15.7 thousand hectares of orchards and small fruit plantations were planted during 2004-2011 in agricultural enterprises and farmsteads of the Republic of Belarus. Creation of native primary areas of processing enterprises at the territory of 700 hectares has started. The Republic becomes able to provide itself by its own planting material of fruit and small fruit cultures and strawberry plants. The release of 3 horticultural tractor modifications ‘Belarus’ as well as of 20 specialized machinery items for fruit growing has been adjusted. Fruit store houses of total capacity of 77.3 thousand tonnes are set in operation. Further industry development will be carried out within the framework of the State programme of potato, vegetable and fruit growing complex development for 2011-2015. It will let to reach fruit and berry production level up to 850 thousand tonnes by 2012.
‘Zorka’ is a new apple cultivar of Belarusian breeding of universal purpose. It has been gotten from ‘Antei’ and ‘Liberty’ cultivars crossing. The cultivar is fast fruiting one. It starts fruiting on the 3rd year after planting in the orchard on the 62-396 rootstock. It gives high yield (33.0 t/ha yield was gotten on the 7th year after planting), it is winter hardy and resistant to apple scab and bark and wood disease complex. It has high fruit quality and nice appearance. Optimal consumption period is within 5 months from November to March under fruits storing in fruit storehouse with natural freezing.
‘Zorka’ apple cultivar was transferred to the State cultivar trial of the Republic of Belarus in 2011.
The article presents the study results of ‘Pinova’ and ‘Otava’ cultivars efficiency use as sources of resistance to powdery mildew. The hybridological analysis showed the most promising cross combinations. The output of highly resistant and resistant to powdery mildew apple seedlings were obtained: ‘Pinova’ × 2003-8/35 – 98 %, ‘Pinova’ × 2000-7/24 – 100 %, ‘Otava’ × 2004-61/47 – 90 %, ‘Pinova’ × 2003-9/42 – 100 %. The character of inheritance by descendants varied from intermediate to negative over dominance of the studied sign. There was indicated predomination in the hybrid populations of seedlings with bigger (10-86 %) resistance to the pathogen P. leucotricha, than in parent components. As the result the donor properties of ‘Pinova’ and ‘Otava’ cultivars in breeding for resistance to powdery mildew were confirmed.
The investigations were held during 2010-2011 in the orchard of agricultural production cooperative ‘Ostromechevo’ of Brest region of Brest district. The farmstead is located in the western subzone of the southern fruiting zone. The cultivars ‘Idared’, ‘Shampion’ and ‘Jonagold’ on the clonal rootstock M26 were planted in 2006. The planting scheme was 4 x 1.5 m. The influence of training altitude of slender spindle (2.0 m, 2.5 and 3.0 m after tree pruning) on apple tree growth and fruiting was studied. It wasn’t revealed the real influence of altitude training variants on trees growth vigour. Only cultivar difference was marked. Trees of ‘Jonagold’ cultivar were growing more intensively and cross sectional stem area was on the average larger by 4.2 cm2 than at ‘Idared’ cultivar and by 3.8 cm2 larger than at ‘Shampion’ cultivar. Larger yield of 8.8 t/ha was gotten at ‘Idared’ cultivar on the fifth year after planting just as 51.1 t/ha on the average was gotten at ‘Jonagold’ cultivar on the six year after planting.
The feedback investigation results of 6 sample apple cultivars of different maturing terms on macro and micro chelated nutrient fertilizer agency ‘CompleMet’ are given in the article. They were based on the revealed changes in their maintenance of solid and pectiс substances, free organic and ascorbic acids, soluble sugars, pectiс substances and macro elements (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium). It was shown positive handling effects on nutritious and vitamin fruit value which is appeared to be in much greater degree at late winter cultivars, rather than at autumn and early winter ones. The cultivars ‘Alesya’ and ‘Verbnaye’ were characterized by the most considerable advantages in biochemical fruit composition in variants with handling, in comparison with the control, meanwhile the cultivar ‘Byelorusskoye sladkoye’ was characterised by the least ones. All apple cultivars came short greatly to the cultivar ‘Alesya’ by 2.2-11.4 times for fruit quality improvement degree. The cultivar ‘Verbnaye’ showed the least distinctions meanwhile the cultivar ‘Byelorusskoye sladkoye’ – the biggest ones.
