear cultivar Kupala is described. Its breeding was performed at the Institute for Fruit growing. The cultivar is an all-purpose one. It starts fruiting on the 4th-5th year after being planted in an orchard by yearlings on the seedling rootstock. The cultivar is distinguished by its winter hardiness (the average frost degree hasn‘t succeeded 2.0 points), resistance to scab, septoria blight and bacterial cancer. It is characterized by high taste and marketable fruit qualities. The degustation evaluation of fresh fruits made 4.5 points and of the processing products it made 4.3-4.5 points. Fruits marketability reached 93.0 %. The average yield of the new cultivar on the seedling rootstock made 21.0 tons per hectare at the planting scheme 5 × 4 m. The level of the profitability reached 127 %. It was transferred to the State Variety Trial of the Republic of Belarus in 2013.
The study results of the introduced pear cultivar Beurré Alexandr Lucas in the conditions of southwest and central regions of the Republic of Belarus are given in the article. The cultivar is originated in France at the end of the ХIХth century. It is characterized by an early fruiting (the cultivar on the Pyrus caucasica Fed. rootstock starts its fructification on the 3rd year after being planted in an orchard and on the Seyanets Vinevki rootstock the fructification begins on the 5th year). It is a high-yield cultivar which gives from 15 tons per hectare (with 5 × 4 m planting scheme), and up to 21 tons per hectare (with 4 × 2 m planting scheme). It has an average resistance to such diseases as scab and septoria blight as well as to pests such as pear louse. It is distinguished by high taste and marketability fruit qualities with fruit degustation evaluation is 4.6 points and by products of their processing where it is 4.1-4.6 points. It is a long ripening cultivar (January-February). The profitability level makes 113.8 %. Based on trial results obtained in Brest Regional Agricultural Experimental Station of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus the cultivar was passed for acceptance at the State Variety Trial of the Republic of Belarus in 2013.
The article presents the results of three-year researches of foliar application influence of the chelated fertilizers KompleMet and Rosalik on growth processes, set of reproductive formations, fructification, market condition, biochemical composition and storage of pear fruits of the cultivar Belorusskaya pozdnyaya on weakly grown stock of the quince S1.
Applying chelated fertilizers has made positive effect on growth processes, productivity, market condition and fruits storage. The total length of an annual growth amount was authentically more in variants of KompleMet and Rosalik fertilization. Control difference has made 7.5 % and 14.8 %. In variants with applying chelated fertilizers it was set authentically more generative formations.
The productivity of pear trees in the sum for three years at applying chelated fertilizers KompleMet and Rosalik was higher than in a control variant by 31.0 % and 37.0 %, specific efficiency was higher by 25.5 % and 40.4 %, respectively. On the average for the period of three years the yield of fruits of the first and second commercial cultivars in the variants of applying Rosalik and KompleMet was higher by 24.1 % and 11.5 %, respectively. The average fruit weight in both application variants was higher than in the control by 16.3 %. Fruits at milestone applying chelated fertilizers Rosalik and KompleMet accumulated bigger quantity of dry matters. The difference with the control has made 8.7 % and 13.0 %, respectively.
The article presents the description of a new domestic plum cultivar Volat (Stanley × Perdrigon), created in the Institute for Fruit Growing. The tree is of average growth vigor, fast-growing and with the spherical crown shape. It possesses high winter hardiness (subfreezing in critical winters has made no more than 1.5 points). Its leaves and fruits are highly resistant to winter blight (Clasterosporium carpoplilum Aderh.) and to fruit rot. Seedlings growth in a nursery is strong. Yearlings reach 1.5-1.7 m having well-formed side branches.
The cultivar is average ripening. Fructification starts on the third year after planting in an orchard. The productivity on the fifth year of growth in the orchard makes 23 tons per hectare. Fruits are purplish violet. Their degustation evaluation is 4.5 points. They are large and weight about 46 g. The yield of marketable fruits makes 90 %, the profitability level is 179.3.
The article presents the study results of the influence of a root system of stocks of a various growth vigor on growth, development and soil reclamation by the root system of domestic plum of the cultivar Viktoriya. They are an extreme growing seed stock of a cherry plum Prunus сerasifera (standard), a medium growing seed one of a domestic plum Wangenheims and a medium growing clonal one P. insititia GF 655/2.
It has been established, that at the age of 13 years the root system of plum trees on all stocks has acquired the assigned space in row widths at 2.5 m and on depth of 60 cm, with the greatest concentration of roots in a soil layer of 0-30 cm. However the architectonics of root bedding varied a little depending on the stock growth vigor.
Cross sectional area of a tree body on the seeds stock of medium growth Wangenheims was less by 30.5 % and on medium growing clonal stock GF 655/2 by 12.8 %, than at trees on strongly growing seed stock P. сerasifera (standard). Trees productivity on medium growing stocks Wangenheims and GF 655/2 was higher in comparison with the standard by 8.3 % and 6.2 %, fruit average weight exceeded it by 6.0 % and 4.8 % and the index of specific productivity was higher by 45.5 % and 27.3 %, respectively. The studied stocks were characterized by low ability of sprout formation.
