The article presents reference and analytical materials for the main production indicators of fruit growing – the cultivation area of perennial crops, the structure of plantations, the gross harvest of fruit, yield, the volume of imports and exports of pome and stone fruit and planting material in 2011–2018 years. Proposals for ways to intensify the development of the fruit growing field in four main blocks of issues: strengthening the production and technical and labor potential of the complex; improving the organization of production; improving the seed production system; scientific support of the area, are presented.
The paper presents the study results for four apple varieties – Bylina, Uspenskoye, Flagman and Fregat – of Russian breeding on adaptability to the climatic conditions of Belarus. The standard was variety of Belarusian breeding Syabryna (Lobo × Prima) released in 2011. In spring 2008, an experimental apple garden was planted with one-year seedlings on a seed rootstock at 4.0 × 2.0 m scheme. During the most unfavorable winters in 2011/12 (–29.7 °С) and 2015/16 (–23.7 °С) only slight freezing of vascular-conducting tissues for an one-year gain (1.5–2.0 points) was observed, and wood, bark, stem had no damage in the test apple varieties. Winter hardiness and the general condition of the trees were maintained at the level of the standard Syabryna variety. Apple varieties of Russian breeding in the conditions of Belarus showed high resistance to scab (leaf damage – no more than 0.5–0.8 points).
The varieties Bylina, Uspenskoye, Flagman and Frigat were selected as a source of scab resistance, Uspenskoe and Frigate – for high fruit quality. According to the complex of traits: high winter hardiness, yield, scab resistance, regular fruiting and high fruit quality, the apple varieties Uspenskoye and Frigat – which are suitable for cultivation in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus, are selected.
The article presents the calculation of economic indicators of the cultivation efficiency of colum-like apple varieties under experimental and production conditions in the Republic of Belarus. Studies were carried out in the garden of the nursery department of The Institute for Fruit Growing and in garden of agricultural enterprise ‘Fruktovy sad’ in Dubrovno district, Vitebsk region.
To evaluate the effectiveness of a colum-like garden without transplanting, costs were calculated for the management of fruit plantations and harvesting, depreciation and revenue for the yield of column-like apple varieties ‘Valyuta’ (yield – 90.2 t/ha) and ‘President’ (yield – 56.0 t/ha).
‘Valyuta’ variety is characterized by adaptability, early maturity, high yield, good commodity, consumer and technological qualities of fruit. The profitability of cultivation ‘Valyuta’ and ‘President’ varieties was 165.3–122.2 %, respectively, in the experimental garden, and in the production tests – 156.0 % for ‘Valyuta’.
The article presents the results of studying growth characteristics of 20 apple varieties (15 of Belarusian breeding; 1 of Lithuanian breeding; 3 of Russian breeding; 1 of Czech breeding) in the second field of the nursery using rootstocks with various vigor: seed and clonal – medium, semi-dwarf and dwarf. The main characteristics of the above-ground part of the obtained planting material and their compliance with the current requirements in the Republic of Belarus are reflected.
Biological characteristics of the cultivated variety are shown to determine the nature of the growth of one-year seedlings. Interinfluence of the variety and the vigor of the rootstock is shown in the change in the height of the plants and the branching qualitative features.
Grouping of the apple graft-rootstock combinations was carried out according to the the branching characteristics in the nursery, analysis of which shows the need to develop effective methods of cultivation targeted to improve the crown quality of the seedlings according to the modern requirements of intensive fruit growing.
In 2017–2018, studies to assess the effect of calcium foliar fertilizer (complex KompleMet-Ca and two-component microbiological AgroVit) on the yield and commercial quality of apple fruit of varieties of the winter period of ripening was carried out in the experimental orchard planted in 2010 in the Institute for fruit growing. The fruits of that cultivars under a calcium deficiency are susceptible to physiological disorders (diseases).
The graft-rootstock combinations ‘Belorusskoye sladkoye’/M-9 and ‘Imant’/PB-4 had the higher yield using foliar fertilization with CompleMet-Ca by 41.4 % (average yield increase – 10.6 t/ha) and 10.8 % (the average yield increase – 0.9 t/ha), respectively. The graft-rootstock combinations ‘Belorusskoye sladkoye’/PB-4 and ‘Imant’/62-396 had lower yield by 5.1 % and 8.2 %, respectively, compared to the control variant.
Foliar application of a two-component microbiological fertilizer AgroVit led to a significant increase in yield in all studied graft-rootstock combinations of apple trees by 33–91 % compared to the control variant, the yield increase was 8.9–13.5 t/ha.
Foliar fertilizer application KompleMet-Ca had an effect on the larger gross output of high-quality products: in the case of graft-rootstock combinations ‘Belorusskoye sladkoye’/PB-4, ‘Belorusskoye sladkoye’/M-9, and ‘Imant’/PB-4, compared with the control, by 3.8, 21.7 and 4.2 tons, respectively.
Application of the two-component microbiological fertilizer AgroVit was characterized by the higher gross yield of fruits of the highest grades for the studied graft-rootstock combinations.