The RAPD analysis of genetic variability of apple clonal rootstock 54-118 cultivated in vitro for 5 years and in field was accomplished. The scheme of RAPD-PCR was optimized to get a clear pattern of DNA amplified fragments in gel. 9 oligonucleotide primers out of 40 tested demonstrated spectrum of discrete and clearly identifiable bands on agarose gel. 100% of genetic similarity between culture and field samples was demonstrated. All 56 analyzed bands were monomorphic. Micropropagation of 54-118 rootstock didn’t result in increase of variability level which would be possible to detect by RAPD analysis.
The article presents the investigation results on rooting, biometric indicators of root system and green cuttings survival of fruit crops clonal rootstocks (apple tree – 54-118, pear tree – quince VA-29, plum tree – VPK-1, cherry (sweet cherry) tree – VSL-2) on substrates Florabel-5 (control), Florabel-5+perlite (1:1), Dvina, Dvina+perlite (1:1). Rooting duration of green cuttings depends mainly on substrate used. It has been established that use of Dvina+perlite (1:1) substrate increases the rooting degree of green cuttings of clonal stocks: 54-118 – by 12.5 %, VA-29 – by 11.9 %, VPK-1 – by 21.2 %, VSL-2 – by 17.8 % in comparison with the control. It has been found that roots quantity and cuttings root system length depend substantially on substrate used as well as on stock form. Use of Dvina+perlite (1:1) substrate at rooting of green cuttings of clonal stocks of fruit crops increases roots quantity on the average by 2-3 units and root system length on the average by 0.9-2.1 cm in comparison with a control variant. It has been established, that in the conditions of a greenhouse transfer of the rooted green cuttings in bigger volume container raises their survival by 1.1-1.4 times in comparison with field setting depending on the used substrate and the stock form.
The investigation results on inoculation terms influence on quality and exit of fruit crops planting material (apple-tree, pear, plum, cherry) grown up in traditional technology and with closed root system (in containers) are presented in the article. It has been revealed, that saplings in containers surpassed the saplings which are grown up within traditional technology in 1.5-2.5 times by the quantity of the generated lateral shoots and in 1.5-3 times by the quantity of generated kidneys. Inoculation carrying out during the summer period at cultivation of fruit crops saplings in traditional technology has allowed to increase an exit of a planting material of an apple-tree (‘Imant’) by 9 %, pear tree (‘Byelorusskoye pozdneye’) by 5 %, plum tree (‘Kroman’) by 9 % and cherry tree (‘Vyanok’) by 16 % in comparison with a variant of spring inoculation of similar cultures. At cultivation of fruit crops planting material with closed root system in a variant with summer inoculation carry out of the increase in an exit of a planting material has been noted: of an apple tree – by 24 %, pear tree – by 9 %, plum tree – by 18 %, cherry tree – by 9 % in comparison with a spring inoculation variant of the same cultures.Cultivation of a planting material with closed root system, using the container of 5 litres volume, filled with substrate Florabel-5 + perlite (1:1), will allow to receive not less than 75.5-80.0 thousand units of fruit crops saplings from hectare with profitability of 441.1-462.8 % and profit of 400.1-427.6 thousand dollars from hectare.