The investigations were made within 2011-2012 in the department of biotechnology of the Institute for Fruit Growing. Preliminary visual diagnosis of plum pox virus made at the plantations of stone fruit crops such as plum, cherry plum, sour cherry and sweet cherry ones during their vegetation, i.e. in the end of spring and in the beginning of summer. Diagnosis efficiency of Belarusian isolates of plum pox virus by means of a number of laboratory methods, including use of polyclonal, recombinant and monoclonal universal antibodies for enzyme immunoassay and IC-RT-PCR method was estimated.
It is shown, that polyclonal antibodies are more effective for mass diagnosis of Belarusian isolates of plum pox virus, than monoclonal universal antibodies.
At the same time the variant of enzyme immunoassay with use of polyclonal antibodies is the least sensitive. The maximum dilution, at which it has been possible to define the presence of the given virus in plant tissues, does not exceed 1:20. The use of monoclonal and recombinant antibodies in the enzyme immunoassay allowed defining the virus in the samples diluted up to 1:100 and at the IC-RT-PCR method it became possible at dilution of extracts up to 1:50000.
The analysis of infection rate of plum, cherry plum, sour cherry and sweet cherry cultivars of the Belarusian assortment by Sharka plum virus (Plum pox virus) was carried out. Preliminary investigations were made by the method of routing inspections. Basic researches were carried out with the help of enzyme immunoassay using polyclonal antibodies (РАb) and universal monoclonal ones (PPV-UnMAbs) to the plum pox virus, as well as with the help of IC-RT-PCR method with primers PPV-P1/PPV-P2. Monitoring of plum pox virus in mother and cutting plantations, in mother plantations of clonal stocks and in industrial orchards was made within 2000-2013, which allowed estimating the infection rate of certain cultivars and stock forms by the virus on a natural infectious background (59 genotypes).
Plum pox virus has been revealed at numerous fruit crops cultivars. Among them are plum cultivars Nagrada nemanskaya, Vitebskaya pozdnyaya, Empress and Prezident; cherry plum ones such as Kometa, Naidzena and Vetraz‘; cherry cultivar Vyanok; sweet cherry one Iputs; stocks OD-2-3, VVA-1, 140-2, L-2 and seed stocks. The greatest number of plants affected by Plum pox virus was at the plum cultivar Nagrada nemanskaya and cherry plum cultivar Kometa.
The description of a new cherry cultivar of the Institute for Fruit Growing breeding from pollinating of the Russian cherry cultivar Ballada by pollen of the cultivar Novodvorskaya of the Belarusian breeding is given in the article. Its authors are M.I. Vyshinskaya, A.A. Taranov and V.S. Zhuk.
By the results of a complex assessment in the breeding orchard and in the orchard of a primary cultivar study the seedling 84-6/1 was chosen for elite in 2012 and it was passed to the State Variety Trial in 2013 under the name Konfityur. A new cherry cultivar Konfityur is of medium ripening time. On a seed mazzard stock trees enter fructification on the 3rd year after planting in an orchard and quickly increase crop. Its bloom period is medium. It is autosterile. The best pollinators are Vyanok, Novodvorskaya and Nort star. The cultivar is distinguished by high winter hardiness, medium resistance to leaf spot, large fruits (average weight is 5.6 g) of high taste and marketable qualities. Potential productivity makes 20.0 tons per hectare (30.0 kg per tree) and average one is 11.6 tons per hectare. The level of profitability of the cultivar cultivation makes 145.6 %. The cultivar is suitable for manufacturing of various kinds of processing (juice of direct squeezing, nectar with pulp, nectar without pulp, fruits refrigerated in bulk, compote and confiture).
The study results of the basic economic and biological indexes of 24 forms of local cherry are given in the article.
11 sources of resistance to coccomyces blight and spur blight were revealed. Among them 5 forms characterized also by high winter hardiness such as Lyubanskaya - 1, Lyubanskaya - 2, Local cherry (Voropayevo), Local cherry (Markovo) and Cherry kruglyanskaya (Lepel‘), 5 forms differed by high productivity such as Nesvizhskaya, Local cherry (Ukraine), Lyubanskaya - 1, Local cherry (Rassvet) Nr. 2 and Cherry kruglyanskaya (Lepel‘) as well as 2 forms with large fruits such as Nesvizhskaya and Cherry aboriginal (Rassvet) Nr. 3 there were distinguished.
On a complex of economically valuable characteristics (high winter hardiness, disease resistance, productivity and fruits quality) the cherry cultivar Nesvizhskaya was revealed. That cultivar was passed to the State Variety Trial of Belarus in 2013. New cherry cultivar Nesvizhskaya is of medium ripening time. On a mazzard stock fructification starts on the 3rd year after planting in an orchard and such trees quickly increase crop. Blossom time is medium. The cultivar is autosterile. The best pollinizers are Vyanok and Milavitsa. The cultivar differs by high winter hardiness, coccomyces resistance, large fruits (average weight makes 5.3 g) of high taste and marketable qualities. A potential productivity makes 23.0 tons per hectare, i.e. 34.5 kg per tree and the average yield is 15.7 tons per hectare. The level of profitability of the cultivar cultivation makes 172.8 %.