A study on the effect of calcium foliar fertilizing with complex KompleMet-Са and two-component microbiological AgroVit on the chemical composition and shelf life of apple fruit of ‘Belorusskoye Sladkoye’ cultivar (its fruits are prone to physiological disorders at calcium deficiency) on M-9 rootstock was carried out in 2017–2018 in the orchard planted in 2010 in the department of fruit growing technology of the Institute for Fruit growing (Belarus) in the soil and climatic conditions of the western subzone of the central zone.
A sod-podzolic, medium-podzolized medium loamy soil of the experimental site had a very high level of mobile phosphorus and exchangeable potassium, magnesium and calcium. It has been established that on average for 2 years of the study, the foliar fertilizing with KompleMet-Sa increased the content of titratable acids and pectin substances (protopectin) in fruits.
In this variant, the best results for fruit storage were noted: decreased natural weight loss – 3.3 % vs. 3.5 % in the control variant, higher yield of healthy fruits – 86.4 % vs. 84.5 %, decreased fruit damaging – 13.6 % vs. 15.5 % in the control variant.
The article presents the results of studies of the biochemical composition and fruit quality of late apples grown in the conditions of the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. The varieties are selected capable to form high content of dry soluble substances: Jonagold and Jonagored (>15 %). Elevated concentrations of ascorbic acid were detected in Garant and Champion. The relatively high content of polyphenols is characterizing for varieties Jonathan, Jonagored and Pinova. All the studied varieties were characterized by moderate or low acidity. The most valuable samples for the content of pectin substances are Idared, Garant and Renet Simirenka (>1 %). The fruits of Dekosta, Jonagold, Jonagored and Gala varieties have the highest quality according to taste characteristics. Complex assessment of the studied indicators shows the most valuable varieties Jonagold, Garant, Renette Simirenko and Champion.
As a result of many years of study of introduced varieties of pears in Belarus, ‘Talgarskaya krasavitsa’ pear variety of Qazaqstan was selected, which is characterized by complex resistance to diseases and pear psylla in combination with high taste guality (dense, very juicy, sweet pulp) of fruits that can be stored for up to 120 days (December). In terms of economic and biological characteristics, the selected variety exceeds the standard ‘Belorusskaya pozdnaya’ variety by resistance to diseases and pear psylla, the maximum mass and fruit appearance, and the introduced standard ‘Bere Luka’ variety – by resistance to leaf scab, pear psylla damage, fruit attractivness and taste.
The variety was transferred to the State system of variety trial of Belarus in 2018, recommended for home gardening.
The article presents the results of the study of local and introduced clonal pear rootstocks in the competitive test mother plantation in 2015–2017. As a result of the study, the most promising rootstocks the conditions of Belarus in relation to shoot forming, rooting, growth of an aerial part of plant, are the quince clonal forms, S1, 2-31. These forms are characterized by a high yield of rooted layers with well developed root system.
A survey was conducted on the presence of phytoplasmas in pear orchards in Belarus. Overall, 203 samples (108 genotypes) of symptomatic or depressed pear trees were tested. According to the results of the survey and testing, the presence of phytoplasma in pear orchards was found in all investigated areas: Brest, Gomel, Minsk, Mogilev.
The article presents the description of morphological characters of introduced seedling rootstock Wangenheims (Wangenheims Plum). The results of Wangenheims rootstock study in orchard are presented.
The rootstock is characterized by its high winter hardiness, good root anchoring, does not forms root shoots. By its growth strength belongs to the group of low growth rootstocks. It reduces tree growth strength to 12 % of plum variety ʻKometaʼ and ʻVictoriaʼ compared with cherry plum rootstock, trunk cross-sectional area to 40 %, tree crown projection area to 25 %. Commercial yield on studied rootstock on the plum variety ʻKometaʼ in the eighth year of growth in orchard was 12.1 tons/per ha, trees variety ʻVictoriaʼ – 32.6 tons/per ha (planting scheme 5.0 × 3.0 m). Average yield of plum variety ʻKometaʼ was 8.4 tons/per ha, variety ʻVictoriaʼ 17.7 tons/per ha.
Profitability level of variety/rootstock combination ʻKometaʼ/Wangenheims was 61.3 % variety ʻVictoriaʼ/Wangenheims – 202.9 %.
According to the results of study in Brest Regional Agricultural Experimental Station of the National Science Academy of Belarus in 2010 the rootstock was passed to the State Variety Testing System of the Republic of Belarus, but in 2016 was included in Variety Register for the backyard cultivation.
This article presents the results of the pollination evaluation of cherry plum ‘Nesmeyana’, ‘Skoroplodnaya’, ‘Lama’, ‘Lodva’, ‘Soneyka’, ‘Naidena’, ‘Kometa’ varieties by the pollen of ‘Mara’ cultivar. The coincidence of the flowering dates of the studied varieties and the pollinator, as well as the high quality of ‘Mara’ pollen was established: fertility – 85–95 %, viability – 14–58 %. Based on a comprehensive analysis of cross-compatibility of varieties in field conditions, ‘Mara’ variety is recommended as a pollen parent for ‘Kometa’, ‘Naydana’, ‘Nesmeyana’ and ‘Soneyka’ varieties, providing fruit setting of 11.5–25.5 %.