The results of initial cultivar study of basic economic and biological indicators of 36 own breeding sour cherry hybrids of 2000-2006 planting are given in the article. To improve sour cherry assortment for breeding in the directions mentioned below and based on the results of sour cherry samples study, 13 sources of winter hardiness (84-6/1, 98-7/15, 98-8/1, 98-8/18, 86-15/50, 86-16/29, 91-27/40, 93-28/99, 93-28/101, 97-31/67, 97-32/95, 97-33/29, 97-97-33/43), 7 ones of high productivity (84-6/1, 98-7/30, 98-8/18, 93-28/99, 93-28/101, 97-32/95, 97-33/29), 3 ones of high complex disease resistance (98-8/18, 93-28/99, 97-32/95), and 6 sources of high fruit quality (84-6/1, 98-7/15, 98-8/18, 86-15/50, 97-32/95, 01-7/1) were singled out. 5 cherry hybrid seedlings (84-6/1, 98-7/15, 98-8/18, 93-28/99, 97-32/95) were revealed by the complex of economically valuable characteristics (high winter hardiness, high yield and fruit quality and disease resistance). The very seedlings are the challengers for elite seedlings and future cultivars.
Root system study of Vyanok cultivar cherry trees on clonal stocks Izmajlovski, Moskovia and sweet cherry selected by A.I. Putsilo were made in summer 2011 in the orchard planted in 2003 under 4 x 2 m scheme. It was established that toward the 9th year after planting the trees root system on studied stocks was extended to the middle of row-spacing and on depth of 60 cm digging. 97.7 % of skeletal roots of the selected sweet cherry form, 87.0 % of Izmajlovski stock, 90.7 % of Moskovia stock and 84.5 %, 74.6 and 86.7 % of overgrown roots accordingly were placed up to 1.5 m from a row line by weight. A big mass of overgron (25.4 %), skeletal roots (13.0 % by weight and 23.2 % by length) was observed at the stock Izmajlovski at 1.5-2.0 m distance from a tree row, that is the evidence of more uniform root system development of trees on this stock. The maximum specific weight of overgrown roots in the amount of was noted at the cherry stock Moskovia (1.64 times more than at the selected sweet cherry form, and 1.1 times more than at the stock Izmajlovski). The specific weight of skeletal roots in the amount of at the selected sweet cherry form, on the contrary, was 1.26 times more than at the stock Moskovia and 1.01 times more than at the stock Izmajlovski.
The results of determination of the optimal concentration of benzyladenine in the medium during in vitro multiplication of two strawberry cultivars included into the State Register of Cultivars and Trees and Shrubs Varieties are presented. For ‘Vima Zanta’ is recommended to use Murashige-Skoog medium with the addition of 0.5 and 0.4 mg/l of benzyladenine, which allows to reach propagation coefficient of 9.78 and receive more than 20 % of well-developed regenerants. For cultivar ‘Dukat’ the optimal medium is MS, supplemented with 0.3 or 0.4 mg/l BA. The multiplication coefficient exceed 7, while the rate of plants ready for transferring to rooting medium above 30 %. Recommended concentrations of benzyladenine let to obtain a sufficient number of well-developed regenerants suitable for further propagation in vitro and for rooting, adaptation to non-sterile conditions and planting in the ground.
The description of new black currant cultivar ‘Dabradzeya’ breeded in the Institute for Fruit Growing (breeders: A.V. Panteev, A.M. Dmitrieva, K.L. Korovin) is given in the article. The cultivar has been gotten from cultivars ‘Ben Lomond’ and ‘Katyusha’ crossing. This cultivar is characterized by high winter hardiness, large fruit size (the average berry weight is 1.5 g.) and relative resistance to American powdery mildew. The average cultivar yield is 12 t/ha that is 1.5 times higher than at standard ‘Pamyat Vavilova’ cultivar. It is suitable for machine harvesting and it has high taste qualities (the degustation evaluation of fresh fruits is 4.7 points). The maturing period is medium. The cultivar planting level is 167 % that is 1.4 times higher than at standard ‘Pamyat Vavilova’ cultivar.