The article presents the results of the researches on types of branching and accretion of cherry cultivars of the Belarusian breeding such as Vyanok, Griot Belorusski and Zaranka. The research was made in 2014 on trees of a 2005 planting year with the crowns formed on thinned and storeyed system. As a result of the made researches there was established the degree of apical domination which is shown less at trees of cherry cultivars Vyanok and Zaranka. The mesotonic branching type is typical for the cultivars Griot Belorusski and Zaranka as the side branchings located on skeletal branches of the first order are distributed practically evenly on their length. The branching type at trees of cherry cultivar Vyanok is closer to acrotonic one as on the average 55 % of the side branchings settle down in the top third of the skeletal branches.
Nowadays one of the most important questions of sour cherry and sweet cherry breeding is creation of cultivars resistant to cherry leaf spot (Blumeriella jaapii (Rehm) Arx.). The artificial infection of cultivars and hybrids of cherry (received from breeding of forms with different degree of resistance to cherry leaf spot) was carried out. The obtained results showed the reaction difference of the cultivars susceptible and resistant to the leaf spot. Values of average marking damage scale of plants of Izmajlovski and VSL-2 stocks cultivated in vitro and using traditional methods were not significantly different at artificial inoculation by leaf spot causal agent at the concentration of pathogenic endospores equivalent 1*106. The revealed regularity can be used for elaboration of method for selection of cherry resistant forms in cultural conditions.
The aim of the research has been to estimate and select the optimal crown form for various sweet cherry cultivars that allows receiving heavy fruit yields of this valuable crop.
The article presents the results for 9 years of the investigations concerning perfection of a crown design in sweet cherry plantations. Three cultivars of the Belarusian breeding such as Syubarovskaya, Gastsinets and Vityaz‘ on a seed mazzard stock were under the investigation. It was reflected the influence of a crown form on crown height, trunk cross sectional area and tree growth activity.
The formation of the spaced and storeyed crown form promotes restricting of tree growth activity. It means that embedding of big quantity of boughs (4-5 units) in the first storey has restrained incremental growth of a tree in height as well as thick of a tree trunk. However, the total crop per tree has appeared to be higher in the variant of formation of natural and improved crown form. For fruit growers it is the main indication of application expediency of this or that processing method at crop cultivation.
Natural and improved crown form shall be regarded as optimum crown design for intense sweet cherry orchards on a seed stock.
It was conducted an evaluation of strawberry cultivars for resistance to fungal diseases. 83 cultivars of different origin were analyzed. According to study results parental pairs for hybridization were chosen. It was developed a top-cross 10 × 10 scheme. After hybridization of the 100 hybrid families 33055 seeds were obtained.
To maximize the selection of genotypes and acceleration of the breeding process, hybrid seedlings at an early stage of development were infected with a spore suspension of pathogenic fungi Verticillium dahlia Kleban and V.albo-atrum Reinkeet Berthold. Best hybrid combinations in breeding for resistance to Verticillium wilt were revealed. They are Kokinskaya rannyaya × Vima Rina, Kokinskaya rannyaya × Festivalnaya, Tsaritsa × Polka, Tsaritsa × Spasskaya Zenga Zengana × Vima Zanta and Kimberly × Vima Zanta. After two consecutive infections and planting into an open ground 51 plants of 11972 germinating seeds were selected.
The highest yield of commercially valuable hybrids singled out by crossing cultivars Selva × Dukat and Kimberly × Tsarskoselskaya. All the plants have a low degree of freezing and exhibit good growth vigor, large-fruits and medium resistance to leaf spot.
The technology reflects the stages of a production of a gooseberry planting stock. They include selection and estimation of primary plants, testing of primary plants on presence or absence of juice borne viruses with the help of enzyme immune assay (DAS-ELISA-test), in vitro propagation of primary gooseberry plants (introduction in a sterile culture, nutritional media, micropropagation, rootage of plants-regenerants, adaptation of test tube plants in non sterile conditions), the content and propagation of basic and parent gooseberry plants. Using the developed technology allows receiving the improved gooseberry planting stock which is distinguished by high quality and corresponds to modern requirements. It is an A class one of the categories super-super elite, super elite, elite and the 1st reproduction and a B class one of the categories elite and the 1st reproduction.
The article provides the evaluation of complex economic and useful indexes of 238 raspberry hybrids. They were obtained from result oriented cross breeding, open pollination and inbreeding of raspberry cultivars and hybrids with different terms of ripening. Among studied hybrids there were picked out 24 % with low growth and 39 % with middle growth. A considerable amount of hybrids was characterized by weak thorns. In average, 34 % hybrids with remontant character were picked out. Among studied hybrids 77 % had no freeze sign at the herb, 9 % of the hybrids had the productivity level higher than at zoned cultivars. During the evaluation of the hybrid families on suitability to mechanical harvesting there were selected 3 % of the hybrids which had middle growth vigor and compact bush. There were singled out 5 hybrids with complex economic and useful indexes: 03-07-08 (Tarusa x Meteor), 10-03-08 (2/02-02-06, o.p.), 13/1-02-08 (Meteor, o.p.), with yellow berries 09-07-09 (Gerakl, o.p.), and with remontant character 02-03-10 (6-20 х Polka).