The article presents the results of the study of self-fertility of 14 varieties and 1 hybrid of cherry, as well as 4 varieties of sweet cherry.
In order to form a target trait collection of self-fertility sources of cherries and sweet cherries, an assessment of fruit formation was carried out. The target trait collection includes varieties that provided over 50 % of the useful ovum from self-pollination in relation to free pollination – the cherry varieties ‘Vianok’ (60.8 %), ‘North Star’ (94.7 %), ‘Uifehertoi fiurtoși’ (96.5 %), ‘Rovestnitsa’ (93.8 %), ‘Rival’ (84.9 %), ‘Lyubskaya’ (59.9 %), ‘Oblachinskaya’ (70.3 %), ‘Livenskaya’ (62.6 %), ‘Kharitonovskaya’ (79.2 %), ‘Nika’ (79.8 %), ‘Shumadinka’ (74.6 %), ‘Lutsina’ (75.0 %), ‘Nana’ (51.5 %), a hybrid 01-5/61 (72.0 %), and a sweet cherry variety ‘Skina’ (93.9 %).
The article presents the results of the study (2016–2017 years) of ability to propagate by softwood cuttings for cherry varieties: Vianok, Novodvorskaya, Lasuha, Griot Belorussky (bred in the Insitute for Fruit growing), Livenskaya, Rovesnitsa (bred in VNIISPK, Orel). It was established that the varieties Lasukha and Novodvorskaya have a high ability to reproduce by softwood cuttings. These varieties have a short period of callus formation (15–25 days) and are characterized by the highest rooting rate – by 3.4–23.4 % more than the standard (Vyanok). The treatment of softwood cuttings with growth regulators accelerated the process of rooting, increased the rooting rate of the cuttings. The best rooting rate (from 52.4 to 85.2 %) was observed in the varieties Vyanok (standard), Lasukha and Novodvorskaya in the variants with growth powder AB and Kornevin. The cherry propagation by softwood cuttings may be carried out from the 2nd ten days of June to the end of the 1st ten days of July, but at the same time, during propagation in the 1st ten days of July, the period of callus formation increases from 3–10 days.
The studies were carried out in the Biotechnology Department of The Institute for fruit growing in 2015–2018. The object of the study was to assess in vitro morphogenesis of promising commercial cherry (‘Livenskaya’, ‘Vianok’, ‘Lasukha’, ‘Novodvorskaya’, ‘Rovestnitsa’, ‘Griot belorussky’) and plum (‘Vengerka belorusskaya’, ‘Dalikatnaya’) varieties and the possibility of own rooted planting material production.
The study results allowed to establish that all studied varieties of cherry and plum (‘Livenskaya’, ‘Vianok’, ‘Lasukha’, ‘Novodvorskaya’, ‘Rovestnitsa’, ‘Griot belorussky’, ‘Vengerka belorusskaya’, ‘Dalikatnaya’) are suitable for in vitro reproduction. Reproduction factor for cherry varieties is 3.1–6.5, for plum – 1.2–1.8.
On the basis of a set of indicators characterizing the efficiency of in vitro reproduction, the cherry variety ‘Rovestnitsa’ and the plum variety ‘Vengerka belorusskaya’ are selected.
The article presents an analysis of changes in climatic and agroclimatic characteristics of the Minsk region in 1989–2018. According to “Minsk” meteorological station, Samokhvalovichi, an increase in average annual atmospheric temperature by 1.5 °С, reduction in the period with temperature below zero by an average of 26 days, and increase in the duration of periods with temperatures above 5, 10, 15 °С on average by 15, 12,16 days respectively are reported. The heat supply of the growing season (temperatures above 5 °С) increased by 326 °С. The amount of precipitation during the year did not change significantly and was to 95 % of the climatic norm. The shift to the earlier calendar dates of the periods with active temperatures above 0, 5, 10, 15 °С resulted in the change in the dates and duration of phenological phases of growth and development of traditional berry crops in Belarus. For black currant, gooseberry, raspberry and strawberry, an earlier onset of “beginning of the growing season” (by 8–16 days), “beginning of flowering” (by 5–10 days, except for strawberry) phenological phases, as well as the unchanged onset of the ripening period while reducing its duration by 7–14 days, was reported.
Mother plants of four strawberry cultivars, included in the State Register were studied: Desnyanka Kokiskaya, Dukat, Krasnyj Bereg. The plants were propagated in vitro, adapted to non-sterile conditions and planted in the field and greenhouses (in compartments of anti-insect netted greenhouse and in pots in glass greenhouse). The plants were treated with the biological preparations betaprotectin and frutin. The keeping of mother plants in compartments is optimal for these cultivars to obtain the maximum amount of planting material of strawberry during one season: 15.73 to 37.60 daughter plants were obtained. For standard mother plant maintenance for two seasons, we recommend to grow them in open ground: the total number of daughter plants formed and the number of standard daughter plants is maximum for all cultivars: for the Desnianka Kokinskaya – 43.28 and 41.32 units, for Dukat – 14.20 and 9.26, for the Krasnyj Bereg variety – 11,13 and 24.20 units respectively.
