The morphological, economic and biological characteristics of a new apple cultivar ‗Sakavita‘ received in the Institute for Fruit Growing are presented. The cultivar is an all-purpose one. It is good for fresh use and for producing directly squeezed juice and fruits wiped with sugar and sterilized which are of high quality. It was received from crossing of 78-15/242 х 86-54/125.135 hybrid forms. They were the derivatives of the following cultivars ‗Antej‘, ‗Byelorusskoye malinovoye‘, ‗Orlovskaya girlyanda‘, ‗Prairie Spy‘ and ВМ41497. The cultivar is of a precocious fructification. It enters the fructification on the 2nd year after planting in an orchard on the 62-396 stock. It is highyielding (30.3 t/hectare), winter-hardy and resistant to scab and to diseases complex of a cortex and wood. The season of optimal consumption is 5 months – from December till April – at keeping fruits in a fruit store with natural refrigerating. It was transferred to the State Variety Trial of the Republic of Belarus in 2011.
The article presents the results of a columnar apple tree cultivar ‗Valyuta‘ study in the central part of the Republic of Belarus. The cultivar had been bred in the State Scientific Institution ‗All-Russian Breeding and Technological Institute of Horticulture and Nursery of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences‘ (Moscow). Its authors are prof. V.V. Kichina and N.G. Morozova. The cultivar was received in 1986 as a result of columnar elite КВ6 crossing with the donor of immunodefence to scab ОR38Т17. The columnar apple tree cultivar ‗Valyuta‘ in the conditions of Belarus is characterised by high winter hardiness, early maturity (has entered in a fructification on the 2nd year after planting), high productivity (average cultivar productivity for the researches years has made 90.2 t/hectare). It has a high quality and fruit appealing appearance (fruit mass – 140-166 g). It is suited for producing various kinds of juice and canned food. The apple cultivar ‗Valyuta‘ has been passed to the State Variety Trial of the Republic of Belarus in 2013.
In the article the results of a resistance study of domestic and foreign apple cultivar samples to a complex of the most widespread diseases of cortex and wood (the European cancer, a fusarial wilt, an anthracnose, a moniliosis and an apple-tree cancer) on a natural infection background are presented. By the results of the assessment made it was established that the cultivars ‗Brat Chudnogo‘, ‗Bystritsa‘, ‗Prima donna‘, ‗Renetnoye Sidorenko‘ and ‗Flagman‘ possess high resistance to a complex of diseases. They are European cancer, a fusarial wilt, an anthracnose, a moniliosis and an apple-tree cancer. The cultivars ‗Kovrovoye‘, ‗Edera‘, ‗Pobeditel‘, ‗Angold‘, ‗Daria‘, ‗Dulkot‘ and also hybrids of the Institute breeding such as 94-26/1 (72-11/89 × ‗Salgirsky‘), 94-18/42 (72-9/160 × ‗Liberty‘), 72-11/126 (‗Kovalenkovskoye‘ × 36-1/III) appeared to be resistant to a complex of diseases. The development of neither of the diseases has exceeded 10 %. It is reasonable to include these selected cultivars and hybrids into breeding programs as complex sources of the resistance to cortex and wood diseases.
The article presents the estimation results of a field resistance to a scab within five research years of apple hybrid fund. This fund has passed the selection for a scab resistance on an artificial infection background of the pathogen V. inaequalis. The results of comparative efficiency use of apple introduced cultivars as initial forms – donors of various monoresistant to the disease genes such as Rvi4, Rvi6, Rvi10 are introduced. In each family there were singled out the genotypes which affect was not exceeded 2 points in the conditions of an annual rigid infection background of the causal organism of a scab. Use of the cultivars Reka (gene Rvi4) and Redkroft (gene Rvi6) in a breeding work appeared to be the most productive. In their hybrid offspring there were singled out 74 and 58 % respectively of high resistant and resistant to the disease genotypes of a new generation possessing scab resistance stable in time.
The researches were made in 2011-2012 in an orchard planted in spring 2010 by two-year-old seedlings. The cultivars ‗Nadzejny‘ and ‗Imant‘ were inoculated on the stocks 54-118 and 106-13. Planting schemes – 4.0 х 1.5 m (density – 1666 trees/hectare) and 4.0 х 2.0 m (density – 1250 trees/hectare). It is established that a clonal stock 54-118 use in intense apple orchard at planting density of 1250-1666 trees/hectare supplied earlier flower bud initiation and earlier cropping in comparison with trees on the stock 106-13. On the 3rd year after planting bigger productivity (42.9 t/hectare), the greatest profit and level of profitability of 166.3 % were received at the cultivar ‗Nadzejny‘ on the stock 54-118 at the planting scheme 4 х 1.5 m (1666 trees/hectare).
The article presents the experimental data for 2010-2011researches of an influence of foliar application of micro and macroelement chelated fertilizers CompleMet on growth, fructification, fruits commercial quality and storability, leaf biochemical composition of six cultivars and fruit biochemical composition of eight cultivars of an apple tree in an intensive fruit bearing orchard. As a result of the researches made it was established, that gradual application of the chelated fertilizers CompleMet had made a positive influence on apple trees growth and fructification, fruits commercial quality and storability. Basically, growth processes were passing more intensively at gradual foliar application of the chelated fertilizers CompleMet. At all studied apple cultivars their yield, specific efficiency of a stem, average fruit weight and output of the first and second commercial cultivars were higher at the variant of the experienced agro method. A foliar application of the chelated fertilizers CompleMet made a positive influence on biochemical composition of apple leaves and fruits. It was shown, that concerning the control under the influence of the experienced agro method there was observed an increase in leaves content of calcium, iron, zinc and magnesium for the majority of the cultivars. The content of dry matters and calcium increased in apple fruits of all cultivars. The content of iron, magnesium and zinc increased at the majority of the cultivars.
The article presents the data on growth and productivity of the cultivars ‗Antej‘ and ‗Alesya‘ at the rootstocks of various growth vigour such as PB-4 (superdwarf) and 62-396 (dwarf) ones. The researches were made in the orchard planted in 2003 by a two-year-old planting material with seedlings of different crowning types in the nursery. The rootstocks growth vigour and variants of seedlings pruning have affected apple productivity. Apple trees productivity of both cultivars at the rootstock 62-396 was higher by 2-3 times than at the rootstock PB-4. The productivity and specific efficiency of a cross sectional area of a stem was higher at crowned trees of the cultivar ‗Antej‘ while at the cultivar ‗Alesya‘ it was higher at uncrowned ones. For establishing of intensive apple orchards by a two-year-old planting material for heavy branching cultivars with a ringed type of fructification it is preferable to use the seedlings crowned in the nursery at the height of 80 cm from a soil level. As for poor branching cultivars combining the II and III types of fructification it is better in this case to use uncrowned seedlings.