Consumption of mineral components of nutrient solutions by black currant regenerant plants in in-vitro culture was established. At a microreproduction stage essential decrease in concentration of the majority of ions in nutrient solution was noted: maximum for NH4 + (80.11-87.17 % from initial quantity in the solution), quantity K+ and Mg2+ decreases by ⅓ part. A little bit less is consumed by microplants Ca2+ (15.62 %-21.09 %). The difference in anion absorption from a nutrient solution is also noted. Ions H2PO4 - (58.48-62.28 %) and NO3- (56.75 %-62.2 %) and by ⅓ Cl - and SO4 2-ones were used to the maximum extent possible. Black currant regenerant plants maximum absorb H2PO4 - (on the average 88.5 %) from a nutrient solution at the rooting stage. Nitrogen takes up well both in nitrate (up to 64,37 %) and ammonium (up to 76,88 %) forms. Ion SO4 2- absorption makes more than l/2 from initial quantity in the solution. At a rhisogenes stage relative consumption of ammonium nitrogen, potassium and chlorine decreases. At the same time magnesium, calcium, sulphur and phosphorus consumption increases in comparison with a microreproduction stage.
The technology specifies the demands for technologic operations fulfillment at cultivation of gooseberry ball rooted planting material. The process technologic scheme of planting material cultivation includes the following main stages: soil preparation for planting mother plantations, planting mother plantations, attendance for mother plantations, softwood cuttings preparation, attendance for cuttings, replanting of rooted cuttings, attendance for container plants, winter storage of ball rooted planting material, ball rooted planting material preparation to realization. It also ensures production of high qualitative ball rooted planting material. The output of gooseberry standard seedlings is 90 %. The output of gooseberry sprouts from 1 hectare of a mother plantation is 250 thousand units, cuttings of 20 cm in length it is 400 thousand units, rooted cuttings it is 300 thousand units and standard seedlings it is 270 thousand units.
The size of gooseberry plants, cultivated in vitro, is defined by a genotype of an initial plant and chosen for cultivating by growth regulators and their combination. Thus the plants, cultivated in a medium with the maintenance of triiodobenzoic acid (TIBA) in concentration of 0.5-1.0 mg/l in a combination with 6-BA in concentration of 0.1-0.2 mg/l, possess larger size. Smaller size is at the plants with only TIBA addition in high concentration of 1.5 mg/l as well as in a combination with 6-BA in two concentrations. Low TIBA concentration in a combination with 6-BA promotes formation of considerable quantity of micro shoots in a conglomerate without their thinning and losses of intensive green colouring. Nevertheless, the height of micro shoots, received in a nutrient medium with addition of these growth regulators, is insufficient for a rhisogenesis stage.
The study results of maturing terms of 46 blue honeysuckle cultivars of various genetic and geographical origin in Belarus conditions are presented in the article. Collection study was performed in 2003-2011. On the basis of accumulation of effective temperatures sum (above +5 °С) groups of blue honeysuckle cultivars were defined by maturing terms: early (average value of effective temperatures sum 198.7±6 °С), average (227.5±4 °С) and late (256.0±8 °С). Duration of maturing period on the average for research years made 8-14 days for early cultivars, 8-10 days – for average ones, 10-13 days – for late ones. The received results should be considered at cultivars selection for industrial plantings and personal plots.
The mineral plant nutrition is vitally important for production of qualitative planting material. The artificial nutrient solutions for in vitro cultivating is a good model for structure study of mineral plant nutrition. They allow to control completely the quantitative and qualitative composition of mineral elements as well as to change it aimly and estimate the plant reaction. In the result of the investigation on in vitro propagation stage nitrate ion (NO3 -) is found to be consumed by aronia regenerant plants in the highest level. It is followed in the order of consumption decrease by K+, NH4 +, H2PO4, SO4 2-, Mg2+. The correlation between nitrate and ammonium nitrogen used by regenerant plants makes 6:1 on propagation stage and 3.5:1 on rhisogenes one. Consumption structure of mineral elements by aronia regenerant plants on the rhisogenes stage is the following (in decreasing order): NO3 -, NH4 +, SO4 2-, H2PO4, K+, Mg2+. Herewith consumption of ammonium nitrogen, potassium, sulphur and phosphorus differs insignificantly.