The aim of this research was to evaluate the performance of newly introduced strawberry cultivars in Latvia on open field conditions and to evaluate the effectiveness of nano and bio fertilizers. Eight cultivars: ‘Selvik’, ‘Markat’, ‘Elsariusz’, ‘Granda Rosa’, ‘Panon’, ‘Paladyn’, ‘Suitene’ and ‘Honeoye’ were included in the investigation. The fertilization scheme with application of fertilizers: Nano ELEMENTTM (microelement fertilizer) and Bio ELEMENTTM (contains microorganisms) was tested. The evaluation was done for two seasons. According to obtained results ‘Selvik’ and ‘Panon’ were selected as the most promising for growing in Latvia climatic conditions. They characterized by appropriate winter hardiness and good productivity. In total, the application of fertilizers Nano ELEMENTTM and Bio ELEMENTTM had no statistically significant impact on strawberry phenological development, productivity and fruit quality during two production seasons, while some difference in response among cultivars was observed.
The article provides data on the study of 85 black currant varieties of various geographical origin for the important economic and biological characteristics. As a result of research, varieties characterized by a high rate of fruiting, largefruiting, soluble solid content, dessert taste, bush parameters suitable for mechanized harvesting were identified. The results of the assessment for resistance to currant gall mite are presented. The following variety samples were selected by the set of economically valuable traits: Dabradzeya (Belarus), Cudmig and Selechenskaya-2 (Russia), Padina (Romania), which can be used as a parent material for further breeding work.
Black currant (Ribes nigrum L.) is an important soft fruit crop in Estonia, grown both for processing and dessert. The climate of Estonia is suitable for blackcurrant production, although in some years spring frosts limit the yield. The soft fruit collection at Polli Horticultural Research Centre of the Estonian University of Life Sciences (58°7ʹ26ʺ N, 25°32ʹ43ʺ E) has 123 black currant cultivars. Ten of the cultivars (‘Belorusskaya Sladkaya’, ‘Katyusha’, ‘Minaj Shmyriov’, ‘Pamyat Vavilova’, ‘Paulinka’, ‘Asker’, ‘Elmar’, ‘Elo’, ‘Karri’, ‘Mairi’) of Belorussian and Estonian breeding programmes were evaluated. Their phenological traits, winter hardiness, fruit yield weight and quality, and their susceptibility to mildew (Sphaerotheca morsuvae (Schw.) Berk.), antracnose (Drepanopeziza ribis Kleb.) and black currant gall mite (Cecidophyosis ribis Westw.) were determined in the period 2011–2014. Winter injury and damage by Sphaerotheca mors-uvae (Schw.) Berk. and Cecidophyosis ribis Westw. was not evident in the test cultivars. The best cultivars were ‘Katyusha’ and ‘Elmar’, they had a good stable yield, damage by anthracnose was relatively weak and last had large fruits. The cultivars ‘Mairi’, ‘Pamyat Vavilova’ and ‘Karri’ had quit good yields too. Good dessert cultivars were ‘Karri’, ‘Elmar’ and ‘Mairi’, with large fruits, quite good yields and no gall mite damage.
The results of evaluation of red currant varieties for resistance to Pseudopeziza ribis are presented, the dynamics of the
disease development over the years and its impact on the plant condition are shown. It is established that in the conditions
of Central Chernozem region the red currant is affected annually by anthracnose to varying degrees. Epiphytotic on the
prevalence of the disease marked 2015, 2016, 2018 year. The intensity of the pathogen development varied in varieties from 1 to 5 points. Field resistance to anthracnose is characterized by cultivar Roshalt, 24 % of varieties had an average resistance and
74 % weak. In strongly propagated cultivars (Valentinovka, Zamok Houghton, Imperatorskaya Joltaya, Komovaya Markina,
Margaritar, Minnesota, Fertile de Palnau, Pika Koparge Valge, Rolan, Fays’Prolific, Fertodi Piros) in 2016, premature leaf fall
was noted, resulting in freezing of shoots, weakened state of plants and low productivity in the following year (2017).
The article presents the results of propagation of blackberry cultivar ‘Stefan’ in vitro. The research work was carried out in the Department of biotechnology of Institute for Fruit Growing in 2018–2019.
The aim of the study was to investigate parameters of development of blackberry plants cv. ‘Stefan’ in vitro and at ex vitro adaptation (on various substrates).