The comparative study of apple cultivars on the rootstocks 62-396 and PB-4 showed, that the use of PB-4 apple rootstock resulted into significant decrease in indexes of trees growth and development (stem diameter up to 42 %, tree height up to 41 %, crown volume up to 70 %), fruits dimension up to 25 % and the crop sum up to 63 %. Thereby it does not allow estimating objectively new cultivar samples on a complex of economically valuable signs. It is established that the use of the rootstock 62-396 with obligatory installation of a support allows realizing more fully the genetic potential of apple cultivars on fruits efficiency and quality. Also it helps to reduce the testing time of promising cultivar samples for elite selection and transferring them to the State Variety Trial. Seed rootstock use is reasonable for early fruit bearing cultivars of a new generation. It is especially up-to-date for planting it on light soils and at planting orchards in primary regions with mechanical harvesting application. The seed rootstock of the seedlings of the cultivar ‗Antonovka‘ differs by good compatibility with all cultivars. It is relatively undemanding to soils and irrigation and it does not need a support.
The research work was accomplished in the biotechnology department of the Institute for Fruit Growing in 2010-2011. The RAPD analysis of genetic variability of apple clonal rootstock 62-396 cultivated in vivo and in vitro (for 5 years and for 6 months) was accomplished. 5 oligonucleotide primers out of 40 tested demonstrated spectrum of discrete and clearly identifiable bands on agarose gel. It was established that the rootstock 62-396 at primary stages of micropropagation (6 months) had larger polymorphism rate (33.3 %) than after a cultivation in vitro for 5 years (17.3 %). Analysis of 62-396 plants cultivating in the field also demonstrated genetic variability of the studied samples (polymorphism rate made 18.42 %).
The results of the observation of the vegetation terms and growth intensity of apple oculants of the cultivars ‗Imant‘ (2007, 2009) and ‗Byelorusskoye sladkoye‘ (2007, 2009-2010) in the second nursery field are given in the article. Weather conditions of cultivation and growth activity of plants in dynamics were analysed. The period of the basic plants growth and cultivar distinctions in its intensity was determined. It was established that in a growth period of plants, the intensity of oculants increment of the cultivar ‗Byelorusskoye sladkoye‘ was higher by 1.2-1.5 times in comparison with the oculants of the cultivar ‗Imant‘. The weather conditions most influencing on plants height in a growth period were defined by means of correlation analysis. For the oculants of the studied cultivars a positive dependence between plants height and moisture conditions (correlation coefficients 1 and 0.999) was established.
The results of the observation of the vegetation terms and growth intensity of apple oculants of the cultivars ‗Imant‘ (2007, 2009) and ‗Byelorusskoye sladkoye‘ (2007, 2009-2010) in the second nursery field are given in the article. Weather conditions of cultivation and growth activity of plants in dynamics were analysed. The period of the basic plants growth and cultivar distinctions in its intensity was determined. It was established that in a growth period of plants, the intensity of oculants increment of the cultivar ‗Byelorusskoye sladkoye‘ was higher by 1.2-1.5 times in comparison with the oculants of the cultivar ‗Imant‘. The weather conditions most influencing on plants height in a growth period were defined by means of correlation analysis. For the oculants of the studied cultivars a positive dependence between plants height and moisture conditions (correlation coefficients 1 and 0.999) was established.
The article presents the results of the study of the composite polymeric compounds Korpansil (Institute of Forestry of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus) and Stimulvit (the Institute of Biophysics and Cellular Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus) at rootstocks of fruit crops in the first nursery field. The influence of the studied biocidal products on a survival ability and growth indexes of the rootstocks was estimated. Korpansil (1 l / 5 water l) was singled out among all studied biocidal products for high rootstock survival ability and for eyes germination by all studied crops. High survival ability with Korpansil application made 106-13 – 94.3 % for apple rootstocks; 92.4 % for a pear quince VA-29; 78.6 % for a sweet cherry VSL-2 and VPK-1 87.3 % for a plum. Application of the given biocidal product also affected positively on increase of radial growth and a total annual increment of the rootstocks of fruit crops.
The results of an influence study of composite polymeric compounds (film-forming resins) on the development index of annual seedlings of fruit crops, i.e. their branching degree are presented in the article. A positive postaction of the agent Korpansil application (1 l of a concentrate for 5 l of water) on the side shoots formation was revealed. It was established, that application of the agent Korpansil (1 l of a concentrate for 5 l of water) provided formation at the apple tree of 3-5 shoots of 12.8-15.3 cm in length; at a pear tree – 4 shoots of 33.5-46.5 cm in length; at plum seedlings – 14-17 unites of 28.8-46.5 cm in length; at a sweet cherry tree – 5-6 side shoots of 68-73.2 cm in length. Economically reasonable to use the agent Korpansil in the concentration of 1 l of the concentrate for 5 l of water for enriching the indicators quality of seedlings and increasing the output of a standard planting material.
In the article the results of the influence of manufacturing methods on a branching degree of annual seedlings of fruit crops in a nursery are introduced. It was revealed, that the method of an apical leaves nipping most effectively stimulates branching at annual seedlings of apple and sweet cherry cultivars. The given method provides getting from 2 to 6 side shoots at apple yearlings and from 4 to 7 ones at sweet cherry trees. For a pear tree the best variant is cutting on a crown which allows receiving 7-9 side shoots. Application of the growth regulators Circon and Regalis has appeared to be effective for branching stimulation at apple and sweet cherry annual seedlings. It provides the formation of 5-10 side shoots of 12-15 cm in length depending on a cultivar. At seedlings treatment by Circon in concentration of 0.025 % and by Regalis in concentration of 0.3 % of the sweet cherry cultivar ‗Gastsinets‘ there were developed 5-8 side shoots, while at a poor branching cultivar ‗Gronkavaya‘ there were only 2-4 ones. For pear cultivars ‗Lagodnaya‘ and ‗Prosto Mariya‘ there was an effective application of the growth regulator Regalis in the concentration of 0.3 % that allowed plants to generate 3 side shoots of 13-15 cm in length.
The article presents the results of biennial (2011-2012) researches on the efficiency evaluation of soil action herbicides Stomp, 33 % EC (pendimethalin, 330 g/l) and Goltix, 70 % SC (metamithron, 700 g/l) in the first apple nursery field and Stomp professional, MSC (pendimethalin, 455 g/l) in the second nursery field. It has been established, that at the application before a seeding emergence of weed, the agents have wide enough spectrum of a herbicidal activity against annual gramineous and dicotyledonous weeds. The greatest effect on a decrease in a number and crude mass of annual gramineous and dicotyledonous weeds was received at application of herbicide Stomp professional, MSC by double (2.2+2.2 l/hectare) and triple (1.45+1.45+1.45 l/hectare) application. It wasn‘t noted a negative action of the agents on annual apple seedlings.
The investigation results of 7 Russian pear cultivars – ‗Avgustovskaya rosa‘, ‗Allegro‘, ‗Karataevskaya‘, ‗Otradnenskaya‘, ‗Pamyat‘ Anzina‘, ‗Potapovskaya‘, ‗Rossoshanskaya krasivaya‘ – and 5 hybrids of the RUE ‗Institute for Fruit Growing‘ breeding – 82-18/34, 84-3/10, 84-4/62, 90-38/97, 90-39/65 are resulted. The investigations were made by the complex of economic valuable characters. Among them were winter hardiness, disease resistance (a scab, a septoria spot, a bacterial cancer), early maturity, productivity, fruit marketability and palatability traits and fruits suitability for commercial processing (directly squeezed juice, nectar without pulp, nectar with pulp, strained fruits with sugar and sterilised, strained fruits with sugar and frozen). The hybrids 84-3/10 ("Byelorusskaya pozdnyaya‘ x "Bordovaya‘), 84-4/62 and 90-39/65 (6-89/100 х "Maslyanaya Po‘) of the RUE "Institute for Fruit Growing‘ breeding were singled out as an elite. They were passed to the State Variety Trial under the names "Kupala‘, "Viliya‘ and "Spakusa‘ respectively as suitable ones for industrial plantations planting in the conditions of Belarus.