The results of comparative researches of use of various mulch kinds on root system development of autumn raspberry cultivar Babie leto are given in the article.
It was established, that studied mulching materials had a positive effect on the root system development in general. The raspberry root system reached the horizon of 50 cm in all experiment variants and only in the variant with the use of flax shive it was 60 cm. The total root mass of both fractions in experiment variants at the flax shive use as mulch made 284.0 (excess over the control by 104.4), and at the sawdust use it was 207.4 g (+ 27.8 g to the control). In the variant with spunbond use there were received the results which were closer to the control (179.9 and 179.6 g respectively).
The absence of a weight increment of accreted roots in the variant with spunbond use SUF-60 is explained by more intensive soil warming up in comparison with sawdust and flax shive.
The characteristic of the first domestic cultivar of black elder Bagatse on morphological and economic-biological characteristics is given in the article. The cultivar was singled out from connatural population of black elder in vicinities of Minsk. The cultivar is of medium ripening time, highly winter resistant and fruitful (29.8 tons per hectare). It enters fructification on the third year after planting in a constant place. Berries‘ average weight is 0.17 g. They are black-violet, almost black having flat and sweet taste and nonsimultaneous ripening. Berries contain vitamins C and E, β-carotene and also microelements such as copper, zinc, magnesium, potassium, selenium and iodine. Rare symptoms of anthracnose injuring of shoots, fruit-bearing branches, leaves and fruits up to 8.0 % were distinguished. The level of cultivation profitability of the cultivar Bagatse makes 141 %.
There was determined berries suitability of the cultivar Bagatse for production of juice of direct squeezing, nectar without pulp, nectar with pulp, fruits strained with sugar and sterilized, fruits strained with sugar and refrigerated and bulk refrigerated fruits. The cultivar has been zoned in Belarus since 2013.
The present technology sets technological operations to primary elements of the technology of a ball-rooted planting stock cultivation of blue honeysuckle.
The process flow diagram of blue honeysuckle cultivation in containers includes the following basic operations: a field choice, planning and soil bedding up, planting of mother plantations, care of mother plantations, procurement of softwood cuttings, care of cuttings, replanting of the rooted cuttings in containers and care of them and fertilising of container plants.
Performance of technology requirements of the planting stock cultivation of blue honeysuckle with a ball-rooted system will let getting not less than 223 units of the rooted cuttings with 1 m2 of the hothouses area, rooting of softwood cuttings will make 89.5 %; the output of standard seedlings will be 70 % from the total quantity with the subsequent 100 % survival rate after planting in an orchard.
The technology determines the scheme of production of the improved planting material of chokeberry cultivars; laboratory equipment and work organization; selection of parental plants; visual estimation of parental plants and accelerated in vitro propagation (introduction in culture in vitro, nutritional media, micropropagation, rootage of microshoots, adaptation of test-tube plants in non-sterile conditions).
The use of the technology is ecologically safe. It also allows receiving the improved chokeberry planting material which is distinguished by high quality and corresponds to modern requirements. The propagation ratio of chokeberry cultivars on the average for 1 passage makes at the cultivar Venisa 8.1 and at the cultivar Nadzeya it is 8.7.
Ex vitro rootage makes 62.1 % for the cultivar Venisa and 90.6 % for the cultivar Nadzeya at use of exogenous IMK for steeping (10.0 mg/l).
In vitro rootage makes 100 % for the cultivars Venisa and Nadzeya.
Ex vitro adaptation of the rooted plants in non-sterile conditions on the substrate BIONA-112 makes 100 %.
Type of explant is one of the main factors that influence the efficiency of initiation of culture in vitro. The aim of the research was to determine the types of explants of bilberry, blueberry, lingonberry and cranberry with high regenerative capacity at the stage of in vitro initiation. It was established a significant influence of type of explant on the number of necrotic explants of bilberry and lingonberry (р˂0.05), blueberry (р˂0.01), viable explants of bilberry (р˂0.05) and blueberry (р˂0.001) and regenerated explants of cranberry (р˂0.001). Stem cutting (with one bud) of bilberry, vegetative bud, shield-bud and stem cutting (with one bud) of blueberry and lingonberry, shoot tips of cranberry had high viability (over 66.6 %) at the stage of in vitro initiation. The maximum number of regenerated explants was noted for stem cuttings (with one bud) of bilberry (67.0 %) and shoot tips of cranberry (73.9 %).
Early winter frosts at the end of autumn and in the beginning of winter constitute a danger for the formation and substitution of highbush blueberry shoots formed lately. By the time of the onset of cold winter weather such shoots do not have time to complete the processes of growth and do not reach the appropriate physiological state, they are bad tempered and damaged at the first sharp frost. The damage degree of later shoots in the autumn-winter period is determined by genotype of cultivars and climatic conditions. Warm and rainy autumn weather promoted the duration of the vegetation period and shoots growth of blueberry. Unexpected severe frosts at the end of autumn and in the beginning of winter provoked the frosting of juvenile increment. In Belarus early-ripening cultivars of blueberry are damaged by early winter frost to a lesser extent than late-ripening ones.