At initiation stage, the plants had high regenerative capacity (percentage of viable explants was 80.0 %). At proliferation stage, adding of 0.5 mg/l 6-BA and 1.0 mg/l GA3 to nutrient medium promoted formation of normally developed explants (suitable for in vitro rooting). At stage of in vitro rhizogenesis, it is recommended to use a medium containing ½ MS macrosalts and 0.0–0.1 mg/l IBA (number of roots not less than 5.80 ± 1.32, root length – 1.73 ± 0.16 cm). For adaptation of blackberry cv. ‘Stefan’, recommended substrates are peat, agroperlite or agroperlite with BIONA-311 in 3 : 1 ratio, which allows to produce plants with high morphological parameters.
The effective Actinidia deliciosa cultivation in Russian humid subtropics is currently possible on the basis of microzoning. It has been developed with the help of agro-climatic potential areas analysis within some years and mathematical modeling of its impact on the yield of introduced varieties of the crop. The definition of adaptive varieties is the most appropriate for the conditions of Russian subtropics, depending on the altitudinal zonality. The adaptability criteria were defined in terms of productivity (potential, absolutely sustainable productivity in extreme and adverse conditions), ecological sustainability and economic efficiency. Hayward, Hayward K-10, Hayward K-17 and Kivaldi varieties were adapted in the foothills (up to 200 m above sea level). The Hayward K and Hayward K-8 varieties are the most adapted to the lowlands. In modern conditions the irrigation is the most common drip method. The choice of this method is related to biological properties, culture and climatic conditions in this area. A diagnostic body has been established for determining the concentration of cell sap (CCS) in sheets and CCS parameters, determining preferred irrigation according to the achievements of 70, 80 and 90 % of the lowest water capacity (WC). For Actinidia deliciosa the optimal irrigation according to the achievements of the level of the root layer (0–60 cm) is 80 % of WC.
Hawthorn fruit is a cheap source of carotene, polyphenols, a large group of vitamins and other biologically active substances. In the Department of berry crops of the Institute for Fruit growing, the basic collection of hawthorn is represented by the following species: Crataegus submollis Sarg., ornamental form of Crataegus laevigata, Crataegus aestivalis (Walter) Torr. & A. Gray), Crataegus arnoldiana Sarg. Crataegus arnoldiana Sarg. deserves special attention since, along with a large mass of fruits, a significant content of biologically active substances it can be used both dry and fresh, as well as for the manufacture of canned products.
The first Belarusian hawthorn variety ‘Svayak’ was obtained as a selective form from the Crataegus arnoldiana Sarg. population. It is characterized by high winter hardiness, medium term of ripening (I–II decade of September), regular fruiting and high productivity (4.9 kg/tree). Fruits are red, large, with average weight of 4.4 g, good taste and quality (tasting assessment of fresh fruits – 4.7 points, processed products – 4.5–4.6 points). Fruits are in raceme of 8 fruits, the raceme weight is 24.7 g. The profitability of cultivating ‘Svayak’ variety is 150.7 %. The study of the main economic and biological indicators was carried out according to standard techniques.
The variety is in the system of State testing of the Republic of Belarus since 2018.
The ability of the blue honeysuckle explants to regeneration processes at the stage of initiation of in vitro culture is determined by the cultivar characteristics, nutrient medium, time of initiation and type of used explant.
The efficiency of initiation using single-node cuttings and apexes in the beginning of shoot growth (the first decade of May) was determined by the genotype. For the cultivar Krupnoplodnaya, the in vitro initiation using single-node cuttings on WPM medium was effective (72.22 % of viable explants). For ‘Goluboye vereteno’, there were no significant differences in the type of explant when using the WPM nutrient medium. For the ‘Pavlovskaya’ and ‘Volkhova’, the best results (42.97 and 43.33 % of viable explants, respectively) were obtained on WPM when using apexes as explants.
The use of small-size explants (apexes) of cultivars Krupnoplodnaya, Goluboye vereteno, Pavlovskaya and Volkhova is effective for initiation of in vitro culture in the period of intensive growth of shoots (first decade of June) when using WPM nutrient medium (27.66–54.95 % of viable explants depending on the genotype). For ‘Volkhova’, the medium MS is suitable for initiation of in vitro culture when using apexes in the period of intensive growth of shoots (the rate of viable explants is 42.50 %).
The results of a comparative study of the influence of N16P16K16 and highly efficient domestic growth stimulators – Ecosil and Hydrohumate, microfertilizers Nanoplant-8 – on the main parameters of fruiting (linear dimensions, average mass and yield of fruits) of Kamchadalka and Leningradsky velican varieties on the lowland peat bog in the central agricultural group аre given. A more significant positive effect of the tested agricultural methods on the studied parameters in the Kamchadalka variety than in the Leningradsky velican variety has been established. In both cases, the greatest cumulative effect was provided by the treatment of plants with Ecosil (respectively 70 and 21 % compared with the control), against the background of absolute inefficiency of the second cultivar using Nanoplant and Hydrohuman.