The results of the study in 2009-2012 of an influence of various methods of a crown formation on indicators of pear tree productivity are presented in the article. As a result of the researches made in the orchard planted in 2005 there was revealed a cultivar reaction on various methods of a pear tree crown formation. The yield at the hybrid 90-39/80 (‗Zaveya‘) and at the cultivar ‗Prosto Mariya‘ was higher at the crown formation by shoots pruning and shortening (the control). At the control variant there were gotten 29.1 t/ha of the fruits of the hybrid 90-39/80 (‗Zaveya‘) and the cultivar ‗Prosto Mariya‘ produced 76.8 t/ha of the fruits. The cultivar ‗Kudesnitsa‘ appeared to be more productive at the crown formation by means of shoots pruning. At this variant of formation for the last 4 years there have been received 48.2 t/ha of fruits. The average fruit weight was higher in comparison with the control at the crown formation by the method of shoots pruning. In 2011 at the hybrid 90-39/80 (‗Zaveya‘) the average weight of a fruit was higher by 23 g at the crown formation by shoots pruning and shortening. The fruits of the cultivar ‗Kudesnitsa‘ are larger at the variant of the crown formation by shoots pruning and shortening. The average fruit weight makes 178 g and 163 g at the crown formation by shoots pruning.
In the article the basic results on complex estimation of economic value of 25 diploid plum cultivars of different geographical origin are presented. Among them are Alyonushka, Asaloda, Vetraz, Vitba, General, Globus, Zhemchuzhina, Zlato skifov, Zolushka, Kometa Kubanskaya, Krasa Orlovshchiny, Lama, Lodva, Mara, Nezhenka, Nesmejana, Pramen, Puteshestvennica, Skoroplodnaya, Sonejka, Tatyana, Tsarskaya and 3 promissing hybrids: 90-2/67 (Vetraz х a pollen mix of diploid plum cultivars), 89-1/109 [78-3/107 (Skoroplodnaya × Superior) × Mara], 84-14/11 [Puteshestvenica х 78-3/107 (Skoroplodnaya × Superior)]. The sources for further breeding work were selected on each characteristic. The cultivars Vetraz‘, Nesmejana and the hybrid 90-2/67 (Vetraz‘ free pollination) were distinguished by the complex of characteristics.
The article presents the results of artificial hybridization of plum cultivars obtained inside of bilateral project between the Research Institute for Fruit Growing Pitesti (Romania) and the Institute for Fruit Growing Samokhvalovitchy (Belarus). The results of crossing in different climatic conditions are comparable to pollinator cultivars. Pollen germination in a laboratory facility is congruent with the results in the field. American cv. ‗Oneida‘ as a male component demonstrated the best crossing efficiency in both countries. The lowest level of fruit setting has been obtained using pollen of Canadian cv. ‗Vision‘ that does not permit to recommend it as either a male parent in hybridization or a pollinator in commercial orchards of cvs. ‗Avrora‘, ‗Experimental elegante‘ and ‗Tuleu timpuriu‘.
The article presents the observation results of phenological stages of plum trees development and winter hardiness of 2004-2010 period. For the investigation there were taken ‗Kubanskaya kometa‘ and ‗Viktoriya‘ plum cultivars on 8 clonal and 7 seed rootstock types. Clonal rootstocks were: Julien A, Ackermann, Pixy, cerasifera Hamyra, Brompton, Marianna GF 8/1, G 5/22, GF 655/2. Seed rootstocks were: Julien INRA 2, Julien d‘Orleans, Julien Noir, Brompton S, Wangenheims, Julien Wadenswill and Myrobalana. The seed rootstock Рrunuscerasifera was used as the control. The planting scheme of trees was 5 x 3 m with planting density of 666 trees/hectare. There were not established influences of the studied rootstocks on the duration terms of the basic phenological stages at studied cultivars ‗Kubanskaya kometa‘ and ‗Viktoriya‘. The most winterhardy variety and rootstock combinations were selected.
Regenerant plants of a plum rootstock VPK-1 cultivating in a closed system (in vitro culture on agar media) were the objects of the research. Ionic chromatography, atomic emission spectroscopy and element analysis were the methods. There was carried out a comparative analysis of nutritional elements consumption (NH4 + , K+ , Mg2+, Ca2+, Cl- , SO4 2- , NO3 - , H2PO4 - , N, S, H, C, Fe, Mn, Zn, B) by regenerant plants from a modified by us and a traditional Murashige and Skoog medium at the micropropagation stage. A comparative structure of ions and elements consumption from nutritional media was determined. The accumulation of ions and elements in regenerant plants was estimated. Almost full use of basic nutritional elements was marked at the experimental medium. As a result, ammonia-N and nitrate nitrogen were used by regenerant plants of plum clonal rootstock by 99.7 %, magnesium and potassium ions were used by 46.8-59.2 %.
Within 2005-2012 (concerning two age periods of a fruit tree life) there were carried out the researches on the study of the influence of cherry crown shapes on trees growth and fruit bearing. It was made with the aim to estimate and select the optimal crown shape taking into account some peculiarities of the experienced cultivars such as «Vyanok» Griot Byelorusski‘ and "Zaranka" on a seed rootstock of the cerasiis avium, which allows receiving high yields of fruits. A naturally improved crown shape is the most optimal for the cultivars studied in the experience. It is characterized by smaller indexes of a vegetative tree growth, i.e. the area and increment of a cross sectional area of a stem. It was reached at the expense of smaller quantity of boughs in a crown skeleton. Total productivity at the given crown shape for the research years made 20.8 t/hectare at the cultivar «Vyanok», 11.9 t/hectare at the cultivar «Griot Byelorusski» and 6.5 t/hectare at the cultivar «Zaranka».
The seedling 84-9/75 was allocated in elite in 2011 by the results of a complex estimation in a breeding orchard and in an orchard of primary cultivar study. In 2012 it was passed to the system of the State Variety Trial under the name ‗Minchanka‘. A new sweet cherry cultivar ‗Minchanka‘ of medium maturing term was bred in the Institute for Fruit Growing from a pollination of a sweet cherry cultivar ‗Krasnaya plotnaya‘ by the pollen of the Ucranian cultivar ‗Ugolyok‘. The trees on a seed wild sweet cherry stock start bearing on the 4th year after planting in an orchard and quickly increase their crop. It blossoms in a medium term. The best pollinating cultivars are ‗Iput‘, ‗Gastinets‘ and ‗Syubarovskaya‘. The cultivar is distinguished by its winter hardiness, high resistance to Coccomyces, large fruits (average weight – 6.5), dense flesh consistence (bigarro), high taste qualities and marketability. Potential productivity makes 48.3 kg/tree (32.2 t/hectare) and average – 23.2 t/hectare. Profitability level of the cultivar cultivation makes 136.2 %.