The article gives a brief history and current information about the presence of the genetic resources of uncommon small fruit crops in the Republican Unitary Enterprise ‘Institute for Fruit Growing’ and describes genetic resources of blackberry and raspberryblackberry hybrids, dog-rose, hawthorn and cornel. Basic collections include more than 400 samples of uncommon crops. Among them are blackberry, quince, aktinidia, barberry, hawthorn, elder, honeysuckle, shadberry, snowball tree, cornel, lemongrass, sea-buckthorn, rowan-tree, black chokeberry, bird cherry, dog-rose and mulberry-tree. The collection study allowed to find the initial material for honeysuckle, quince, snowball tree and sea buckthorn breeding. As the result of many years work cultivars of sea buckthorn ‘Plamennaya’ (2007), black chokeberry ‘Venisa’, ‘Nadzeya’ (2008), snowball tree ‘Pamyati Valentiny’ (2012) were included in the State variety trial of the Republic of Belarus. Varieties of sea buckthorn ‘Gaspadar’, blue honeysuckle ‘Zinri’, quince japanese ‘Likhtar’ are tested in the State Inspectorate for Testing and Protection of Plant Varieties.
The article presents the results of long-term investigations of biochemical fruit composition of 5 kinds of uncommon fruit growing cultures introduced in Belarus conditions. Among them are Lonicera edulis Turcz.ex Freyn, Chaenomeles maulei (Mast.) C.K. Schneid, Rosa L., Sorbus aucuparia L. and Viburnum opulus L. They are potential sources of useful substances of various chemical nature. Cultivars and hybrid forms, the most promising for division into districts and breeding on level of nutritious and vitamin fruits value, have been revealed. It is shown, that from 6 honeysuckle taxons such was the cultivar ‘Leningradski velikan’, from 24 Mauleya quince taxons – cultivars ‘Vikolene’ and ‘Crimson gold’ and also hybrid forms №5, №50, №51, №32-07 and №65-07, from 10 dogrose cultivars – a cultivar ‘Shpil’, from 10 mountain ash ordinary taxons – a cultivar ‘Titan’, and also hybrid forms №7-07 and №8-07, from 6 common snowball taxons – cultivars ‘Dachnaya’ and in a greater degree ‘Krasnaya grozd’.
Lowbush blueberry (V. angustifolium) is a promising North American berry bush for cultivation on the worked upper peat bogs in the north of Belarus. The investigation results show that the formation of the above-ground vegetative sphere of plants of this species (diameter of a horizontal crown projection, the bush height and the elevated part volume) is defined, first of all, by their heredity. The value of a complex of agricultural actions consists of conditions creation for more complete manifestation of plants genetic potential in specific growth conditions. Application of mineral fertilizer complex is the main condition for a successful blueberry culture on the worked upper peat bogs. Mulching with sawdust of coniferous breeds and fine-grained sand, treatment by fungicide solution «Azofos» in a combination with optimization of plants mineral nutrition promote increase in values of indicators of the aboveground vegetative sphere. The first experiment results with shoots cutting indicate a high regenerative capacity of lowbush blueberry.
The structure of a phytophags complex – pests of a lowbush blueberry in an initial stage of its cultivation in the conditions of Belarus have been determined. At least 27 kinds of phytophags, among which there are 1 kind of mite and 26 – insects, are revealed. The majority of phytophags belongs to the number of the gnawing forms damaging sheet plates and growing shoots. In aspect of fodder specialization spread short specialized phytophags prevail. Relatively specialized phytophags of heath flowered are presented by individual kinds. At a current stage of the formation the phytophags complex of lowbush blueberry is made exclusively by representatives of native fauna of Belarus.