Extreme frosts observed in Belarus in some winters cause freezing of the vegetative and generative blueberry sphere. The maximum frost resistance of blueberry depends mainly on the cooling rate, i.e. the slower the ambient temperature decreases, the higher the resistance is. Most introduced cultivars of blueberry keep the temperature lowering to -30 °C. Thaws observed annually in Belarus reduce frost resistance of blueberry generative sphere. Return frost damages periodically awakened flower buds. During a sharp drop in air temperature, the generative buds freeze, this ultimately leads to a decrease in productivity of blueberry, especially at low reproductive cultivars. With a gradual increase of frost the blueberry generative sphere hardens again and develops genetically determined frost resistance for each cultivar. In the climatic conditions of Belarus the higher frost resistance of the second and fourth components is observed at early- and mid-ripening blueberry cultivars.
Passing of a full cycle of seasonal development of lowbush blueberry with crop formation in the Belarusian Poozerie testifies to compliance of biological rhythms of a species to region conditions that determines a possibility of a successful introduction of shrub and development of industrial berry production on its basis in the north of the country. The features of seasonal development of the V. angustifolium are the following: the early beginning of vegetation – since the end of ΙΙ to the beginning of ΙΙΙ decades of April; combination on time of phases of blossoming, setting and formation of berries; their gradual, within 40–42 days (from the end of June to the beginning of August), maturing; secondary blossoming of individual forms at the end of summer and in early autumn; long period of vegetation (167–179 days).
As a result of a 60-year-long work on apple breeding the assortment of apple of the Middle Zone of Russia has been studied and its advantages and disadvantages have been revealed. Owing to the target large-scale breeding work more than 70 apple cultivars have been developed, 48 of which have been included into the State Register of Breeding Achievements Allowed for Use (regionalized). The first Russian home scab immune apple cultivars have been developed; the first series of triploid cultivars have been obtained from 2x x 4x and 4x x 2x crossings, which are characterized by more regular fruit bearing and better fruit marketability; the cultivars with improved biochemical composition of fruits have been created. A number of columnar apple cultivars promising in the assortment improvement have been developed at the Institute. New apple cultivars and hybrids suitable for the production of high quality juice of the first pressing have been singled out.
Nevertheless, the demands to the assortment are constantly on the increase; therefore, breeders face many new production tasks
The results of the influence of fruit rationing of apple trees using the thinning of flowers and ovaries by hand, as well as application of water solutions of gibberellin and arboline upon formation of leaf area and fruiting wood of the trees as main components of formation of high-quality yield are given in the article. It was determined that all methods of fruit rationing had positive effect, while results of their influence were determined by conditions of the vegetation and intensity of growth processes, controlled by cultivar reaction.
It was determined that methods of rationing increased anabolic area of the trees in average by 25 %, which increased the yield by 5-31 %, average weight of the fruit – by 12 %, the amount of the first class fruit – by 19 %. Unit of leaf area had the most effect on the yield in the variants without fruit rationing and with rationing of flowers and ovaries by hand (r = 0.84; 0.76; 0.80).
Fruit rationing of the trees stimulated formation of fruiting wood in average by 26 %, and besides had the most effect (by 1.4 times) – with application of phytohormonal preparations. Strong direct correlation (r = 0.92) between anabolic area and formation of fruiting wood was determined.
Pruning fruit trees is one of the main agricultural methods in the creation of intensive plantations. Crown formation tasks depend on the type of an orchard and they are changed with the plantation age. Research and monitoring of the most important winter damaging factors in the central Russia were held in Tambov, Lipetsk, Voronezh and Belgorod regions during 2005 and 2012.
The main factors affecting the choice of fruit pruning in apple orchards are biological characteristics of cultivars, weather conditions, type of crowns, age of trees and their condition and loading trees flower buds.
To accelerate the trees entry into commodity fruiting and to reduce the payback period of the production costs for the orchards at semi-dwarf rootstocks and rootstocks of average growth rate it is recommended to form a crown with an increased number of main branches in the lower combined tier of 4-5 branches.
The article presents the results of studies on the effect of different types of mulch in the nursery for moisture, nutrient status, soil temperature, all growth processes of apple trees in the second nursery field; as well as marketability of apple trees and their growing economic effect on vegetative rootstocks. It was found that mulching leads to improved nutrient status of the soil; it lowers the temperature of the soil, which in turn has a positive effect on the growth processes of apple seedlings.
It is most expedient to use sawdust mulch (with feeding); and humus (0.5 layer) + sawdust (0.5 layer) and peat (0.5 layer) + sawdust (0.5 layer). The results of studying the intensity and growth amount of the oculants in dynamics showed that the combined variants such as humus (0.5 layer) + sawdust (0.5 layer) and peat (0.5 layer) + sawdust (0.5 layer) provided an increase tillering (number and length of branching), as compared with the control by 0.5-1.9 times, and the standard by 0.3-1.0 times.
Indicator of profitability, in versions with mulch, has increased by 7.2-92.8 % and 11.1-98.2 % relatively to the control and the standard, respectively; net profit has made 360.9-892.7 thousand UAH/ha.