The article presents the results of the study of an inoculation height influence on sweet cherry growth and development of the cultivar ‗Gastsinets‘ on the rootstock VSL-2. The trees planting scheme was 4.5 x 2 m with planting density of 1111 trees/hectare. There were studied the variants with inoculation height of 20, 40 and 60 cm from the soil level. A control variant was at 20 cm from the soil level. As a result of the 2009-2011 investigations it has been established that growth and development of sweet cherry trees in the first years after planting in a nursery depend on inoculation height. There was also marked the weakness of the trees growth vigour up to 10.8 % as well as the decrease by 18 % of a cross sectional area of the stem in comparison with the control. There wasn‘t distinguished a negative influence of the given agro method on blooming, shape and fructification of sweet cherry trees.
The problems of chemical mutagenesis use to create the initial breeding material of Cerasus tomentosa Thub. are examined. There was established more mutagenic effect of nitrosoethylurea than nitrosomethylurea independently from the parent cultivar. Nitrosoethylurea and nitrosomethylurea solutions in concentrations greater than 0.5 mM have a lethal action on the seed embryo of Cerasus tomentosa Thub. We‘ve obtained mutants with morphological changes, which are expressed in the modification of leaves and shoots. A greater percentage of forms with economically valuable traits (resistance to moniliosis, dry peel of berries and macrocarpa) is observed in seeds processing of Cerasus tomentosa Thub. cultivars by 0.1 mM solutions of nitrosoethylurea at exposure of 12 hours and by 0.25 mM solutions of nitrosomethylurea at exposure of 24 hours.
Regenarant plants of horticultural crops grown in vitro on agar nutritional media were the objects of the investigation. Ionic chromatography and atomic emission spectroscopy were the methods. The comparative analysis of nutritional elements consumption (NH4 + , K+ , Mg2+ , Ca2+, Cl- , SO4 2- , NO3 - , H2PO4 - , Fe, Mn, Zn, B) from artificial media by regenerant plants of clonal cherry and plum rootstocks and of black currant and Aronia melanocarpa cultivars at micropropagation and risogenesis stages was performed. The structure of ion and element consumption from a nutritional media and their quantitative estimation were determined. The difference in element consumption at cultivars at different stages of in vitro cultivation was found out. Regenerant plants of black currant feed the maximum ion quantity from artificial nutritional medium both at a micropropagation stage and at a rooting stage. Consumption of both nitrogen and potassium forms differs significantly for the researched cultures. The demand in H2PO4 - , Mg2+ and SO4 2- for cultures ranges slightly.
The article presents the research results of 30 strawberry cultivars of Belarusian and foreign breeding on main economic and valuable characteristics. The research purpose was choosing the best strawberry variety samples distinguished by winter hardiness, yield, large berry size, resistance to fungal disease, having a complex of valuable economic and biological characters. The varieties «Lord», «Heros» and «Kent» were characterised by the complex of valuable economic and biological characters. For further breeding work the following cultivars were revealed as a source of separate characters: by winter hardiness – «Viktoriya», «Dange», «Desna», «Istochnik», «Lord» and «Heros»; by high yield – «Dange», «Lord», «Heros» and «Kent»; by large berry size – «Lord» and «Heros»; by resistance to white leaf spot – «Viktoriya»; by resistance to leaf scorch – «Kiyanka» and «Lyavoniha»; by resistance to grey mold – «Lord», «Marmolada» and «Pandora».
In vitro propagation of two strawberry cultivars («Alpha» and «Slavutich») was studied. Late-ripening cultivar «Alpha» was passed to the State Variety Trial in 2008. «Slavutich» (medium term of ripening) was included into the State Register of Varieties and Wood and Shrubby Species of the Republic of Belarus in 2009. When the benzyladenine concentration in nutrition medium increases, first of all, it stimulates the propagation coefficient growth, but higher concentrations inhibited both the growth and propagation of regenerant plants. We recommend Murashige-Skoog medium supplemented with 0.5 mg/l BA. For cultivar «Alpha» benzyladenine concentration should be reduced to 0.1-0.2 mg/l in a passage prior to transplantation to the rooting medium. Plants propagated in vitro were used for virus-free mother plantations of strawberry cultivars «Alpha» and «Slavutich».
The article provides a short data of the genetic resources of Ribes L. and Rubus L. in the small fruit plants breeding department of the RUE «Institute for Fruit Growing». There were given the main directions of the genefund use of black and red currant and raspberry. In order to preserve the genetic diversity of Ribes L. a pivot collection was created. For a future use in breeding on suitability for mechanized harvesting there were created 2 target oriented and characteristic collections of suitability sources for a mechanical harvesting of black and red currant. From the genefund of black currant over the last twelve years 4 introduced varieties of black currant, 6 – red currant and 5 raspberry varieties were passed into the State Variety Trial of the Republic of Belarus. At the present time in the republic there are some zoned cultivars. They are 1 cultivar of black currant («Klaudia»), all cultivars of red currant («Krasnaya Andreichenko», «Varshevicha», «Viksne belaya», «Natali», «Smolyaninovskaya» and «Yuterbogskaya») and 3 cultivars of raspberry («Babje leto», «Zeva Herbsternte» and «Cumberland»).
A gooseberry hybrid fund in the quantity of 665 plants received from 23 combinations of the convergent crossings of the American and European cultivars and hybrids was studied. There were analysed five groups of hybrids of a various specific origin on the resistance to the American powdery mildew (pathogen Sphaeroteca mors-uvae (Schw.) Berk et Curt.). Inclusion in hybridization of cultivars and hybrids of two derivative kinds Grossularia succirubra and Gr. reclinata, and also a combination in hybrid descendants of a genetic material of three species Gr. robusta, Gr. succirubra, Gr. reclinata and Gr. robusta, Gr. hirtella, Gr. reclinata promotes hybrids receiving differed by high resistance to spherotech of vegetative and generative plants organs. The basic inheritance type of spherotech resistance of vegetative organs in hybrid gooseberry descendants is a positive domination of resistance. There have been also marked a negative domination and intermediate inheritance. The type of a resistance inheritance of generative organs varied from depression to positive overdominance with prevalence of positive domination.
At in vitro propagation of gooseberry cultivars such as ‗Malachite‘, ‗Kurshu dzintars‘, ‗Severny kapitan‘ and ‗Ravolt‘ there was used Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium. It was modified by the content of macrosalts, phytohormones and by a source of carbohydrates. At the micropropagation initial stage (1-2nd passages) of gooseberry cultivars it is possible to use a nutritional medium in which all macrosalts of MS are reduced by 20 % as well as the one in which only the content of ammonium nitrate and potassium is three times reduced. For pulling of conglomerates of gooseberry regenerant plants it is better to use a medium in which all macrosalts of MS are reduced by 20 % with GA3 addition in a concentration of 0.3 or 0.5 mg/l and in a combination of 6-BA (0.1-0.2 mg/l). As a source of carbohydrates it is possible to use both sucrose and glucose. At the propagation of gooseberry cultivars in a sterile culture varietal features were determined. The cultivar ‗Severny kapitan‘ differs by its good development in culture in vitro. The propagation of ‗Ravolt‘ and ‗Kurshu dzintars‘ depends on cultivating conditions. The cultivar ‗Malachite‘ is badly propagated in sterile conditions.