Production and economic characteristic of industrial fruit growing is given in the article. Disbalances and disproportions have been revealed in reproduction processes organization. They are resulting from macroeconomic factors and insufficiency of state support measures. Necessary economic conditions of stable development have been determined. Necessary regulators dimension has been proved by calculating.
This work pays attention not only to nutrient but also medicinal fruit qualities. Concrete demands to new apple varieties according to the basic characters of biochemical fruit composition at different areas of Russia are shown. The results and prospects of apple breeding for the improvement of the chemical composition of fruit (soluble dry matters, sugars, titrated acids, ascorbic acid and P-active substances) are given. The nature of the inheritance of each of these characters has been studied. Large diversity of apple seedlings is shown according to the contents of ascorbic acid in fruit. Seedlings having both positive transgression and negative one according to the contents of soluble dry matters, sugars, titrated acids, ascorbic acid and P-active substances in fruit have been revealed. Apple breeding for creating varieties with higher contents of nutrient and biologically active substances is considered to be promising since it enables to improve food and medicalprophylactic value of fruit without additional expenditures.
Investigations for determination of the chemical composition of apple fruits of various pomologic cultivars were conducted. On the basis of the results of different years the influence of weather conditions of the growing season of apple trees, grown in central zone of Krasnodar region, on the level of substances accumulation that form their chemical composition, as well as on technical indicators of fruit quality was established. The data obtained allowed to develop models of the relationship between the accumulation of soluble solids, sugars, ascorbic acid, common polyphenols, natural antioxidants with the weather conditions of apple growing season of such cultivars as ‘Idared’, ‘Golden Delicious’, ‘Prikubanskoye’ and ‘Renet Simirenko’. The article presents the results of the research concerning the influence of the temperature regime of the growing season on the accumulation of natural antioxidants forming fruit resistance to physiologic disorders under long-term storage. The influence of stress factors on the development of physiologic disorders during apple storage was determined.
On the territory of the Orenburg region seedlings of crab and dwarf apple tree as well as seedlings of cultivars that have passed the selection in the steppe zone continental climate grow in natural conditions. Ranetka purpurovaya is a released seed rootstock for apple tree in the Southern Urals. It is a winter-hardy rootstock in the Orenburg region, but it is not enough drought-resistant. Chlorosis is observed on calcareous soils. There is an incompatibility, fragility and low productivity of inoculated cultivars. The article presents the long-term studies on the selection of apple seed rootstocks among local forms, the most adapted to the harsh growing conditions and soil differences. Chosen forms are of interest in breeding work.
The study results of 21 sweet cherry cultivars of the North Caucasian Zonal Research and Development Institute of Horticulture and Viticulture breeding as well as introduced by basic components of winter hardiness in Krasnodar region for 1993-2012 are given in the article. The investigation results let to establish action possibility in the southern region of 4 components of winter hardiness which are shown in each cultivar independently. The combination of several components in one genotype is rare. But it is the most valuable one since it allows a cultivar to resist with a bigger guarantee to negative temperature factors. Sweet cherry cultivars determined by several resistance components are the most valuable for industrial use. Among them are ‘Drogana zhyoltaya’ (4 components of resistance), ‘Alaya’, ‘Krasnodarskaya rannyaya’ (3 components), ‘Dajbera chyornaya’, ‘Melitopolskaya chyornaya’, ‘Caucasian improved’, ‘Caucasian’, ‘Krasa Kubani’, ‘Volshebnitsa’, ‘Dar izobiliya’, ‘Sashen’ka’, ‘Yuzhnaya’ (2 components of resistance).