It has been studied the influence of different soil substrates and depth of soil soaking on biometrical indices of apple tree clone rootstocks in the right-bank forest-steppe of Ukraine. The results of the research at mother plantations relatively to the influence of soil substrate for apple rootstocks mounding and different depth of soil soaking at apple rootstocks irrigation are presented. For clonal apple rootstocks mounding there were used soil and sawdust. The irrigation was performed by drip method. The depth of soil soaking is 40 and 20 cm. Layering was the main method of receiving mother plants. The positive influence of irrigation on the quantity of leaves on one shoot, the leaf area, total assimilating area and shoots quantity was established. The influence of sawdust, used as a substrate, on the reduction of the amount of water needed for irrigation was observed. The irrigation regime was also influenced by the depth of soil soaking.
High level of regenerative ability is observed either at the stage of introduction into culture and proliferation during micropropagation of apple clonal rootstocks 54-118 and 62-396. Use of tip bud explants, supplement of BAP at concentration 0.3-2.0 mg/l and antioxidants promotes more rapid tissue differentiation in vitro. It has been established that rootstock 54-118 is a hard-to-root one; therefore IBA should be used for its rooting at concentration of 1.0-2.0 mg/l. For the rootstock 62-396, that is an easy-to-root one, the concentration of IAA of 3.0-5.0 mg/l is recommended. The usage of plants propagated in vitro provides 20.0-26.0 % increase of productivity of apple clonal rootstock and 1.3 fold increment of yield of standard layers per ha at a mother plantation.
The evaluation of the effectiveness of the use of agrotecnical measures and growth regulator with the goal of crown formation during one-year plum saplings cultivation for intensive orchards is given. Combined measure of apical leaves topping and phytohormonal preparation arboline application was chosen as the best one, as it had the most stimulating effect on crown formation of one-year saplings of poorly branching plum varieties.
Advantage was this method, compared to the recommended pinching, was that trees formed in average 56 % more side shoots, angles of divergence increased by 17-25°, leaf blade area was 18 % bigger, and total length of the root system increased by 12 %. Technically, one-year plum saplings matched valid Ukrainian standard in quality.
Combined measure of apical leaves topping and arboline application increased the amount of standard saplings by 78 % in average, including first class by 2.3 times, which allowed achieving extra profit of 231.7 thousand UAH/ha from their selling.
Testing of fruit and small fruit crops for the presence of endophytic microbiota revealed the existence of bacteria in the plant tissues of the genus Pseudomonas and fungi, mainly relating to necrotrophic. An assessment of the nature of exposure to toxins endophytic bacteria on phytopathogenic fungi isolated from tissues of different cultivars of cherry, red and black currant and gooseberry was made. Antagonistic action of bacteria metabolites against pathogens of dangerous diseases of fruit and small fruit crops was established. Bacterial strains from the internal tissues of the most adaptive forms and cultivars possess more pronounced fungicidal and fungistatic activity. The stimulatory effect of weak solutions of bacterial culture filtrate plants cherries and strawberries and toxic effects of metabolites bacteria at higher concentrations were revealed. Concentration of 10 % of culture fluid was recommended to use for differentiation of cherry and strawberry cultivars for a resistance to bacterial toxins.
The results of evaluation of resistance to leaf spot of 45 sweet and sour cherry samples from the collection of the North Caucasian Zonal Research and Development Institute of Horticulture and Viticulture are given in the article. Sour and sweet cherry samples unaffected in the field and at artificial infection were singled out. Among them are AI 1 [Cerasus vulgaris × C. serrulata var. lannesiana (Carr.) Erem. et Yushev Nr.2], 10-18 (C. incisa (Thunb.) Loisel. × Polyanka), 11-17 (C. lannesiana Nr.1 × Franz Joseph), 10-15 (C. lannesiana Nr.2 × Franz Joseph), 3-115 (C. serrulata Hally Tolivetta × Polyanka), 7-42 (C. lannesiana Nr.2 × Franz Joseph), 5-44 (C. lannesiana Nr.2 × Franz Joseph), 106 (C. lannesiana Nr.2 × Franz Joseph) open pollination, 5-40 (C. lannesiana Nr.2 × Franz Joseph), Kurilskaya cherry SAHKNII 13, serrulata cherry 1 and 2, Maksimovich Lazo cherry. Such cultivars of cherries as Kusumkent 8 and Tseshenskaya Oktyabrskaya had a long-term type of resistance. It should be noted that the samples of Maaka cherries 1 and 4, serrulata cherry B1, Sakhalinskaya BG-35 and 1-215 cherries, Kurilskaya cherries Nr.2 and Nr.13, Vetrovoye 10 and 11, Pseudoserasus and Brilliant were damaged slightly.
The results of many-year-long investigations of chemical composition of red currant and black currant berries are given in the article. 103 red currant cultivar samples and 149 black currant ones from the Institute collection have been estimated for the contents of soluble dry substances in berries, sum of sugars, organic acids, ascorbic acid, phenolic compounds and pectin substances. The best genotypes have been singled out according to each biochemical index and recommended as sources for breeding for the improvement of berry chemical composition of the studied crops. For red currants with sugar content more than 7.5–8.0 %, organic acids – less than 2.5 %, ascorbic acid – more than 70.0 mg/100 g, phenolic compounds – more than 500.0 mg/100 g and pectins – more than 9.0 % (per dry mass); for black currants – with sugar content more than 7.5–8.0 %, organic acids – less than 2.5%, ascorbic acid – more than 200.0 mg/100 g, phenolic compounds – more than 700.0 mg/100 g and pectins – more than 8.0 % (per dry mass).