The article presents the preliminary results of autumn raspberry cultivars study within 2011-2012 on some characteristics of suitability to mechanical harvesting. There were studied the following plants indexes: plants height, habit, diameter of shoots, area length of autumn fructification, berries fall and width of a bush at the base. The cultivars «Gerakl», «Pokusa», «Polesie», «Polka» and «Zeva Herbsternte» corresponded to the model demands. The majority of the studied cultivars formed the width of the bush base within the limits of 35.0-39.0 cm. None of the studied autumn raspberry cultivars satisfied all morphostructural indexes of a model cultivar. The cultivars «Gerakl» and «Polka» matched the most optimal combination of characteristics.
Nowadays highly profitable crops, not labour-consuming and unpretentious to cultivation conditions at the same time invoke a big interest and play an important role in the development of industrial small fruit growing in Belarus. Black elderberry contains the whole complex of biologically active agents which define considerably their value. They carry out a control function in an organism, thus rendering essential influence on a human life activity. The article presents the results of primary study of three black elderberry forms. They have been selected in natural thickets of Minsk vicinities and propagated in the small fruit growing department of the Institute for fruit growing. The forms were estimated on a complex of economically valuable characteristics. Among them were winter hardiness, productivity, berry weight, fullness and weight of a cluster, chemical composition of berries and suitability to production of processing products. By the results of experimental data there were singled out two elite forms of black elderberry (B-21 and B-23) differed by winter hardiness, productivity, large fruits and relative resistance to an anthracnose.
The article presents the results of a comparative study of fruits biochemical composition of 5 introduced dog rose cultivars of Russian breeding – ‘Globus’, ‘Krupnoplodny’, ‘Vorontsovski-1’, ‘Vorontsovski-2’ and ‘Rossijski-2’ and 5 taxa of natural and widespread in Belarus viburnum and 4 hybrids of Russian breeding such as №1-11, №2-11, №3-11, №4-11 in contrast by moisture, but similar by temperature regime 2011 and 2012 seasons. It was shown that with a deficit of moisture at representatives of both species there were observed preferential fruits enrichment by pectins, bioflavonoids, including leucantocyanins and catechins, tannins, nitrogen and phosphorus, on the background of potassium, phenol carbonic acids and soluble sugars depletion, with drops in the sugar-acid index and no change in the content of dry matters. However, at the orientation of the interseasonal differences in the content of ascorbic and free organic acids, anthocyanins and flavonols at the given species there were found opposite trends. It can be explained as a longer duration of the ripening period of viburnum fruits as well as by species-specific response of the introducents to changes in hydrothermal regime of the season. It was shown that the hot and dry second season had improved fruits quality of most taxa of both species. Among the dog rose cultivars the highest integral levels increasing nutrient and vitamin fruit value, compared with excessively moisture season had ‘Vorontsovski-2’ and especially ‘Vorontsovski-1’. While the lowest, and the same index was at ‘Krupnoplodny’ and ‘Rossijski-2’ cultivars. Wild viburnum adapted to local conditions in taxonomic viburnum range was characterized by the most significant improvement in fruits quality and by the greatest lability of their biochemical composition. While the hybrids №1-11 and №2-11 were marked by the deteriorating quality of fruits.
The article presents the results of a 2-year comparative study of accumulation parameters of some organic acids, carbohydrates, macroelements and phenolic compounds in fruits of six taxa of the genus Vaccinium introduced in Belarus – Swedish variety ‘Putte’ of lowbush blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium), taken from a natural population, as well as five interspecific hybrids of V. corymbosum and V. angustifolium – early maturing ‘Bluetta’, ‘Collins’, ‘Hardyblue’, ‘Northcountry’ and mid maturing ‘Denise Blue’ from the collection of the Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (Gantsevichi Scientific Experimental Station, Brest distr.). It was found that the most integral high nutrient level and vitamin value of fruits were at ‘Northcountry’ and especially ‘Hardiblue’ cultivars, while the ‘Collins’ cv. had the smallest one. It was shown that level of nutrient and vitamin value of fruit was lower by 2.5 times at ‘Northcountry’ cv., at ‗Denise Blue’ cv. – by 3.2 times, at the cultivars ‘Putte’ and ‘Bluetta’ by 4.1-4.5 times and at the variety ‘Collins’ by 6.4 times compared with ‘Hardiblue’ the leading cultivar by the given characteristic.
Frost hardiness of new columnar apple cultivars of the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Fruit Cultures Breeding (VNIISPK) breeding was investigated in the controlled conditions by the way of modeling injuring factors of a winter period. As a result of the investigation the significant cultivar distinctions in hardiness to unfavorable temperature effects were observed. According to the results of the artificial freezing it was determined that in early winter the studied columnar cultivar samples showed high frost hardiness of buds and tissues. In middle winter buds and wood were more damaged by critical frosts; at the same time bark was more resistant in a majority of the cultivars. During thaws vegetative buds more suffered from the frost, but the main tissues kept frost hardiness. Late in winter all studied columnar apple cultivars showed high resistance of buds and tissues to recurrent frosts due to their ability to keep a hardening condition to low temperatures. Resistant cultivar samples were determined according to a complex of winter hardiness components. Columnar cultivars ‗Girlianda‘, ‗Yeseniya‘ and ‗Sozvezdiye‘ were characterized by the highest level of bud and tissue resistance according to all winter hardiness components.
It was estimated the influence of weather factors on the yield of apple in the Southern Steppe zone of Ukraine. The main stress factors that were related to weather conditions were determined through correlation analyses. They have the greatest effect on the yield of apple in the region. They include: the average minimum relative humidity in July, the difference between the average maximum and minimum temperatures in March and May, the temperature conditions during the flowering of culture and the duration and temperature of thaw in February. In the analysis and processing of the experimental data and the prediction of the final result there were used methods of variation statistics. In forming the multifactor models there was used a linear relationship: Y = a0 + a1X1 + a2X2 + ... + AnXn. As a result a multifactor model was worked out. It helps to predict the yield of apple trees depending on the effects of environmental stress factors.
The study results of adaptation level of apple cultivars which are immune to scab in the Crimea are given in the article. The studied cultivars weren‘t practically affected by scab and were highly resistant to powdery mildew in our climate zone. Blossoming of the immune cultivars in average terms significantly reduced the possibility of flowers‘ damage caused by recurrent frosts. The highest yield was observed among the following cultivars: “Prima”, “Greensleeves” and “Jester”. The immune apple cultivars have relatively stable nature of fruiting or not distinct fruiting periodicity. The fruits of the studied cultivars are of high quality: their size is from above-average to large, they have attractive appearance and good taste. The samples suitable for the growth in the given climatic zone are identified according to the complex of valuable economic and biological characteristics.
This article presents the results of the research of new and promising apple rootstocks, including own-breeding ones. Also the comparative evaluation of the economical and biological characteristics (plant vigour depending on cultivar and rootstock combinations, roots development, yields, fruits marketability and bioactive substance level of fruits, as well as economic efficiency of rootstocks use) is presented. We have discovered that K 104 (bred by the Crimean Experimental Station of Horticulture) – is the best rootstock that meets all modern horticulture requirements. This rootstock is adapted to the agroecological growing conditions in the Crimea. According to the results of the research, K 104 is found in between M 9 and MM 106 based on vigour. A bit greater vigour compared with dwarf tree one is compensated by well developed root system. This allows implementing cultivar and rootstock combinations with K 104 in unsupported horticulture.