The article presents the preliminary results of studies on in vitro initiation and propagation at the stabilization stage for Amelanchier alnifolia varieties. The studies were carried out in Biotechnology Department of the Institute for Fruit Growing in 2018–2019. The study objects were the introduced varieties Martin, Northline, Smoky, Honeywood. Explant types for in vitro initiation were determined; the effect of 6-BA concentration on the propagation factor for the regenerated plants was studied.
This article presents the results of perennial stationary studies for the rhythms of seasonal growth and development, winter hardiness, morphological features, fruiting, fruit storage of introduced blueberry cultivars of highbush and halfhighbush cultivars of various ecological-geographical origin. Based on the data obtained, the most valuable cultivars for the conditions of Belarus are highlighted and presented for inclusion in the State Register of cultivars approved for production, sale and use on the territory of the Republic of Belarus. The economic and biological characteristics are given for 15 highbush (Bluecrop, Bluejay, Bluetta, Denise Blue, Collins, Duke, Earliblue, Elizabeth, Elliott, Hardyblue, Jersey, Northland, Patriot, Spartan, Weymouth) and 2 half-highbush (Northblue, Northcountry) blueberry cultivars regionalized in the Republic of Belarus.
The article presents the results of a comparative study of 14 quantitative characteristics of fruits of V. angustifolium, as well as interspecific hybrids (V. angustifolium × V. corymbosum) Northcountry and Northblue in the experimental culture when using complete mineral and microbial fertilizers ‘MaClor’, ‘Agromik’ and ‘Bactopin’ with differential and combined application. The studies were carried out in the recultivated area of open-cut upland peat deposit in the north of Belarus in the seasons 2017 and 2018. It was shown that the dependence level of biochemical composition of V. Angustifolium fruits on meteorological factors was largely determined by the type of fertilizers, plant genotype and chemical nature of organic compounds. At the same time, the integral level of the nutritional and vitamin value of V. angustifolium fruits was characterized by 1.3 times greater resistance to meteorological factors, compared with interspecies hybrids, especially with the Northblue variety, with a significant impact of the tested agricultural methods on the degree of this resistance.
It was established that the application of N16Р16К16, of the liquid preparation ‘Agromik’ and especially of the 50 % solution of the fertilizer ‘MaClor’ contributed to decreasing the dependence of biochemical composition of V. angustifolium fruits on the weather conditions of the vegetation period, compared with the control, whereas the application of dry mycorrhizal fertilizer ‘Agromik’ in combination with the 10 % solution of the preparation ‘MaClor’ or with the preparation ‘Bactopin’, on the contrary, increased this dependence by 1.6 times. The smallest dependence of the nutritive and vitamin values of fruits of the Northcountry variety on the hydrothermal regime of a season was revealed when sharing the preparations ‘Bactopin’ and ‘Agromik’, whereas the highest (with an excess of 2.3 times) – when introducing N16Р16К16. In the Northblue variety, a 1.3–1.7- fold increase in the dependence of biochemical composition of fruits on meteorological factors was revealed against the background of all the tested agricultural methods, especially with the use of ‘MaClor’ fertilizer at a 50 % concentration.
It was shown that among the quantitative indicators of biochemical composition of fruits of all bog whortleberry taxa the content of dry substances and ascorbic acid was the most resistant to the complex effect of weather factors. For V. angustifolium also the content of pectin substances, of both components of the anthocyanin complex, of total amount of P-vitamins and, like for the Northblue variety, of soluble sugars, whereas for both V. angustifolium hybrids – the content of hydroxycinnamic acids, catechins and flavonols was also the most resistant to the complex effect of weather factors. Accordingly, the sugar-acid index of fruits and the content of tannins in them in V. angustifolium, content of leucoanthocyanins in the Northcountry variety, content of actually anthocyanins in the Northblue variety were characterized by the lowest resistance to the hydrothermal regime of a season.
Results of biennial comparative study of features of formation of a phenolic complex V. angustifolium and species hybrids (V. angustifolium × V corymbosum) Northcountry and Northblue in field experiment cutover peatland on a hydrothermal regime against entering full mineral and domestic microbial fertilizings of MaKlor, AgroMik and Baktopin at the differentiated and joint application to contrast seasons in article are introduced. In the weather environment of a growing season close to centre perennial norm, tested agricultural practices promoted expressed in different degree, depending on a genotype of plants and a kind of the fertilizings, to primary depletion of fruits of a blueberry by tannins and bioflavonoids. It is shown that complete dressing promoted accumulation magnification in fruits of a blueberry of the reduced bunches of polyphenols (leucoanthocyanids and catechins) and inhibited accumulation of the acidifyed forms (actually anthocyans and flavonols). Hot and dry weather promoted enrichment of fruits of a varietal blueberry by tannins, and V. angustifolium – flavonols, and also to their depletion the anthocyanin pigments and catechins. For cultivars Northcountry and Northblue primary activization of biosynthesis the anthocyanin pigments, the most significant against fertilization is shown. It has caused augmentation of their relative lobe as a part of the Р-vitamin complex, especially at joint entering of drugs of AgroMik and MaKloR into 10%-s’ concentration.