Nowadays the application of biological means of plant protection is of significant importance as it provides the retaining of natural complex of living organisms. Plant protection guided by biological means against insects, diseases and pests simultaneously makes it possible to solve the problems of maintaining the yield, increasing the fruit quality, protecting the environment and human health.
The goal of the investigations was to determine a biological potential of resistance of promising black currant cultivars to a complex of diseases and to develop an accelerated method of efficiency evaluation of new biofungicide Vitaplan against powdery mildew on the crop as well as to improve the system of black currant protection on the basis of using of microbiological spicemens certified for use and included into the State Register of Pesticides 2012 and to introduce VIZR exploratory developments for the purpose of means expansion of microbiological protection which are highly effective against pathogens and pests.
The presented development of black currant protection with introducing of a wide spectrum of biological spicemens is a real possibility of obtaining ecologically pure production at the expense of a persistent biopesticide pressing under decreasing chemical treatments.
The research shows the optimal periods for preparation and rooting of cuttings of six actinidia cultivars, which have been under the investigation, depending on phenological phases of stools development. It has been found that the rooting ability is associated with anatomical state of the studied plant cuttings.
The influence of bioactive substances on the formation of roots on cuttings has been investigated and it has been found that the process of formation of adventitious roots in stem cuttings of the studied actinidia cultivars depends on cutting merism, a successful combination of optimum terms of harvesting and grafting and on the use of bioactive substances. It gives the opportunity to get the maximum output of rooted cuttings with well developed root system.
The technological methods of rooting stem cuttings of actinidia under fine-dyspersated moisture conditions and cuttings growing completion to standard sizes in agroecological conditions of the Right-bank Forest-steppe of Ukraine have been developed.
The article presents the results of 2001-2010 years of research by main economically valuable traits (wilt resistance, winter hardiness, thorn degree, nature of fruit separation, yield, fruit weight, crude fat content in fruits) of 15 introduced sea buckthorn cultivar samples of the Don breeding (author V.T. Kondrashov). Among them are Konigsberg (17-9), Omsk-27, 4-40, 10-82, 24-97, Petrovka (1-92), 2-115, 8-51, Zolotaya kosa (1-112), 22-85, 01-03-84, 27-56, 23-34 (pollinator), 4-20 (pollinator) and 6-28 (pollinator).
The studied cultivar samples in the conditions of Orenburg region showed high winter hardiness and resistance to wilt. The cultivar samples Konigsberg, Zolotaya kosa, 1-3-84, 2-115, 22-85, 27-56 had dry separation according to many years of research. The most fruitful there were the cultivars Zolotaya kosa (12.0 kg per plant), Konigsberg (11.0 kg), 8-51 (9.5 kg) and 2-115 (9 kg).
The cultivar samples Zolotaya kosa, Konigsberg and 4-40 3.1.84 were distinguished by their high content of crude fat. The cultivar samples Konigsberg, Zolotaya kosa and 8-51 were singled out by the complex of economic and biological characteristics.
The highlighted best cultivar samples by each characteristic and by the complex of traits are of interest for breeding use with the aim of improving of the sea buckthorn assortment in the Orenburg region.
On the basis of long-term studies the areas of distribution of rare domestic cultivars and forms of nut crops under threat of a disappearance have been identified. It was collected and formed a valuable gene fund (collection orchard) of hazelnut, walnut, chestnut, pistachio and almond. As a result of bio morphological, biochemical and physiological studies there were revealed promising cultivars for further breeding works. Local cultivars of nut crops differ in economic-biological indicators (yield, taste, weight, fat and content of vitamins and minerals). The most expanded cultivars of a domestic breeding are the following: hazelnut – Аtа-bаbа, Bоmbа, Аshrаfi, Yаgly funduk, Аshrafi Оguz-5, Gyanja funduk; walnut – Novrast, Seyfi, Sugrа, Оrdubad, Araz, Zakatala, Таlа gоz, Djar, Fаldаr, Ilgar, Mаriyam goz, Vusal goz, Gusar goz, Yumru goz, Dishar, Reshad goz, Дjаmаl qоz, Gаrа gоz, Gyrmyzy yarpag goz, Samed goz; chestnut – Khаnlyg, Аshlyg, Farash; pistachio – Abshеrоn, Baku, Byul-Byulа, Аmirdjan, Кishlya, Маrdakyan 38/81, Маrdakan18/85, Zumrud, Buzovna, Prevoskhodnaya, Izumrud; almond – Sarai, Аbsheron, Маrdakyan, Shakhbuz, Novrast, Baku.
Within 2011-2013 the influence of complex-effect compounds developed at the Unitary Enterprise ‗Unitehprom BGU‘ on productivity, fruits quality and storability of apple cultivar Imant was studied. They represent a complex of natural bioactive compounds on the basis of humic acids.