The article presents the data for 2005-2010 years according to factors of trees growth and yield in different types of plantations on M 9 dwarf and MM 106 medium-growing seedling stocks with insert of M 9 obtained in the experimental orchard with planting density 1633-4762 trees/hectare in the Crimean conditions. The obtained results show that dwarf unsupported orchards on MM 106 with insert of M 9 aren‘t inferior in yield and fruit quality to trellis-dwarfing orchards on M 9 seedling stocks. The density of trees planting significantly affects the activity of the growth processes and their yield. The insert of M 9 at MM 106 medium-growing seedling stocks allows to densify trees planting in a row by 20-25 %. It also facilitates taking care when cutting and harvesting and reducing labor costs by 1.6 times.
In the article the efficiency of spring double grafting in the second field of nursery for the receiving of interstem trees is described. The intensive apple industry is still in search of the optimal method of growing of the dwarf interstem trees. Clone apple interstems control tree growth habit, induce early bearing and promote consistent and high yields. The way of spring double grafting allows producing interstem trees within two years. This method may allow cultivating of interstem trees of good quality. The primary seedling rootstock has welldeveloped root system, therefore, it promotes quickly uniting between all components of the grafting. This method of producing interstem trees makes it possible to obtain a high output of standard transplants per hectare. Spring double grafting in the second field of nursery could be the basis for the development of entirely new technology of planting nursery transplants with interstems.
This article gives a comparative estimation of zoned and promising pear cultivars by trees growth vigour, precocious fructification, yield and quality of fruits grown on stocks of clonal and seeded quince. It was found that the rates of trees growth vigour, stem diameter, total and average increase depended more on a cultivar than on a stock. The cultivars with intense (2.8-3.2 m) and weak (1.7-2.3 m) growth of trees were sorted out. The stocks influence on precocious fructification, yield and fruit quality of the studied pear cultivars wasn»t noted. On an average for 2008-2012 the highest yield (34-49 t/ha) on quince clonal and seeded stocks was observed among the following cultivars: «Tavricheskaya», «Maria», «Starokrymskaya», «Pamyati Mileshko», «Natalka» and «Yakimovskaya». The cultivars with high saleable and taste qualities of fruits were pointed out such as «Desertnaya», «Krymskaya aromatnaya», «Krymskaya medovaya», «Lazurnaya», «Maria», «Mechta», «Sofiya» and «Izyuminka Kryma». It is given a brief description of breeding cultivars of the Crimean Experimental Station of Horticulture that have a complex of valuable economic and biological characteristics and are popular among Ukrainian gardeners.
The article presents the study results of 23 pear variety and rootstock combinations for 2009-2011 years according to a degree of flowers damage by spring frosts. The studies were conducted in the orchards of the Crimean Experimental Station of Horticulture. Now it is the Institute of Agricultural Sciences of Crimea of the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences. As a result the conclusions about the relative resistance of certain pear variety and rootstock combinations such as Maria, Izumrudnaya and Tavricheskaya on KA 53, KA 86, KA 92 rootstocks (station‘s selections) were made. Damage by spring frosts varied depending on their duration and temperature indices. The article also presents a comparative estimation of the rootstocks impact on the cultivars yield of own breeding in comparison with a standard control. As a result of the five-year study it was found that the KA 53, KA 61, KA 86, KA 92 pear rootstocks appeared to be the most effective and highly adapted to the agro-ecological conditions of the southern Ukraine, especially to the soils with high content of carbonate (up to 40 %).
Many authors indicate on the reinforcement of diseases harmfulness and appearance earlier not typical for central Russia. It began appearing in seed crops plantings, including pears, as a result of changing weather conditions. Thereby, the whole complex of pear diseases requires a detailed study, with the discovery of the most wide-spread and harmful amongst them, as well as the study of the regional particularities of the passing of pathogens biological cycles, connected with the climatic conditions change. The dependence of spreading and development of pear pathogen complex components on weather conditions of 2009-2011 vegetation seasons was considered. The dynamics of the components complex correlation with the main abiotic factors was noted. Composition changes of significant pathogens were revealed as well.
In the article the results of the study of maturing terms and fruit quality of sour cherry cultivars and dukes of Melitopol Research Station of Horticulture of M.F. Sidorenko of the Institute of Horticulture of National Academy of Agrarian Sciences and introduced cultivars for the period of 2004-2010 in the conditions of the Southern Steppe of Ukraine are given. The cultivars which are the sources of early («Ranni desert», «Melitoposkaya radost») and late («Kapriz», «Griot Turovtsevoi») maturing terms have been selected. The cultivars with the largest fruits (6.3-8.3 g) were the ones passed into the State Register of Varieties – «Ranni desert», «Vstrecha», «Sputnitsa», «Griot melitopolski», «Igrushka», «Melitopolskaya desertnays», «Solidarnost», «Eruditka» and promising cultivars such as «Seedling of Turovtsevoi», «Prizvanie», «Melitopolskaya novinka», «Melitopolskaya purpurnaya», «Randevu», «Elegia» and «Vizavi». Sour-sweet taste which is the most harmonic and traditional for sour cherry has appeared to be at the following cultivars «Ozhidaniye», «Amulet», «Melitoposkaya radost», «Shalunjya» and «Griot Podbelski». Selected cultivars being the sources of valuable features are recommended for planting sour cherry orchards, as well as for the use in the breeding work.
The article presents the study results of the influence of peach seedling stocks on growth and yield. As a result it has been found that the reduction of trees vigour makes it possible to use more close planting schemes (4 x 3 m) that increases peach trees‘ yield after all. In the course of the study years the highest yield was obtained on the GF-305 stock (of France breeding) at the Veteran cultivar. The influence of seedling stocks on fruit saleable and taste qualities was found. The Veteran and Sochny cultivars on the GF-305 stock had the highest content of vitamin C, solids and sugars. Also the information about the influence of weather conditions on the biochemical composition of fruits during the growing season is given. In this article there are presented as well the results of economic efficiency calculation concerning peaches growth on promising stocks in the Crimea. The conclusions about the advantages of the GF-305 stock are made.
We studied common and specific combination ability (CCA and SCA) of some strawberry cultivars taking into account their biochemical composition (soluble solids, ascorbic acid and anthocyans). The cultivars «Privlekatelnaya» and «Urozhainaya CGL» were taken as maternal ones while «Lvovskaya rannyaya», «Kama» and selected elite seedling 298-22-19-21 as paternal ones. On the whole 197 hybrid seedlings were studied in the following cross combinations: «Privlekatelnaya» x «Lvovskaya rannyaya», «Privlekatelnaya» x «Kama», «Privlekatelnaya» x 298-22-19-21, «Urozhainaya CGL» x «Lvovskaya rannyaya», «Urozhainaya CGL» x «Kama» and «Urozhainaya CGL» x 298-22-19-21. As a result of the investigations it was shown that «Privlekatelnaya» can be used as donor of higher anthocyan content in berries, «Lvovskaya rannyaya» – of ascorbic acid and «Kama» – of soluble solids. The best cross combinations have been singled out such as «Urozhainaya CGL» x «Lvovskaya rannyaya» for soluble solids, «Privlekatelnaya» x «Kama» for anthocyans and «Privlekatelnaya» x «Lvovskaya rannyaya» for ascorbic acid.