The history of large cranberry selection dates back more than 100 years. Firstly, the main focus was the size of the fruit and its yield, but later attention shifted to disease resistance, fruit maturation and preservability, its suitability for processing and even pectin volume in fruits. Therefore, distinction between cultivars of large cranberry is largely based on morphobiological traits of their fruits. Several cultivars possess distinct deviations from the norm in their sprout growth patterns, their thickness and stiffness. At present time over 200 cultivars of large cranberry have been created around the world, and yet they lack clear classification that would allow cultivars to be identified by their characteristic morphobiological traits. Observations conducted over many years have shown that the main criteria the cranberry cultivars are differentiated by are growth pattern, shape, size and color of their berries, presence or lack of grey coating on them and its intensity, and fruit maturation times. As a result of comparative analysis, classification for visual identification of 43 cultivars of large cranberry has been developed.
The results of the comparative assessment of the morphometric parameters of leaves of sixe varieties of American cranberry are shown. The morphometric parameters of leaf laminas formed on flagellum exceed those of the leaves on erect shoots. The predominant leaf lamina forms for the studied cranberry varieties are elliptical and oblong-elliptical. The top of the leaf is rounded. The base of the leaf lamina is round, the leaf edge is integrate, slightly wrapped down.
The article presents the results of study of commercial qualities of five Russian breeding varieties of walnut. It was established that all the studied varieties, including the standard, are categorized to the group of large-fruited, with a fruit mass from 12.1 to 14.0 g. The highest percentage of kernel yield compared with the standard is in ‘Zarya Vostoka’ (51.2 %), ‘Mendeleevsky’ (46.2 %) and ‘Voron’ (46.6 %) varieties.
Morphological analysis and tasting assessment of walnut fruit of the studied varieties allowed us to identify three varieties (‘Zarya Vostoka’, ‘Voron’, ‘Mendeleevsky’) with economically valuable traits (fruit weight, kernel yield, recoverability, taste) that can be recommended as sources for breeding new varieties.
The article presents a comparative calculation of the economic efficiency of storage apple fruit grown using preharvesting treatments against infectious diseases.
The economic benefit of Belarusian breeding apple long-term storage is shown. It is proved that the additional costs for treatments using biological and chemical products provide an increase in the level of profitability of production by reducing product losses and higher sales prices after storage.
It is established that the triple preharvesting use of biological agents against storage diseases is economically justified and comparable with the use of chemical plant protection products in terms of profit margins and profitability.
In the Institute for Fruit Growing the assessment of a fruit loss level for late (‘Belorusskaya pozdnaya’) and medium ripening period (‘Dessertnaya rossoshanskaya’, ‘Prosto Maria’, ‘Yasachka’) was carried out in 2017–2019 using five types of different packages during storage in controlled atmosphere.
It is established that the storage time depends on a consumption time: storage of late varieties (‘Belorusskaya pozdnaya’) for 60 days in all types of packaging and gas environments ensures complete safety of products. The fruits of the medium ripening group are stored for 20–35 days.
The most optimal packaging for pear fruit during storage is a 10 kg corrugated cardboard box and a 7 kg corrugated cardboard box with a tray, which allows to increase the yield of marketable products by 27.36 % compared to the control (plastic box). The controlled atmosphere is most suitable for pear fruit storage in corrugated boxes and corrugated boxes with a tray – loss was 1.96 and 3.66 % for ‘Dessertnaya rossoshanskaya’ variety, for ‘Prosto Maria’ – 7.0 and 16.75 %, ‘Yasachka’ – 12.0 and 18.0 %, respectively.
On the basis of five-year data, the characteristics of berry storage life of 15 highbush blueberry cultivars and of a single lowbush blueberry cultivar under normal gaseous environment at the temperature +4 °C are given. The postharvest life of blueberry fruits is a labile index, varying significantly over the years, and depends on a cultivar, it ranges from 25 (Chanticleer) to 51 (Brigitta Blue) days at 90 % fruit output for cultivars of highbush blueberry, and 23 days for lowbush blueberry cultivar Putte. The postharvest life of blueberry fruits is a cultivar specific trait dependent on maturity of a cultivar: late- ripening cultivars have a longer storage period. Storage life of blueberries is shown to be dependent on the meteorological conditions during a season. To the greatest extent, the fruit keeping quality of this crop is effected by the distribution of precipitation during the period of growth and ripening of the crop. The hydrothermal conditions of the season to a greater extent affect the persistence of late-ripening blueberry cultivars.
The yield structure parameters of seven red currant varieties of Belarusian and foreign breeding and its suitability for production of canned products were studied.
The mean biometric measures of red currant yield were established: a length of raceme – 7.7 cm (Korallovaya) and 10.7 cm (Gollandskaya krasnaya), a number of berries in the raceme – 7 (Nenagladnaya, Korallovaya) and 13 (Purpurnaya), average fruit weight – 0.49 g (Smolyaninovskaya) and 0.82 g (Dana).