2009-2011 study results of 10 domestic plum and 8 cherry cultivars of various ecologic, geographical and genetic origin by main economic and valuable characteristics received in North Caucasian Zonal Research and Development Institute of Horticulture and Viticulture are given in the article. Steady, productive and high-quality varieties of cherry – ‘Kazachka’, ‘Kubanochka’ and ‘Aleksa’ as well as plum cultivars – ‘Podruga’, ‘Gertsog’ and ‘Krasotka’ were singled out and transferred to the system of the State cultivar trial of the Russian Federation as the result of local and introduced cultivars study of sour cherry and domestic plum. As sources of valuable characteristics for further breeding work the following cultivars were emphasized: sour cherry: ‘Aleksa’, ‘Kubanochka’ for leaf spot resistance; ‘Kazachka’, ‘Shokoladnitsa’, ‘Erdi Betermo’ for productivity; ‘Aleksa’, ‘Kubanochka’, ‘Erdi Betermo’ for fruit quality; domestic plum: ‘Podruga’ for high productivity; ‘Milena’, ‘Krasotka’, ‘Chachakskaya late’ for fruit quality; ‘Milena’, ‘Predgornaya’, ‘Chachakskaya improved’ and ‘Turcanka’ for disease resistance.
Vine (Vitis L.) is a relatively drought-resistant plant. Due to the introduction and a good ability to adapt the culture has become a widespread one in our country and has moved far to the north of the borders of its native area. In Orenburg high temperatures, combined with irregular precipitation during the growing season lead to frequent occurrence of droughts. That is why it is necessary to create optimal conditions for plants water treatment by increasing their drought resistance. The studies estimate water-holding capacity of the leaves – the average differential water losses velocity (SRES, Slw). The link with the known physiological indicators of water regime and water losses in laboratory wilting has been examined.
The article presents 2006–2008 data study of influence of macro- (calcium and magnesium) and micro- (boron and zinc) fertilizers foliar application on yield and storability of ‘Imant’ and ‘Charavnitsa’ apple fruits. At studied cultivars application of fertilizers containing boron and calcium and of multinutrient Mineral–extra fertilizer helped getting more yield. The highest yield at ‘Imant’ cultivar was received at the variants with application of calcium, Mineral–extra and Ekolist mono boron in the first and calcium in the second half of summer. ‘Charavnitsa’ cultivar showed the highest yield at the variant of multi-nutrient Mineral–extra fertilizer application. During the investigation years fruits were better stored at studied cultivars with application of calcium containing fertilizers, Ekolist mono boron and Mineral–extra. The output of disease-free fruits made 82-88 %.
The article presents the study results of apple-tree cultivars of the Belarusian and foreign breeding suitability for fruits strained with sugar production. Technical indicators of fresh fruits, the maintenance of titratable acids and soluble solids, organoleptic indicators in fruits and processing products were defined. Cultivars on a complex of indicators were chosen for canned food ‘Apples strained with sugar’ production. Among them are ‘Auksis’, ‘Imrus’, ‘Mechta’, ‘Topaz’, ‘Freedom’, ‘Alesya’, ‘Antei’, ‘Byelorusskoye Malinovoye’, ‘Vesyalina’, ‘Darunak’, ‘Zaslavskoye’, ‘Imant’, ‘Kovalenkovskoye’, ‘Luchezarnoye’, ‘Minskoye’, ‘Nadzeiny’, ‘Pamyat’ Kovalenko’, ‘Pamyat’ Sikory’, ‘Pospech’, ‘Slava Pobeditelyam’ and ‘Syabryna’. Meanwhile such cultivars as ‘Imrus’, ‘Mechta’, ‘Topaz’, ‘Freedom’, ‘Alesya’, ‘Byelorusskoye Malinovoye’, ‘Vesyalina’, ‘Darunak’, ‘Zaslavskoye’, ‘Imant’, ‘Kovalenkovskoye’, ‘Luchezarnoye’, ‘Nadzeiny’, ‘Pamyat’ Kovalenko’, ‘Slava Pobeditelyam’ and ‘Syabryna’ were singled out for strained fruit (fruit puree) production for infant food.