The article presents the study results of domestic and foreign strawberry cultivars. Terms of basic phenological phases of plants development such as the beginning of vegetation, flowering and fruiting were established. The study also provides the data about berries yield and quality. As a result of the four year research the following cultivars, adapted to the Crimean soil and conditions, were sorted out according to the complex of valuable economic and biological characteristics: «Krymskaya rannyaya», «Krymchanka», «Zenga-Zengana», «Prisvyata», «Red Gauntlet», «Polka», «Kleri», «Bel rubi» and «Festivalnaya romashka». The following sources of valuable characteristics are recommended as initial forms for breeding: by yield – «Festivalnaya romashka», «Dukat», «Krymchanka» and «Istochnik»; by large fruits – «Red Gauntlet», «Honeyo», «Crimean remontant», «Dukat» and «Polka»; by frost tolerance – «Sunrise», «Kleri» and «Olviya»; by tolerance to fungoid diseases – «Crimean remontant», «Istochnik», «Kleri», «Olviya» and «Dukat». It is given a brief description of some strawberry cultivars included to the National Register of Plant Varieties suitable for distribution in Ukraine.
For the last years the problem of chemical protection use in fruit-growing has become sharp because of its negative influence on the plant itself, environment and obtained production. As a matter of experience, black currant requires biological protection from a complex of diseases and pests. Particular attention should be paid to a timely use of biological plant protection means, which provides the natural complexes maintenance of living organisms. Despite the significant adaptive crop potential in the conditions of increasing weather instability we have elaborated the plan of black currant protection measures in the conditions of Orlov region in the accordance with the stages of pathogen biological cycles, pest density and degree of their coincidence with black currant phenotype phases.
This paper presents the results of the studies on berries yield and quality of the introduced gooseberry cultivars such as «Kolobok», «Smena», «Kaptivator», «Grushenka», «Sadko» and «Severny kapitan». Gooseberry plantation was planted in 2000 in the area without artificial irrigation at the planting distance 2.5 x 1.0 m. The yield was estimated for 2003-2006. It was found that the studied cultivars were influenced by stress climatic conditions from the Republic of Moldova. It was a small amount of annual rainfall (volume more than 376.4 to 660.3 mm) insufficient for plants development, especially during the growing season as its volume didn»t exceed 236.7-414.5 mm and also high temperatures more than 15 to 18.77 º C and low air humidity within 62-64 %. The results showed that the average weight of gooseberries at cultivars ranged from 2.0 g at «Severny kapitan» and up to 3.2 g at the cultivar «Smena». Weight variation limit of gooseberries at cultivars ranged from 1.5 to 4.1 g. The average yield of gooseberry cultivars ranged from 0.5 kg/bush at the cultivar «Grushenka» and to 3.8 kg/bush at the cultivar «Severny kapitan», with a limit of yield variation which ranged from 0.3 to 5.2 kg/bush. The cultivar «Grushenka» does not stand moisture deficit and as a result of high temperatures, there is a fruit abscission
This paper presents the results of studies on berries productivity and quality of some gooseberry cultivars: «Kolobok», «Smena», «Kaptivator», «Grushenka», «Sadko», «Severnyi kapitan». Gooseberry plantation was planted in 2004 with the planting distance of 1.5 x 1.0 m. The yield on irrigated land was estimated in the period of 2007-2010 years. It was established, that despite the plantation irrigation which can remove the lack of soil moisture, we cannot exclude the influence of climatic factors on berries productivity and quality. They are the impact of low air humidity, high soil and air temperatures as well as the qualitative characteristics of the cultivars. The average weight of gooseberry fruits in the area ranged by the cultivars within 2.1 g at the cultivar «Grushenka» and 3.9 g at the cultivar «Kaptivator». The maximum berry weight was marked within 2.7-4.3 g. The average berries yield obtained in the field of the studied cultivats ranged from 1.2 kg/bush to 2.9 kg/bush. The maximum yield ranged within 1.5-4.9 kg/bush. The cultivars «Kaptivator», «Severnyi kapitan» and «Kolobok» were identified as the most productive ones. Their yield amounted to 2.9 - 2.8 - 2.1 kg/bush respectively.
It was found that on the territory of the Right-Bank Steppe of Ukraine not all sea buckthorn cultivars were characterized by high regenerative ability at rooting by green stem cuttings in the conditions of fine wet. The data obtained during the propagation of micro and macro cuttings gave the opportunity to separate studied sea-buckthorn cultivars and forms into three groups – with light, average and low morphogenic regenerative ability. Cuttings‘ regenerative ability much depends on their cutting terms, sprout type and their metameric characteristics. It has been revealed that on newly formed lateral roots of the rooted cuttings peritrophic mycorrhiza is produced. Later it develops into a nodule or coral growths. The newly formed nodules consist of the same tissues as the roots. It has been established that the process of root initials formation is not dependent on nodules formation. Completed researches improve technological aspects of the own rooted propagation of the sea buckthorn cultivars.
The article presents the results of the researches of fresh apple fruits of seven apple columnar cultivars such as «Valyuta», «Vasyugan», «Malyukha», «Ostankino», «President», «Triumph», КV-22 and processing products made of fruits of the selected cultivars «President» and «Valyuta». These processing products are juices of direct squeezing; nectars without pulp and with pulp; the fruits strained with sugar and sterilized; the fruits strained with sugar and frozen. Size and weight characteristics of fresh apple fruits of the studied cultivars are also given. Fruits chemical composition of the cultivars «Valyuta» and «President» was studied. Organoleptic indicators of fresh apple fruits and various processing products made of them were defined. Suitability of the cultivars «Valyuta» and «President» for manufacturing of directly squeezed juices, nectars without pulp, nectars with pulp, the fruits strained with sugar and sterilized and fruits strained with sugar and frozen was determined.
In 2011-2013 the impact of the controlled atmosphere of two compositions (3 % of the oxygen and 5 % of a carbonic gas and 1 % of the oxygen and 2 % of a carbonic gas) on fruits storability indices of 12 apple cultivars such as «Alesya», «Antej», «Byelorusskoye sladkoye», «Vesyalina», «Verbnaye», «Darunak», «Zaslavskoye», «Imant», «Pamyat» Kovalenko», «Pospekh», «Nadzejny» and «Tellisaare» at long-term storage has been studied. It has been established, that the controlled atmosphere reduces losses from natural weight loss of apple fruits at long-term storage by 2-3 times in comparison with a regular atmosphere. It also considerably diminishes losses of fruits from physiological distresses at cultivars predisposed to them as well as it completely limits wilt diseases of fruits. Optimum alternatives of gas atmospheres for apples storage of some cultivars have been established. Fruits of the cultivars «Alesya», «Antej», «Byelorusskoye sladkoye», «Vesyalina», «Verbnaye», «Darunak», «Imant», «Nadzejny» and «Tellisaare» have the best keeping ability in the controlled atmosphere with 3 % of the oxygen and 5 % of a carbonic gas and fruits of the cultivar «Zaslavskoye» – in the atmosphere with the ultralow content of the oxygen (1 % of the oxygen and 2 % of a carbonic gas). Suitability of the cultivar «Pospekh» to the controlled atmosphere storage is limited by big fruits losses because of damages by a carbonic gas while the cultivar «Pamyat» Kovalenko» because of fungal infections.