The amount of solid residue going to waste in the production of strained fruits was 23.7 % (Purpurnaya) and 38.0 % (Nenagladnaya), including raceme without berries – 3.5 % (Bayana) and 13.3 % (Nenagladnaya), peel – 7.0 % (Bayana) and 14.0 % (Gollandskaya krasnaya), seeds – 9.5 % (Purpurnaya) and 19.2 % (Smolyaninovskaya).
According to the results of the organoleptic evaluation, the varieties most suitable for the manufacture of directly squeezed juice and nectar without pulp were identified – Gollandskaya krasnaya, Korallovaya, Nenagladnaya, Purpurnaya; nectar with pulp and strained fruits with sugar – Gollandskaya krasnaya, Korallovaya, Nenagladnaya, Purpurnaya, Bayana, Smolyaninovskaya, Dana.
The analysis of fresh berries and fruits of varieties of black elderberry, blackberry, autumn raspberry, sea buckthorn, black chokeberry by chemical composition: soluble solids, titrated acidity, pH to conduct technological calculations in the manufacture of beverages.
The pH level to be normalized in semi-finished drinks from the all variety samples of elderberry black, blackberry and black chokeberry was established to range from 3.8 to 4.3, i. e., these beverages require pH adjustment (not more than 3.7) by adding lemon acid.
It was found, that for drinks made from autumn raspberry, black elderberry, black chokeberry, sea buckthorn and Japanese quince (total score from 9.06 to 9.89), the best ratio of components is the content of fruit part 11% and soluble solids 15 %, and for viburnum – 13 % and 15 %, respectively (total score from 9.45 to 9.47 points).
A series ‘Vkusnyashka’ of 10 recipes of non-alcoholic drinks was designed containing raspberry, black elderberry, black chokeberry, Japanese quince juice, which are included in the collection of recipes РЦ BY 600052771.038...047-2018.
he results of chemical and technological study of fruit and berry crop varieties are presented: Japanese quince (Chaenomeles japonica (Thunb.) Lindl.), black elderberry (Sambucus nigra L.), viburnum (Viburnum opulus L.), sea buckthorn (Hippophaë rhamnoides L.), black chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa (Minch.) Elliott.), autumn raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.). The varieties most suitable for production of non-alcoholic juice drinks are selected.
Recommendations to use minor fruit and berry crops and their genotypes in the production of non-alcoholic juicecontaining drinks are for managers and specialists in processing enterprises, agricultural organizations, researchers, teachers and students of universities and colleges of agricultural and food profiles.
Recently, a trend of intensive garden development has been observed in Belarus. This system comprises important elements: dense placement of fruit trees; changing a shape of tree crowns and limiting their size; the use of special techniques that promote accelerated fruiting of young plantations; selection of varieties that meet the requirements of dense placement of trees, characterized by early fruiting.
The review presents the production and biological characteristics of garden types, the effect of quality and age of planting material. The analysis of the most popular types of crowns of fruit trees and pruning methods for seedlings growing is presented.
The research summary in this area serves as information characterizing the state of current fruit growing, and determines the areas of scientific research for the future.
The article presents an analysis of the methods applied for soil maintenance in inter-row spacing and in rows in nursery gardens of fruit crops.
The main methods of weed control are identified: biological (crop rotation), chemical, physical (mulching), mechanical (using tillage tools). The characteristics of each method from the point of view of science and production are given. The positive and negative sides of each are determined taking into account the level of development of planting material production in the Republic of Belarus.
The development and creation of a machine complex that ensure proper soil maintenance in inter-row spacing and in rows with minimal cost of manual labor for nursery farms is established to be required to increase the output of high-quality seedlings.
Succinic acid is a universal intermediate metabolite in the Krebs cycle. It has two main effects on plants. The first is stimulation (increased yield), the second is a protective effect on plants exposed to various stressors. Succinic acid is used for presowing treatment of seeds and vegetative plants. The use of low doses (10 mg/l) of succinic acid transforms the metabolism in plants into a new stationary state where metabolic processes proceed more intensively. Succinic acid is also used in vitro at the stages of proliferation, rooting and adaptation to ex vitro conditions. It is noted that succinic acid contributes to the strengthening of foliage, improves the health of micro shoots, reduces the level of vitrification and tissue chlorosis. Succinic acid can facilitate the ex vitro adaptation phase of plants.
Amelanchier sp. is a genus of plants in Maloideae subfamily, Rosaceae family. Amelanchier genus is naturally found in temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere and includes about 20 species of deciduous shrubs or small trees. It is characterized by rapid growth, early fruiting, winter hardiness, every year fruiting. Micropropagation is a promising method for cultivating Amelanchier. The article presents all stages of micropropagation: in vitro initiation, the stage of proliferation, rooting (in vitro and ex vitro); types of explants, sterilization methods, media for all stages for in vitro cultivation, phytohormone concentrations are highlighted. Different ways of rooting micro-shoots and ways to increase the rooting factor are considered in detail. The issue of the resting period (charactering Amelanchier during adaptation) and overcoming thereof is discussed.