The study results of the influence of postharvest handling of plum fruits by SmartFresh, the active substance which is 1-MCP (1-Methylcyclopropene) used as an ethylene inhibitor which is evolved by fruits that causes ripening them in storage process are given in the article. It was judged on high efficacy of the drug used in fruit storage technology by the results of qualitative fruit changes, pulp firmness, and the intensity of ethylene production, a change of dry matter, sugars and titratable acids. Postharvest handling of 1-MCP slowed down ethylene formation, reduced the rate of fruits ripening, contributed to a better preservation of product fruit quality, flesh firmness and lower consumption of nutrients on the breath.
Biochemical quality indicators of fresh strawberries of 30 cultivars, grown in Krasnodar region, for the content of soluble solids, sugars, acids, vitamin C, P-active substances are given in the article. The results of organoleptic evaluation of frozen berries on indicators of appearance, firmness, aroma and taste are presented. It has been determined that a decrease in content of bioactive substances, due to the cultivar characteristics, is observed under freezing and storage of strawberries at low temperature. The degree of preservation of soluble solids, sugars, acids, vitamins and anthocyanins of strawberries after defrosting has been estimated. The average loss of soluble solids made 2 %, Vitamin C – 15 %, catechins and anthocyanins – 7-8 %. Berries of such cultivars as ‘Alba’, ‘Nelly’, ‘Arosa’, ‘Marmolada’, ‘Florence’, ‘Honey’, ‘Symphony’, ‘Elsanta’, ‘Diamant’, ‘Cardinal’ and ‘Everest’ have preserved maximum of their nutritional value. On the basis of a set of indicators strawberry cultivars recommended for quick freezing have been singled out. They are ‘Alba’, ‘Nelly’, ‘Arosa’, ‘Cardinal’, ‘Kamaroza’, ‘Darselekt’, ‘Polka’, ‘Marmolada’, ‘Symphony’, ‘Clery’, ‘Florence’, ‘Tsaritsa’, ‘Honey’, ‘Everest’, ‘Ev’yu-2’ and ‘Elsanta’.
While storing the highbush blueberries under conventional atmosphere storage in containers of different impermeability, it has been determined that in more air permeable containers the storage object loses consumer appeal index much faster due to attrition, and accordingly, in a hermetical packaging berries are kept longer, and loss of product quality happens due to rot. Average persistence Blueberry fruit storage in plastic containers at room temperature made 7-8 days. Berries storage in refrigerator at +5 °C temperature contributed to the extension of their keeping capacity by 2.9-3.6 times and made 20-25 days. Storing at +2 °C temperature storage period of blueberries continued for another 3-8 days.
The review of literature sources concerning foliar application of complex water-soluble fertilizers (water-soluble complexes) at fruit plantations are presented in the article. It has been determined that the foliar application of mineral elements does not slow down its soil placement but only completes it. This agricultural practice let to correct rapidly the systems of mineral nutrition of fruit plantations filing the deficiency in short period of time or ‘softening’ the excess of some macro and microelements. There has been examined and analysed the complex of factors (agricultural climatic conditions of vegetative period and calendar year, concentration of solution, temperature and relative air humidity in the moment of the foliar application, surface cleanness of the laminas, time of day, angle of contact of solution deposition, age of lamina, connection form of microelements in fertilizing). The efficiency of foliar application of complex water-soluble fertilizers (water-soluble complexes) in fruit plantation depends greatly on keeping of these factors.
The article presents the literary review for the ways of seedling cultivation of black currant and gooseberry in the standard form. Recently cultivation of black currant and gooseberry in a tree form not only among summer residents, but also on small commercial plantations in different countries, has become popular. According to experts, ‘trees’ of these traditional shrubby horticultural crops are less affected by diseases, give larger crop and higher quality than bushes. It is easier to feed up them, water and loosen soil under them. It is connected with rarer placing of branches, good light exposure and their airing. However cultivation of such type of plants demands high qualification from the gardener, increase in expenses based on planting material cost for crops planting. In Belarus traditional planting material of berry bushes is basically presented by scion rooted saplings with open or closed root system. It is required to produce scion rooted as well as inoculated planting material for increase of nursery competitiveness.