The influence of the precipitation amount in the preharvest season on the extension of microbiologic diseases at fruits storage of apple cultivar ‗Antej‘ for the period of 22 years (1991-2012) was estimated. Pair correlation coefficients were calculated, regression models such as linear, logarithmic, power law, exponential and polynomial ones were constructed and dependence equations of expected fruits losses were developed at storage from precipitation level of 10, 20, 30 and 40 days prior to harvesting. The most adequate model of dependence is polynomial regression one having the greatest determination coefficients in comparison with other regression models. It has been established that the maximum degree of dependence is observed for the precipitation level in the period of 2 decades prior to harvesting. There has been defined the threshold value of the precipitation of 20 days prior to harvesting (27.5-28.5 mm) which excess can provoke substantial losses growth of stored products.
The researches have been made in 2012-2013 in the Institute of physical and organic chemistry of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus together with the Institute for fruit growing. The fruits of 6 late ripening apple cultivars zoned in Belarus were the objects of the research. Among them were the following cultivars: ‗Alesya‘, ‗Byelorusskoye sladkoye‘, ‗Verbnaye‘, ‗Zaslavskoye‘, ‗Imant‘ and ‗Nadzejny‘. The method of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) at the nuclei 1Н and 13С was used for the analysis of juice soluble organic components. The spectra were written down on spectrometer AVANCE-500 (Bruker, Germany). A high informational content of NMR method use in the analysis of apple juice was shown. As a result of the researches it has been established that more than half of soluble dry matters is accounted for by a fructose which is introduced by 5 isomers such as b-fructopyranose, b-fructofuranose, a-fructofuranose, a-fructopiranose and ketofructose. Glucose is introduced by two isomers such as b-glucopyranose and a-glukopyranose. Some changes of the composition of soluble dry matters during apple storage time are presented. They include the reduction of sucrose content and malic acid and increase of glucose and fructose content.
In 2011-2012 fruits commercial indexes of 6 diploid plum cultivar samples at storage in various atmospheres were studied in the storage and processing department of the Institute for Fruit Growing. It has been established, that variated (modified and controlled) atmosphere and low temperature (0 ºС) make positive influence on keeping qualities of diploid plum fruits such as yield of healthy fruits and losses reduce from rot and mechanical damages. The storage duration of diploid plum fruits made 30-60 days depending on a cultivar and storage conditions. The forward estimation of storability characteristics showed the efficiency of the controlled atmosphere application with the ultralow oxygen content for diploid plum fruits storage of all cultivar samples under the study.
In 2011-2012 quality characteristics of 11 cherry cultivar samples after short-term storage (20 days) at 0 ºС temperature were studied in the storage and processing department of the Institute for Fruit Growing. The maximum commercial yield was noted at cherry cultivars ‗Vyanok‘, ‗Griot Seridko‘ and ‗Novodvorskaya‘ (an exit of healthy fruits made 75.2 %; 87.8 % and 91.8 %, respectively). As a result of the researches size and weight characteristics of cherry fruits of the studied cultivar samples, and also physiological and biochemical indicators such as pulp firmness and the maintenance of soluble solids were established. Minor change of organoleptic indicators of cherry fruits before storing and after 20 days of storage (0.2-0.4 points) was noted.
The article presents the survey of references on the questions connected with а selection and an assessment of optimal cultivar and stock combinations of cherry and sweet cherry by using clonal rootstocks. It has been revealed, that scientifically reasonable selection of cultivar and stock combinations plays exclusively an important role in getting of high and stable crops of these cultures. It is a determinant factor for planting intensive orchards. Clonal stocks thus allow to model trees of these cultivars with certain properties necessary for concrete region of their cultivation. Economic beneficial signs and properties of introduced stocks in nurseries have been analysed. Also there have been considered cultivars with which potential and properties of these stocks are most fully realised.
Along with black and red currant there is such а kind as a golden currant. A golden currant (Ribes aureum Pursh.) is often found in a native habit. But it is underinvestigated and is referred to nonconventional berry crops in horticulture. In comparison with black and red currant, a golden one is more resistant to drought, heat and soil salinization. It is used, basically, as a rootstock for black, red and white currant, and for a gooseberry at cultivation of bole forms in an ornamental gardening or as erosion preventive and recultivating plants. The article presents short morphological description, history of occurrence, distribution and cultivation of the given berry crop in various regions.
Nowadays an arrival of raspberry and blackberry fresh fruits into the market over almost a whole year has become possible. The article presents the review of literature references concerning protected cropping of the given berrylike cultures. Necessary conditions (temperature, lighting and photoperiod, air humidity, irrigating, mineral nutrition, venting of plantings, insect pollination), as well as primary elements of raspberry and blackberry cultivation technology (ground and substrate, planting mode, trellis, protection against pests and diseases, fertilizers application, berries harvesting, protection against frosts) for dessert fruits receiving during the out-of-season time, are described in details. The main advantages and disadvantages of raspberry cultivars of different maturing time are considered. The best raspberry and blackberry cultivars, applicable for cultivation under coverings, are resulted.
The most popular species of blueberries among the inhabitants of the North America – V. corymbosum and V. angustifolium were introduced into the culture in the United States at the beginning of the XXth century. Based on them, the scientist-botanist Frederick Coville derived a number of varieties-hybrids and created a new berry culture – highbush blueberry. Now more than 250 blueberry cultivars have been selected. They are classified by plant height, frost hardiness, duration of cold processing and functionality into commercial groups. Introductive testing and practical experience in cultivation of different bluerry cultivars in Belarus showed that for the climatic conditions of the republic there are three promising groups – the northern highbush, half-highbush and lowbush blueberry.
The article presents the information devoted to the problem of diseases study of Vaccinium spp., caused by intracellular pathogens (viruses and phytoplasmas). Virus and virus-like diseases of plants of the genus Vaccinium L. are described. They are blueberry red ringspot virus (BRRV), blueberry scorch virus (BlScV), blueberry shock ilarvirus (BSIV), blueberry shoestring virus (BSSV), tobacco ringspot virus (TRSV), tomato ringspot virus (TomRSV), blueberry leaf mottle virus (BLMV), peach rosette mosaic virus (PRMV), cranberry ringspot, blueberry mosaic, cranberry false blossom, blueberry stunt and blueberry witches' broom. Symptoms, vectors of transmission and diagnostic methods of virus and virus-like diseases are described and can be used at the initial stage of healthy planting material production of the genus Vaccinium L. plants.
Cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon Ait.) is an economically and biologically valuable berry crop. The increase of cranberry resources is possible only with the industrial cultivation of it. The use of classical methods of vegetative propagation (cutting) not always leads to the desired results. Industrial cultivation of cranberry by methods of plants clonal micropropagation is effective method for production of high-quality planting material in large quantities in a short period of time. The article provides information from different literary sources about micropropagation of cranberry cultivars. Peculiarities of cranberry micropropagation by axillary bud proliferation and induction of adventitious buds by tissues of explant (leaf) are described. Methods of rooting (in vitro and ex vitro) and conditions of cranberry plants acclimatization are described.