Fourfold treatment of trees and fruits of the cultivar Imant by the complex-effect compound Volat-9 at the concentration of 50 g per 100 l (the 1st one is during blooming, the 2nd one in 2 weeks after blooming, the 3rd one in 3 weeks after blooming and the 4th one is in 4 weeks after blooming) promotes a decrease in prevalence of bitter pit on fruits during the crop formation period as well as an increase in yield of marketable fruits per tree.
Fruits of the apple cultivar Imant treated by the compounds Volat-8 and Volat-9 possess the best storability index at their long-term storage and marketing periods.
Within 2012-2014 at the Institute for Fruit growing there was studied the influence of the controlled gas atmosphere with different concentrations of oxygen and a carbon dioxide as well as of Fitomag application on fruits storability indexes of 3 pear cultivars such as Belorusskaya pozdnyaya, Prosto Maria and Zaveya at their long-term storage.
The controlled gas atmosphere positively influenced on losses decrease of pear fruits from natural mass loss as well as on yield of sound fruits at long-term storage.
The best pear fruits storability index was observed at the controlled gas atmosphere with the ultralow content of oxygen. The yield of marketable fruits at the cultivar Prosto Maria made 89.3 %, at the cultivar Belorusskaya pozdnyaya it was 98.4 % and the cultivar Zaveya showed 95.4 %.
The controlled gas atmosphere completely protects pear fruits against withering and essentially reduces losses from rot.
Within 2011-2013 investigations on the study of residual effect of fruits storage of domestic plum were carried out in the storage and processing department of the Institute for Fruit Growing. Fruits of 7 domestic plum cultivars cultivated in the Institute for Fruit Growing were the objects of the research.
It has been established that, at use of various storage modes for domestic plum fruits, first of all it is necessary to sale products stored in the conditions of regular atmosphere (1-3 days), further, fruits from the modified atmosphere (3-5 days) and finally, ones after controlled atmosphere (standard and with ultralow content of oxygen) (5 days).
Terms of sale of domestic plum fruits of the cultivars Volat and Narach after their storage are possible to increase up to 10 days.
A storage mode factor makes an essential influence on all indexes of the storability. The yield of sound fruits and fruit rot at an assessment of the residual effect depend also on cultivar characteristics (influence percentage of cultivar factor has made 27.9 % and 24.8 % respectively).
The article presents the results of a comparative study of the transformation degree of fruits biochemical composition during their storage at +3…+4 °C for one month. These fruits are the fruits of three interspecific hybrids introduced in Belarus V. corymbosum and V. angustifolium of different ripening time such as Collins, Hardyblue and Denise Blue. It was found that fruits after storage showed the decline in free organic acid and ascorbic acid, soluble sugars, pectin and tannins, flavonols and anthocyanin pigments. It was showed an increase in dry matter content and sugar-acid index and no change in the content of catechins and phenol carbonic acids.
It was identified notable genotypic and temporal differences in the direction and magnitude of changes in the biochemical composition of fruits, indicating that different varietal response to different blueberry duration exposure to low positive temperatures.
The article presents the results of working out formula compositions and scientifically proved sterilization modes of new kinds of canned fruit on the basis of the results of thermal and physical investigations of the process of their heat treatment in a horizontal autoclave.
The objects of the research there were fruits of apple tree, arrow wood tree, black elder tree, chokeberry tree, black currants and new kinds of fruit nectars.
During the research process there were selected the optimal proportions of nectar components and test microorganisms and there was also defined the demanded lethality of the pasteurization process of new kinds of canned food. Thermal and physical characteristics were studied and actual lethality of test pasteurization modes of the investigated kinds of the processing products was determined.
The research result there appeared to be the formulas and pasteurization formulas of 4 kinds of fruit nectars.
The review of literary sources, concerning an application of biological preparations for protection of fruit plants and fruit growing products against diseases, is given in the article.
The most effective beneficial microorganisms in terms of phytopathogens suppression have been revealed. They are various strains of bacilli Bacillus subtilis and other kinds of this genera, bacteria of the genera Pseudomonas, yeast Pichiaguillier mondii and Cryptococcus laurentii. The mechanism of their physiological effect on a harmful myceflora has been shown.
The existing market of biopesticides and prospects on its extension including the territory of the Republic of Belarus has been considered.
The high ecological and economic importance of the biological control of diseases has been shown. Also there has been revealed the necessity of extension of scientific researches on working out and application of biological preparations for apple fruits protection in a storage period.
Literature review shows positions for accumulation of basical biochemical components in raspberry fruits and proves medicinal properties of this crop. The best cultivars of raspberry were singled out. Raspberries are a valuable source of vitamin C (50-70 mg/100g). Raspberry fruits also contain vitamin E (0.4-1.4 mg/100 g), carotene (0.1-0.6 mg/100 g), B9 (0.20-0.45 mg/100 g), anthocyanins (100-250 mg/100 g). Here you can find data for biochemical composition of cultural raspberry concerning both different regions of Russia and abroad. The cultivar difference according to the following biochemical indices was shown. Among them were soluble solids, sugars, titrable acidity, ascorbic acid content and anthocyan content. The singled out cultivars demonstrate higher content of nutrient and biologically active substances and they are considered to be promising for better biochemical composition. They are Gerakl, Balzam, Zolotaya osen, Evraziya, Kokinskaya, Peresvet, Brilliantovaya and Elegantnaya.